

全部话题 - 话题: detonation
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发帖数: 60932
Free iPhone Apps: copy and paste the links or just look them up in iTunes.
Live links don't work.
Detonation: Link:
Distant Assassin Reload: Sniper Training: Link:
Aqua Globs: Link:
Quell - sorry, no link, just look in iTunes. This is a 5 star puzzle game.
发帖数: 7227
【 以下文字转载自 Living 讨论区 】
发信人: wds (净洗前尘,从头再来), 信区: Living
标 题: what's the best way to help/detonate for homeless/poor kids in china ?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 28 14:03:25 2012, 美东)
枪岩村的吕婆婆看到... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 145
Detonation wave[edit]
Main article: Detonation
A detonation wave is essentially a shock supported by a trailing exothermic
reaction. It involves a wave travelling through a highly combustible or
chemically unstable medium, such as an oxygen-methane mixture or a high
explosive. The chemical reaction of the medium occurs following the shock
wave, and the chemical energy of the reaction drives the wave forward.
A detonation wave follows slightly different ru... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 805
It depends on the explosive. Some bomb materials are highly sensitive to
impact; if you shoot a gun at a stick of dynamite, for example, there’s a
good chance you’ll set it off. Others are less susceptible to gunfire. The
military tries to make its explosives as durable as it can, since you don’t
want soldiers blowing up from the impact of a single bullet. A block of C4
plastic explosive can withstand a rifle s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20343
北卡上空, 飞机出了事故,将两枚氢弹投向北卡的Goldsboro。 其中一枚氢弹开始了
LONDON (AFP) - The US Air Force came dramatically close to detonating a huge
atomic bomb over North Carolina in 1961, according to a newly declassified
document published by Britain's Guardian newspaper on Saturday.Two hydrogen
bombs were accidentally dropped over the city of Goldsboro, North Car... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33185
High-Power Microwave Weapons Start to Look Like Dead-End
Despite 50 years of research on high-power microwaves, the U.S. military has
yet to produce a usable weapon
By Sharon Weinberger | September 12, 2012
By Sharon Weinberger of Nature magazine
For some Pentagon officials, the demonstration in October 2007 must have
seemed like a dream come true — an opportunity to blast reporters with a
beam of energy that causes s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3081
来自主题: Automobile版 - What does the pcv valve and egr valve do?
PCV, stands for positive crankcase ventilation. Since the piston rings
cannot stop every bit of combustion gases from escaping past them into the
crankcase(oil pan) area, there needs to be some way to safely vent that
pressure, so that it wont build up and blow the seals out of the engine. The
PCV valve does this, by applying a controlled amount of vacuum to give the
combustion gases a way out and keep them from building up.
EGR stands for exaust gas recirculation. The EGR valve opens at the
app... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1329
来自主题: Military版 - 强核辐射下人的瞬间感受
On May 21, 1946, with seven other colleagues watching, Slotin performed an
experiment that involved the creation of one of the first steps of a fission
reaction by placing two half-spheres of beryllium (a neutron reflector)
around a plutonium core. The experiment used the same 6.2-kilogram (13.7 lb)
plutonium core that had irradiated Harry K. Daghlian, Jr., later called the
"Demon core" for its role in the two accidents. Slotin grasped the upper
beryllium hemisphere with his left hand through a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 327
来自主题: Military版 - 这就是trump粉要的law and order吧
3 men charged with plotting to bomb Kansas apartment complex and mosque day
after presidential election
Garden City terror suspects
(Curtis Allen and Gavin Wright, both 49, and of Liberal, Kansas, and Patrick
Eugene Stein, 47, of Wright, Kansas, face a charge of conspiring to use a
weapon of mass destruction to detonate bombs at an apartment complex in
Garden City.Photo via WIBW Twitter)
Three men were arrested on Friday in connection with a plot to bomb a Kansas
apartment complex and mosque, fe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2126
所谓人类的核弹能够摧毁地球气候的说法, 根本就是一些科学知识极端欠缺的
人的信口开河. 有谁能找出一篇支持核弹毁灭世界气候的严肃的科学估算的文章? 这个
人类核弹的威力和地球已知的大灾难的对比微不足道. 今天全球的核弹当量的
总和, 不及1815年一次火山爆发(450亿吨TNT当量), 当时有三千亿吨的岩石融浆和四亿
吨的含硫毒气被送进大气层, 其对地球气候的影响不大. 至于残留放射性, 今天的一个
大型放射矿的放射性, 就远远超过任何核武器. 下面是一些地球历史上已知的更大灾难
六千五百万年前的那次大灾难, 远远超过人类的任何可以想象的武器的总威力.
恐龙据说没有活下来, 但是脯乳动物和鸟类却活下来了很多.
在Yucatan半岛上的环形地貌, 是由于一次巨大的撞击形成的, 时间是6千5百
万年前, 其威力相
当于 100万 亿吨TNT, 是人类制造的所有核武器总威力的 2000倍, 人类核武
过450亿吨 TNT 当量.
在6500万年前撞击这段时间, 16 %的海洋科和 18%的陆地脊椎动物科 灭绝.
和这样... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5309
来自主题: Military版 - 抓了一个白皮恐怖分子
NEW YORK — Federal authorities have charged a New York man with building a
200-pound (90-kilogram) bomb they say he planned to detonate on Election Day
on the National Mall in Washington.
Paul Rosenfeld, 56, of Tappan, was charged Wednesday with unlawfully
manufacturing a destructive device and interstate transportation and receipt
of an explosive.
Prosecutors said he planned to use the bomb to kill himself and draw
attention to a political system called sortition, in w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17565
来自主题: Automobile版 - 偶尔加高标号油利弊
Many high-performance engines are designed to operate with a high maximum
compression, and thus demand fuels of higher octane. A common misconception
is that power output or fuel efficiency can be improved by burning fuel of
higher octane than that specified by the engine manufacturer. The power
output of an engine depends in part on the energy density of the fuel being
burnt. Fuels of different octane ratings may h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1424
来自主题: SanDiego版 - 谁住在Escondido?炸过了吗?
On November 19, a gardener for Escondido, CA, resident George Djura Jakubec
was walking in the backyard when he stepped on something causing it to
detonate. The explosion caused burns and abrasions up one leg, under one
arm, and on his head and eyebrows, and he was hospitalized.
Officers started searching the yard and home… then quickly retreated when
they found numerous explosive compounds and e... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 752
-The MAV can no longer be used as an elevator
campers can only take jet/chopper to the height they want now
-The MAV will now be destroyed when running into a soldier or vehicle at high speed. It is still possible to strategically sacrifice your MAV on a soldier; it will be destroyed in the process.
One MAV only one kill, sweet
-C4 will no longer be detonable after a player respawns, if the player is revived within 5 seconds he can still detonate his C4.
"afterlife" C4 detonation is disabled :(
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 48
来自主题: CouchPotato版 - Lost Sideways vs. "The Source" theory (zz)
Sideways vs. "The Source" theory
This theory assumes the following:
- "The Incident" is what always happened in the Island reality, just as
Miles speculated in the S5 finale.
Detonating Jughead was the fulfillment of the causal loop that caused the
Swan protocol to be
implemented and 815 to crash on the island.
The Losties needed to detonate Jughead in order for their plane to crash,
and their plane needed to crash
in order for them to eventually end up in '77 and detonate Jughead.
- Desmond wil
发帖数: 4749
来自主题: gardening版 - [合集] mower震是咋回事?
johnIII (汝果欲学诗,功夫在诗外) 于 (Sun Nov 7 18:17:37 2010, 美东) 提到:
papertiger (papertiger) 于 (Sun Nov 7 21:39:32 2010, 美东) 提到:
SSA (Panda on the rope) 于 (Sun Nov 7 21:41:20 2010, 美东) 提到:
你的 mower 有没有离合器的?(刀片是一直转还是合了手柄再转)
你肯定没有什么低级错误例如留在 choke 那挡忘了转到 running,
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3812
来自主题: LES版 - 加州疯狂的法律
Here are a list of crazy laws that apply to California.
* A city ordinance states that a $500 fine will be given to anyone who
detonates a nuclear device within city limits.
* Alhambra: You cannot leave your car on the street overnight without
the proper permit.
* Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern,
school, or place of worship.
* A regulation in San Francisco makes it unlawful to us... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10103
来自主题: _Auto_Fans版 - 讨论下不同标号gas的使用问题
octane rating是抗爆性。明确一点,engine正常工作下,混合气体的燃烧速度是相对
缓慢的,50-150feet per second 从火花塞往整个燃烧室蔓延。如果抗爆性不够,在燃
烧室边缘的混合气在高温高压下会产生爆炸,这个爆炸就不是50-150feet per second
的可控速度了,而是音速了。随之产生的shockwave会损伤crank bearing、使engine局
当然这说的是极端情况,engine在fully loaded、高温、的情况下,会detonation。如
ECU如果发现有轻微detonation,会retard spark timing。

发帖数: 441
Pentagon Deploying 20,000 Troops Within The United States To Prepare For
Civil Unrest In Event Of Economic Collapse
Posted by Alexander Higgins - July 24, 2011 at 4:51 pm - Permalink -
Source via Alexander Higgins Blog
The pentagon has announced plans to deploy a 20,000 strong internal
troop force within the united states over the next two years civil unrest in
the even of a catastrophic even such as a massive large scale terror
attacks or economic collapse — thus, dovetailing... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33
这个技术本来不应该提的, 但是广大群众群情振奋, 又是弹头与弹头通信, 又是潜艇和
Command guidance is a type of missile guidance in which a ground station or
aircraft relay signals to a guided missile via radio (or possibly through a
wire connecting the missile to the launcher) and tell the missile where to
steer in order to intercept its target. Additionally, it is possible to send
a command to the missile to detonate, even if the missile itself has a fuze
or fuzes. (It may be possible to detonate the missil
发帖数: 30882
Attack on the USNS CardFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to:
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Attack on the USNS Card
Part of the Vietnam War
This photograph taken on May 2, 1964, showed the USNS Card in Saigon Port
after it was attacked by Viet Cong commandos.
Date May 2, 1964
Location Saigon, South Vietnam
Result Viet Cong victory.
Viet Cong United States
Commanders and leaders
Lam Son Nao Unknown
Units involved
65th Special Operati... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2482
来自主题: Military版 - 两弹一星是独立自主的结果吗?
The People's Republic of China detonated its first H-Bomb using a Yu–Deng
design June 17, 1967 ("Test No. 6"), a mere 32 months after detonating its
first fission weapon (the shortest fission-to-fusion development in history)
, with a yield of 3.31 Mt.
发帖数: 16217
来自主题: Military版 - 于敏构型就是这么简单
The People's Republic of China detonated its first H-Bomb using a Yu–Deng
design June 17, 1967 ("Test No. 6"), a mere 32 months after detonating its
first fission weapon (the shortest fission-to-fusion development in history)
, with a yield of 3.31 Mt.
发帖数: 16217
Yu-Deng Design 很早就名扬天下了,维基百科如下,
The People's Republic of China detonated its first H-Bomb using a Yu–Deng
design June 17, 1967 ("Test No. 6"), a mere 32 months after detonating its
first fission weapon (the shortest fission-to-fusion development in history)
, with a yield of 3.31 Mt.
如果邓的贡献大于或等于于敏,那按照字母顺序Deng 应该放在Yu之前,于敏是氢弹构
发帖数: 2525
It shattered window glass three kilometers away, which requires at least
one full PSI of overpressure. To do this at a distance of 3km would require
a detonation equivalent to 2kT of TNT. There are also video images of broken
concrete walls in a convention center 2 kilometers away, which would
require a minimum of two PSI of overpressure; to do this at a distance of
2km would require a detonation equivalent to 3.5kT of TNT. Using the NUKEMAP
app http://nuclearsecrecy.co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17667
来自主题: Military版 - 大坑高清航拍
It shattered window glass three kilometers away, which requires at least one
full PSI of overpressure. To do this at a distance of 3km would require a
detonation equivalent to 2kT of TNT. There are also video images of broken
concrete walls in a convention center 2 kilometers away, which would require
a minimum of two PSI of overpressure; to do this at a distance of 2km would
require a detonation equivalent to 3.5kT of TNT. Using the NUKEMAP app http://nuclearsecrecy.co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 14281
A suspect who died after a standoff with Dallas police said he wanted to
kill white people -- especially white officers -- and that he was upset
about "the recent police shootings," and that he acted alone, Dallas Police
Chief David Brown told reporters Friday.
So, 该洗得洗,该睡的睡,everything goes back normal again.
"We saw no other option but to use our bomb robot and place a device on its
extension for it to detonate where the suspect was," Brown said. "Other
options woul... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
What happened when a ship packed with six million pounds of explosives went
up in flames
Excerpt: The Great Halifax Explosion
One hundred years ago, a massive explosion rocked Halifax when a ship—the
Mont-Blanc—carrying six million pounds of explosives caught fire in the
harbor. The following is an excerpt from THE GREAT HALIFAX EXPLOSION: A
World War I Story of Treachery, Tragedy, and Extraordinary Heroism by John U
Bacon. It describes the deadly ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
来自主题: Military版 - 人家是六个,小灰象只有一个
The Slatest
Family of Six Suicide Bombers, Including Two Young Children, Attack
Indonesian Churches
May 13 2018 1:56 PM
A family of six suicide bombers carried out three attacks on three churches
in Surabaya, Indonesia’s second-largest city, on Sunday. At least seven
people, plus the six suicide bombers were killed in the attacks while at
least 41 people were injured. The apparently meticulously planned attacks
shocked the Muslim-majority nation that is known for its diversity and
The... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4637
来自主题: Military版 - 香港开始搞IED炸警察了
Homemade Bomb Detonated for First Time in Hong Kong Protests
The explosive device, set off with a mobile phone, indicated an escalation
in the street-level arms race between police officers and the protesters.
By Russell Goldman and Tiffany May
HONG KONG — A homemade bomb was detonated in Hong Kong on Sunday amid
violent protests, the police said on Monday, indicating an escalation in the
street-level arms race between police officers and the protesters.
The device was hidden in a bush and was a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11416
来自主题: Military2版 - 核弹到底能烧掉多少质量?
1 Megaton Surface Blast: Fallout
One of the effects of nuclear weapons detonated on or near the earth’s
surface is the resulting radioactive fallout. Immediately after the
detonation, a great deal of earth and debris, made radioactive by the blast,
is carried high into the atmosphere, forming a mushroom cloud. The material
drifts downwind and gradually falls back to earth, contaminating thousands
of square miles. This page describes the fallout pattern... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1543
From Wiki
The People's Republic of China detonated its first device using a Teller–
Ulam design June 17, 1967 ("Test No. 6"), a mere 32 months after detonating
its first fission weapon (the shortest fission-to-fusion development in
history), with a yield of 3.31 Mt.
发帖数: 6327
来自主题: USANews版 - 说说我经历过的4场大选
March 2002, Israel
Three bombs, independently planned but all timed to coincide with the
Passover festival. One hits a Passover dinner at a hotel in Netanya, killing
20 people. Another in Tel Aviv kills 29 and a suicide bomber attacks an
Arab-owned restaurant in Haifa and kills 14.
October 12 2002, Bali, Indonesia
Car bombs outside nightclubs popular with foreign tourists kill 202 people,
91 of them Australians. An Indonesian Islamist group with Al-Qaida links is
October 23 2002, Moscow
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Explosions Tear Through Cairo
Five Killed, Dozens Injured in Blasts
Tamer El-Ghobashy
Updated Jan. 24, 2014 12:43 p.m. ET
Four bombs exploded near police sites in Cairo on Friday, including a
suicide truck bombing that heavily damaged the security headquarters,
killing at least five people and injuring dozens, authorities said.
A series of bomb attacks struck Cairo on Friday, killing and injuring dozens
one day ahead of the anniversary of Egypt's revolution against Hosni
Mubarak. Via The Fore... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Convicted Terrorist Worked as Obamacare Navigator in Illinois
Woman involved in deadly terror bombings kept her past secret from
authorities in President's home state.
By Jillian Kay Melchior
A terrorist from Jordan briefly worked as an Obamacare navigator in Illinois
while authorities remained unaware of her conviction for involvement in a
deadly grocery store bombing and two other attacks.
Rasmieh Yousef Odeh was convicted in Israel for her role in several bombings
, including the 1969 attack ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 恐怖分子袭击达拉斯警察局
Dallas police HQ attack: Suspect shot after standoff
SWAT team snipers "shot at the suspect ... through the front windshield of
the van, striking the suspect," Dallas Police Chief David Brown said
Saturday morning of a man suspected of spraying the Dallas police
headquarters with bullets hours earlier.
A bomb tech robot is being used "to try and confirm whether the suspect is
deceased" in a van at a suburban Dallas restaurant parking lot, Brown said
at a Saturday morning news conference.
Because... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
WH 'Confident' in IAEA's Reported Plan to Let Iran Inspect Its Own Suspect
Nuclear Site
(CNSNews.com) – The White House says it is “confident” in the U.N.
nuclear watchdog’s plans to investigate the “possible military dimensions
” of Iran’s nuclear program – plans which, according to an Associated
Press report, include allowing the Iranians themselves to inspect one of the
most controversial sites linked to the program.
The arrangements are laid out in an agreement between the International
Atom... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5579
来自主题: USANews版 - 选美国总统最重要的原则
IJO (Islamic Jihad Organization) 应该是早期的恐怖集团之一。
你看看他们共击的对象主要是美国法国人, 对以色列的攻击不多(对以色列驻外大使
Bombings and assassinations[edit]
24 May 1982. Car bomb attack on French Embassy in Beirut killing 12 and
wounding 27. Islam Jihad is one of several groups taking responsibility.
Anger over France's providing of arms to Iran's enemy Iraq is thought to be
the motivating factor.[24]
18 April 1983. Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut. Detonate... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
One of the suspects in the ambush-style shootings in Dallas that left five
police officers dead overnight had served in the U.S. Army reserves. The
suspect told a hostage negotiator he was upset about the recent police
shootings of two black men and he wanted to kill white people, especially
police officers, Dallas Police Chief David Brown said at a news conference
this morning.
The suspect, who died as a result of a bomb robot detonated by police, was
identified today as 25-year-old Micah Xavie... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
by John Hayward11 Aug 2016
Working on a tip from the American FBI, Canada’s Royal Canadian Mounted
Police moved against 24-year-old Aaron Driver, an Islamic State supporter,
and killed him after a tense standoff on Wednesday, before Driver could
carry out a planned suicide bomb attack.
Reuters reports the raid was conducted in the small Ontario town of
Strathroy, 140 miles south of Toronto. When the police confronted Driver, he
detonated an explosive device, injuring himself and another person.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5601
“A last kiss for mama: Jihadi parents bid young daughters goodbye... before
one walks into a Damascus police station and is blown up by remote
发帖数: 17225
Two suicide bombers killed nine other people and wounded 30 on Friday near a
camp in northern Cameroon housing civilians displaced by Nigeria's Boko
Haram militants, the region's governor and other officials said.
The bombers - both men - entered the town of Kolofata, around 10 kilometers
(6 miles) from the border with Nigeria, before dawn on Friday, posing as
refugees looking for food before the start of the daytime fast for Ramadan.
"Once among the population, they detonated their explosives, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3433
An Iraqi refugee who investigators say wanted to set off bombs at two
Houston malls was sentenced Monday to 16 years in prison for trying to help
the Islamic State terror network.
Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan was sentenced in Houston federal court. He
pleaded guilty in October 2016 to attempting to provide material support or
resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization.
At the time of his plea, Al Hardan admitted to providing material support,
specif... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
ROUND ROCK, Texas (AP) -- The suspect in a series of bombing attacks that
terrorized Austin over the past few weeks blew himself up early Wednesday as
law enforcement closed in on him. Authorities warned of concern that more
explosives might still be out there.
Authorities had zeroed in on the suspect in the last 24 to 36 hours and
located his vehicle at a hotel on Interstate 35 in the suburb of Round... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 331
Burning fuel with a lower octane rating than that for which the engine is
designed often results in a reduction of power output and efficiency. Many
modern engines are equipped with a knock sensor (a small piezoelectric
microphone), which sends a signal to the engine control unit, which in turn
retards the ignition timing when detonation is detected. Retarding the
ignition timing reduces the tendency of the fuel-air mixture to detonate,
but also reduces power output and fuel efficiency.
So only ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25423
来自主题: Automobile版 - 差点加错汽油了!!

What happens if you inadvertently fill your diesel car with gasoline?
Whether you're new to diesel ownership, or might have both diesel and
gasoline powered vehicles in your own personal fleet, it can be oh-so-easy
to accidentally mis-fuel your diesel tank with gasoline. Filling your fuel
tank is such an ordinary and mundane task, that just a moment's inattention
can cause you to grab the wrong nozzle and pump away. Bad enough if you
realize the mis... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: 加拿大也陷落了:穆斯林当着警察面拉响炸弹
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug 12 10:30:24 2016, 美东)
by John Hayward11 Aug 2016
Working on a tip from the American FBI, Canada’s Royal Canadian Mounted
Police moved against 24-year-old Aaron Driver, an Islamic State supporter,
and killed him after a tense standoff on Wednesday, before Driver could
carry out a planned suicide bomb attack.
Reuters reports the raid was conducted in the small Ontario town of
Strathroy, 1... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: 加拿大也陷落了:穆斯林当着警察面拉响炸弹
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug 12 10:30:24 2016, 美东)
by John Hayward11 Aug 2016
Working on a tip from the American FBI, Canada’s Royal Canadian Mounted
Police moved against 24-year-old Aaron Driver, an Islamic State supporter,
and killed him after a tense standoff on Wednesday, before Driver could
carry out a planned suicide bomb attack.
Reuters reports the raid was conducted in the small Ontario town of
Strathroy, 1... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 478
This was actually done on a TV show several years ago to show what would
A .308win round was placed in a mannequin's hand at waist level about 15"
away from the body and then heated with a propane torch.
The cartridge detonated in just a couple of seconds sending the bullet only
about 3 feet away (without the case being confined in a chamber it can't
build enough pressure to propel the bullet very far).
It was the small pieces of the case after the round detonated that proved t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10345
Modern military and paramilitary use
Up to WW2, the OSS used the Big Joe 5 crossbows for assassinations. Nowadays
, crossbow are no longer used for this, but there are still uses for a
crossbow. For example, in the Americas, the Peruvian army (Ejército) equips
some soldiers with crossbows and rope, to establish a zip-line in difficult
terrain.[45] In Brazil the CIGS (Jungle Warfare Training Center) also
trains soldiers in the use of crossbows.[46][47] In the United... 阅读全帖
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