

全部话题 - 话题: downhill
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发帖数: 1131
来自主题: NCAA版 - Alpine Super-G
Super-G 没有downhill惊险,不过downhill可以先练练,super-G不能traing run.
发帖数: 13580
来自主题: Outdoors版 - 户外FAQ - 滑雪,基本装备和技巧
Disclaimer: I am by no means good or experienced at snow sports. Take my wor
ds at your own discretion.我这个人喜欢胡说八道好为人师,轻信盲从后果还请自负
滑雪这项运动涉及到的装备和logistics比较多,learning curve相对其他运动也比较陡
* 分类
In-bound (滑雪场)
Crosscountry (地势起伏不大的野外)
Backcountry (地势起伏较大的山)
Downhill ski
AT ski
Telemark ski
XC ski
Downhill ski/snowboard主要在雪场内滑,AT/Telemark/Splitboard都是backcountry。
发帖数: 13580
来自主题: Outdoors版 - 户外FAQ - 滑雪,基本装备和技巧
Disclaimer: I am by no means good or experienced at snow sports. Take my wor
ds at your own discretion.我这个人喜欢胡说八道好为人师,轻信盲从后果还请自负
滑雪这项运动涉及到的装备和logistics比较多,learning curve相对其他运动也比较陡
* 分类
In-bound (滑雪场)
Crosscountry (地势起伏不大的野外)
Backcountry (地势起伏较大的山)
Downhill ski
AT ski
Telemark ski
XC ski
Downhill ski/snowboard主要在雪场内滑,AT/Telemark/Splitboard都是backcountry。
初雪都是在雪场,等有了一定技术基础和backcountry经验了再考虑backcountry。这儿... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2525
来自主题: Outdoors版 - 户外FAQ - 滑雪,基本装备和技巧
instructor天天强调stance and balance,自己靴子的前部要能感受到自己的重量
不要自己去扭着身子转动滑雪板,只要重心去了downhill ski,去感受很容易就转过去了
不要在蓝岛练技术,呵呵。绿道多练习一些small radium turn
1. 两手各抓pole的两头,把自己的pole横过来水平,然后去滑,眼睛看前方
2. 转... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2254
来自主题: Outdoors版 - 20090426 mt shasta climb/ski
1. Switch from downhill to AT, basically, it takes no time. But for telemark
, you need to learn new techniques, which is fun
2. telemark is lighter than AT, which means you can climb faster
3. telemark package is less expensive than AT, you save money
4. telemark is cool
I am sure I will go for telemark in the future. Since you are going to start
backcountry skiing, I will suggest you to go for tele directly.
Of course, AT is fun too, and takes no time to learn if you know alpine
downhill skiin
发帖数: 50
从Boulder field 之后就是一段roller coaster式的trail, up and down, up and
down, 到达the highest point 2017ft忘记要去看一下景色,糊里糊涂随着前面的
runner就跑过去了,后来晚上聊天时才想起。到了9 mile check point, 吃了一小块巧
克力,喝了一杯Gatorade, 把我的camel back再加了一些水。加水的志愿者没注意,倒
显的cramp, 立刻多喝了一些水,同时吃了一个Boom, 其他人都跟我说过Boom如何如何
有作用,我却没有什么感觉。10迈之后有一段可以run的路程只是hiking fast, 然后要
跨过好几个brooks, 所有人都是直接踩进水里跑过去,只有我坐下脱下鞋子和袜子,跨
我是唯一一个,谁让我只有一双leather sketcher? 不过自认为是个正确的决定,虽然
耽误了几分钟,但不用穿着湿鞋湿袜... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10018
来自主题: Running版 - Progressive HR long run 22mi
Distance: 22 miles
Duration: 2:51:06.19
Pace: 7:47 / mile
Notes: 22mi Progressive HR long run.
Run only by target HR, without looking at pace.
6mi (slight downhill) HR 140
6mi (slight uphill) HR 145
5mi (slight downhill) HR 150
5mi (slight uphill) HR 155
1 Gel at after 17th mile.
Start to drink water after 12th mile, total 8oz.
weather: 40F at start, 50F midrun, 60F at finish.
Max HR ~185, target marathon race HR 160-165 (4mi-24mi).
Pace Avg HR
8:27 141
发帖数: 3826
来自主题: Running版 - [合集] Progressive HR long run 22mi
baiji (白) 于 (Sun Jan 31 14:07:09 2010, 美东) 提到:
Distance: 22 miles
Duration: 2:51:06.19
Pace: 7:47 / mile
Notes: 22mi Progressive HR long run.
Run only by target HR, without looking at pace.
6mi (slight downhill) HR 140
6mi (slight uphill) HR 145
5mi (slight downhill) HR 150
5mi (slight uphill) HR 155
1 Gel at after 17th mile.
Start to drink water after 12th mile, total 8oz.
weather: 40F at start, 50F midrun, 60F at finish.
Max HR
发帖数: 10018
来自主题: Running版 - 雨中5k sub20 PR了
今天的plan是8k-15k tune-up race,本来想跑15k time trial,由于肌肉还没完全恢
复,有点酸痛,加上老狼不陪我跑,就chicken out了,改成10k tt。
out,决定改成5k time trial。跑完3.11mi,用时19:45,感觉最后一迈比tempo run
dist pace avgHR maxHR Note
1.00mi 6:16 154 171 --downhill
1.00mi 6:29 169 172 --uphill, 大学长跑测验可以满分了,oh yeah!
1.00mi 6:23 177 184 --uphill and downhill
0.11mi 0:38 181
发帖数: 1980
来自主题: Running版 - kick higher to run faster
I suppose you have a really good knee!
"I'm planning to do uphill sprints for strenth/strides and downhill runs for
step "

basketball/football than running. Haven't
strenth/strides and downhill runs for step
发帖数: 10018
Running uphills and downhills have different effects on cardiovascular
system and musculoskeletal system. That makes "even effort" easier said than
done, but definitely the way to go.
Running uphill is hard on both the heart and muscles, especially the
backside of your muscles (hamstrings, glutes, calves and achilles).
Running downhill is easier on the heart, but it's also easy to run too fast,
and have quads, knees and ankles beat up. The gravity puts a lot of stress
on your muscles.
In terms o
发帖数: 10018
i am running pasadena HM this sunday.
there's almost no flat surface, constantly going uphill or downhill...
for LAM, there are a lot of 50ft rolling hills, and generally going downhill,
which will put more stress on the quads and knees.

发帖数: 6808
来自主题: Running版 - 小龙咋了阿?
Beautiful course! Sunny LA as expected! A few hills, but nothing like SF.
Last 6 miles were the hardest. Miles 20-23 uphill, and 23-26 downhill.
Just like doing a 10K through Golden Gate park eastbound, then westbound.
Going downhill to the finish line in last mile was great, but it still felt
and looked so far away..
SF must be much harder than LAM.
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - 今天1mile repeat又惨败而归
I would draw the line at 5:20-5:30/mile pace. When I go faster than 5:20
pace, which only happens in sprints, it actually feels easier to land on my forefoot. This is very much a personal preference I think.
Another situation in which I almost always run on forefoot is downhill. In a tempo run, on an extended downhill stretch I can easily hit 5:45-5:40 pace, and it doesn't even feel hard running on forefoot.

发帖数: 10018
来自主题: Running版 - Please recommend a treadmill
i think the advantage of having decline in your treadmill is that you can
simulate the elevation profile of any race course. For example Boston
marathon has a lot of downhills in the first half, then some uphills and
downhills in the second half. It's not that easy to find a route nearby
having the similar elevation profile.
发帖数: 4651
来自主题: Running版 - defeated by the weather
Congrats on finishing FM in a hot weather, you should feel good about it,
and I think you took the right strategy not to fight it too hard to get
yourself seriously injured.
If BQ is such a must-do for you, have you consider some of the downhill
courses? People in my running club are talking about Steamtown in Oct.
Personally, I would never consider a downhill course because I don't think
my knees can hold up, either do I have BQ dream (I'm a slowpoke).
Here is what the web site http://www.stea
发帖数: 12977
you are right, it seems to be downhill. I am running at 10min pace lately,
just search something to inspire me :)

believe that 9 miles were downhill, since it was
发帖数: 10018
来自主题: Running版 - 长跑新手指南(2)VO2max
这不是tempo,这是vo2max interval training。hill training分uphill和downhill,
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - Medium long 16迈之收获
When I run downhills, especially relatively steep downhills, if my legs are
fresh, I would lift my feet very high towards my butt, and still land on my
forefoot. It's basically sprinting form, but I let gravity do the work. just
have to make sure that the calfs are fresh enough to absorb the impact.

发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - Medium long 16迈之收获
if there is any one situation in which you want to avoid heel strike, it is
the downhill. because there would be extra impact on the knees. for me it is
acceptable to do heel strike going uphill, but heel strike is definite a no
no on the downhill.
发帖数: 13580
来自主题: Running版 - 这个环密歇根湖的报告不错
"Downhill" is a term referring to a certain type of MTB riding. It's not
just riding our bike downhill on the road.
发帖数: 10018
zz from letsrun.com
The whole MAP portion is only one part of the puzzle.
He also says that one to two times a week you should do either downhill
repeats or downhill runs on a hill that is not too steep and to focus on
turning over while maintaining your aerobic HR.
After you plateau on the MAF test then you can introduce faster running.
发帖数: 6808
来自主题: Running版 - 气温的作用??
Distance: 4.5miles 4.3miles
time: 48m21s 38m44s
HR: 165/182 170/185
temp: 85F 70F
今天早上6点就起来上班,感觉身体也不是很好。没管心率,9'41 (uphill), 9'18 (
uphill), 8'42 (downhill), 8'00 (downhill),jog了0.3迈。第二迈爬的时候有些累
温度真的能make such difference?
(btw,elevation gain/loss,如果不纠正,今天是昨天的两倍,汗!是不是跑动时的
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - 正式的全马有很多坡吗?
Even Chicago is not COMPLETELY flat -- there are underpass sections I
believe. CIM isn't all downhills either.
There is a bit rolling hills. Generally I prefer a course with a bit uphill in the first half and downhill the second
half, over a completely flat course.
发帖数: 4931
downhills are tough, but not necessarily on the knees. It depends on how you
run. When I run downhills now I
absorb all the impact with my calfs. My knees don't feel any impact at all.
On the other hand, it does put extra
stress on my calfs which probably contributed to my recent AT problem.
发帖数: 4651
Can you teach us how you do it downhill? Tx

you run. When I run downhills now I absorb all the impact with my calfs. My
knees don't feel any impact at all.
发帖数: 4931
I do all of my runs on my forefoot and that includes the downhill as well.
So naturally the impact is absorbed
by the calfs. But you gotta work on your calf strength in order to handle
that. Throwing your arms forward a
little (as opposed to hammering down on the uphills) also helps with keeping
the balance on the downhill
(especially when you are going fast).
发帖数: 4931
It's a bit counterintuitive, but even if you do heelstrike on the uphill,
you should still do forefoot or midfoot on
the downhill, precisely for the reason that your knees would take more
impact otherwise. To begin, just run
downhill slowly and gently on forefoot. It may feel weird initially, and you
may feel like your calfs are gonna
cramp, but you'll get used to it.
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - 芝马report
On the more technical aspects of hill running - perhaps you already know
this: generally it's good to maintain even effort on the uphills and
downhills. however I think it's okay to let your heart rate go a little
higher on the uphills. On the downhills, maintain a high cadence so that it
won't wear out your leg muscles too much -- this is especially important in
the marathon, as the impact on leg muscles will take its toll after 20 miles.
发帖数: 4651
来自主题: Running版 - 爬坡伤膝盖吗?
what goes up must come down, it's the downhill you need be very careful
b/c it will hurt your knees if you are a heel striker. if you are
experiencing any knee problem, avoid hills.
whxhm1 has some very good advice on how to use forefoot landing for
downhills in an earlier thread.
发帖数: 49
Vasona, you do need to be partially responsible for this :-) Both cole and I
were touched by your 忽悠. Only blogrance is 淡定, hehe.
Just kidding. I agree that cole is capable of a 3:35 finish, and the
execution is the problem here. Instead of starting with 3:40 and speeding up
early on the downhills, following 3:35 pacer all the way could be much
better. CIM pacers are experienced and have very good speed control on up/
down hills. Unfortunately, not many of our runners utilize this resource
well... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10018
来自主题: Running版 - CIM Runners, are you recovered?
boston marathon simulator. it's hard to find long downhills outdoor.
downhill running is good for improving turnover speed too.
发帖数: 19210
I want to be a part of it
March 21, 2011
by reidcoolsaet
I was hoping to surprise myself this weekend and I did by running 62:42 in
the New York City Half Marathon. Luckily the weather was perfect and we had
a nice tailwind for the last 3 miles! It should also be noted that this
AWESOME course is net downhill by about 30 meters. The first 10km loop in
Central Park is rolling and by no means fast, it’s actually quite tough but
once you’ve run the first complete loop y... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10018
来自主题: Running版 - 还有两周,开始taper了
Today i ran 13mi with 8.5mi @ M pace over a hilly course.
the first 0.8 miles is -4%, i tried to hold the pace as slow as 6:51/mi, HR
was around 135...the second round on that downhill i let it go, 6:24/mi @
154 HR,
the third round, pushed it a little bit, 6:13/mi @ 158 HR.
This confirmed my assumption that it will be like moderately easy run during
the first few miles of downhills in order to "run it smart".
发帖数: 10018
来自主题: Running版 - 2011 Boston Marathon report
How to run a bad marathon?
1. experiment with something new in the week or days before the
2. Within the 36 hours before the race, eat only 3 small bowls of rice,
load the rest of carbs from a whole jug of Cytomax power (675g),
which contains 594g of carbohydrate (324g from sugar), and 0 fat 0
3. around 30 hours before the race, take a red-eye flight travelling 3
time zones eastward, let a 20lb infant sleep on your lap for 5... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - Bear Mountain 50 miler
It was just past 8am, and I found myself in Bear Mountain, NY, having been
running for the last 3 hours. A few minutes ago I was at the aid station at
mile 13.9, snatched a few boiled potatoes dipped in salt, grabbed a quarter
peanut butter sandwich, and dropped a Nuun electrolyte tablet in my
waterbottle. Any other day, I would have been wondering, how could I
possibly run THAT slow, covering only 14 miles in 3 hours? But today,
staring down the trails, I was thinking more like, how could one p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6808
来自主题: Running版 - Bear Mountain 50 miler
I think downhill skills are also important.
My friend just finished his Marathon Debut at the big sur with 3h16m, 3:30
was his goal and he did take bathroom break during the race too.
He mentioned the downhill skills he accumulated during his trail running are
extremely helpful, which let him recharge fast and make up the time he lost
during the uphills.

发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - An amazing film coming this fall
in fact, people say that the WS100 course is hard mostly because of the
large amounts of downhills. In an ultra, the uphill only slows you down, the
downhill can kill your legs and take you out of the race.
发帖数: 4931
来自主题: Running版 - An amazing film coming this fall
in fact, people say that the WS100 course is hard mostly because of the
large amounts of downhills. In an ultra, the uphill only slows you down, the
downhill can kill your legs and take you out of the race.
发帖数: 48
来自主题: Running版 - 7.14跑5K比赛,问题请教
Professional advice from here,
downhill - "The best way to run downhill is to lean forward slightly and
take short, quick strides. Don't lean back and try to brake yourself. Try to
keep your shoulders just slightly in front of you and your hips under you.
Although it's tempting to overstride, avoid taking huge leaping steps to
reduce the pounding on your legs. "
uphill - "Concentrate on swinging your arms lower and shorter. By keepi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13580
4 o’clock, I woke up 5 minutes before the alarm went off. After a light
breakfast of 1.5 bagels and a can of congee, my wife drove me to downtown
where the shuttle stop is. There was very little traffic around 5 even if
this is a big race. I arrived at the start line around 5:30.
The weather was perfect, low 50's with a layer of thin clouds. I was hoping
that the clouds would stay for the whole morning. It was a little chilly
even with long sleeves on. So I wrapped myself in the trash bag I'd br... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4859
来自主题: Running版 - [合集] 下坡怎么跑?
fivesixseven (唧唧歪歪) 于 (Wed Jul 27 07:29:56 2011, 美东) 提到:
Rodimus (变叔- 先擒五马再抓考拉) 于 (Wed Jul 27 10:04:50 2011, 美东) 提到:
不要用脚跟着地, 不要over stride, 如果控制不住, 不要跑太快...
mark (花生,微爷远爷的爸爸) 于 (Wed Jul 27 10:30:36 2011, 美东) 提到:
啊?不能lock knee吧?

m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 819
来自主题: Running版 - 把我的第一个tri report献给跑版
2011 NYC Triathlon – My first tri and next one will be a PR for sure
Swim (1.5KM): 26:44
T1: 5:53
Bike (40KM): 1:21:21
T2: 2:49
Run (10KM): 48:39
Total: 2:45:23
Got up 4am since the transition area will be closed by 5:30am. It’s
interesting to see so many people hung over on the nyc subway at 4:30am. A
clif bar washed down by powerade for the breakfast.
Got to the transition area by 5am and it’s raining pretty heavily. A lot of
people had their fancy bikes wrapped because of the overnight rain. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1283
There was actually some steep uphill sections as well. You remember we
walked some rocky downhills in those 13.5 miles. Also, by the lake, the
trail was a bit rocky. In any case, in the ultra it is the downhill that
kills. Being conservative was a good thing. I wish I had been more
conservative (later).
发帖数: 1283
Coming out of May Queen, I knew that the first real climb of the race was
about to begin. At around the 20 mile mark, we will reach sugarloaf pass
which is over 11,000ft. The actual climb was a lot easier that what I
anticipated. The dirt road was mostly smooth and not technical. It was
practically flat by the mountain running standard. I couldn't understand why
everyone around me was walking. I was thinking, if you walk here, how would
you be climbing Hope Pass? I jogged up easily, passing tons... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13580
Leg 5: the struggle
I tried to do a little striding every time I got out of the van. I was
totally pumped up when it was my turn to start leg 5. However, right before
I was going to start, a volunteer stopped me and told me I need two flash
lights and another headlight. That totally confused me, since I read from
the manual that I need two lights in total and that was what they told us at
the start line as well. We had to move a flasher from cat at the exchange.
That cost us about 45 seconds, no... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1283
My biggest lesson from Leadville is this: no matter HOW good you feel in the
first 50, or even 60 miles, don't push. Save everything for the last 20
miles (and you might find that you have just enough left).
Also, in the ultra, uphills only slows you down, downhills are what takes
you out. Be very careful on the downhills.
发帖数: 2912
来自主题: Running版 - 回来了,先上几张比赛的片片
That's true. Rodimus really has very good techniques for running downhills
and I felt difficult to keep up with him in downhill sections, even though
he had run 60 more miles than me...
And the most difficult part of the trip was paced by Xiao Long. I was not
able to do that because that's too brutal...
发帖数: 12977
来自主题: Running版 - 芝加哥马拉松名额转让
downhills之前出点成绩 :( 我说,俺going downhills 才开始跑步的:)
发帖数: 1105
来自主题: Running版 - BMIs of Champions
Links for both men and women
So whatever your BMI is, you can be a champion:)
Obese: 30 or higher
At the top of the list is the super heavyweight weightlifting champion
Behdad Salimi with a whopping BMI of 41.6. He is followed by the brawny
throwers of heavy things, most of whom are above the CDC’s obesity li... 阅读全帖
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