

全部话题 - 话题: eemdl
发帖数: 78
Post-Doc Research Associate Position for Grpahene based materials
The Electronic and Electrochemical Materials and Devices Laboratory (EEMDL)
of the Lugar Center for Renewable Energy, Purdue University and Indiana
University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI) invites applications
for a post doctoral researcher position starting on March, 2012. The
successful applicants will participate in a multidisciplinary graphene based
materials research program sponsored by the Department of Energy... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 78
Post-Doc Research Associate Position for Grpahene based materials
The Electronic and Electrochemical Materials and Devices Laboratory (EEMDL)
of the Lugar Center for Renewable Energy, Purdue University and Indiana
University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI) invites applications
for a post doctoral researcher position starting on March, 2012. The
successful applicants will participate in a multidisciplinary graphene based
materials research program sponsored by the Department of Energy... 阅读全帖