a*******e 发帖数: 181 | 1
我个人不在乎日车,美车。 但我觉得这么多中国人买Odyssey从一个侧面反应我们缺乏
”Open Minded",喜欢随大流。中国朋友传来传去都买Odyssey。我个人朋友中有大车
比如Traverse/Acadia/Enclave 和 Odyssey 的比较。我相信中国人中这几年买Odyssey
但是不是T/A/E就不如Odyssey?其实Traverse alone 2009 销量几乎和Odyssey持平。
而T/A/E一起销量几乎double Odyssey.
我个人觉得值得想想。 |
H*****1 发帖数: 4815 | 2 三口之家买enclave该7座还是8座的阿?
如果父母来的话,总共也就五个人,是不是8座的更适合一些? |
j**c 发帖数: 596 | 3 说这个话太没意思了,全美买新车的平均年龄是49(Motor Trend的数据),都别买了?
senior的。 |
p********a 发帖数: 6437 | 4 你不懂, 听你LD的吧。
Enclave是性价比最高的CUV了, 比啥MDX, 350都强。 |
w********o 发帖数: 10088 | 5 Buick AWD enclave CX base + tailoring packaging
not the final price yet... |
s******t 发帖数: 3572 | 6 enclave这个车还加trailering package 干啥。这个车不是拖东西的料啊。不如换成
driver confidence package. |
w********o 发帖数: 10088 | 7 enclave算是crossover里面比较高档的了,在网上国车里面就要上凯迪拉克了。安静是
最大的特点,据说两侧的玻璃也有说头,不过我没去考证 |
N********n 发帖数: 13236 | 9 xc90已经n年没更新了,除了铁皮厚一点,没什么优点。6缸的不够力,8缸刚好但是听
如果喜欢volvo,倒可以看看xc60,两排座,新设计(大一点的volvo logo?)。 |
z*********5 发帖数: 13288 | 10 enclave居然比XC90大? XC90不是7人座的么。。。
xc90 |
y****c 发帖数: 875 | 11 Happy1:
can you tell what rebates you used on 2011 Enclave? |
H*****1 发帖数: 4815 | 12 昨天一家三口开mini cooper走了一百多迈去了车行
全家人又开mini回来了,当成road trip了
估计不会买enclave了,dealer那里这车存货都不多,找到一个想要的配置还挺不容易的 |
D*****y 发帖数: 5788 | 13 2011 enclave based on MRSP
factory instant saving $2000.00
our local dealer discount $3000.00
total discount at least $5000.00 |
w********o 发帖数: 10088 | 14 dealer started from msrp?
still looks high...
I am considering both enclave and traverse now, though they are not at the
same level. when I tried traverse last weekend, it is surprising to find it
drove stably and the sound was not very high, very very quiet during standby |
q********m 发帖数: 3234 | 15 本来基本决定买xc90,因为便宜,包前5年维护,costco有promotion, 36285+ttl,还
有500的cash card拿
enclave CXL1怎么也要38或者39k,音响和动力比xc90明显强
唉,纠结啊纠结 |
y****c 发帖数: 875 | 16 今天去定了2011 Buick Enclave CX AWD + Driver Confidence Package + Spare tire
and wheel + Red Jewel Tintcoat Paint.
MSRP: 39805
Invoice: 38500
Price: 36094+TTL, 0% financing for 60 months
因为我们要financing,这个价里不包括 $2000 cash rebate。但这个价格里包括了USAA
$750 rebate.我在USAA网上注册了,拿到一个 member number,但dealer好像要
member card 或者其他的document,所以这750 还不确定能不能最终拿到。有用过这个
USAA $750给说说怎样才能用这个 coupon。
今天定下来了,主要是我有一辆破车想trade in,其他的dealer出价在$500-$1000之间
. 而这个dealer愿意出$2000. 我就从了。
最后OTD价格是36230. |
X******r 发帖数: 31 | 17 2009旧车Enclave AWD CXL,
7200 mile,配置挺全:导航,DVD,倒车雷达,BOSS音响,天窗...
缺点是"coorperate fleet car"
新车同样配置invoice 47,000, 2000 incentive
Dealer虱子大开口子41,900, KBB trade in 34,000 retail 39,000
没买过旧车,不知该如何还价,有经验者请指点 |
X******r 发帖数: 31 | 18 我也是犹豫这个fleet car,
Here is the carfax history
7/17/2009 10 Michigan
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Warren, MI
Title #801X1980010 Title or registration issued
First owner reported
Registered as
corporate fleet vehicle
04/12/2010 6,600 Auto Auction Sold at auction
in Florida
Listed as
a manufacturer vehicle
* Millions of used vehicles are bought and sold at auction every year.
04/21/2010 Arizona
Motor Vehicle Dept.
Phoenix, AZ
Title #00E9010111008 ... 阅读全帖 |
a*******e 发帖数: 181 | 19 Is it new? Excellent deal for a new car.
Personally, I would rather go with Enclave CX than Traverse 全配. |
G*****m 发帖数: 5395 | 20 俩小孩,父母有时来半年,就是6个大人,俩小孩 1 / 5岁
sequoia号称是full size,似乎和mid-size enclave/acadia差不多大?也便宜10K。。。
谢谢! |
S***E 发帖数: 1977 | 21 如果考虑老人的话,不建议买SUV,特别是Sequoia这种的,因为一是车底盘高,上下不
方便,二是cargo room小,人多了自然行李就多,cargo room要大一点才方便,特别是
Sequoia的价钱在full size suv里面可算贵的,比起suburban和expedition el都贵,
容积还要小15个cubic feet左右。不过suburban和expedition el都太长,车库装不下
enclave兄弟的cargo room是这三种车里面最小的了,第三排也最小。不过外形还不错
,油耗也不错。 |
p********a 发帖数: 535 | 22 Based on your intended usage, the best cost/performance choice among those
is oddysey, but since you don't like the look...
Personally I would choose sequoia, overall best style and the best vehicle
of those 5. Enclave/acadia is not bad but i don't see any specific reason to
go for those if you have enough money for a sequoia.
。。 |
o*********r 发帖数: 135 | 23 最近购买XC90或Enclave的大侠,不知道能否告知价格?如果是在德州的,可否连
dealership的名字一并告知小弟?多谢分享! |
M***s 发帖数: 8769 | 24 OTD around MSRP should be good for 11 enclave |
a*******e 发帖数: 181 | 25
OTD around invoice if you are lucky and pushy. :)
Search this forum for "Enclave", there are some prices info. |
o*********r 发帖数: 135 | 26 最近有人买Enclave么?什么价格可以拿到? |
X******r 发帖数: 31 | 27 2011 enclave cx fwd,
white diamond tricoat (700 inv)
driver confidence pkg (810 inv)
spare tire/sealant.etc (88 inv)
base invoice 33,834 total package 1598, destination charge 775.
tax 9%, 598 registration, 399 doc fee.
So...OTD 38000.
good,ok, or terrible deal?
G*******1 发帖数: 755 | 28 30K不会全付,顶多一半首付吧
纠结中 |
G*******1 发帖数: 755 | 29 买哪个?二手Enclave还是新车?
新车在这个价位的有Edge,Escape之类的,有啥好建议么 |
rh 发帖数: 3901 | 30 dealer报了个价
2011 Enclave CXL-1 FWD
Red Jewel paint + 19" Chrome wheel + Trailering package
MSRP: $41550
Invoice: $39995
Quote price: $36245+TTL (包括dealer discount $3305 和厂家rebate $2000)
不知道这个价钱怎么样?还有没有谈价的空间? |
rh 发帖数: 3901 | 31 那你后来买enclave了吗?
我记得你原来的是辆小sedan |
rh 发帖数: 3901 | 32 昨天揣着钱去了dealer那里试驾
1. Leather Seat:看起来比较cheap,摸起来手感一般。
2. 内饰很一般,没有吹嘘的那么luxury. 比起那些MDX, X5的内饰不可同日而语
3. 以前听说它开起来很安静,所以想象成绝对静音,掉根针都能听见的那种。
dealer给我的quote是$34250, $7300 off MSRP
唉,可怜我看了一年多的enclave啊。。。。 |
a*******e 发帖数: 181 | 33
天下好车多了去了,千万别因为 $7300 off 或者别人说好就上ENCLAVE。
建议试试别的车先。 |
rh 发帖数: 3901 | 34 试过不少crossover了,enclave是我们最喜欢的了
所以只能抛弃crossover,去试试看minivan如何 |
l***t 发帖数: 114 | 35 你试试ODYSSEY就知道Enclave很安静了。你的价钱比买上个月买的好不少。 |
rh 发帖数: 3901 | 36 Anyone.
I got the card 10 years ago, and actually only did one balance transfer
about $8000 when they had 0%APR. It gave me 5% ($400) bonus dollar.
But I never thought I would buy GM vehicles one day, so didn't use card
again since then.
The $400 is always there. Interestingly GM sends me a "Top-Off Bonus
Certificate" of $2,000 every year which I usually discarded.
This time I wanted to use it on Enclave, but failed. So the bonus will be
wasted again.
have |
M******n 发帖数: 138 | 37 the price is ABOVE invoice.
MSRP: 40775
Destination: 775
Invoice: 38594
2000 to customer
Your current STARTING price should be:
38594 - 40775*0.03 -2000 + 775 = 36146 (smaller than 36245).
750 USAA
400 GM card
2000 top-off
Your personal actual starting point will be:
36146-400-2000-750 = 32996
Your additional incentive not included in the calculation:
1000 ownership
auto show cash if any (~250)
$500 business choice (lowe's gift card)
From buick.com, check your local car inventory. I... 阅读全帖 |
rh 发帖数: 3901 | 38 很多方面比较还是enclave好
你可以去看看enclaveforum.net |
g******6 发帖数: 942 | 39 enclave好是好,就是哪不到那些GM的discount,价格下不来。 |
c***h 发帖数: 2092 | 40 区别很大吧,enclave好歹是luxry级别的 |
h******9 发帖数: 84 | 42 最近因为娃的缘故, 打算上一个suv. 预算<35K. 自己在网上research了一下, 决定
在 honda pilot, ford explorer, chevy traverse, or build enclave 这4款里面选
一个。 要求车的相对结实些(为娃安全考虑),需要3排座位。 其它倒没有太多要求
。 不需要4wd, 也不需要offroad performance.另外这4个车油耗在网上看着数据也差
我对suv不太了解。 希望有懂车的朋友或者开过以上随便那款的朋友给点建议。 多谢
了。 |
c*****t 发帖数: 562 | 43 buick enclave 35K够了?其他车35K也勉强.我觉得你再加点上MDX好了
base model不到40K,比pilot强多了. |
f****i 发帖数: 19 | 44 Anyone know if this is a good deal or not? thanks!
2011 Enclave CX AWD, with following
Spare Tire and Wheel,
Driver Confidence Package,
Trailering Provision Package,
Bose Sound System,
Drive out price $32500. |
a***r 发帖数: 1345 | 45 MDX比较中庸吧。XC90安全性比较高,但是出来好几年了,估计明后年要大改款了。
Enclave不是很了解。 |
J**G 发帖数: 3310 | 46 Buick Enclave
transmission |
g*q 发帖数: 26623 | 47 Chevy Traverse looks 99% same as Enclave. The only difference is in the
grille and the badge. |
y***g 发帖数: 10422 | 48 我个人觉得,这车卖得比 Pilot, Highlander 贵就不值了。
你看中XC90什么? 是安全性,还是一个 VOLVO 的牌子?
如果你看中的是安全性,那么你现在已经知道了:新 Highlander,Pilot,Enclave 都
当然,正常情况下,要 XC90 把价格降到比 Pilot 还便宜,几乎没可能。换代前的
dealer 甩货,或许有可能。要是等不及的话,就别考虑 XC90 了。
tax。 |
c****r 发帖数: 969 | 49 any data to support this? XC90的安全性现在看来还不算差,但绝对不是“最安全”
了。Pilot, Highlander, Enclave, MDX 安全性都比它强
dealer |
l*i 发帖数: 5732 | 50 据说可能Enclave 也会有个cadillac的马甲
dealer |