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发帖数: 6571
来自主题: USANews版 - 免费大学,问题多多
Prometheus 9 minutes ago
Another big problem that will result from free college for everyone is the
problem with scarcity. A college degree used to be highly valuable and a
pathway to higher paying management and executive careers. Now, it has about
the same value as a high school diploma did in 1980. The larger the number
of people with college degrees, the less special they are. There are many
jobs on the market now that require a college degree for applicants to be
considered, but would have ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Michael Straw, a senior at Penn State University, returned to campus this
week, put on a crisp blue suit, and walked into a Trump buzzsaw.
The president of the school’s chapter of College Republicans had a sense of
what he was in for. Less than two weeks before, the group had announced in
a Facebook post that they would not endorse Donald Trump after holding an
online vote — a move that sparked outrage, including a call from the
chairman of the Pennsylvania Federation of College Republicans for ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 609
WASHINGTON—Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump had a very busy
day on Wednesday, Sept. 28. He spoke to a Polish-American group in Chicago,
then did a rally in Iowa, then did a rally in Wisconsin and an interview
with Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly. He said 16 false things:
1. Falsely claimed debate moderator Lester Holt was “100 per cent wrong”
when he said a judge ruled the p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2555
来自主题: USANews版 - can't trust polls
Virtually all the opinion polls right now give Hillary Clinton a firm lead
over Donald Trump in the race for the White House this November. The latest
poll average compiled by RealClearPolitics puts her at least five points
ahead of Trump, with or without Gary Johnson and Jill Stein included as
choices; the Huffington Post Pollster projects a better than 99-percent
chance that ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Were Asian people in USA segregated and discriminated against in the 60s?
Did Asians use the same water fountain as Black people or White people?
Which schools did they go to?
Did they have to sit at the back of the bus?
Basically, were they grouped in with White people or Black people, or were
they treated as a separate group?
7 answers
Kat Tanaka Okopnik, I am one.
It's important to understand that the segregation of water fountains and bus
seating come from what are kno... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 110
"Asian women , from the stories if friends and my cousins, gave also dealt
with some particularly lewd and fetishizing behavior, because of
brought back from veterans who frequented prostitutes.
My college roommate was Chinese . American. Its 1990s, and someone asked
me if its true Asian women's vaginas are sideways. I feel bad even typing
发帖数: 29576
Carson says he's been offered HUD secretary job
By BRENT GRIFFITHS 11/22/16 05:22 PM EST
Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson said on Tuesday that he'd had multiple "
offers on the table" for positions in the incoming Trump administration,
including secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
"I would say that was one of the offers that is on the table," the retired
neurosurgeon told Fox News' Neil Cavuto of the possibility that he is being
considered for the the top job at HUD.
Aft... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3817
As we detailed earlier, in a blow to every mainstream media news outlet (and
likely hurting a lot of feelings), President Donald Trump’s ban on
immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries will take effect in Boston
on Sunday after a federal judge refused to extend a temporary ruling
blocking its enforcement.
As Bloomberg reports, the decision by U.S. District Judge Nathaniel Gorton
on Friday dealt a setback to rights advocates who argued that blocking
people from seven nations in the Middle ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 897
来自主题: USANews版 - 康姐对床粉谈话纪要
Kellyanne Conway used her platform Thursday to urge Americans to “go buy
Ivanka’s stuff,” potentially violating ethics rules of the executive
Standing in the White House press briefing room, Conway, a counselor to the
president, encouraged Americans to purchase Ivanka Trump’s products, one
day after President Donald Trump himself lashed out at the department store
Nordstrom for dropping his daughter’s clothing line.
“It’s a wonderful line. I own some of it,” Conway told “Fox & Friends.”
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3433
来自主题: USANews版 - 英国出事了
WESTMINSTER bridge, 一汽车撞倒12人。
A police officer was attacked by a knife-wielding man near Parliament. The
attacker was then shot by police.
In a separate incident, 12 people were struck by a car on Westminster Bridge
The House of Commons has suspended its sitting and Theresa May was bundled
into a car by plain-clothed police.
An air ambulance later landed... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
来自主题: USANews版 - CNN 的Jeffrey Lord挺不容易的
Among conservative pundits more broadly, skepticism of Trump was so
widespread that it began to threaten the business model of cable-news
networks. CNN dealt with this problem by hiring Jeffrey Lord, an obscure
columnist and former Reagan aide who had met Trump in 2013 and been a
supporter ever since. Lord was genial but unyielding in his defense of Trump
, and he became one of the season’s most unlikely new television stars: he
is sixty-five and lives in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, where he takes ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24733
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has told Fox News' "The First
100 Days" Tuesday that the GOP's use of the so-called "nuclear option" to
confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch is their response to the Democrats' "breaking the
rules of the Senate" in 2013.
"For 230 years, up or down, simple majority [required] for Supreme Court,
Cabinet, everything unt... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
Jason Nichols is a full-time faculty member in the African American Studies
Department at the University of Maryland College Park. His writing has
appeared in the Baltimore Sun.
Why black and Latino communities must join forces in resisting Trump
Now is the time for a lasting coalition of people of color.
The coalition must be between politicians, activists, and other community
workers and organizations. In the age of Trump, every... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 111
Jeremy Lin has dealt with racist remarks as an Asian American in the NBA,
but he said nothing compares to what he repeatedly experienced while playing
in college.
Lin, the first American-born NBA player of Chinese or Taiwanese descent,
said he heard deplorable racial slurs hurled at him from fans, opposing
players and even an opposing coach during his four years at Harvard while
playing on the roa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - 夏威夷的法官又发威了
A Hawaii federal judge dealt a blow to President Trump’s travel ban
affecting six majority-Muslim nations on Thursday, expanding the list of
exceptions to the executive order.
U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson, who blocked Trump's original travel ban
in March, weakened the already watered-down revised version by saying the
government could not enforce the ban on grandparents, grandchildren,
brothers-in-laws, sisters-in-laws, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews and
cousins of individuals living in th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2018
"I hope that ANTIFA, Black lives matter, Occupy Wall Street, Acorn, New
Black Panthers, Communists for America and other Democrat militant groups
hold weekly rallies from now until November 2020.
May they hurl countless bags of urine... burn buildings ... attack statues
of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and cause mayhem and destruction on
a large scale.
Because it will lead to Republican super majorities in the House and Senate
and a s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8800
“$40 million is just a drop in the bucket for the university,” Frison said
. “Berkeley already has a $30 to $40 million endowment even though they
have less African American students.”
The Afrikan Student Union called on UCLA to create a Black Resource Center
and a $40 million endowment to address African-American underrepresentation
on campus in a list of demands it released Thursday.
Fourth-year philosophy and African American Studies ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
February 28, 2018
Nikolas Cruz's psychosis ended in a bloody massacre not only because of the
stunning incompetence of the Broward County Sheriff's Department. It was
also the result of liberal insanity working exactly as it was intended to.
School and law enforcement officials knew Cruz was a ticking time bomb. They
did nothing because of a deliberate, willful, bragged-about policy to end
the "school-to-prison pipeline." This is the feature part... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
在上一篇《Paying the Price for the Breakdown of the Country’s Bourgeois
学法学院教授Amy Wax受到了来自各方面的攻击:包括但不限于宾夕法尼亚大学法学院
2018年,2月16日 Amx Wax教授在《华尔街日报》发表了一篇新的文章《What Can’t
Be Debated on Campus》继续探讨美国的核心价值观和言论自由所遇到的问题。
我与圣地亚哥大... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 897
来自主题: USANews版 - 床粉们,捐钱吧
SINGAPORE — At an island resort off the coast of Singapore, U.S. event
planners are working day and night with their North Korean counterparts to
set up a summit designed to bring an end to Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons
But a particularly awkward logistical issue remains unresolved, according to
two people familiar with the talks. Who’s going to pay for Kim Jong Un’s
hotel stay?
The prideful but cash-poor pariah state requires that a foreign country foot
the bill at its preferred lodging:... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18158
Weisselberg is the chief financial officer of the Trump Organization -- but
he's so much more than that. Hired first by Trump's father, Weisselberg has
been the money man in Trump's orbit for decades. And, he didn't just handle
finances for the Trump Organization but also for Trump's personal accounts.
Which brings us to why he was granted immunity by prosecutors in the
Southern District of New York in their pursuit of Cohen who plead guilty to
eight felonies earlier this week. Two of those eigh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
Carper admitted hitting his wife -- an allegation he pushed back against
after it was first reported during his 1982 run for U.S. Congress -- in a
1998 interview with a local journalist Celia Cohen who published a book “
Only in Delaware” that is sold by the state of Delaware on its official
website, the Washington Free Beacon reported.
“Did I slap my wife 20 years ago? Yes,” Carper admitted in the interview
for the book. “Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? No.”
The journalist wrote that ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2018
来自主题: USANews版 - The Kavanaugh Stakes
The Kavanaugh Stakes
A vote against the judge is a vote for ambush tactics and against due
The Ford-Kavanaugh hearing consumed most of Thursday, and unsurprisingly we
learned nothing from the spectacle. Christine Ford remains unable to marshal
any evidence for her claim of a sexual assault. Brett Kavanaugh continues
to deny the charge adamantly and categorically, and with persuasive emotion.
Something enormous nonetheless has shifted over the past weeks of political
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 43471
所以她那些clearance肯定都是自己瞎编的,这女的就是没有dealt with feds before

发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - 果然Collins很喜欢Kavanaugh
As Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C), one of Kavanaugh's most fervent defenders,
left the Capitol on Friday, he signaled that Collins had viewed the assault
claims from a pro-Kavanaugh position all along — even as some Democrats had
convinced themselves she was swayable.
“She’s always believed he was qualified, but just wanted to make sure the
allegations were seriously dealt with,” Graham said.
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - Palm Beach机器坏了
Fort Lauderdale, Fla. – Florida's already farcical recount was dealt yet
another blow Thursday when Palm Beach County's election supervisor said she
probably won't be able to meet a 3 p.m. deadline, just hours before it was
The announcement came soon after a federal judge ruled that 5,000 voters
whose mail-in ballots were rejected because of signature issues be given an
additional two days to fix the problem.
Palm Beach Elections Supervisor Susan Bucher told reporters she was
disappointed h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 36252
quote request were sent from edmunds to all dealers within xx miles. I
didn't write anything. and a lot of dealers were like that, didn't provide
any real info, just asked me to go in to give me a special...
I only dealt with dealers with good response from their 1st reply
发帖数: 60
来自主题: Automobile版 - 2011 Accord LX automatic Sedan
So you negotiated down roughly $3,000 from the price that the dealer quoted
you. That's an awesome job. The dealers that I dealt with are very hard to
negotiate for the prices. In addition, Neither Truecar.com nor Autocar.com
gave a selling price in the ballpark of $19K. I might seek other brand cars.
Good luck in your car purchasing process.
发帖数: 790
来自主题: Automobile版 - 美国的车是烂的, 烂的原因就是
Matrix and highlander, 是美国政府看着小日本听话,不然哪天再抓把柄,一抓一个
Looking into a Toyota Matrix but have read some problems about early wear on
tires. Would love to hear from anyone who has had problem
and those who haven't to get there feel of the vehicle over all. Have a
Sienna AWD and dealt with run flat tires with it, don't want
another vehicle and have similar problems. Thanks for any help.
http://forums.automotive.com/70/1058175/toyota/... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 608
10个类别里 TOYOTA 得五个冠军, HONDA 名落孙山
Top Picks 2012
The best models of the year in 10 categories
Consumer Reports Magazine: April 2012
A redesigned, significantly improved Camry Hybrid has helped Toyota capture
five of the 10 spots on this year’s Top Picks list. The other Toyotas that
made the cut are the Prius hybrid, the Highlander and RAV4 SUVs, and the
Sienna minivan. This is the first time since 2003 that one brand has so
dominated ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2039
For a car this old, to avoid declaration as a "total loss" by the adverse
party's insurance company, pay the $250-$350 and have a post loss
professional automobile appraiser look over your car and produce a written
appraisal. It is an invaluable negotiation tool.
Be aware also, that it is wise practice to SEPARATE your spouse's injury
from the car repairs. Insurance companies, in order to "cheap out" on injury
payment, in cases like yours, often will "over allow" on auto repair... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 261
i dealt w/ a similar situation last year.
a lady backed into my parents' car; what made it tricky for us was that:
1) she was being a bully, kept on claiming it was my parents that ram into
2) the police wouldn't assign fault as it happened in a private parking lot
3) parents english is limited
4) parents' car's insurance was liability only, which means the company only
get involved when it's my folk's fault
it was clear to me that it was her fault - first thing i did was taking a
lot of pi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1057
来自主题: Automobile版 - NY 2013 Accord LX 报价 OTD 226XX.
有人刚从Maryland买的,Invoice $20,579.
I just purchased the 2013 Accord LX from Brown's Honda in Maryland (I dealt
with Brandy and Mike-I had a great experience!) the price plus freight was $
20,804.83, plus $20.00 electronic transfer fee, plus $198.00 processing
charge, plus 6% tax ($1,224.17), plus MD registration fee of $253.00, which
equals out the door for $22,500.00. (car came with trunk mat, floor mats and
pinstripe and splash-guards).
发帖数: 18
来自主题: Automobile版 - NY 2013 Accord LX 报价 OTD 226XX.

发帖数: 1057
来自主题: Automobile版 - NY 2013 Accord LX 报价 OTD 226XX.
有人刚从Maryland买的,Invoice $20,579.
I just purchased the 2013 Accord LX from Brown's Honda in Maryland (I dealt
with Brandy and Mike-I had a great experience!) the price plus freight was $
20,804.83, plus $20.00 electronic transfer fee, plus $198.00 processing
charge, plus 6% tax ($1,224.17), plus MD registration fee of $253.00, which
equals out the door for $22,500.00. (car came with trunk mat, floor mats and
pinstripe and splash-guards).
发帖数: 18
来自主题: Automobile版 - NY 2013 Accord LX 报价 OTD 226XX.

发帖数: 879
来自主题: Automobile版 - NY 2013 Accord LX 报价 OTD 226XX.

发帖数: 83
来自主题: Automobile版 - VW Golf TDI $22,500 good price?
Who did you dealt with, I saw you got your TDI from Momentum as well.
发帖数: 637
来自主题: Automobile版 - 买2013 passat 被dealer 耍了
vw is worth try. i dealt with gm,honda,nissan dealers in before, each
taking this seriouly.
发帖数: 2284
Hate your ID since this is the worst least-reliable lying seller I've ever
dealt with before.
发帖数: 19737
来自主题: Automobile版 - Tesla 又着火,抛股票吧
Tesla reports third fire involving Model S electric car
By Ben Klayman and Bernie Woodall
DETROIT (Reuters) - Tesla Motor Inc's(NSQ:TSLA) Model S electric car has
suffered its third fire in six weeks, sending its shares down nearly 9
percent in Thursday midday trading.
The Tesla Motors Club website contains pictures and a story about another
fire involving a Model S that a company spokeswoman confirmed. The accident
occurred on Wednesday in Smyrna, Tennessee, where Nissan Motor Co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 838
You don't have to contact the other party.
What you should do is to contact his/her insurance, file a claim, the
insurance would send an appraiser, the insurance then sends a check.
If the check is not sufficient to cover your damage, the body shop would
bill the insurance. You pay NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Since you have the other party's insurance info, the insurance will
take care of it. It is not the other driver's choice whether you
claim or not, it is 100% your choice.
Your case is very... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 82
来自主题: Automobile版 - 请教车祸后所谓的adjuster
Looks like that's common for adjusters in the other party's insurance. I
dealt with one before and he never returned my call and only replied my
emails occasionally. Fortunately he sent check to me quickly. The key is to
make sure he accepts liability - meaning he needs to get hold of the other
driver and/or see police report. I would just keep pushing him. Once he
accepts liability you can go to any body shop that can work with that
发帖数: 2284
来自主题: Automobile版 - 关于M-Class的Ground Clearance
Don't have time to deal with dealership directly. However, I've dealt with
their web site before. For example, BMW's web site allows people to build a
vehicle for their own needs and satisfaction.
I looked at MB USA here for its build configurations:
Surprisingly, I don't see any option at all mentioning 'Airmatic'. I guess
either you are right in that this is equipped standard, or it's not an
option to be equipped at all. If you find an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2593
Actually here in CA, I noticed almost all Mexican worker I dealt with drive
tacoma, some has an odometer reading > 350000 miles.

发帖数: 13701
哈哈哈,干的不错。不过估计这位大卫小伙子(妹子?)太激动了,都 TMD 写成2015
David Chen
Reason For Visit
Sales (New)
"2015 Worst Thanksgiving ever"
Bought a new defective car from Lindsay Acura Columbus. Terrible people and
customer service. Worst Thanksgiving ever. 11/26/2015 It's the third time I
took my car there. After being confronted and surrounded by three guys and
pushed by a tall and strong 'manager' (not know this guy before) in light
green shirt. I felt threatened and I stepped out immedia... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11530
来自主题: Automobile版 - Mid-size SUV 2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee
What's New for 2016
The 2016 Grand Cherokee gets a new shift lever that physically remains in
the selected position, while the 3.6-liter gasoline V6 receives standard
automatic stop-start technology along with variable valve timing and lift to
incrementally improve fuel economy and horsepower. All trims except the SRT
gets standard electric-assist power steering (with adjustable effort), and
weight reductions across the lineup come courtesy of additional aluminum
suspension components. Finally, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10056
来自主题: Automobile版 - farmers 还是 geico
Sorry you had to deal with insurance many times. I only dealt with USAA once.
发帖数: 11530
来自主题: Automobile版 - Honda Consumer Complaints and Reviews
Daniel of Red Lion, PA on June 13, 2017
Satisfaction Rating
Honda CRV 2010 problem list: 85,000 replaced catalytic converter, 5 times
under normal maintenance had to replace 4 quarts of oil, replaced timing
cover, replaced a/c compressor, call Honda and all I got was "please call
your dealership". Every single issue I had has a safety notice attached to
it so obviously Honda realized it was a problem. Please stand by your cars.
Look at all these safety notices. Last recall for Honda CRVs was dri... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19
Came across the following quote when hanging around the odyclub. Just want
to share it to those who are interested in 2018 odyssey EXL trim. Sorry
cannot type Chinese in the office.
"I just bought a 2018 EXL with RES/NAV for $34999 sale price, $37100 OTD
including TTL and no add-ons. I dealt with Conyers Honda in Atlanta, Georgia
. Nothing but positive things to say about my experience."
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