

全部话题 - 话题: differnt
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发帖数: 6942
来自主题: Money版 - 晒个卡。也来说说amex。
visa/master/amex/discover all have 90 day purchase protection
differnt limits though
Are their limits on coverage?
Naturally, there has to be limits in place. Please note the limits vary by
each individual card and what’s mentioned below can change at any time (so
please check and confirm with issuer) but here’s a summary of what they
were at the time of writing:
With American Express, the purchase protection limits vary by card. On most
AmEx cards the coverage is up to $1,000 per occurrence, wi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4957
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 什么样的high chair 好
is your chair's padding faux leather or vinyl? Saw one same model with
differnt color (faux leather) in BRU... looks really good!! But in amazon,
that leather color is not availble....
发帖数: 7403
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - jms都是产后多久开始减肥的?
people are differnt.
发帖数: 1858
I think you'd better call your insurance company to clarify any questions
you have. That's what I did.
And BCBS offers many differnt types of insurances. We don't know the
发帖数: 2646
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 大家孕期有想喝酒的么?
Haha,I'm in the same department.
Well,you can make yourself some virgin pina colada: mix ice with coconut
cream and pine apple juice in a blender. I know it is a little differnt from
the real one,but I would stay away from alhocol (I'm almost 29w now, haven'
t had any alcohol since week 4 when I found out pregnant).Some doctors and
articles say it is ok to have one once a week, I would not risk it.
Try to ask your lg and friends not to drink in front of you. Sometimes when
others order some tro... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6431
zan information
however 没有孩子的离婚 is far differnt than 有孩子的离婚
发帖数: 50
I have a daughter with a very serious illness since she was born. If you
need to talk or just get some advice on the medical treatment, shoot me an
email. Though it is differnt diagnose, we can share some experience on how
to find a good doctor, etc.
发帖数: 50
I have a daughter with a very serious illness since she was born. If you
need to talk or just get some advice on the medical treatment, shoot me an
email. Though it is differnt diagnose, we can share some experience on how
to find a good doctor, etc.
发帖数: 1696
来自主题: Parenting版 - 绝望的妈妈
Try this: Separate them on everything, one with mom, the other with dad,
We met a boy at playground several times with his father. The boy is one of
twin, but we never saw the other twin. The parents always separate them out.
They were in different daycares, are in different schools, they go to
differnt activities and places. The problem for that family was the opposite
, when the twin were together, they always stick to each other so much that
they didn't care reacting with other people... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1107
你提到的离市中心十几公里(10迈左右)酒店,应该是flushing 附近的酒店。
你在google里输入flushing, 然后进入map看地图,点direction, 在起始位置输入
hotel(终点位置自然是flushing),然后点“do you mean a differnt hotel”,这样
你就能看到6,7个离flushing 很近的酒店。7号地铁站在main st/roosevelt ave, 长
长岛铁路查这个 http://lirr42.mta.info/
起始站是flushing main st, 你们下车的站是penn station 。
如果需要在grand central/42nd st, 就坐7号地铁,用这个查http://mta.info/schedules/
发帖数: 1107
你提到的离市中心十几公里(10迈左右)酒店,应该是flushing 附近的酒店。
你在google里输入flushing, 然后进入map看地图,点direction, 在起始位置输入
hotel(终点位置自然是flushing),然后点“do you mean a differnt hotel”,这样
你就能看到6,7个离flushing 很近的酒店。7号地铁站在main st/roosevelt ave, 长
长岛铁路查这个 http://lirr42.mta.info/
起始站是flushing main st, 你们下车的站是penn station 。
如果需要在grand central/42nd st, 就坐7号地铁,用这个查http://mta.info/schedules/
发帖数: 3030
There is no reliable scientific research comparing infection rate of
sexually transmitted disease of differnt routes, most likely due to the
difficulty of establishing control groups. Anybody claims anything else is
pseudoscience, especially in the name of "common knowledge".
I think the best one can do is comparing the infection rate of different
high risk groups, such as multple sexual parter of gay vs. straight, or vs,
needle using drug addict, vs. prostitution. I think the easiest study to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3030
A story is just a story, no matter how many times it was told, or how
elaborate it was constructed. Maybe you want people to have the same
emotional reaction as you after reading a story, but that doesn't make your
reaction any more moral than any other differnt reactions.
For the story you posted first, anybody with any common sense can tell it is
fake, which essentially make the emotion it tries to evoke not genuine.
Anybody with decent enough Chinese education would know the story you just
re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1329
“Maybe you want people to have the same emotional reaction as you after
reading a story, but that doesn't make your reaction any more moral than any
other differnt reactions. “
在公共论坛上,一个成年人的emotional reaction的前提是应该使用文明语言回复别人
资格之前对转贴使用“垃圾”一词你觉得是中节的emotional reaction吗?

发帖数: 165
google 了一下, 好像社会里的共识啊,chinese man looks ugly.
I feel awful for saying this and I know there will be many angry replies to
this statment. But I am honestly writing this out to seek your advice and
honest thoughts. Since childhood, I've always felt that Asians are an
extremely ugly race. I, myself, am Chinese, and I see myself as ugly too. My
parents are always telling me that I should be dating Chinese men, but they
are so unattractive to me. I tried to run down what I didn't like a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 580
来自主题: StartUp版 - 想建个网站清大虾支招
a website for personal entainment. for example, here is my favorite style
I am hoping to setup a website similar to that but with differnt content.
Any suggestions???清大虾支招ba
发帖数: 1563
IE/Firefox/Maxthon/Chrome: single: Save As; Batch: 同主题+save as
Cterm/Sterm,etc.: single F4/Shift+F; Batch: tool: batch download (I like thi
s a lot, you can set many differnt criteria: same author, same topic, articl
a range from xxxxx to xxxxxx, or Data range, or combination)
发帖数: 17
来自主题: Stock版 - my 715 Goog call doubled le
Then do not play into ER. Risk Vs Award is always there for stock and option
. holding stock and holding stock put is totally differnt risk. short
squeeze is not fun at all.There is not right and wrong for this topic.
发帖数: 2844
soda 下降趋势很久了,今天终于大爆发。野鸡FA表示他家的soda maker 没人要了,
GMCR 是个differnt story,那个咖啡机真正好使。所以soda he GMCR 不能作同类比较。
这个FRAN 没研究过,你先说说。
发帖数: 6197
发信人: harrypotter (亲嘴怪兽), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: SODA 今天莫名大涨,short 时机到了?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 13 12:46:48 2014, 美东)
soda 下降趋势很久了,今天终于大爆发。野鸡FA表示他家的soda maker 没人要了,
GMCR 是个differnt story,那个咖啡机真正好使。所以soda he GMCR 不能作同类比较。
发帖数: 26
来自主题: Working版 - If position need speak chinese

If you hold a technical position, the one who gets up early or off late
might be you.
Anyway, I am speaking in general terms. Your company and position might have
differnt requirement.
But international travel are very expensive these days. That is why we
switch to teleconference, video conference, live meetings, which are much
发帖数: 120
sorry i never saw and found any socks in any US shopping mall compared to
what was bought in China. what do you guys wear with the suits for work? I
know stockings here are no differnt from Chinese traditional ones, but it is
really a headache to find any short socks that go with business suits. can
you guys give some advice? thanks.
发帖数: 1214
来自主题: Immigration版 - about fingerprint
actually I heard it will delay, two differnt system, it last time they
though you have problem, this time they will think you have problem again,
not sure it is true or not
发帖数: 43
来自主题: Chinese版 - 他们到底是不是中国人啊!!
What I mean is identity. North and South korea are in differnt
political systems, but I think the people have the same identity as
Korean(my wife is south Korean). People in Taiwan and Hongkong
dont have the same identity as mainland Chinese, this is true.
This is a big problem. I am not saying who's fault is this.
I am for a unifying China. Whatever you say what I am, patoriaotic.
Of course I say that from Chinese perspective. I dont know
which perspective you are on. There is no concept of Mai
发帖数: 6
Angry as you are, why cann't you provide any rational counter arguments?
In fact, what she said is mostly true. There is not much to say about the
facts. The only thing you can argue, is that different people look at things
with different perspectives. Someone (like you), may think Japanese
government's treating of history is moer serious. Other people (like her)
would consider the Chinese government worse. Neither is correct or
incorrect, just differnt opinions.

发帖数: 6973
I wrote yesterday that NPM in Taipei is basically is a "one-building edifice
I was wrong. Front the front, it looks like made up of one building.
But a bird's-eye view shows they are many building. Of course back in Taiwan
I did not know palaces in Beijing look differnt--as National Geographic
said, Beijing Palaces are vermillion.

* * *
发帖数: 264
来自主题: Boston版 - Warren and Pelosi

May I understand your argument this way, due to the Robinhood style policy
of democractic party here in MA, fidelity decided to move to NH, TX, and CT(
which happens to be a finaical center and a blue state).
If extending your arugment a little bit further. May I say that due to the
robbing policy of republican party, jobs are moved to China and India?
Something is greatly simplified, isn't it?
Don't you think in essence, the foodstamp system is one way... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24532
来自主题: Chicago版 - AAPL Halted from my iphone alert
seems like that, sigh, also confuse me,
that is why I am so curious initially when getting that number.
Hard to believe bez the estimate is only 2.08, and 3.7 is too big differnt.
发帖数: 493
Before you file state tax, you need to estimate your federal adjusted gross
income again but with the status that you are married but file seperately.
This estimate is just to help you get the number of adjusted gross inocme by
yourself, you should not submit it.
Then you use this income to file your IL state tax. I think your wife needs
to do it in a similar way.
But different states have differnt laws. Either goole related information or
pay to some prefessionals.
发帖数: 3398
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - how's HSBC bank?
its great, why?
1.premier account gives u freedom to instantly wire money within ur premier
accounts in china, hk, us, etc.
2.the $15000 checkings account gives u some free-fee atm withdraws from
differnt bank atms.
发帖数: 1443
来自主题: Missouri版 - 请问st louis hazelwood
The price is different for differnt date. I guess your hazelwood hotel
should be fine.
It is safe for you to stay at a 2 star hotel. Do not worry.
发帖数: 1190
来自主题: Nebraska版 - Bo Pelini 9 win mythbuster
Yes, the Huskers have won at least 9 games for the past 7 years, but if we
go back to the last two years, we see that the Huskers finished the regular
season in 2013 at 8-4, and last year at 9-3. Let's first look at 2013. That
year, a handful of plays may have kept the Huskers from finishing with a
losing record and out of bowl game consideration.
Here are three other potential losses which would have easily t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1474
Prepare for 8.8% tax based on the car auction price if you live in NY.
Since the sales is recorded through auction, there is no way you can give a
low car value number to DMV which is very common when you buy a private car.
Usually the auction dealer charges a fixed fee after the completion of an
auction and they will find differnt ways to charge you or do side business.
For example, if you don't have a car plate and you need the auction agent
to drive the car back, he will charge you for using
发帖数: 1474
来自主题: NewYork版 - 请教纽约坐地铁和BUS.
Yes. Take the same bus or go back to subway, you have to pay again. You
can have free transfer from subway to bus, bus to subway, bus to bus (
differnt route) within 2 hours.
发帖数: 10425
来自主题: NewYork版 - it's funny
every month, i at work have to do these online training stuff
and one course was telling us about diversity and dont assume the roles of
differnt ppl by their looks
and the next course is about bussiness continuity, and they showed pictures
of different ppl's reponsibilities. and the trader was a younger white dude
, and an older white dude is the coordinator, asian dude was IT, and a black
woman is a settlement clerk...
发帖数: 312
来自主题: Oregon版 - 家门口的秋天
nice to have differnt colors, only yellow in CA.
发帖数: 224
来自主题: SanDiego版 - UCSD的博士后需要交退休金么?
no social security is different than retiring/saving. They are being listed
in differnt items in your paycheck.
social security is deducted if you have salary income (might be some
threshold or other details), however, retiring/saving is being deducted from
your paycheck and being matched by your employer if you are full-time based
if you doing OPT, you don't need contribute retiring/saving and actually
your employer won't do that for you.
发帖数: 964
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 奥巴马施政得失
My rating is differnt.
1). Out of recession ?
2) Mideast revolutions -. Is it a valid reason to invade a country?
3) Healthcare reform -. this reform only sacrifice middle-class.
4) Iraq +. the only plus in my rating
5) Guantanamo -. Didn't do what he promised.
6) Afganistan --. Didn't do what he promised.
7) Tax increase -. Didn't do what he promised.
8) Deficit --. Didn't do what he promised.
I am impressed by a photo in which he stares at an intel silicon wafer in
his hand. he seems ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2272
this relfects the real life, as you trust some inner circel to some degree
and you assume the folks in that circle has some commen sense of whether or
share it publicly.
G+ can reminds you tha this is previous private and please think twice
before resharing.
But it cannot prevent you from copy-pasting/screenshoting it technically.
TO me, circles make sharing much easier among differnt groups so far I like

发帖数: 789
Don't eat !
We are from differnt places.
Cow eats grass. Can you eat?
Someone might die by eating any mushroom.
发帖数: 7794
来自主题: Tennessee版 - 这个
what? why your schedule is so differnt from ours.
and it's much better.
Our bus is 6:40, school is from 7:40-1:00

发帖数: 18
The thing is only one agent gets deal, the other 2 work for free. It's
differnt story, if the other 2 get paid
发帖数: 24
来自主题: Virginia版 - 要来Virginia面试了
hi, how was your interview? I am working in Lynchburg, have not heard about
that company, it may due to differnt majors. Have you got the offer? It is a
small town with beautiful mountains and river.
发帖数: 147
We used to live at Frederick. It is actually close to Key park way. It is safe and life is quite covenient there. Although apartments are differnt, some are much better than others.
发帖数: 985
来自主题: Basketball版 - Re: Brown's dribble
5 second violation
There are 2 differnt 5 second violation calls.
One is when a team cannot pass the ball in bounds
within 5 seconds. This results in a change of
possesion. The other 5 second call is when a player
is pressured by a defender and does not go anywhere.
Example, if a player stops dribbling and looks to
pass but can't because a defender is pressuring him/her,
it is a 5 second violation also resulting in a turnover.
Also if a player is dribbling in 1 spot and a defender is
guarding hi
发帖数: 1874
来自主题: Basketball版 - 加内特也太SB了吧
KG is a differnt player. everyone has his own style, not fair to say him lik
e this....
i feel kg play very hard and well.
发帖数: 2218
来自主题: Billiards版 - q-ball control
You must be an advanced player, or becoming one. In pool, Q-ball control is
everything, less spin
(side spin) is better, speed control is the key, I know these all right on
paper, but, when it comes to
the table, things are differnt, anyhow, practice makes perfect, sadly, I don
't have much time to
practice, which I should to improve my game.
发帖数: 10701
来自主题: Golf版 - check out Tiger at tour championship
i hold some differnt opinions from urs.
first, he is just too aggresive when using his driver. I never saw he tried to
sslow down a little bit when he makes his driver shot. as long as he wants to
, i guess the fairway hit data will be better.
somewhere i agree with you, the worst year for him, in 2003, his averaged
fairway hit is about 33% something like that. it seems he got the similar data
at the Tour championship.
so the fairway hit could be an indication.
second, i believe the biggest adva
发帖数: 10701
来自主题: Golf版 - 大家讨论一下Moe Norman吧
first time for me to hear of it.
just googled, and got to know him a little bit. His swing is unique? it
looks pretty cool for me, and sort of similar with my swing. I don't do the
forarm rotation at the contact moment tho. My swing has a differnt finish
position from his.
发帖数: 10701
来自主题: Golf版 - Square Driver vs. Traditional
as i know, distance is measured by a figure of merit called MOI among the
differnt golf head design, given all 460cc.
Nike makes the higest moi driver, sas-sqash and later on SUMO, which all
come with the square head (sumo has the normal head version tho.)
it's easy to understand the square head driver is more forgiving since its
symmetry design. but distance?
btw, i do see Antony Kim overpassed Seigo Garcia. it's sumo vs. tour burner.
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