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发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Suppliers Linked to Impure Heparin
The Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday it found 14 additional
Chinese companies supplied contaminated raw material to make heparin, a
widely used blood thinner.
The companies supplied the materials in 2008, when the FDA found a link
between contaminated heparin marketed by Baxter International Inc. to some
Chinese suppliers of the active ingredient used in heparin. The
contamination was linked to 80 deaths in U.S. patients and hundreds of
allergic reactions. T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 62%德国人反对进一步救助希腊
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germans overwhelmingly oppose further aid for Greece,
according to opinion poll released on Sunday, one day ahead of a vote in
parliament on a new Greek bailout package where Chancellor Angela Merkel may
be forced to rely on opposition support.
The poll by the Emnid Institute in Bild am Sonntag newspaper found 62
percent oppose a new 130 billion ($175 billion) rescue package while 33
percent are in favor. A similar Emnid poll in September found 53 percent
opposed and 43 percen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
DC Deputy Mayor: Dear Victims of Crime, Better You Are Beaten, Raped, Stolen
From Than You Protect Yourself
March 6, 2012 | Filed under Big government,Constitutional Issues,Deaths,
Democrats,Gun control | Posted by Warner Todd Huston
Washington D.C.’s Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice wants you all
to just stop whining about the rising crime in his fair city. He wants you
to continue being a victim and like it. Not only that, but he thinks it’s a
good thing that you should become a vict... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Francois Will Bring the Croissants*
By Nidra Poller
* "croissants" = flaky, buttery, crescent-shaped pastry; "croissance" =
Well, that's settled! Angela will provide the meat and potatoes, and Fran&#
231;ois will bring the croissants. From each according to his means, to
each according to his needs. Now you understand why Nicolas Sarkozy lost
the election. He never thought of that quick fix while running back and
forth between Paris and Berlin last winter, even when his wife Carla was in
labor. The upshot was that Gi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - White House Payroll Up 14% Under Obama
Saturday, 30 Jun 2012 08:55 PM
White House salaries have jumped by nearly $5 million in the three years
since Barack Obama became president, official figures show.
The 468 people who work at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue earn $37.8 million, the
White House's annual report to Congress shows. That compares to $33.1
million in George W. Bush's last year in the Oval Office, an increase of 14.
1 percent.
The report was released at 4.39 p.m. Friday, a notorious time for dumping
bad news just before a weeke... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
A little more than a week after accusing Iran of supplying arms for Syria's
bloody crackdown on democracy-minded rebels, the UN has given Tehran a key
seat at negotiations for a global arms treaty.
The stunning appointment by member states attending the UN Conference of the
Arms Trade Treaty in New York came last week, and is just the latest
example of the world body appointing rogue and repressive regimes to
leadership roles. The 15-nation committee to which Iran was appointed hopes
to guide wh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jeff Graham
More bad press for the mayor of Gouverneur, the sleepy SLC village with
the giant Lifesaver perched in its downtown public square.
Mayor Christopher Miller is struggling with a string of financial woes
with back taxes and properties being foreclosed on.
I wouldn't seem he would have the traction to get reelected, but since
few people want to run for these offices, anything is possible.
Look for current deputy mayor and labor poobah Ron McDougal to seek the
off... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2221
【 以下文字转载自 GunsAndGears 讨论区 】
发信人: fjcruiser (FJ), 信区: GunsAndGears
标 题: Woman hiding with kids shoots intruder
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 5 00:46:54 2013, 美东)
LOGANVILLE, Ga. — A woman hiding in her attic with children shot an
intruder multiple times before fleeing to safety Friday.
The incident happened at a home on Henderson Ridge Lane in Loganville around
1 p.m. The woman was working in an upst... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
New York State Senator, Councilman Arrested in FBI Probe
Associated Press
New York state Sen. Malcolm Smith, a Democrat from Queens, speaking in
Albany earlier this year.
New York state Sen. Malcolm Smith and New York City Council Member Dan
Halloran were arrested Tuesday morning in connection with an alleged bribery
plot to tamper with the New York City mayoral race, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation said.
Also arrested in the probe: V... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
How Obama Betrayed America
A policy of appeasement and intervention abets our enemies.
By David Horowitz
“If we have to use force, it is because we are America. We are the
indispensable nation. We stand tall. We see farther into the future.”
— Madeleine Albright, secretary of state (1997–2001), Clinton
It is a judgment on Barack Obama’s timorous, apologetic, and irresponsible
conduct of foreign affairs that Madeleine Albright’s words, spoken little
more than 15 years ago, now sou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
【 以下文字转载自 GunsAndGears 讨论区 】
发信人: dragonknight (龙骑士), 信区: GunsAndGears
标 题: Re: 12岁女孩shoot intruder with glock .40 (视频)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 16 22:18:54 2013, 美东)
Amazing 12 year old girl, home alone, shoots home intruder with a glock .40
. The intruder was ALSO ARRESTED arrested in 2011 for allegedly abducting a
17 year old girl.
This story occured in October of 20, 2012.
Here are the details:
BRYAN COUNTY, Oklahoma -
A 12-year-old girl took matters into her own hands during a home invasion... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
As Zimmerman Derangement Syndrome escalates by the day, the Florida family
rescued from their overturned vehicle by George Zimmerman last week has
decided to speak out. Expect an onslaught of hate from the angry left.
A man who authorities say was helped to safety — along with his wife
and children — by George Zimmerman after a roll-over SUV crash in Seminole
County last week is expected to speak to reporters today about the accident.
Mark Gerstle, who was driving the Ford Expl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
71-Year-Old Blows Away Escaped Inmate »
by Jammie
Don’t expect the anti-gun nuts to mention any of this. Doesn’t help the
Authorities say an escaped inmate suspected of shooting a southwest Iowa
sheriff’s deputy has been killed by a homeowner who said the armed man
broke into his house.
Rodney Long was shot to death after he broke into a retired farm couple
’s home in Bedford about 10:15 p.m. Monday, awakening them. Long, who was
armed with a handgun, cut their telephone ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 年轻Marine击毙持枪偷车贼
Suspected truck thief shot, killed in Maple Valley
by KING 5 News
Posted on September 24, 2013 at 6:19 AM
Updated yesterday at 9:28 AM
MAPLE VALLEY, Wash. – A suspected truck thief was shot and killed in Maple
Valley Tuesday morning after deputies say he was shot by the truck’s owner,
a United States Marine.
It happened just after midnight in the 23600 block of 219th Place SE.
King County sheriff’s deputies say a man and a woman arrived at the scene
in another vehicle that was stolen from Kent. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Florida Police Dump Quadriplegic Man From His Wheelchair
Four Hillsborough County sheriff's deputies have been suspended after
purposely tipping a quadriplegic man out of his wheelchair at a jail,
authorities said Tuesday.
Orient Road Jail surveillance footage from Jan. 29 shows veteran deputy
Charlette Marshall-Jones, 44, dumping Brian Sterner out of his wheelchair
and searching him on the floor after he was brought in on a warrant after a
traffic violation.
发帖数: 29846
Citizens take law into own hands after cash-strapped Ore. county guts
sheriff's office
When budget woes reduced the sheriff's department in one rural Oregon county
to a bare-bones force, residents decided to take matters into their own
hands -- creating armed patrol groups in defiance of local officials.
Their decision has raised safety concerns with the county government, which
would prefer residents instead hike their own taxes to fund the hiring of
trained deputies. But despite the risks, the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
France’s far-right Front National stormed to victory in European elections
on Sunday night, leading an unprecedented surge in support for anti-EU
parties across Europe that was set to reverberate far beyond Brussels
The FN, led by Marine Le Pen, was one of four anti-establishment parties to
finish top in their country’s EU parliamentary elections. Britain’s UK
Independence party, led by the bombastic former commodities... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Networks Refuse to Report Latest IRS Scandal Revelations
By Geoffrey Dickens | July 28, 2014 | 10:55
The saga of Lois Lerner’s missing emails took a bunch of twists and turns
this past week, but you wouldn’t know that if you only got your news from
the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks. On July 21, it was reported that
even more IRS officials had their hard drives crash on them, including
employees who “routinely corresponded” with Lerner. What a coincidence! On
that same day it was revealed th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
A top IRS official considered going public with the agency’s targeting of
conservative groups at a hearing just months before the 2012 presidential
election but ultimately decided against revealing the bombshell news,
according to a new report from a GOP-led House committee.
Then-Deputy Commissioner Steven Miller wrote in an email in June 2012, about
a month before a House Ways and Means subcommittee hearing, that he was
weighing whether to testify to “put a stake” in the “c4” issue --
apparentl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3656
来自主题: USANews版 - 逃兵终于要被绳之以法了
of course he did, in the same way Benghazi was protest against a video.
Wonder what promotion Susan Rice is going to get this time.
the 5 prisoners released for he who served with honor:
Mohammad Fazl: the Taliban deputy minister of defense and served as the
Taliban Army chief.
Mullah Norullah Noori: Taliban governor of Balkh and Laghman provinces
Khairullah Khairkhwa: He had direct ties to Mullah Omar and Osama bin Laden
and served as a Taliban official in various roles, including as governor o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The UK results are in. The pollsters could not have been more wrong. The
expected result was a close vote and a hung parliament. Instead, Labour and
the Liberal Democrats got pounded. Here are the Final Tallies from the
In a surge of nationalism that will likely lead to a call for another
independence referendum, the Scotland National Party (SNP) won 56 seats of
59 seats.
Nigel Farage did not win his seat, but he will be around. So will UKIP. It
appears UKIP did not take votes from the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 又一老黑在德州杀害警察

AP: Suspect arrested for the murder of Texas deputy officer
Texas investigators were trying to determine on Sunday what may have
motivated a 30-year-old man accused of ambushing a suburban Houston sheriff
’s deputy filling his patrol car with gas in what authorities believe was a
targeted killing.
Shannon J. Miles was charged Saturday with capital murder in the killing of
Darren Goforth, 47, a 10-year veteran of the Harris County Sheriff’s Office.
Goforth had gone to the station in Cypress, a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Students Walk Out in Support of Fired Deputy
Hundreds of students walked out of Spring Valley High School in Columbia,
South Carolina on Friday morning in support of the deputy sheriff who was
fired after violently arresting a black student.
Students reportedly chanted “Free Fields” in support of Ben Fields, a
school resource officer and football coach who was caught on tape forcibly
removing a black student from her desk, allegedly because she was disrupting
class. The students walked into the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
San Francisco sheriff known for ‘sanctuary city’ defense loses re-election
The San Francisco sheriff who over the summer became embroiled in a national
debate over “sanctuary city” policies on Tuesday lost his bid for re-
election amid a host of local controversies.
Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi, 54, was defeated by Vicki Hennessy, a former sheriff
’s official who had the endorsement of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and the
sheriff deputies association. As of early Wednesday morning, Hennessy had
rece... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Published on CNS News http://www.cnsnews.com
Yet Another Email Scandal? ... This Time at Department of Homeland Security
The federal agency charged with protecting America from terrorists and
enforcing our immigration laws is embroiled in yet another corruption
Earlier this month, we filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit [1]
here in DC against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in order to
obtain records related to the use by senior officials, including Secretary
Jeh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Imagine That: Supposedly Mythical 'No-Go Zones' Are Back in the News — But
Not at U.S. Media Outlets
By Tom Blumer | January 11, 2016 | 10:27 AM EST
Despite reports and statements containing the term coming out of Germany
during the past week, searches at the Associated Press on "no-go zones," and
even on "no-go," return nothing. The New York Times has no recent report
identifying European no-go zones, but has at least demonstrated that it
might be getting over its nearly allergic reaction to th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Marco Rubio’s deputy campaign manager is a gay ‘marriage’ activist
发帖数: 29846
Published on CNS News http://www.cnsnews.com
Sheriff asks judge to dismiss $23M verdict in man's shooting
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Attorneys for a Florida sheriff asked a
federal judge on Monday to dismiss a $23 million jury award to a black man
who was unarmed when he was shot and paralyzed by a deputy, saying race
played a "subtle" role in the award.
Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office attorneys argued that Dontrell Stephens'
attorneys linked his 2013 shooting by Sgt. Adams ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8291
Pinellas County Sheriff's Office
5 hours ago
Unfortunately, some people are irresponsibly and falsely posting on Facebook
that deputies did not attempt to rescue the 3 girls who tragically drowned
while fleeing from the police in a stolen car a few weeks ago.
The sheriff stated at the time that deputies removed their gunbelts and
clothes and tried to enter the water to rescue the girls, bu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8291
Pinellas County Sheriff's Office
5 hours ago
Unfortunately, some people are irresponsibly and falsely posting on Facebook
that deputies did not attempt to rescue the 3 girls who tragically drowned
while fleeing from the police in a stolen car a few weeks ago.
The sheriff stated at the time that deputies removed their gunbelts and
clothes and tried to enter the water to rescue the girls, but the conditions
in the water prevented them from doing so. This is exactly what happene... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8291
Pinellas County Sheriff's Office
5 hours ago
Unfortunately, some people are irresponsibly and falsely posting on Facebook
that deputies did not attempt to rescue the 3 girls who tragically drowned
while fleeing from the police in a stolen car a few weeks ago.
The sheriff stated at the time that deputies removed their gunbelts and
clothes and tried to enter the water to rescue the girls, but the conditions
in the water prevented them from doing so. This is exact... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8291
来自主题: USANews版 - 警察明明下水救人了
Pinellas County Sheriff's Office
5 hours ago
Unfortunately, some people are irresponsibly and falsely posting on Facebook
that deputies did not attempt to rescue the 3 girls who tragically drowned
while fleeing from the police in a stolen car a few weeks ago.
The sheriff stated at the time that deputies removed their gunbelts and
clothes and tried to enter the water to rescue the girls, but the conditions
in the water prevented them from doing so. This is exactly what happened,
and we stand by t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4150
来自主题: USANews版 - Dirty politics: 27 months
The State Department has sought to delay the court-ordered release of emails
between four of Hillary Clinton's top aides and officials at the Clinton
Foundation and a closely associated public relations firm.
The motion, filed in federal court by the Justice Department late Wednesday,
seeks to put off the release of the emails by 27 months. It was first
reported on by The Daily Caller.
In the filing, the State Department says it originally estimated that
approximately 6,000 emails and other docu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
来自主题: USANews版 - 最近几周黑人袭警案件综述
A brief magical mystery tour of black on cop violence over the last few
In Baltimore, one week ago, hundreds of black people took to the streets to
celebrate the life of the recently killed rapper Lor Scoota. He was best
known for celebrating guns, drugs, money and bitches in his videos and in
his life.
Eventually cops showed up: They were greeted with bottles and rocks and
threats and taunts when they suggested to the hundreds of black people that
destroying property and disobeying the l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8211
Kind of too long... So just save here for future reference.
There are three key findings to emerge from yesterday's dump of leaked DNC
emails released by Wikileaks:
There had been a plot designed to smear Bernie Sanders and to hand the
Democratic nomination to Hillary on a silver platter
There has been repeated collusion between the DNC and the media
There has been questionable fundraising for both Hillary Clinton and the DNC
First, a quick recap for those who missed the ori... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 277
来自主题: USANews版 - Trump unveils economic policy team
Donald Trump has unveiled an economic team that includes hedge titan John
Paulson to help guide the GOP presidential candidate's sometimes-
inconsistent policy statements.
Other members are Steve Roth, Harold Hamm, Howard Lorber, Steven Mnuchin,
Tom Barrack, Stephen M. Calk, Andy Beal, Steve Feinberg, David Malpass,
Peter Navarro, Stephen Moore and Dan DiMicco.
The campaign's policy team will be led by national director of policy
Stephen Miller and deputy director Dan Kowalski.
"I am pleased tha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4718
美国的警民关系够糟的。Such a trigger-happy society.
Idaho deputies who shot, killed rancher won't face charges
发帖数: 193
来自主题: USANews版 - 雪城大学中国大三学生被枪杀
DEWITT, N.Y. -- Detectives are still investigating a motive for the killing
of a Syracuse University student from China who was found dead behind behind
an apartment complex near Le Moyne College.
Sgt. Jon Seeber, a spokesman for the Onondaga County Sheriff's Office, on
Saturday identified the victim as 23-year-old Xiaopeng Yuan, an S.U. student
from Beijing.
Deputies and DeWitt police officers responded to reports on gun shots at the
Springfield Garden Apartments, at 16 Caton Drive in the town ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger,
Cyrus Vance and James Baker.[3] His expertise includes foreign policy,
international crisis management and psychological warfare.[7] He served the
presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and
George H.W. Bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary.[8]
发帖数: 473
来自主题: USANews版 - 爆料:克林顿政变
Steve Pieczenik served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry
Kissinger is well-versed in foreign policy, international crisis management,
and psychological warfare. He also served under presidential
administrations as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter,
Ronald Reagan, and George H.W. Bush’s White House.
Pieczenik claims that the Clintons and their close associates have
successfully pulled off a coup via corruption.
发帖数: 5443
来自主题: USANews版 - trump改革真的要开始了
这是总统能提名的 4000个位置
“There are 1,212 senior leaders, including the Cabinet secretaries and
their deputies, the
heads of most independent agencies and ambassadors, ”
trump真是要 make American great again!
有这4000 leaders,不会怕建制派的捣乱
it is time to server your country
More than 4,000 political appointees, many of whom hold important leadership
and policym... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8600
Mom of Murdered Obama Gay Lover Speaks Up
May 26, 2013 by Dylan
by Dr. Eowyn
In late May, Wash. DC-based investigative journalist Wayne Madsen had a
bombshell revelation about Obama’s membership in a Chicago gay club, Man’s
Country. Madsen also reported on Obama’s sexual relationships with other
men, including named D.C. politicians and Donald Young, the openly-gay choir
-director of the church in Chicago of ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Donald Trump’s New York Times Interview: Full Transcript
President-elect Donald J. Trump during a meeting at The New York Times’s
offices in Manhattan on Tuesday.
Following is a transcript of President-elect Donald J. Trump’s interview on
Tuesday with reporters, editors and opinion columnists from The New York
Times. The transcription was prepared by Liam Stack, Jonah Engel Bromwich,
Karen Workman and Tim Herrera of The Times.
ARTHUR SULZBERGER Jr., publisher o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
找出来当外交助理, 啥历史厚重感。
Trump taps K.T. McFarland to be deputy national security adviser
Donald Trump has selected K.T. McFarland to be his deputy national security
adviser, a transition aide confirmed.
发帖数: 1012
[在 TravisBickle (Travis) 的大作中提到:]
容找出来当外交助理, 啥历史厚重感。
:Trump taps K.T. McFarland to be deputy national security adviser
:Donald Trump has selected K.T. McFarland to be his deputy national security
adviser, a transition aide confirmed.
发帖数: 11530
Trump picks Elaine Chao for transportation secretary
By Phil Mattingly and David Wright, CNN
Updated 12:57 PM ET, Tue November 29, 2016
(CNN) — President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Elaine Chao, the former
labor secretary and wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, to be
his choice for transportation secretary, an official briefed on the matter
told CNN on Tuesday.
The announcement is expected to come this afternoon.
Chao served as secretary of labor under President George W. Bush from... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3433
现在DEM纷纷跳出来说不应该现在fire comey, 说trump是因为comey马上要查到他通俄
证据才fire的。 也不想想这个事deputy AG的提议,而那个deputy AG也是DEM支持的。
发帖数: 24733
来自主题: USANews版 - Obama names wave of aides to fed jobs
These assignments included:
National Security Adviser Susan Rice and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett
as general trustees of the Board of Trustees for the John F. Kennedy Center
for the Performing Arts.
Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes and former Michelle Obama
head speechwriter Sarah Hurwitz as members of the United States Holocaust
Memorial Council.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
Initially, she planned to go into the White House. Trump “wanted me there,
and I wanted to be there,” she says. She recalls an early post-election
meeting in Trump Tower in Manhattan, where she says she told Trump, “Surely
I’m being considered for something.”
“We’re just laughing about it, and Reince [Priebus] says, ‘Oh, yeah, yeah
, definitely.’ And of course Trump is like, ‘Oh, yeah, she’s been with me
from the beginning.’”
So what happened? Pierson says she was offered the role of deputy pres... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1091
Senate Committee to Question Jared Kushner Over Meetings With Russians
MARCH 27, 2017
Senate investigators plan to question Jared Kushner, President Trump’s
in-law and a close adviser, as part of their broad inquiry into ties between
Trump associates and Russian officials or others linked to the Kremlin,
according to administration and congressional officials.
The White House Counsel’s Office was... 阅读全帖
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