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发帖数: 4825
Level 4: Do Not Travel
Do not travel to China due to the novel coronavirus first identified in
Wuhan, China. On January 30, the World Health Organization (WHO) determined
the rapidly spreading outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of
International Concern (PHEIC). Travelers should be prepared for the
possibility of travel restrictions with little or no advance notice. Most
commerc... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
无奈川普made in usa政策要求美国人do,就傻眼了
发帖数: 3
短短两个月 眼睁睁看着中国疫情发展
The do-nothing Trump把世界第一强国
我cnmd 蘑菇头!
发帖数: 3
The do-nothing Trump
到目前为止 为医护人员弄到一个口罩没有?
发帖数: 898
发信人: zuzong (请叫我族总), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: The do-nothing trump给了资本家几百亿 却没生产出一ʏ
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Mar 16 18:31:21 2020, 美东)
在chun b的世界 不是舔do-nothing trump 就是舔铲党
cnmd 难道你就是个bit?
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Do not be happy so soon!
My understanding is that even ONE GOP senator can initiate the filibuster.
Not to mention that the old McCain has more than one allies in the Senate.
The question is whether they WILL filibuster, not what would happen if they
DO filibuster. I think if they DO filibuster then the DADT repeal is dead.
发帖数: 3
【 以下文字转载自 Sex 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: zadi (aaqi), 信区: Sex
标 题: RE:~{1j!!Lb~}: ~{8U8U?4AK~}In States, Parents do not know
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Wed Aug 2 11:19:15 2000) WWW-POST
~{SV3tSV3$~}!!!, I press my patient to read 20 pages, bored
of it!
seems same as an old book" a Beijin lady in usa" .very
~{7"PEHK~}: hdqf (hello), ~{PEGx~}: Sex
~{1j!!Lb~}: ~{8U8U?4AK~}In States, Parents do not know
~{7"PEU>~}: The unknown SPACE (Tue Aug 1 15:19:10 2000),
发帖数: 8227
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: catcher (Can I?), 信区: Stock
标 题: Mr Goldman Sachs: I'm doing "God's work"
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 8 02:41:55 2009, 美东)
I'm doing 'God's work'. Meet Mr Goldman Sachs
Number 85 Broad Street, a dull, rust-coloured office block in lower
Manhattan, doesn’t look like a place to stop and stare, and that’s just
the way the people who work there like it. The men and women who arrive in
the watery dawn sunshine, dressed in Wall Street black, clutching black
briefcases and Blac
发帖数: 3299
This is difference between budget and stimulant measures. I am talking about
I do not realize that this board is so full of shits. If there is no bailout
, all major banks will be failed like in depression if you understand even a
little bit of economy. The unemployment rate is more like 30-40% rather
than 10%. If you do not know how bad this will be, I give you a possible
results. Asian, legal or not legal, who are considered to be not human
beings but monkeys in the eyes of rednecks, w
发帖数: 10233
you are talking craps everyday, and you dont even have facts to back it up.
This is all about free market, you are responsible for your own behavior.
you made a lavish bet, you die, you be reponsible and act to rules, you win.
That's how the society moves forward, period.
e.g. wells fargo did not even want stimulus money, but they are forced to
take it, why?
“Is this America -- when you do what your government asks you to do and
then retroactively you also have additional conditions?” Kovacevich
发帖数: 3299
You assumption that the private companies could do better job is also not
tested. If the deregulation is so wonderful, why do we privatize the police
as well. Let the private company decides whether it is profitable to save
发帖数: 3299
I do not understand your question. Do you mean why states remain in the USA?
This is because of the constitution, amended after the civil war. No state
is allowed to declare independent any more.

force right away. Why can't they have it now? What prevents them?
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Do-Nothing Democrats?
President Obama's latest "pivot to jobs" has turned out to be more of a
sharp left turn. First he announced a new $447 billion stimulus of new
spending and temporary tax cuts. Then on Monday he proposed to offset it
with $1.5 trillion over 10 years in permanent tax hikes. Mr. Obama knows
that little of what he's proposing will pass the Republican-controlled House
, so the conventional wisdom has it that the President is trying to emulate
Harry Truman by setting up a "do-nothing Congress" as a re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
John Hayward is dealing with the Paul Ryan is a liar meme being propagated
by the Obama administration and their willing accomplices in the media:
... both of the key factual points made by Paul Ryan are true: Obama
promised the plant would remain PaulRyanopen if he were placed in charge of
the government, but it didn’t last a year beyond the beginning of his
Administration. If you want to be extremely rigid in your analysis of Ryan
’s remarks, you could say ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10233
i dont pay standard deduction as you do, this i can for sure tell you.
now, do you think you have paid enough tax?
发帖数: 29846
3:53 PM, Oct 4, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER
Vice President Joe Biden, speaking earlier today in Iowa said, "Yes, we do"
want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars:
"On top of the trillions of dollars of spending that we have already cut, we
’re gonna ask – yes – we’re gonna ask the wealthy to pay more," said
Biden. "My heart breaks, come on man. You know the phrase they always use?
Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars. Guess what? Yes
we do in one regard. We want to let tha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
November 13, 2012
As our Lady Liberty reported yesterday, General Petraeus’ alleged mistress,
Paula Broadwell, told an audience last month that the American CIA was
using the Benghazi annex of the US Consulate to detain al-Qaeda prisoners
from Libya as well as from other areas in Africa. The CIA has denied these
claims of course, but Fox News is now reporting that independent sources
have confirmed that the CIA had been holding at least three Libyans prisoner
in the annex “for days” before the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4
来自主题: USANews版 - What to do in school shooting
The recent senseless Connecticut school shooting is another reminder that
violence can happen at any given time and place. Responding to school
shooters is simply another crisis to prepare for much like fires, tornadoes.
What would you do if a shooting happened in your own child's school?
The most important thing parents can do is talk to their children, sit down
and tell them a really bad thing has happened. Maybe they have already heard
it on the news, but It’s important to know about safety i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2047
Obama wants us to believe he would have behaved as Trayvon. Martin attacked
Zimmerman because he thought he was a homosexual following him with for
homosexual purposes. So Trayvon started to beat the crap out of the homo.
Obama desperately wants us all to believe he would have done the same. Why?
Is it more likely that Obama would have dropped his pants, bent over and
said Do me stranger. Do me.
发帖数: 27852
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: hsh (三胡), 信区: Military
标 题: The Japanese—Do NOT Tolerate Islam
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 24 10:47:11 2016, 美东)
The Japanese—Do NOT Tolerate Islam
I was in my local drugstore the other day, and I was talking to the makeup
sales lady who was telling me how rude the Muslim women are when they come
in to buy makeup. In fact, they buy the makeup, use it, and return it the
next day. This is a great expense to the store, because they say they “only
used it once” and want t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 692
来自主题: USANews版 - Do not feed the troll
这两天妖婆发钱,版上的troll 特别多,其中不乏80-20的写手。
Do not feed the troll! Do not let them gain any attention!
comer". 真有undecided 来串门,一看乌泱乌泱听老床的标题,我们就成功了一半。
发帖数: 2053
Matthew J. Belvedere
September 12, 2016
GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump told CNBC on Monday the Federal
Reserve is doing what President Barack Obama wants by keeping interest rates
Fed Chair Janet Yellen and central bank policymakers are very political, and
Yellen should be "ashamed" of what she's doing to the country, Trump said,
adding the Fed is not even close to being independent.
By keeping interest rates lo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19235
A feature of oligarchy is the dynastic ascension of new leaders, children
who rise to positions of power and wealth simply by the luck of birth. We
welcome Chelsea Clinton to the club.
Earning $445 Per Second at NBC
Unlike most well-to-do young people who, after a decent education, take a
series of unpaid internships and entry-level positions to begin working
their way up some corporate ladder, Chelsea jumped more than a few rungs.
Despite never having attended journalism school or otherwise hav... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: instagram1 (instagram), 信区: Military
标 题: How big of a loser do you have to be to have a billion dollar name and have to resort to either grop
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 8 00:47:54 2016, 美东)
How big of a loser do you have to be to have a billion dollar name and have
to resort to either groping women or buying them furniture when you're
trying to fuck them? If he had 1 ounce of class he could blow most women's
minds by just talking to them or taking them for a 2$ ice ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24733
Graham 'will do whatever is necessary' to get Gorsuch confirmed to Supreme
发帖数: 7937
Schumer said, “On DREAMers, he said, you know, that he understood that they
didn’t come in through any fault of their own, that they’re good
Americans, good kids. And then he said he wants the wall in return. And we
said ‘No. No wall, Mr. President.’ And he tried that for about 15 minutes,
but he’s not going to push me around verbally or any other way.”
He added, “And he finally said, “OK, we won’t do the wall. We’ll do some
other kind of border security.”
发帖数: 85
警察:May I see your drive licence please
我: 觉无来深思?
警察:yes, drive licence
我: 哦,你的意思是permit的有?
我: permit?
警察:yes, permit
我: 我的,I, permit, O.K.?(递上中国身份证)
警察:What is this?
我: permit, 你看, me name, me picture, A照, good 开big bus.(证件,你看,我的
警察:I need your US Drive License(我得看你的美国驾照)
我: US Drive Licence? 没有呀,China, member, United Nation,good,for all
警察:Do you know why I stopped you?(知道为啥叫你停车?)
我: Stop?
发帖数: 1828
Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer
By Aaron Larson
Law Offices of Aaron Larson
* Why do I need a lawyer?
* How much does a personal injury attorney cost?
* Where can I find an attorney?
* Should I hire the personal injury law firm with the 1-800 number, and all
of the ads on TV?
* Should I hire the lawyer with the big "yellow pages" ad?
* Are there special types of personal injury lawers for different types of
* If I meet with an injury lawyer, do I have to hire him?
* What should I
发帖数: 96
来自主题: Automobile版 - Where should I do mechanic check?
Should I do it at dealer's service shop? Or should I do it in another place?
Is there any nation-wide service shop which is good at this?
发帖数: 638
来自主题: Automobile版 - Why Do I buy Japanese Cars?
Not because of the resale value, but of the reliabilty. Lots of new
students do not speak English well, and are afraid of dealing with mechanics
to repair cars. As a result, they prefer more reliable cars so that they do
not have to visit the dealers so often. Japanese cars earned their
reputation over the years for their reliability. Initially they were just
like Korean cars 10 years ago, a trademark of poor quality.
My first car was an Accord, which falls under the catagory DFBB. At that
发帖数: 638
来自主题: Automobile版 - Why Do I buy Japanese Cars?
** Thanks for the compliment
** J speak decent Mandarin, but do not have decent typing skills
Do I have to thank you again?! :)
发帖数: 355
来自主题: Automobile版 - Why Do I buy Japanese Cars?
不觉得HONDA吵的厉害吗?没感到LEXUE cheap 吗,丑吗?
Hope you try BMW 335 convertible.

the car in which my girlfriend and I did many exciting (:) things: We drove
it to a nice vacation, we had sex while driving (haha, will not do it again)
. at that time, there was no term DFBB. I did not intend to buy Japanese
cars only. I looked on an Audi, and wanted to buy it, but more senior
fellows told me not
发帖数: 1984
Only can I do it on internet?
Can banks do so?
发帖数: 4965
来自主题: Automobile版 - what tools do u have? (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Auto_Fans 俱乐部 】
发信人: creation (努力自由泳50m/45sec !), 信区: Auto_Fans
标 题: what tools do u have?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 5 14:54:36 2011, 美东)
looked at amazon, tools are SO cheap, (for example compared to cameras
if you are into them), 100$ get you a good floor jack, 100$ an impact
wrench. a bearing puller is only 11$..
when I get time, I will get a set and start working on an old truck to
what tools do u have? neumatic rachet ? why is that driven by air ? is
there some version using... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5276
【 以下文字转载自 Auto_Fans 俱乐部 】
发信人: zhai (大脑袋), 信区: Auto_Fans
标 题: Do I have to "have" my old car to transfer the customized plate to my new car?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Sep 17 09:58:25 2012, 美东)
or I can sell my old one first, get the plate and transfer it to my new one.
I'm just concerned that I need to show my registration and title of the old
one when I do the transfer.
发帖数: 368
【 以下文字转载自 SanDiego 讨论区 】
发信人: Sunnyday9 (Bless), 信区: SanDiego
标 题: Do I need an updated smog check cert. in order to sell my car?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 8 15:09:44 2013, 美东)
Need to sell my car, Except for the title, do I need an updated smog check
cert.? Mine is not due yet... Thanks!
发帖数: 11530
Do Turbocharged Cars Require More Maintenance?
By Matt Schmitz on August 5, 2013
Turbocharged engines will require more frequent maintenance, such as oil
changes and fresh spark plugs, though they typically don't require
additional service compared to naturally aspirated engines. Here are some
examples: Dodge advises changing the spark plugs on the Dart's turbocharged
1.4-liter four-cylinder every 30,000 miles, compared with every 100,000
miles for the 2.0- and 2.4-liter naturally aspirated eng... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 106
准备买explorer 怎么价格怎么样
Limited + 天窗 + blind spot
MSRP 45k+
Dealer 给我39k
DO 42k
这个价格怎么样? 貌似我还一分都没还价。。。
还有个dealer 一样的配置 也没有还价
DO 43k 0%APR for 60 months. 5k done 从三个月后还贷
发帖数: 20444
这价格买个highlander limited还有的找

准备买explorer 怎么价格怎么样
Limited + 天窗 + blind spot
MSRP 45k+
Dealer 给我39k
DO 42k
这个价格怎么样? 貌似我还一分都没还价。。。
还有个dealer 一样的配置 也没有还价
DO 43k 0%APR for 60 months. 5k done 从三个月后还贷

发帖数: 1
Toyota Huntington Beach able to do 2019 Rav4 LE 25k out the door
2019 RAV4 LE base model FWD, 25K out the door. that is with 750 toyota
financing rebate and 500 college grad rebate. 5.9% for 60 months.
It is a white community and they sell 500 cars a month.
I dont know why they can do it at least 1000 dollars cheaper than Longo
Longto Toyota brag they sell 40,000 cars a year, yet their out the door
price for the same trim and model is 1000 dollars higher.
that is really interesting.
i th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4072
来自主题: BackHome版 - What travel document do i need?
I've been teaching in a US college for years. Starting this summer, I will do 1-year sabbatical in a university in China. Both my wife and I hold US green cards and China's passports. While I may return to US every 2-3 months, my wife does want to stay 1 whole year in China without coming back to US. What travel document should she apply? Is it I-131?
Do I need to apply I-131 as well since my total stay in US in the coming year will not be more than 6 months?
发帖数: 4704
they lost my package and admit it. but they do not refund the shipping and
give me my insurance. called many times, never call me back and every time
they said they will refund and give me insurance. what can i do?
发帖数: 1984
来自主题: ebiz版 - What should I do with Stephen Dees ?

but you do not do not know he has so many accounts. register new accounts
every day. is amazon A to Z strictly enforced for only 5 per lifetime per
customer or 5 per account only?
he only use new accounts to buy. I think. if you click on his account, you
will see "just launched"
发帖数: 358
来自主题: ebiz版 - What should I do with Stephen Dees ?
Dear Stephen,
Thanks for your inquiry. Please read carefully about our return guidance:
1.All the returns must be approved by our customer services. Please call our
customer services number XXXXXXX to get an approval. The recipient of the
products must make the phone call (Sean Kartchner or E A MILLER).
2. All the defect products must be returned from the same State to where the
products were shipped to (in our case, it is UT 84319). We do not accept
any products shipped from ot... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 986
【 以下文字转载自 Rainbow 讨论区 】
发信人: autobots (变形金刚), 信区: Rainbow
标 题: how to minimize pain when doing btm with a white guy?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 13 13:48:51 2010, 美东)
For some need, being asked to do btm for a white guy.
i know this sucks, but indeed have no choice.
i am not gay, just want to minimize pain and get it over.
did oral for him once, his jb is really long
how can i prepare myself to minimize pain?
this is my first time.
he is in his 50's
发帖数: 34
Do you give your real information to those kind of companies? I really don't
trust them. Now I need to apply for a domain and build website. Do I have to provide real information? Thanks in advance!
发帖数: 418
看看这个免费的. DOWNSIDE: It won't recover your file name. The file name
will be like this "f12321323.jpg, f241343143.docx..."
Had a bit of trouble today: one of Vickie's two-gig thumb drives went
catatonic. All Windows could come up with was the scary message that the
disk in drive E wasn't formatted, and did she want to format it now? (Answer
try it on several machines, sacrifice a chicken--we came to the conclusion
that the thing's file system had broken.
So, armed with foggy memories of how Norton ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4016
purchase 1 printer/camera bundle from adorama and do rebate.
purchase 1 printer/camera bundle from amazon and do rebate.
Does this work?

发帖数: 1
来自主题: ebiz版 - I am not doing ok (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Comment 俱乐部 】
发信人: CornucopiaX (小土豆), 信区: Comment
标 题: I am not doing ok
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 2 03:45:39 2017, 美东)
The suspension by Amazon drove me crazy...
I don't know what I should do..
I hate myself so much ....
发帖数: 1322
many ppl also don't understand why you guys would like to work in a
university, no matter it is a research institute or not. what is the fun to
teach and do research? most of the research you guys do are crap and hanging
out with a bunch of nurds is so boring.

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