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发帖数: 209
来自主题: Accounting版 - International tax question for experts
Thanks for the insight.
One more question on international tax. What is Subpart F income's impact on
ASC 740?
Here is what I think: Sub F income is taxed without actually repatriation of
income. So this creates a temporary difference and a DTA.
Further, curreny year year Sub F income is limited to CY E&P. The excess Sub
F over CY E&P is deferred until future E&P generation.This deferred Sub F
income will also create a temp difference and a DTL.
Am I understanding this correctly? Please advise ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 225
来自主题: Accounting版 - 诚心请教PE fund vs. Provision (湾区)
In short, FAS 109 is the balance sheet approach. The book to tax adjustments
are usually the current part of the provision, then theres the deferreds
and booking tax payables/expense. There are also a lot of high level stuff
like fin 48 and apb 23 that I don't get to deal with as a staff/senior. I
normallyjust complete the current provision like regular tax compliance and
roll forward deferreds. I think provision gets more interesting as you
really need to understand a companys business really w... 阅读全帖
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