

全部话题 - 话题: downslope
发帖数: 163
37 MPG and 22 MPG over what mile range? that result is not reliable.
even a small downslope (or elevation drop from start to end point) will
increase your MPG significant.
methanol content does impact the heat content (hence energy available)
As far as detergent is concerned, one can always add Techron to their gas
tank once a while. (which supposedly cleans fuel delivery system and intake
.) So I don't stick to one brand (although usually refuel at the same
station when in-town).
发帖数: 8496
来自主题: Automobile版 - 请问手动挡应该多少rpm进档?
you develop you own feeling.
When I drove manual shift in the 1990s, my car did not have rpm meter, so I
could not know what rpm I shifted. For downslope, not even need to step on
gas to up-shift (so rpm < 1000?)
发帖数: 2405
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 骑自行车的安全问题
on flat street, 15 - 24 depends on my condition. Most time between 18-21
on upslope, can go down to 10MPH.
on downslope, can go up to 38MPH.
发帖数: 10701
来自主题: Golf版 - mitbbs golf Long Drive 比赛 2010
short game永远都重要,比如梁文冲30%的fairway击中率,也能在top 20.
我一般也就是高兴一下,至少我觉得比我常见的long hitter们击得长,或者差距从以前
的30 yards,到10yards,或者5yards,我也满足了。
知道自己什么能做什么不能做最重要。 如果,我知道很多人,在40yards和在200 yard
比如roy kizer的14, 530码par5, 是个完全2杆能上的球洞,如果第2杆launch够高的话
左右,就是downslope),剩下的240-220码, 我从来没2击上过(从back tee,从forwa
rd tee有几次),
发帖数: 3067
yes. one hole. a par5
From tee, 290 to the water, then need carry 200 over the water, either side
of water is OB. since the fairway from tee to the water is downslope, it is
very hard to find a flat place to shot a perfect shot to carry 200 yards
i made a +8, since i drove OB from the tee box, which made the hole even
if i play that hole again, i would play it very differently though. i would
just take two shots to get into water, and then drop around the rim of the
water to find a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1656
last time I played the same course, almost half year ago, I had 105. So this
time it is 5 strokes worse.
I've made serious attempt to improve so I was really expecting something
better. A 102/103 might make me feel ok but not 110.
The only highlight of my whole day was on a (downslope) 233 yard par 3 I was
able to drive to green. Even though I 3 putted, I almost birdied it. The
aeration holes on green handed me the extra 2 strokes.

发帖数: 2325
来自主题: Golf版 - Struggling but very happy
each golfer will have to find his best style after a while.i sometimes try
both agressive and conservative. sometimes agressive works, sometimes
conversative works.
i totally agree with your strategy about par5. recently i did twice manage
to get to green side rough on short par5, one is 505 or so with 3wood,
another is 476 or so with 6iron. each time i was excited about my first
birdie chance on par5. but it turned out both times, the pitch/chip from
green side rough were tough, either because... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2325
来自主题: Golf版 - 这个星期练了2次
上场保持合适的频率估计好。 多了也不一定好。 我一周50洞。 结果后来越来越涣散
。我现在体会pro 打那么多球, 也不一定好玩。
多打倒是什么事情都发生。 一个511 par5 dog leg left to right, 开球上cart
path and stayed on cart path, roll along downslope cart path. I thought lost
tee ball and dropped, only found it within 100 y to green a few min later.
couldn't have any better bounce and roll than that.
发帖数: 84
if you are good at chip/pitch, you can always chip/pitch on green,
especially when you facing a long putt over ridge, or bunker which is rare,
or the boundary of two tier green, or through a patche of green where breaks
are hard to read.
recently i tried wedge on green for 50ft putt over ridge (up slope then
downslope) recently, chip to 6ft, unfortunately 2putt from there. but good
chance to avoid 3 putt.

发帖数: 31
来自主题: Golf版 - 各球杆平均击球距离对照表
pls don't be misled by the distance... my previous coach(korean guy) only
drive 230 yard and his 7 iron is only 145... but his is really a scratch
player... frequently get -6/-7 from the link course... distance without
control is meaningless...
The tiger's stat is actually bit stronger than the previous table... his 3/4
swing of 6 iron is more than 180(recall the hole-in-one for 196 yard with
downslope, 6I)...
发帖数: 913
来自主题: Golf版 - 各球杆平均击球距离对照表
没有misled, Understand Distance和Pursue Distance是两码事.
楼主的标题是"对照", 我的目的就是通过"对照", 找出跟自己水平相符的, 每根杆的合
理距离. 不强求也不屈就. 以这为基础, 才能在场上做好Distance Control和Club
对有一定能力的Golfer来说, Distance Control不再是Swing或Swing Speed的问题,
而是Trajectory Control, Swing还是那个Swing, 变得只是Setup (Stance和
而Club Selection是另一门学问, Tiger之所以能196 yd用6 iron hole-in-one, 也正
是取决于他清楚得知道在当时的下坡和风的考量下, 用6 iron打哪种Trajectory, 可以

downslope, 6I) ...
发帖数: 224
来自主题: Running版 - Steamtown Marathon 3:14:56 clock time
Part 1:
Just got back from Steamtown, PA.
split: 1:34:46+1:39:xx
It is a downslop course up to mile 23. The final few miles got a few hills.
I'll post more detail later after I get up. Really sleepy now.
Part 2:
Here is the rest.
My plan is to run an even split practice. A stonger target is 3:10:59 and a weaker target is 3:15:59. The first one will let me qualify Boston Marathon for year 2010 and second will allow me to qualify for year 2011.
With my previous run at Yonkers marathon at Sept. 20,
发帖数: 1371
DENVER - A series of storm systems set to move over the mountains through
early next week will bring several feet of snow to all mountain areas in
Colorado. Weather forecasts show that each of the nine ski areas now open
will see significant snow.
9NEWS Meteorologist Ashton Altieri says most areas west of the Continental
Divide that are above 9,000 feet will see at least 1 to 2 feet of snow by
The snow will start to fall Saturday night and will continue, at times,
through late Monday ni... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 227
来自主题: Ski版 - ski backwards
Nice switch and jibs! The long rail slide is pretty technical. Is it a
downslope or flat rail?
发帖数: 1657
来自主题: Ski版 - ski backwards
it is flat. if it was downslope, I could have crashed worse...
发帖数: 227
来自主题: Ski版 - ski backwards

I guess if it was downslope, you wouldn't enter with such fast speed :)
发帖数: 148
Dude,it is easier to talk tough than to look inot facts. Laure Manaudou had
been on top for almost 4 years from 2004 to 2008. You picked her last year
and say "see, this is the change..". At 2008, she was 22 years old. For a
world top swimmer, this is almost the age to go downslope. Also she was
involved in naked pics and sex tapes. Her personal life was a mess and her
training atitude/quality was aweful.I do not think that's good but that's
some explanation of her going downwards I wish you can... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2168
来自主题: Reader版 - 喜欢沈君山的同学
en, to the extent that ruined his go career.
rumor has it that he played bridge overnight and lost the 5th deciding game
with Cao Xunxuan the next day in 88, which was the beginning of his
发帖数: 1038
来自主题: TongJi版 - [转载] 建议开一个土木专栏.
however, this major is still hot in the field of civil..
We should realize so call mainstream majors are in the downslope lah..