

全部话题 - 话题: dunnage
发帖数: 4028
来自主题: ebiz版 - 提醒一下FBA打包
Greetings from Fulfillment by Amazon
Your shipment FBADTXXXX sent to us on 3/2/12 was packed in a way that did
not meet our requirements.
The shipment was packed with unacceptable dunnage/void fill; we accept only
foam, air pillows and full sheets of paper. Styrofoam peanuts, biodegradable
/cornstarch packing peanuts, crinkle wrap, and shredded paper are not
acceptable. If future shipments arrive with this type of dunnage, they may
be returned at your expense.
For more detail, please se... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3876
来自主题: ebiz版 - 提醒一下FBA打包
haha. 有个家伙用 wow的盒子 当filler, amazon还给我登记了。 害得我还得去

Greetings from Fulfillment by Amazon
Your shipment FBADTXXXX sent to us on 3/2/12 was packed in a way that did
not meet our requirements.
The shipment was packed with unacceptable dunnage/void fill; we accept only
foam, air pillows and full sheets of paper. Styrofoam peanuts, biodegradable
/cornstarch packing peanuts, crinkle wrap, and shredded paper are not
acceptable. If future shipments arrive with this type of dunnage, they m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9331
来自主题: FleaMarket版 - FBA shipment Cannot use packing peanuts !!!
my account got supsended after i got 2nd notice, need to go to class to get
back the account. PLease read
One or more boxes in your shipment included improper packing materials.
Products and shipments that do not comply with our policies may be received
as unsellable or destroyed without compensation.
How do I avoid this problem in the future?
Using improper dunnage (packing materials) to pack your shipments causes
delays when our fulfillment center associates are receiving your shipmen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9331
【 以下文字转载自 FleaMarket 讨论区 】
发信人: cd90 (c**[email protected]), 信区: FleaMarket
标 题: FBA shipment included improper packing materials
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 17 14:38:12 2013, 美东)
How do I avoid this problem in the future?
Using improper dunnage (packing materials) to pack your shipments causes
delays when our fulfillment center associates are receiving your shipment.
Be sure to use appropriate void fill to ensure that your products can be
received easily and without delay.
Accepted forms of packing ma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9331
again, PLease do not use peanut
they suspend my account
Inbound Performance Alert - Shipment
Your shipment abilities have been temporarily suspended due to repeated
problems. You can reinstate your ability to create or modify shipments only
after reviewing and acknowledging the problem(s). Learn more
Problem Date Shipment Id
Improper Dunnage (Packing Materials) Nov 18, 2013 FBA1F3LK1X
发帖数: 9331
How do I avoid this problem in the future?
Using improper dunnage (packing materials) to pack your shipments causes
delays when our fulfillment center associates are receiving your shipment.
Be sure to use appropriate void fill to ensure that your products can be
received easily and without delay.
Accepted forms of packing materials include:
•Foam sheets or cushioning
•Air pillows
•Bubble wrap
•Full sheets of paper
The following forms of packing materials are not allowed:... 阅读全帖