

全部话题 - 话题: crucified
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发帖数: 7521
Featured comments:
‘Despite growing unemployment, despite ruinous private and public debt,
despite whole states risking bankruptcy, despite the federal government now
paying its bills with nothing but printed paper, Americans keep spending
like good times will roll forever.’
And that’s the problem with the average joe. They grew up being told they
could do anything they wanted with their lives. If it feels good it must be
right. They don’t want to hear the truth about ANYTHING negative if it
cou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Top 10 News Stories of 2012
1. The Clucking Mess of Chick-fil-A
Georgia-based fried chicken chain Chick-fil-A became a national flash point
when it was revealed that the company had donated more than $5 million to
antigay groups, including a hate group as designated by the Southern Poverty
Law Center. Company president Dan Cathy added to the firestorm when he said
he opposes marriage equality and operates his fast-food chain according to
“biblical principles.” The resulting boycotts led conservative former
Arkansas governo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3803
来自主题: USANews版 - WSJ:英国报纸闲评美国中期选举
Or put it in a way politically more appropriate:
America, welcome back to Sanity!
However, this is only one step in the right direction.
The lesson has to be learned hard, so that any future
bogus cunning shady shoddy monkey gets zero chance to
get elected as long as this country are populated by
human being not animals.
Everyone would otherwise love that Kenyan as a south
Chicago community coordinator. And he can talk the hellava
it all day long. We should condemn the Political Correctness,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Andrew G. Bostom
Once again a mere flicker -- in this case burning a copy of the Koran in
Florida -- has ignited the inferno of deeply seated infidel-hatred that
pervades the contemporary Muslim world, precipitating violence, death, and
general mayhem amongst our Afghan " allies."
This eruption was hardly pastor Terry Jones' fault. The insane orgy of
murderous Muslim violence in Afghanistan was a direct result of Islamic
doctrine. Jones' simple non-violent act effectively administered a
diag... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - NewsBusters Interview: Ann Coulter
By Noel Sheppard | June 21, 2011 | 00:59
Unless you've been hibernating somewhere, you know that conservative author
Ann Coulter has a new book out called "Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is
Endangering America."
In an email interview with NewsBusters, Coulter talked about her book,
liberals, and other subjects including how the "MSM is both part of the mob
and inciters of the mob. That’s with the exception of Ed Schultz, whom I’m
pretty sure is an extraterrestrial":
NOEL SHEPPARD: You’ve got a new... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Merry War on Christmas!
I can’t wait to see what those courageous atheists come up with for Ramadan.
Christmas in America is a season of time-honored traditions — the sacred
performance of the annual ACLU lawsuit over the presence of an
insufficiently secular “holiday” tree; the ritual provocations of the
atheist displays licensed by pitifully appeasing municipalities to sit
between the menorah and the giant Frosty the Snowman; the familiar strains
of every hack columnist’s “war on Christmas” column rolling off the
key... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - When Eco-Thugs Knock
By Brian Sussman
Larry Keller had no idea the Environmental Protection Agency employed agents
fortified with deadly force until two such men showed up at his home,
unannounced, to "question" him.
Keller runs a computer consulting business from his Asheville, North
Carolina home. On April 27 he sent an email to the EPA in an attempt to
reach Al Armendariz, the EPA regional administrator who, two days earlier,
had been caught in a gone-viral YouTube video boasting about his desire to "
crucify" B... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2215
来自主题: USANews版 - 所谓大学里的左派
It is ironic and sad. These intellectuals supported the communist party in
the first place, under the name of fairness, hope and all other good things,
you name it. Then they were demonized and crucified in the culture
Be careful what you ask for because you may get it.
发帖数: 21627
GREENWICH, Conn. -- The Dow Jones and Standard & Poor’s 500 indexes reached
record highs on Thursday, having completely erased the losses since the
stock market’s last peak, in 2007. But instead of cheering, we should be
very afraid.
David Stockman
Over the last 13 years, the stock market has twice crashed and touched off a
recession: American households lost $5 trillion in the 2000 dot-com bust
and more than $7 trillion in the 2007 housing crash. Sooner or later —
within a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Islam; Religion of Hate,Violence, and Filth! ©
by wheatington
A week after the Boston Massacre, the Sequel, the enemedia is still
chattering about how Islam is not the problem. (The talking heads are still
convinced NRA members or the like were responsible.)
Keith Mohamed Ellison, Dem US Rep for Minnesota's 5th congressional district
, and others quoted Koran 5:32 on TV. It’s a well-known verse because
Muslims spout it to prove they are not barbarians but they never say it is
abrogated by ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21396
Senator Ted Cruz Booed Off the Stage—for Supporting Israel
Republican presidential hopeful and freshman senator from Texas, Ted Cruz,
was booed off stage Wednesday night in Washington, D.C.—and he’s probably
happy about it.
The Tea Party rock star, who famously fomented last year’s government
shutdown over funding for the Affordable Care Act, was slated to be the
keynote speaker at a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
ISIS ‘Celebrates’ SCOTUS Decision by Tossing 4 Accused Gay Men Off Roof
by Michael Lucchese30 Jun 20150
The jihadist terror group Islamic State responded to the Supreme Court’s
recent decision on gay marriage by killing accused gay men by pushing them
off a roof.
Released on the same day as the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision legalizing
homosexual marriage across all 50 states, the video shows ISIS militants
pushing several men off a high roof to their deaths.
The official Twitter account of human... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Tennessee Middle Schoolers Assigned to Write ‘Allah is the Only God’
John S. Roberts
September 4, 2015 7:20 pm
If the pc police were an actual business, they’d be pulling down millions
like Bernie Madoff.
The radical Left has infected public education like we’ve never seen before
, and because of it, students in Tennessee are now being taught that ‘Allah
is the only God.’
I wish I could say “Bazinga!” right about now.
From Truth Revolt:
Parents at a middle school in Spring Hill, Tennessee, j... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 937
Tennessee Middle Schoolers Assigned to Write ‘Allah is the Only God’
John S. Roberts
September 4, 2015 7:20 pm
If the pc police were an actual business, they’d be pulling down millions
like Bernie Madoff.
The radical Left has infected public education like we’ve never seen
, and because of it, students in Tennessee are now being taught that ‘
is the only God.’
I wish I could say “Bazinga!” right about now.
From Truth Revolt:
Parents at ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
【 以下文字转载自 Arizona 讨论区 】
发信人: GoBlue (Wolverines), 信区: Arizona
标 题: 有关穆斯林的总结太震撼完整了 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 23 01:01:42 2015, 美东)
发信人: GoBlue (Wolverines), 信区: Military
标 题: 有关穆斯林的总结太震撼完整了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 23 01:01:31 2015, 美东)
Copy and paste this on ALL muslim stories! Flood them with the truth!
The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2239
来自主题: USANews版 - secret Donald Trump voters speak out
From Guardian:
The Hispanic attorney (29, Florida)
‘He has demonstrated that he is, at heart, a caring person’
On paper, I probably look like a guaranteed Cruz or Rubio vote. I’m a
millennial woman, my parents immigrated from Castro’s Cuba, I work as a
trial attorney in Miami and I’m a born-again Christian. But I’m voting for
Donald Trump, and I’ve convinced all my friends and family to do so as
My sister worked for him and has spoken glowingly of him for years, just
like everyone else who... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27852
来自主题: USANews版 - Why Islam is Worse Than Nazism (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: hsh (三胡), 信区: Military
标 题: Why Islam is Worse Than Nazism
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 22 23:21:14 2016, 美东)
Why Islam is Worse Than Nazism
by Serkan Engin
I am an atheist author and poet, who had lived as a Sunni Muslim for 23
years from birth, and I am still living in a Muslim country, Turkey. Also,
my parents and all of my relatives are still Muslim. So, my critics about
Islam can be easily consider this an inside view.
I know that the title of this essay seems asse... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2415
来自主题: USANews版 - 泼瓢冷水
I'm an ex Bern-out who went through an identity crisis. I even bet $1000 on
Bernie's nomination in online markets. The share values went from $1000 to
just $182. I took the conservative red pill, am cashing out, putting that $
182 into my Roth IRA, and now want to MAGA. Also, fuck SJWs an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4150
"My fellow oppressed, aggrieved, angry white folks: I truly do love the
poorly-educated. Hillary is a witch, and a weak one at that. She lost to
Obama and let that Kenyan Muslim become president. I am the only one who has
stood up to the Great Imposter, and I cannot wait to see him moved out of
our White House. I will replace his weak-kneed whimpering with a warrior's
battle cry. I have to say this crap about Obama's birth because the media
wants to crucify me. But watch my eyes: they're blinkin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
By Michael Brown Published on November 16, 2015
Michael Brown
My tweet simply said, “We know that most Muslims today are not terrorists.
We also know that most terrorists today are Muslims.”
I tweeted this out on Friday night in the midst of the terror attacks in
France, and I didn’t think it would be controversial at all. In fact, it
seemed self-evident. To my genuine surprise, the tweet generated a flood of
negative responses. How dare I make such a statement!
But is it really debatable?
Accor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1814
来自主题: USANews版 - 媒体一直有这传统
Jesus was perfect and the media of his day had him crucified.
发帖数: 11198
来自主题: USANews版 - 和平教的“和平”是撒谎
There is no such thing as “Peaceful Islam” or “Peaceful Muslims”, They
have not progressed into the modern world.
Koran 2:191 "slay the unbelievers wherever you find them"
Koran 3:21 "Muslims must not take the infidels as friends"
Koran 5:33 "Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam"
Koran 8:12 "Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than
the Koran"
Koran 8:60 " Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels"
Koran 8:65 "The unbelievers are stupid, urg... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Are you kidding me? Can you imagine what the reaction would have been if the
Washington Times, Fox News, and Breitbart -- outlets that, for 8 years,
existed solely to denigrate a president -- had been excluded from an Obama
administration press conference? He would have been crucified.
发帖数: 2964
来自主题: Investment版 - Diehards a Religious Cult? - by Petrocelli
Originally published on 05-20-2004 by Petrocelli, and it was a great read,
cannot help laughing. Love it.
Last week, WL attended Diehards IV to attempt to investigate rumors that it
was a religious cult. These rumors had been circulating in the Diehard Forum
for several years, and were perpetuated by those who opposed indexing.
When I arrived at the reunion, I first spoke with Diehard Mel Lindauer. (
Notably, Mel also had interv... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16092
to be honest, i dought if God do anything at all:
there are people starved to death, kids molested by adults,
disciples crucified, some of them must have
prayed for God's help desperately, and he did not , it is
hard to imagine he would do anything to help u
make some extra dollars.
发帖数: 11198
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: GoBlue (Wolverines), 信区: Military
标 题: 有关穆斯林的总结太震撼完整了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 23 01:01:31 2015, 美东)
Copy and paste this on ALL muslim stories! Flood them with the truth!
The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow The... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11198
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: GoBlue (Wolverines), 信区: Military
标 题: 有关穆斯林的总结太震撼完整了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 23 01:01:31 2015, 美东)
Copy and paste this on ALL muslim stories! Flood them with the truth!
The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow The... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: 大多数穆斯林不是恐怖分子,但大多数恐怖分子是穆斯林
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 5 16:48:02 2016, 美东)
By Michael Brown Published on November 16, 2015
Michael Brown
My tweet simply said, “We know that most Muslims today are not terrorists.
We also know that most terrorists today are Muslims.”
I tweeted this out on Friday night in the midst of the terror attacks in
France, and I didn’t think it would be controversial at all. In fact, it
seemed self-evident. To m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: 大多数穆斯林不是恐怖分子,但大多数恐怖分子是穆斯林
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 5 16:48:02 2016, 美东)
By Michael Brown Published on November 16, 2015
Michael Brown
My tweet simply said, “We know that most Muslims today are not terrorists.
We also know that most terrorists today are Muslims.”
I tweeted this out on Friday night in the midst of the terror attacks in
France, and I didn’t think it would be controversial at all. In fact, it
seemed self-evident. To m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25262
来自主题: NewYork版 - DON'T BE EVIL
Google 字典解释:
Yahoo: A stupid Web site for stupid people who only want crap.
Ask: A crap site for idiots.
Bing: Just a bunch of crap.
Monopoly: A term that idiots like to throw around to sound smart at parties,
but really they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.
Information: A thing that Google makes instantly accessible to anyone for
free. And that makes them the enemy? Explain that logic to me.
Barack Obama: A cool guy who uses Google.
Lady Gaga: A cool lady who us... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1318
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - CNN 拿 少数民族作替罪羊?
Just watch the news and videos on Tyler Clementi case.
Molley Wei and Dharun Ravi should be tried for hate crime? man
slaughter? murder? What are these frantics smoking?
If it is a bunch of white kids who did such a prank and had there be no
suicide, they will just laugh it off -- did any of these hypocrites
protest or even frown at "american pie"?
Now these guys found two powerless asian kids, one India and one Chinese
and they want to make them an example of the "extraordinarily cruel"
crimin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: 大多数穆斯林不是恐怖分子,但大多数恐怖分子是穆斯林
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 5 16:48:02 2016, 美东)
By Michael Brown Published on November 16, 2015
Michael Brown
My tweet simply said, “We know that most Muslims today are not terrorists.
We also know that most terrorists today are Muslims.”
I tweeted this out on Friday night in the midst of the terror attacks in
France, and I didn’t think it would be controversial at all. In fact, it
seemed self-evident. To m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4391
A-Rod was hung out to dry and crucified as the first of the 104. Well since
no one LIKES A-Rod everyone in the media were split as to whether the other
103 should be released. Damn right they should. Not fair for 1 person, no
matter how much he is disliked get all the slings and arrows while the other
103 got to breathe a sigh of relief.
发帖数: 1462
来自主题: Basketball版 - 领先的时候抢到篮板叫暂停?
Jeremy Lin unfairly crucified as McHale throws him under bus, while Beverley
given free pass for turnover
"Should Lin call a timeout when he corrals the rebound after having more
than done his defensive job? Certainly. There's no need to dribble up court,
exposing the ball — which allows Blazers veteran Mo Williams to swoop in
from behind for the steal. But it's hardly the main reason the Rockets lose.
Yes, McHale tells all the Rockets to call a timeout if they get the ball and
there's... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1846
来自主题: Basketball版 - 有记者站出来为小林说话了
Jeremy Lin unfairly crucified as McHale throws him under bus, while Beverley
given free pass for turnover
发帖数: 9375
来自主题: Football版 - 下周我也发饭大喜包子
I mis-spoke. There should be at least 3 winners, not 6, namely the last
place finisher in MFL, BFL, and DFL.
And I think Microcenter got the "robotic GM" award -- Alderson crucified him
for that. But he needs to come out to claim it.
发帖数: 14021
来自主题: Football版 - 野驴队的选择。
Ditka 在麦克和麦克上说了,他要是教练, 四周前就首发提包了。you can't teach
characters, you can't teach leadership。
don't ask me, I am stupid, ask youselves, it was you media analysis
crucified him.
发帖数: 14021
来自主题: Football版 - Sheldon Richardson goes to Vikings
You are implying if your wife has more money you would be ok to take a pay
cut. No, you are not going to take less money just because you have a lot of
money already. However, you would be willing to EXCHANGE the money for
something else that may be more valuable to you, for example, closer to home
, less stress, flexible hours, better health insurance, nice boss and
coworkers, etc. You will not simply take less.
When I said Brady took less money overall for lower cap hit and more cap
flexibilit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5100
来自主题: NCAA版 - Learned a new rule
I thought it was a live ball. So if a tx player got it first, it would have
been a td. Obviously, the ball was only live outside of endzone. Once the
ball touches the endzone, it is a dead ball.
Still, if a tx player got it at 20 yard line, stoops would have been
发帖数: 1984
来自主题: NCAA版 - 装的越真,摔的越狠
Posted: Today 9:59 AM
RE: Contrary to What You Have Heard, the Freeh Report has Big Pr
The "report" is what it is, incomplete and a judgement, i.e. conclussion
based on available evidence.
It has gaps and is not complete without interviewing MOST of the people, it
has to make judgements. Based on what they could drudge up, the opinions
are valid, but it still has gaps and missing pieces.
The trial MAY provide more details. Would this ho... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 347
Heal the World - Michael Jackson
For the month of Aquarius
"Heal The World"
There's A Place In
Your Heart
And I Know That It Is Love
And This Place Could
Be Much
Brighter Than Tomorrow
And If You Really Try
You'll Find There's No Need
To Cry
In This Place You'll Feel
There's No Hurt Or Sorrow
There Are Ways
To Get There
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
Make A Better Place...
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 347
Heal the World - Michael Jackson
For the month of Aquarius
"Heal The World"
There's A Place In
Your Heart
And I Know That It Is Love
And This Place Could
Be Much
Brighter Than Tomorrow
And If You Really Try
You'll Find There's No Need
To Cry
In This Place You'll Feel
There's No Hurt Or Sorrow
There Are Ways
To Get There
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
Make A Better Place...
Heal The World
Make It A Better Place... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3610
来自主题: ClassicalMusic版 - The Greatest (zz from NY Times)
The Greatest
HERE goes. This article completes my two-week project to select the top 10 c
lassical music composers in history, not including those still with us. The
argument, laid out in a series of articles, online videos and blog posts, wa
s enlivened by the more than 1,500 informed, challenging, passionate and ins
piring comments from readers of The New York Times. As often as I could, I a
nswered direct quest... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10832
以九十年代女singer songwriter为主
I Dont Wanna Wait -- Paula Cole
This is to Mother You -- Sinead O'Connor
Gypsy -- Suzanne Vega
Across the Universe -- Fiona Apple
King of Pain -- Alanis Morissette
Crucify -- Tori Amos
Out There -- Blake Babies
Strong Enough -- Sheryl Crow
Stay -- Lisa Loeb
Kiss Me -- Sixpence None the Richer
Bizarre Love Triangle -- Frente
Fade into Y... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6748
么让我激动的,不过这部新出炉的The Wee Man,却让人精神一振,仿佛中学的时候第
一次看“上海滩”一样。电影是完全根据真人真事拍摄,主角原型Paul Ferris现在还
活着,大家google或者wiki都可以查到更详细的介绍。 这部电影,绝无冷场,从小孩
这首歌就是Lullacry的Crucify My Heart. 当年Lullacry在EP里面提供了两个版本,原
发帖数: 5901
You guys are the ones who have an opinion.
I'm only arguing this because Sang is being universally crucified by the
public opinion.
My opinion is simply to give the Sang the benefit of doubt and start to call
her a bitch after you are sure. Because otherwise, you may be harming a
victim. That's what I will avoid at all cost.
发帖数: 3858
Heal The World
Michael Jackson
There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space
Make a better place ...
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 84
Heal The World
Michael Jackson
There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space
Make a better place ...
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 852
来自主题: Love版 - 我和穆斯林女孩的事情
The Koran's 164 Jihad Verses
K 2:178-179
Set 1, Count 1+2 [2.178] O you who believe! retaliation is prescribed for
you in the matter of the slain, the free for the free, and the slave for
the slave, and the female for the female, but if any remission is made to
any one by his (aggrieved) brother, then prosecution (for the bloodwit)
should be made according to usage, and payment should be made to him in a
good manner; this is an alleviation from your Lord and a mer... 阅读全帖
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