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发帖数: 29846
Four people killed, including two teenagers, and 75 hurt as gunman hurls
grenades into Christmas shoppers in Belgian city of Liege
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 5:35 PM on 13th December 2011

Four people died and 75 were injured when a rogue gunman lobbed grenades and
shot into crowds of shoppers at a Christmas market in Liege, Belgium.
The shoppers, many of them children, ran screaming for safety in the panic
as the gunman opened fire.
The dead included a 15-year-old boy, a 17-year-ol... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16594
来自主题: USANews版 - newt is over after tonight
By Paul West and Seema Mehta, Los Angeles Times
January 27, 2012
Reporting from Jacksonville, Fla.—
Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney, aiming for a knockout blow in
next week's Florida primary, tore into Newt Gingrich in a televised debate
Thursday night and vigorously defended his personal wealth as an asset in
his presidential campaign.
Romney was aggressive from the outset, starting with the issue of illegal
immigration. Gingrich stood by a Spanish-language radio ad he had aired t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Church of Obama
The Church of Obama
The president his issued his own Act of Supremacy.
By Mark Steyn
Announcing his support for Commissar Sebelius’s edicts on contraception,
sterilization, and pharmacological abortion, that noted theologian the Most
Reverend Al Sharpton explained: “If we are going to have a separation of
church and state, we’re going to have a separation of church and state.”
Thanks for clarifying that. The church model the young American state wished
to separate from was that of the British mo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
¶ SOUTHFIELD, Mich. — Mitt Romney fought back a vigorous challenge
from Rick Santorum in Michigan on Tuesday, narrowly carrying his native
state, and won the Arizona primary in a pair of contests that reasserted his
control over the Republican presidential race as it advances to critical
Super Tuesday contests next week.
¶ His victory over Mr. Santorum here in Michigan was far from
commanding, but it was most likely sufficient to dampen the rising clamor
from across the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Obama’s History Lesson
By Mark Steyn
March 17, 2012 4:00 A.M.
Our lesson for today comes from George and Ira Gershwin:
They all laughed at Christopher Columbus
When he said the world was round
They all laughed when Edison recorded sound
They all laughed at Wilbur and his brother
When they said that man could fly
They told Marconi wireless was a phony . . .
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers sang it in the film Shall We Dance? (1937).
Seventy-five years on, the president revived it to tap dance aro... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Published March 24, 2012 | FoxNews.com
Tea Party supporters rallied Saturday in Washington to oppose President
Obama's government health care law, two days before the Supreme Court
considers the constitutionality of the legislation.
"We want our freedom back," former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain
told hundreds of ralliers standing in the rain in Upper Senate Park, a few
hundred yards from the steps of the Supreme Court. "That's what this is
about, the freedom to choose our own doctors …... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 第31个确认婚姻定义的州
RALEIGH -- North Carolina has become the 31st state to add an amendment on
marriage to its constitution, with voters banning same-sex marriage and
barring legal recognition of unmarried couples by state and local
North Carolina is the last state in the South to add such an amendment, and
supporters hoped for a resounding victory.
Incomplete returns show the amendment up 61.05 percent to 38.95 percent.
Primary turnout was heavy. Though there were many other races on the ballot,
inclu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Big Hat to to our friends at Verum Serum
who have compiled a list of some of the crimes (felonies) that are
being committed at the Occupy Wall Street crowd. These OWS types are
nothing more than Marxists doing what Socialists do - protest and commit
acts of violence.
Occupy Fort Collins – Member arrested, $10 million in damage
Occupy Portland - Member arrested for throwing Molotov Cocktail
Occupy Seattle – Suspicious fire at Bank of America 2.7 miles from camp
Occupy Portland – Three men a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
GDANSK, Poland — Mitt Romney came to this iconic port city Monday for a
prized photo opportunity with former Polish President Lech Walesa that would
link him to the hero of Solidarity and perhaps catch the eye of the many
Polish-Americans clustered in swing states.
Romney got that and then some.
Walesa, in a clearly prepared move, effectively endorsed the presumptive GOP
nominee once reporters were let into their meeting here.
“I wish you to be successful because this success is needed to the Un... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Sean Penn joins Chavez on campaign
US actor Sean Penn joined President Hugo Chavez at an election rally in
Venezuela on Sunday, bringing a dash of Hollywood to the campaign as he rode
with him atop a truck past cheering supporters.
Penn is a friend of Chavez, who hopes to win a new six-year term on October
7. The campaign has turned into the toughest fight of the president's
political career.
"Thank you very much for visiting us again, dear friend," Chavez said after
introducing Penn to the big crowd in the central city of Valenc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4091
当初克林顿声称侯赛因讲fairy story,结果今日不得不赤膊上阵为侯赛因讲fairy
Bill Clinton setting the stage for Obama at convention makes perfect sense
By Mary C. Curtis
CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- North Carolina isn’t Arkansas. But it’s still the south
. It’s been awhile since Bill Clinton occupied the White House. But he’s
still awfully popular. Despite a little golf and a handful of fundraisers,
Clinton and President Obama are not the best of friends.
Bill Clinton in London in May. (Samir Hus... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Jude Marfil
The Republican Party made official on Tuesday nomination of former Gov. Mitt
Romney as its candidate to challenge Democratic President Barack Obama on
Nov. 6, 2012. Tasked with bolstering the GOP candidate were his wife of 43
years, Ann Romney, who talked about his human side; and New Jersey Gov.
Chris Christie, who, in his keynote address, argued that his party’s ideas
“are right for America and their ideas have failed America.” Below are
reactions to Gov. Christie’s speech.
At ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Matthew Sheffield | October 08, 2012 | 17:25

In his speech to the Republican National Convention earlier this year, actor
Clint Eastwood told the assembled crowd that there are more conservatives
and moderates in Hollywood than they might think. Such people “play closer
to the vest. They do not go around hot dogging it,” Eastwood said.
Unfortunately, actress Stacey Dash is finding out the hard way what happens
to those celebrities who are willing to think for themselves: they get
attacke... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 30882
作者:何新 时间:
作者:赵亚赟 著
Our crowd犹太财团与Wasp 黄蜂族的故事
“黄蜂”(Wasp,White Anglo-Saxon Protestant)财团和自称“咱们一伙”(Our
在美国真正居于统治地位的族群,即所谓的“WASP”(即White Anglo-Saxon
菲特父系祖先也是胡... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1637
来自主题: USANews版 - Obama Tells Urges 'Vote for Revenge'
Here is the report,
As soon as the president mentioned Romney's name, the crowd began to boo.
“No, no, no, Don't boo. Vote,” Obama told the crowd. “Voting is the best
Not very nice, but neither evil one.
Newsmax is more partisan than Fox, and a very cheating GOP organ which sent
a junky to me in order to subscribe their "News".
发帖数: 1509
来自主题: USANews版 - zz:Dreaming of a Superhero
Published: June 2, 2012 481 Comments
ON Friday night, the nation’s capital was under a tornado watch. And that
was the best thing that happened to the White House all week.
As the president was being slapped by Mitt Romney for being too weak on
national security, he was being rapped by a Times editorial for being too
aggressive on national security.
A Times article by Jo Becker and Scott Shane revealed that the liberal law
professor who campaigned against torture and t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6858
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: RockU (健康胖胖), 信区: Military
标 题: 老黑把一个亚裔推到nyc的地铁道上,压死了。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 4 11:45:22 2012, 美东)
Police in New York City are searching for a suspect who hurled a man onto
the subway track where a train struck and killed him.
Ki-Suck Han, 58, of Queens, N.Y., was thrown onto the tracks Monday
afternoon just after 12:30 from a crowded train platform at the 49th Street
and Seventh Avenue station in mi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By: Ulysses Arn (Diary) | March 28th, 2013 at 05:52 PM |
It has been interesting to hear the arguments being made in support of same
sex marriage these last few days as the Supreme Court heard oral arguments
concerning California’s proposition 8 and the federal Defense of Marriage
Act(DOMA). There has been a social media campaign on this subject with
supporters of redefining the word marriage changing their profile pictures
to an equal sign or the words “marriage equality”. Protest have tak... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Andrew C. McCarthy
June 30th, 2013 - 10:13 am
The state of Florida’s politically driven decision to charge George
Zimmerman with murder has resulted, as some of us predicted it would, in a
pathetically weak case. It has taken only a few days of trial to collapse of
its own weightlessness – undone, in fact, by the direct testimony of a
prosecution witness, as Bryan Preston relates at the Tatler and Ed Morrissey
details at Hot Air.
Over a year ago, I explained why this would happen:
When Tr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Horrific video shows Syrian Catholic priest being 'beheaded by jihadist
fighters in front of cheering crowd'
Father Francois Murad's death was confirmed by Vatican news agency
Footage of 49-year-old's gruesome death was filmed on a camera phone
The Syrian priest was killed last 23 June in Gassanieh, northern Syria
A Syrian Catholic priest has been beheaded by jihadist fighters in Syria, it
has been claimed.
The death of Franciscan Father Francois Murad has been confirmed by the
offic... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1814
A young couple who survived the Aurora movie theater shooting decided to
turn the date of their worst night into their best day -- their wedding day.
A young couple who survived the Aurora movie theater shooting decided to
turn the date of their worst night into their best day -- their wedding day.
Nadia Gedeon/Altitude Digital
Eugene Han and Kirstin Davis are preparing for their Saturday wedding,
exactly one year after the Colorado massacre that left a dozen people dead
and more than 70 ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
In response to The Daily Show Drops an Egg on Chris Matthews' Face:
I thoroughly enjoyed that entire clip, which is a rare thing for me because
the Daily Show usually leaves me more annoyed than entertained, but I think
you buried the lede, John.
The most noteworthy thing about the clip for me was the huge ovation Rand
Paul got from the liberal Daily Show crowd when his name was announced. Wow.
Rand Paul also demonstrated that he can tap into a younger voter base a few
months ago when he drew a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21627
来自主题: USANews版 - Chinese massacre of 1871 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: meidi (meidi), 信区: Military
标 题: Chinese massacre of 1871
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 27 16:39:26 2013, 美东)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Contents [hide]
1 Riot and massacre
2 Location
3 Causes
4 Aftermath
5 Representation in Literature
6 See also
7 Footnotes
8 Further reading
9 External links
The Chinese massacre of 1871 was a racially motivated riot on October 24,
1871, when a mob of over 500 white men en... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Martin Bashir, the pugnacious US cable news host, has resigned over
controversial remarks he made on air last month about former Alaska governor
Sarah Palin.
Bashir announced his resignation from MSNBC in an email Wednesday, first
obtained by Mediaite. The departure came two weeks after the host first
apologized for some vivid criticism he made of Palin.
"After making an on-air apology, I asked for permission to take some
additional time out around the Thanksgiving holiday," Bashir said in his
r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 808
来自主题: USANews版 - 2010年:美国网民议论中国高铁
southernman 7 hours ago (1:18 PM) 398 Fans
China is going to leave us so far behind, we will skip 3 rd world and go
directly to 5 th world economy and we can thank the right wing
ajinnyc 6 hours ago (2:20 PM) 5 Fans
Are you saying that American Exceptionl­ism is a myth?... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7463
现在鹦文和对时政的看法都更深入了。更加惊叹 Billy Joel的天才。
"Piano Man"
It's nine o'clock on a Saturday
The regular crowd shuffles in
There's an old man sitting next to me
Making love to his tonic and gin
He says, "Son can you play me a memory
I'm not really sure how it goes
But it's sad and it's sweet
And I knew it complete
When I wore a younger man's clothes"
Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feeling alright
Now John at the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9531
来自主题: USANews版 - Why Trump?
Richmond (United States) (AFP) - The boundless enthusiasm for American real
tycoon Donald Trump, the brash billionaire who leads the Republican White
House race, can no longer be explained as a passing fad. Why do supporters
admire him so?
Four months after launching his campaign, the 69-year-old Trump is the
preferred presidential candidate of roughly one in four Republicans.
His events have drawn large crowds, including nearly 5,000 people who
cheered him Wednesday at a raceway complex ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
LOL: Cop-Hating Clown Quentin Tarantino Called Police When He Spotted
Someone in His Yard
What a pathetic putz.
Quentin Tarantino called the cops 13 days before whipping a crowd up
into a frenzy over when he called police murderers, asking them to come over
and deal with someone who broke onto his property.
Law enforcement tells TMZ, Quentin was at his L.A. home October 11th at
around 2 PM when he noticed someone in his backyard. We’re told Quentin
asked the guy to leave but he refused. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1034
Bernie Sanders’s latest eye-popping crowd in Iowa (1/30/2016):
发帖数: 2239
来自主题: USANews版 - We are voting with our middle figer
Earlier today, we noted that going into the South Carolina primary, Donald
Trump is sitting on a commanding lead not just in the state, where he’s up
17 points, but nationally, where his lead over Ted Cruz is an even larger 20
Perhaps most disconcerting for Cruz, Trump has a nine point national edge
among white evangelicals, a voter base the Texas senator should by all
rights dominate. Trump is also only 3 points behind Cruz among voters who
identify as “very conservative.”
In short,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1814
What really happened at the Chicago rally - My Firsthand AccountTRUTH (self.
submitted 9 hours ago * by ChicagoTrumpAttendeex2
At 2:30 p.m., I arrived at the Donald Trump rally located at the UIC
pavilion in Chicago, IL. There was light police presence at the Blue Line
station, and the pavilion was short walk away. There I waited in line for
about an hour until making it to the front doors, going th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4091
来自主题: USANews版 - 天安門廣場是串譜的滑鐵盧p
In the recent debate, Trump was given a chance to recant or at least clarify
his Playboy comment. Instead, he basically defended his previous statement,
saying, “That doesn’t mean I was endorsing that. I said that was a strong
, powerful government. They kept down the riot, it was a horrible thing.”
And horrible things, in Trump World, are sometimes necessary. What is so
disturbing here is that Trump’s default to despotism rears its head often
enough in other ways to be a pattern. Recently, he u... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1531
ANDERSON COOPER: Welcome to a CNN special presentation; I’m Anderson Cooper
. Tonight, we have an unusual showdown: Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Mr.
Trump, you won 12 consecutive coin-tosses backstage somehow, so you’ll
have the chance to speak first.
DONALD J. TRUMP: Heads I win, tails you lose. I make deals, O.K.? [Mr.
Sanders grimaces.]
Thank you, CNN, for having me and you’re welcome, CNN, for having me. We’
re gonna make a little money here, O.K.? Some beautiful charities. So what
is th... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - 说到川普拉力
Trump Campaign不承认。而且实地采访喝彩的人也说没人给钱。可见是捕风捉影。希拉
Trump and his campaign representative did not respond to requests for
comment. In a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, Trump campaign manager
Corey Lewandowski denied hiring actors and said he had never heard of Extra
Mile Casting.
"Mr. Trump draws record crowds at almost every venue at which he is a
featured speaker," Lewandowski said. "The crowds are large, often record-
setting, and enthusiastic, often with standing ovations. Mr. Trum... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
Donald Trump plans to win with or without the Republican Party establishment
on his side.
Speaking to NBC's Hallie Jackson on the campaign trail in Las Vegas, Trump
said, "It would be nice if the Republicans stuck together."
But a fractured party won't stop Trump from succeeding. "I can win one way
or the other," he claimed.
Trump pointed to the primary season as evidence that he can win without
support from the GOP establishment.
"I obviously won the primaries without them, I'm an outsider and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
The driver who last night ploughed a 19-tonne white Renault lorry through
Bastille Day crowds in Nice has been named as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel.
The 31 year old was born in Tunisia but had French citizenship, living in
Nice for a number of years and working as a delivery driver. He had three
children, and is said to have been depressed following the breakdown of his
marriage with their mother two years ago.
Although he was not on the terrorism watch-list, he was known to police
having had prev... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 526
来自主题: USANews版 - 拉励人数创普vs老妖婆
发帖数: 1776
But, says Trump, the rallies are HUGE. Indeed they are. They always are.
But remember that a few days before the 1984 election, Democtraic nominee
Walter Mondale drew a crowd of 100,000 people in New York. Mondale mentioned
the polls and his fans booed. The size of the crowd suggested he was a
winner! Yet a few days later, Mondale lost New York state to Ronald Reagan
by 54-46%, and the country by 59-41%.

发帖数: 1
And pres. Reagan drew how many at what size of venue? 200? No control group,
I can't draw a conclusion. Informative though.

: But, says Trump, the rallies are HUGE. Indeed they are. They always

: But remember that a few days before the 1984 election, Democtraic

: Walter Mondale drew a crowd of 100,000 people in New York. Mondale

: the polls and his fans booed. The size of the crowd suggested he was

: winner! Yet a few days later, Mondale lost New Yo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2053
来自主题: USANews版 - How Donald Trump could win -- CNN
(CNN)Donald Trump is aiming to pull off one of the greatest political
comebacks in history.
The Republican nominee is rebounding from a summer of repeated stumbles that
threatened to undermine his candidacy, underscoring his ability to claw his
way back and stay competitive despite controversies that would sink any
other politician.
Poll: Nine weeks out, a near even race
Trump and Hillary Clinton enter t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24594
The Five Reasons Donald Trump Will Be Our Next President
Aug 20, 2016 | Updated Aug 20, 2016
Bill_Robinson Business, Technology, Entrepreneurship, Politics & Rock ‘n
Roll Journalist
You won’t see another article like this one anywhere else in the
mainstream news media; certainly not in The Huffington Post.
That’s because it’s blatantly obvious that the media doesn’t want Donald
Trump to be elected President.
Think about it: with the possible exception of Fox News, Breitbart and
Drudge, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1509
damn big crowd. president trumpt's rally is at least 15-20 times bigger than
crooked liar. how do those fucking shits say crowd does not mean too much?
发帖数: 1814
来自主题: USANews版 - 今年已发生9次暴乱,创纪录了
2016 – Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, January–
February 2015. 1 killed and several dozen arrested. Malheur National
Wildlife Refuge, Oregon
2016 - Salt Lake City, Utah. Feb. 27. Locals clashed with police after the
Shooting of Abdullahi Omar Mohamed.
2016 – 2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest, March 11. Five people
arrested and two police officers injured during a demonstration at the UIC
2016 - Democracy Spring rally in April. March to Washi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24594
来自主题: USANews版 - 软泡讲话视频来了
VIDEO : Wisconsin Crowd Turns on GLOBALIST Paul Ryan, Shouts "SHAME ON YOU!"

发帖数: 1
VIDEO : Trump Arrives at Florida Airport and Finds a MASSIVE CROWD CHEERING
Videos By Amy Moreno October 12, 2016
This is amazing.
We are a movement.
An unstoppable force!
Trump landed in Florida for a rally at the airport.
However, far away from the actual rally location was a YUGE gathering of
supporters just there to cheer him on and get a glimpse!
So, Trump ended up with an unexpected pre-rally RALLY right as he walked off
the plane!
Watch the video:
http://truthfeed.com/video-trump... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7937
来自主题: USANews版 - This is well said!
(1) Trump can go any state, any city at anytime of the day and pack the
place. Hilliary has had empty rooms. Sure she gets a decent attendance here
and there. Not at the same capacity, enthusiasm and consistency as Trump.
(2) All these allegations are lies. It's like in football. You're down in
the game. not much time left on the clock. you decided to on side kick it.
on side kick not very effective but it's desperate move.
And that tells something!
It's obvious the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 397
When the facts don’t matter,
how can democracy survive?
Americans — or, at least, a particular subset of Americans — have had
enough of experts, facts, math, data. They distrust them all.
This rising cynicism, sown recklessly by opportunistic politicians, will
not only make it increasingly difficult for policymakers to make good
choices and govern peacefully; it could also become a significant
economic challenge.
The latest evidence of this anti-evidence trend comes from... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 397
When the facts don’t matter,
how can democracy survive?
Americans — or, at least, a particular subset of Americans — have had
enough of experts, facts, math, data. They distrust them all.
This rising cynicism, sown recklessly by opportunistic politicians, will
not only make it increasingly difficult for policymakers to make good
choices and govern peacefully; it could also become a significant
economic challenge.
The latest evidence of this anti-evidence trend comes from... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
Madonna is pledging to perform oral sex on voters who cast their ballots for
Hillary Clinton.
The pop queen, known for her shocking antics, made the remark Tuesday while
opening for comedian Amy Schumer in New York.
“If you vote for Hillary Clinton,” Madonna told the crowd at Madison
Square Garden, “I will give you a blow job.”
“And I’m good,” the 58-year-old “Like a Virgin” singer, an outspoken
supporter of the Democratic presidential nominee, said to cheers from the
“I’m not a tool. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5601
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