

全部话题 - 话题: epiphyseal
发帖数: 678
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - [我的CK笔记]外科
• Exaggerated deep tendon reflexes can be seen in lock in syndrome.
• Non bleeding varices are managed with nonselective beta-
adrenergic antagonists, such as propranolol.
• Sclerotherapy, endoscopic band ligation, and surgery are
indicated after a patient has a first episode of variceal bleeding.
• TIPS is a last resort in variceal bleeding unresponsive to
medical and endoscopic intervention.
• Ischemic colitis
 CT—thickening of eth bowel ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4124
let me clarify a little bit.
Letterer-Siwe was first described close to a hundred years ago. the use of "
Letterer-Siwe" has changed several times over the time. at this time, most
physicians use it to describe a certain clinical presentation of Langerhans
cell histiocytosis (ie. infantile multifocal multisystem type ). but some
use it as a synonym of Langerhans cell histiocytosis.
first, the diagnosis of Langerhans cell histiocytosis must be confirmed.
assuming it is the correct diagnosis,
seco... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18660
来自主题: Running版 - 初跑报告
google hal higdon kids running.
貌似主要是risk of damage epiphyseal and growth plates.
but of course some gifted kids might be fine.
most of kids do not like run very long distance like marathon anyway.
发帖数: 658
Patello-femoral pain syndrome is the most common cause of knee pain in
patients younger than 45 years of ago,and is particularly common in women.
The patello-femoral joint is affected by the disease; the histologic is
classified as "overuse" injury, and is also common in athletes. The typical
clinical scenario includes anterior knee pain that is provoked by climbing
the stairs or prolongs sitting. A physical examination may reveal
retropatellar pain and crepitation on vigorous ri... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 658
Patello-femoral pain syndrome is the most common cause of knee pain in
patients younger than 45 years of ago,and is particularly common in women.
The patello-femoral joint is affected by the disease; the histologic is
classified as "overuse" injury, and is also common in athletes. The typical
clinical scenario includes anterior knee pain that is provoked by climbing
the stairs or prolongs sitting. A physical examination may reveal
retropatellar pain and crepitation on vigorous ri... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 658
Anterior knee pain is the classic area of pain associated with injury to
the quadriceps mechanism (the quadriceps muscle, tendons, the patella, and
the insertion of the patellar tendon on the tibial tubercle) and large knee
Anterior knee pain is characteristic of patellofemoral pain syndrome (
also referred to as patellofemoral joint syndrome or chondromalacia patellae
), particularly in patients under the age of 45, and advanced osteoarthritis
involving all compartments of th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 897
来自主题: Biology版 - 包子求PAPER,谢谢
The information about the paper is below. THanks a lot.
J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Jan 1;27(1-2):75-80. doi: 10.1515/jpem-2013
Homozygosity for a DTDST mutation in a child with multiple epiphyseal
Wang D, Qin J, Zhao C, He X.
发帖数: 489
来自主题: Biology版 - paper help pls! thanks!
Nat Genet. 1995 Jul;10(3):330-6.
Pseudoachondroplasia and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia due to mutations in
the cartilage oligomeric matrix protein gene.
Briggs MD1, Hoffman SM, King LM, Olsen AS, Mohrenweiser H, Leroy JG, Mortier
GR, Rimoin DL, Lachman RS, Gaines ES, et al.
Please send to [email protected]/* */
发帖数: 66
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - 前辈救急questions need help。
It could be true to state that a young person has more joints than an older
person because of what structure?
A) synovial joints
B) gomphoses
C) epiphyseal plates
D) sutures
The most lateral structure of the ankle and foot is the
A) base of the fifth metatarsal.
B) lateral malleolus.
C) tendon of the fibularis longus.
D) Both A and B are approximately equal.
E) All of the above are equal.
发帖数: 678
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - [我的CK笔记]妇产科
Endometrial hyperplasia types. Risk of cancer treatment
simple 1% Cyclic progestin
complex 3% Cyclic progestin
Simple atypical 8% THA or progestins
Complex atypical 29% THA or progestins
• Prolatinoma and hypothyroidism  galactorrhea
• Anesthesia can reduce uterine activity if in the latent phase
• Contraceptive for lactating mother
 Progestin-only oral contraceptive
• Pregnancy luteoma
 African-ameri... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 678
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - [我的CK]儿科
• leukemia
child adult elderly
BM lymphoblasts 25%myeloblasts
lab Lymphocyte 5000, mature-appearing cells
• Osgood-schlatters disease
 Adolescent male athletes
 Traction apophysitis—quadriceps tendon put the traction on the
apophysis of the tibial tubercle where patellar tendon inserts.
 A firm mass =heterotopic bone formation
 Pain can be reproduced by extending the kne... 阅读全帖