g*********3 发帖数: 177 | 1 文章已经提得很清楚了,GWAS和Regulatory region有很大的overlapping,不知道你有
当然了GWAS SNP result到底能explain多少,找到的SNP怎样解释,这个不是GWAS的事
情! |
u*********1 发帖数: 2518 | 2 这个,还是少说点废话空话大话。。。
我分析exome data,希望寻找可能的disease-causing mutation;目前大家主要关注的
还是exon里面的nonsynonymous mutation,或者frameshift mut (主要还是SNP,然后
加上少数indel);而且还要通过1000G的筛选找到rare mutation,还要根据疾病的模
我们的寻找disease mutation的眼光就不用只放在exon上了?。。。可能致病位点就是
在那些regulatory sites上呢。。。当然这样就不能仅限于exome测序了。。。。。但
到底多少疾病是因为regulatory region的SNP导致的呢?我看nature genetics上很多
遗传病或者遗传相关的疾病还是exome的突变导致的 |
u**********d 发帖数: 573 | 3 那就得先定义每个stage,每个cell type,离不开靠谱的marker组合,如果没有好用的
看起来比encode要宏伟得多。 |
D****e 发帖数: 14 | 4 这篇文章好几个基本常识都错了。。
。。。A scan over all human chromosomes (22 autosomes + X + Y) reveals that
there are 150,281,981 CpG sites。。
作者到底有没有读过ENCODE那一系列的文章啊。。怎么发表的。。 |
M*P 发帖数: 6456 | 5 这些人理论是不是under selection就没有功能。问题是很多human disease,或者是
human specific 功能就未必是under selection。
chromatin都是有功能的也是夸张了。 |
h**********r 发帖数: 671 | 6 Title:
Bacterial XylRs and synthetic promoters function as genetically encoded
xylose biosensors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Biotechnology Journal
最好是把补充材料也帮忙down下来吧。我的email是:[email protected]
(function(){try{var s,a,i,j,r,c,l,b=document.getElementsByTagName("script");l=b[b.length-1].previousSibling;a=l.getAttribute('data-cfemail');if(a){s='';r=parseInt(a.substr(0,2),16);for(j=2;a.length-j;j+=2){c=parseInt(a.substr(j,2),16)^r;s+=String.fromCharCode(c);}s=document.createTextNode(s);l.parentNode.r... 阅读全帖 |
b*******a 发帖数: 17 | 7 A Survey of Various Encoding Schemes and Associated Placement Algorithms
Applied to Packing and Layout Problems
Santosh Tiwari, Georges Fadel and Vladimir Gantovnik
[-] Author Affiliations
Santosh Tiwari, Georges Fadel, Vladimir Gantovnik
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
Paper No. DETC2006-99271, pp. 609-618; 10 pages
ASME 2006 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and
Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
Volume 1: 32nd Design Autom... 阅读全帖 |
S*********y 发帖数: 261 | 8 我用SAS读一个data包括中文field,这个没有问题,输出的时候用Export proc,想要
设置encoding为utf = 8的csv文件,这个该怎么设置?我在网上找不到。。。
谢谢。 |
s*****d 发帖数: 267 | 9 使用ODS,输出到Excel里面,ODS支持Encoding.
给包子吧 |
u*******n 发帖数: 158 | 10 如此可以省去大家经常需要在浏览器中选择
encoding的麻烦。天天点,都快吐了。 |
c****i 发帖数: 2635 | 11 在美实用常用网站网址(下)
●世界各主要船运公司网址 (websites for all major shipping companies)
1、美国政府官方网站入口 www.firstgov.gov
2、http://lcweb.loc.gov/global/executive/fed.html (可进入美各政府网站)
3、白宫 www.whitehouse.gov
4、美国国务院 www.state.gov
5、美国财政部 www.treas.gov
6、美国司法部 www.usdoj.gov
7、美国商务部 www.doc.gov
8、商务部国际贸易局 www.ita.doc.gov
9、美国内政部 www.doi.gov... 阅读全帖 |
f**d 发帖数: 768 | 12 这是一本计算神经科学的优秀著作,全文拷贝这里(图和公式缺),有兴趣的同学可以
From Computer to Brain
William W. Lytton
From Computer to Brain
Foundations of Computational Neuroscience
William W. Lytton, M.D.
Associate Professor, State University of New York, Downstato, Brooklyn, NY
Visiting Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Visiting Associate Professor, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY
Staff Neurologist., Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, NY
In From Computer to Brain: ... 阅读全帖 |
a********h 发帖数: 245 | 13 转一个相关的博客:
Blinded by Big Science: The lesson I learned from ENCODE is that projects
like ENCODE are not a good idea
By Michael Eisen | Published: September 10, 2012
When the draft sequence of the human genome was finished in 2001, the
accomplishment was heralded as marking the dawn of the age of “big biology
”. The high-throughput techniques and automation developed to sequence DNA
on a massive scale would be wielded to generate not just genomes, but
refe... 阅读全帖 |
l**********8 发帖数: 305 | 14
上个完整的LOG, 谢谢大家了
NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINTTO used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
26 *-----------------------------------------------------;
27 %macro process(year,yr,file,first,numobs);
29 data cartemp;
30 set loc.carl&year.
31 (firsto... 阅读全帖 |
T*******x 发帖数: 8565 | 15 Chrome的字体和encoding设置我一直没搞懂:
比如western encoding就设为sans-serif,也就是英文字体。
而GB18030 encoding就设为宋体。
比如encoding,你只能选一个:utf-8, iso, windows, gb, ...
然后字体分为:standard font, serif font, sans-serif font, ...
比如我想要中文用宋体,英文用sans-serif字体。怎么选? |
z***b 发帖数: 127 | 16 一种encoding只有1 byte encode或者两byte encode两种形式,如果说第一byte的第一
个bit是0,那么这个bit开始的这个byte encode一个字符;如果第一个byte的第一位是
1,那么他一定是两个byte encode一个字符,并且他的第二个byte的首bit可以是1或者
0. 题目要求,给你一串encode,请问最后一个字符是一个byte encode的还是两个byte
encode的。不允许顺序parse bit串。
这题的考点是啥啊? |
e***y 发帖数: 4472 | 17 Google Chrome Terms of Service
These Terms of Service apply to the executable code version of Google Chrome
. Source code for Google Chrome is available free of charge under open
source software license agreements at http://code.google.com/chromium/terms.html.
1. Your relationship with Google
1.1 Your use of Google’s products, software, services and web sites (
referred to collectively as the “Services” in this document and excluding
any services provided to you by Google under a separate writte... 阅读全帖 |
d******i 发帖数: 7160 | 18 多谢。WebGUI终于走起来乐。用的是deluge-web。
[root@alarm ~]# deluge-web
[ERROR ] 14:42:35 json_api:270 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xfd in
position 1: invalid start byte
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/deluge/ui/web/json_api.py", line
292, in render
d = self._on_json_request(request)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/deluge/ui/web/json_api.py", line
264, in _on_json_request
return self._send_response(request, response... 阅读全帖 |
d******i 发帖数: 7160 | 19 多谢。WebGUI终于走起来乐。用的是deluge-web。
[root@alarm ~]# deluge-web
[ERROR ] 14:42:35 json_api:270 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xfd in
position 1: invalid start byte
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/deluge/ui/web/json_api.py", line
292, in render
d = self._on_json_request(request)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/deluge/ui/web/json_api.py", line
264, in _on_json_request
return self._send_response(request, response... 阅读全帖 |
w*******s 发帖数: 3417 | 20 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: wamgjames (胡志明胡志明互助), 信区: Military
标 题: 三中国人?(貌似像中文名字)在密歇根涉信用卡犯罪被捕
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 7 16:41:31 2011, 美东)
Zhou Chen
Kang He
Shifu Lin
How men allegedly used stolen credit cards in $9,500 scheme at Meijer
Published: Friday, March 25, 2011, 8:08 AM Updated: Friday, March 25,
2011, 11:52 AM
By John Agar | The Grand Rapids Press The Grand Rapids Press
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w*******s 发帖数: 3417 | 21 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: wamgjames (胡志明胡志明互助), 信区: Military
标 题: 三中国人?(貌似像中文名字)在密歇根涉信用卡犯罪被捕
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 7 16:41:31 2011, 美东)
Zhou Chen
Kang He
Shifu Lin
How men allegedly used stolen credit cards in $9,500 scheme at Meijer
Published: Friday, March 25, 2011, 8:08 AM Updated: Friday, March 25,
2011, 11:52 AM
By John Agar | The Grand Rapids Press The Grand Rapids Press
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w*******s 发帖数: 3417 | 22 Zhou Chen
Kang He
Shifu Lin
How men allegedly used stolen credit cards in $9,500 scheme at Meijer
Published: Friday, March 25, 2011, 8:08 AM Updated: Friday, March 25,
2011, 11:52 AM
By John Agar | The Grand Rapids Press The Grand Rapids Press
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AP File PhotoGRAND RAPIDS – Three men who traveled here from New York and
Pennsylvania are accused of en... 阅读全帖 |
w****i 发帖数: 2316 | 23 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: wamgjames (胡志明胡志明互助), 信区: Military
标 题: 三中国人?(貌似像中文名字)在密歇根涉信用卡犯罪被捕
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 7 16:41:31 2011, 美东)
Zhou Chen
Kang He
Shifu Lin
How men allegedly used stolen credit cards in $9,500 scheme at Meijer
Published: Friday, March 25, 2011, 8:08 AM Updated: Friday, March 25,
2011, 11:52 AM
By John Agar | The Grand Rapids Press The Grand Rapids Press
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发帖数: 1 | 24
Download pdf published by SfN (Chapter from 'The History of Neuroscience in
Autobiography, Volume 8' edited by Larry R. Squire)
Yuh-Nung Jan's CV
Lily Jan's CV
Yuh-Nung Jan and Lily Jan
Family History and Growing Up
National Taiwan University
The Hiking Trip to Shitou in the Spring of 1967
Graduate School Application
Graduate Study at Caltech (1968锟974)
Seymour Benzer Lab (1974锟977)
Steve Kuffler锟絪 Lab at H... 阅读全帖 |
t***s 发帖数: 4666 | 25 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: wamgjames (胡志明胡志明互助), 信区: Military
标 题: 三中国人?(貌似像中文名字)在密歇根涉信用卡犯罪被捕
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 7 16:41:31 2011, 美东)
Zhou Chen
Kang He
Shifu Lin
How men allegedly used stolen credit cards in $9,500 scheme at Meijer
Published: Friday, March 25, 2011, 8:08 AM Updated: Friday, March 25,
2011, 11:52 AM
By John Agar | The Grand Rapids Press The Grand Rapids Press
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p*****2 发帖数: 21240 | 26
Some engineers got tired of dealing with all the different ways of encoding
status messages, so they decided to invent their own. In their new scheme,
an encoded status message consists of a sequence of integers representing
the characters in the message, separated by spaces. Each integer is between
1 and M, inclusive. The integers do not have leading zeroes. Unfortunately
they decided to compress the encoded status messages by removing all the
Your task is to figure out how many differ... 阅读全帖 |
p*****2 发帖数: 21240 | 27
Some engineers got tired of dealing with all the different ways of encoding
status messages, so they decided to invent their own. In their new scheme,
an encoded status message consists of a sequence of integers representing
the characters in the message, separated by spaces. Each integer is between
1 and M, inclusive. The integers do not have leading zeroes. Unfortunately
they decided to compress the encoded status messages by removing all the
Your task is to figure out how many differ... 阅读全帖 |
g*****g 发帖数: 34805 | 28 In C++, you do use encoding. Let's take it this way, even the simplest
ASCII is an encoding scheme. Everything in computer is encoded, data is
encoded, instruction is encoded. How can a string not encoded?
In most C++ systems, the native char array is OS dependent. For example,
ISO-8859-1 would be the default encoding on windows. If you are using
western characters only, you can call String.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"),
then you can apply your C++ tricks. That being said, Java provides a
strong String |
x****B 发帖数: 103 | 30 我前些天被老印这么坑过一次。
abc 输出 abc
abbccc 输出 a2*b3*c
可以参考这种思路。 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 31 现在这个 hypothesis 问一个 what if:
What if 这两个娃的所有的 working memory / long term memory 等等等等,如果不
考虑 encoding 的 raw power,都一模一样。连 brain 的 total encoding 的 raw
power 也一样,唯一的差别是 the way of encoding (encoding algorithm) is
也就是说,hyperlexia's encoding algorithm focused on lexicon level, 而 neuro
-typical's encoding algorithm balanced between lexicon to pragmatics to
critical thinking.
So, the question is, (in this hypothetical case), what will happen? |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 32 第二个问题,是 “intention to learn“ 远远不如 ”novelty to brain“ 更有效。
Intention to learn
Studies have shown that the intention to learn has no direct effect on
memory encoding. Instead, memory encoding is dependent on how deeply each
item is encoded, which could be affected by intention to learn, but not
exclusively. That is, intention to learn can lead to more effective learning
strategies, and consequently, better memory encoding, but if you learn
something incidentally (i.e. without intention to ... 阅读全帖 |
n********k 发帖数: 2818 | 33 As you folks are discussing Cori, I happened to read his autobiography and
find it both interesting and enlightening:)))...BTW, it sounds Richard Axel
is a lot nicer than what I/we have heard...or in another word, his cruelty
is rooted in his obsession with science and indifference to humanity:))); As
well, it is pretty...he noted Cori but left his ex out...pretty human or
not human?
Richard AxelNew York City is my world. I was born in Brooklyn, the first
child of immigrant parents... 阅读全帖 |
p*******m 发帖数: 20761 | 34 猪猪也可以
Most Mac users have an old iPhone or two lying unused in a drawer. One great
way to repurpose these devices is to turn them into security cameras – all
you need is an app that does a good job of capturing and streaming video
from the iPhone’s camera. In this blog post we review a few such apps,
which work with our Mac NVR software SecuritySpy. To turn an iPhone into an
effective CCTV surveillance camera it should be permanently connected to a
power supply, and have access to a good WiFi si... 阅读全帖 |
t******l 发帖数: 10908 | 35 我觉得你说的 working memory 可能有一定道理。但这可能不是 working memory 本身
(对应于 simple memory-span test),而是 working memory 的 higher-order
encoding(对应于 complex memory-span test)。
而另一个方面,普通人(neuro-typical)在做 working memory / memory-span test
的时候,受 proactive interference(过去经验)on brain encoding level的影响,
上来做 memory-span test 的时候,可能会有一种 “Holy-crap! I cannot even do
it!” 的感觉(因为跟自己平时的 working memory brain encoding 方式大相径庭)。
但是 proactive interference(过去经验)on brain encoding level 对普通人而言
,是一把双刃剑。在两三天以后,也正是因为 new proactive int... 阅读全帖 |
f**********g 发帖数: 4709 | 36 看你闲成这样,我都替你难受。
: 第二个问题,是 “intention to learn“ 远远不如 ”novelty to brain“ 更
: [quote]
: Intention to learn
: Studies have shown that the intention to learn has no direct effect on
: memory encoding. Instead, memory encoding is dependent on how deeply
: item is encoded, which could be affected by intention to learn, but
: exclusively. That is, intention to learn can lead to more effective
: strategies, and conse... 阅读全帖 |
f**********g 发帖数: 4709 | 37 看你闲成这样,我都替你难受。
: 第二个问题,是 “intention to learn“ 远远不如 ”novelty to brain“ 更
: [quote]
: Intention to learn
: Studies have shown that the intention to learn has no direct effect on
: memory encoding. Instead, memory encoding is dependent on how deeply
: item is encoded, which could be affected by intention to learn, but
: exclusively. That is, intention to learn can lead to more effective
: strategies, and conse... 阅读全帖 |
l*****g 发帖数: 2087 | 38 中国科学院院士李家洋
的新模... 阅读全帖 |
d****n 发帖数: 5 | 39 (1)Java works internally with Unicode, so when compiling source code files
that used a Chinese encoding such as Big5 or GB2312, you need to specify the
encoding to the compiler in order to properly convert it to Unicode.
javac -encoding big5 sourcefile.java
javac -encoding gb2312 sourcefile.java
(2)If you read chinese chars from a file or database, most likely it is gb2312
or big5 encoding, then you have to map them to Unicode. |
l*****c 发帖数: 1153 | 40 I assume everyone knows what goodbug said, what he said is well known right.
But, there is "raw bytes". What I did not say clear is, it is the raw bytes
of a specific encoding.
Say, you encode the string "今狐冲" in UTF-8, it is actually store in memory
as "E4 BB 8A E7 8B 90 E5 86 B2" (of course, when I paste it here, it is
encoded in another encoding schema). What I need is each of these individual
raw bytes.
C++ or Java. There is only default encoding. |
a*******e 发帖数: 3021 | 41 luit -encoding gbk telnet mitbbs.com
Segmentation fault
luit -encoding gb2312是可以,但是还是得把gnome-terminal设成char encoding
gnome-terminal --command="telnet mitbbs.com" +设置char encoding的参数。。。
(可惜找不到)。。。 |
w*****s 发帖数: 122 | 42 Can I use GB2312?
Maybe. A conforming XML processor must support UTF-8 and UTF-16 (Unicode). But XML can be encoded using almost
any character set. It is the parser-writer's decision which encodings to support.
Outside the XML processor, the document is encoded in GB2312 (e.g. the EUC encoding of GB2312 and ASCII, also
called cn-euc);
Inside the XML system, the document is encoded as ISO10646. (ISO10646 is the character set that Java uses. It is
the same character set as Unicode. |
g*********d 发帖数: 233 | 43 MicroRNA 和病毒
microRNA(miRNA)是真核生物体内一组内源性的 21—25nt 长的非编码蛋白质的短序列
RNA,它们能通过碱基配对的方式与生物体中的 mRNA 分子相结合来参与调节基因的表
达。自 2000 年至今,miRNA 的研究发展的速度极快并且影响的范围也非常的广泛,而
miRNA是 RNA 研究的又一个突破,被称为 RNA 的第二次革命。目前的研究已发现
miRNA 参与了很多重要的生命活动过程涵盖了发育、凋亡、代谢、人类疾病以及病毒侵
染等方面。在病毒侵染宿主和宿主抵抗病毒的过程中病毒编码的 miRNAs 和宿主编码的
miRNAs 均发挥了重要的作用。这无疑为病毒的侵染以及宿主抵抗病毒的侵染的研究提
供了新的思路和新的领域。因此,本文的主要目的在于阐述 miRNA 的一些基本概况以
关键词:miRNA vmiRNA 功能 宿主的 miR... 阅读全帖 |
z*t 发帖数: 863 | 44 Beutler得奖,Medzhitov会不会有意见?
Ruslan Medzhitov
This year marks the 20th anniversary of a publication (Janeway, 1989) that
in many ways revolutionized our understanding of the immune system. As part
of the proceedings of the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Immune Recognition
, the paper authored by the late Charles A. Janeway, Jr. was not a standard
peer-reviewed publication. In fact, Charlie used to refer to it as “the
best paper I've ... 阅读全帖 |
r**********e 发帖数: 587 | 45 TFBS在ENCODE project里面已经做烂了
如果你关注的是纯计算TFBS prediction,我觉得已经很准确了。如果没记错,ENCODE
但是坦白说从纯biology角度,现在大家完全不满足于binding site;
1. Binding doesn't mean function! 好文章现在都要求证明binding后是否调控了
gene expression change
2. 蛋白-DNA和蛋白-蛋白作用非常复杂,所以很多ChIP实验本身就值得质疑,很多猫腻
3. ENCODE project当年豪言说根据他们的研究human genome 80%都有function,当时
你去看UCSC genome browser里面,一个位点可能有几十个TF在bind;你从单个TF
binding很难预测说,一旦XX TF bind后会有什么作用
对于noncoding human genome... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 46 Looking for this model and found it on ebay (usually retails for $130).
Only 10 left so act fast.
Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1800 TV Tuner Card PCI-e, Model 78XXX.
Here is the story. I purchased a large quantity of these cards from a
computer intergrator that order the cards special with only the tuners.
That is why you don't see the FM radio, S-video or composite connections.
I will included a CD that has the driv... 阅读全帖 |
c*****c 发帖数: 188 | 47 4.When store the binary tree, store (a) structure encoding (b) data, which
is a list containing the content of each internal nodes
For encoding a binary tree, see
DB contains that binary tree if it has a record of the exact encoding and
data of the that tree.
DB contains a variant of the binary tree if it has a record of the exact
encoding but the permutation of the data of that tree |
g***s 发帖数: 3811 | 48 这个zoom是把每一个2×2扩大到4×4.是不是?
encode(s) = encode( s的前一半)+ s后一半的最后一位
string prev(src,n) {
if (n==-1) return '' ; //最左元素的左边元素为同行最右边的;
lastChar = src[n-1];
if (lastChar=='d' || lastChar== 'b‘) return src.substring(0,n-1) + t(
else return prev(src.substring(0,n-1)) + t(lastChar);
所以,... 阅读全帖 |
y*****i 发帖数: 141 | 49 照着Maxthon的编码解法写了一个:
using namespace std;
bool bool_vec_none(const vector & vec) {
for(auto elem : vec) {
if (elem) {
return false;
return true;
bool bool_vec_all(const vector & vec) {
for(auto elem : vec) {
if (!elem) {
return false;
return true;
string word_abbreviation(string target, vector dict)
if (t... 阅读全帖 |