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发帖数: 4174
As we prepare to launch EqualityMatters.org, Congress has just approved a
bill repealing "don't ask, don't tell." This highly significant victory is
an important milestone in our effort to secure full equality. No one said it
better than our president, who deserves substantial credit for helping to
bring about this day:
It is time to close this chapter in our history," President Obama said
in a statement. "It ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com March 31, 2011
Shumlin Pushes for Marriage Equality in R.I.
By Julie Bolcer
Vermont governor Peter Shumlin spoke about his state’s journey toward
marriage equality in Rhode Island, where he urged lawmakers to put aside any
fears and vote on the right side of history.
Shumlin visited Thursday afternoon at the invitation of Marriage Equality
Rhode Island, which organized a news conference in Providence with Rhode
Island governor Lincoln Chafee. The Vermont governor also met ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Just in time for Valentine's Day, Washington Governor Christine Gregoire
signed into law a marriage equality bill that was introduced in the
legislature just weeks before. Gregoire told supporters that February 13
would be "a day that historians will mark as a milestone for equal rights,"
when Washington "finally said yes to marriage equality. The sky-will-fall
rhetoric is simply not true."
But equality opponents begged to differ, and within days of the bill's
passage began to gather signatures ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 40
Speaker Christine C. Quinn
May 24, 2011
Marriage Equality & LGBT Community Report
Dear New Yorker,
For the first time ever, Gallup in a nationwide poll shows a majority of
Americans supporting marriage equality.
While this is extremely good news, we can't for a single moment waiver in
our fight for marriage equality. We must continue to build and organize and
keep this momentum strong.
Below are several actions that people can take to help ensure that marriage
equality becomes the law in NYS th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
July 9, 2012 by Warner Todd Huston
We are soon to be regaled by yet another movie from Hollyweird that likely
misunderstands the difference between liberty (or freedom) and equality.
This we might infer from the recently released advance plot synopsis for the
upcoming movie Elysium from Director Neil Blomkamp, director of the
surprise 2009 Sci Fi hit District 9.
Blomkamp’s new film is set in the not-too-distant future where the human
elite live in a cushy space station circling the Earth while... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Marriage Equality Foes Respond in New York
Posted on Advocate.com June 14, 2011 11:10:00 AM ET
Marriage Equality Foes Respond in New York
By Julie Bolcer
Opponents of marriage equality are pursuing last-minute efforts to stop the
growing momentum for a bill that could receive a vote in the New York state
legislature this week.
Claiming to represent conservative Christian evangelical, Catholic and
Jewish voters, advocates against the legislation responded to a series of
developments on Monday that put New York within two senate votes of b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Marriage Equality Gridlock in New York
Posted on Advocate.com June 17, 2011 10:15:00 AM ET
Marriage Equality Gridlock in New York
By Julie Bolcer
New York senate Republicans will meet Friday for the third day in a day row
to discuss whether to vote on the marriage equality bill, which has remained
one vote shy of passage since Tuesday.
Republican senators in New York plan to meet in conference Friday morning
for the third day in a row as they deliberate whether to bring the m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted by Chris Geidner |
April 10, 2012 6:15 AM | Permalink
Today, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund took what one of its lawyers
calls "a strategic step" in the national effort to advance marriage equality
by filing a federal lawsuit in Nevada seeking equal marriage rights for
eight same-sex couples in the state.
The lawsuit, Sevcik v. Sandoval, marks the first time that Lambda Legal has
sought equal marriage rights for gay and lesbian couples in federal court,
although a staff attorney ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com June 08, 2011 06:50:00 PM ET
Queens United, Almost, for Marriage Equality
By Julie Bolcer
A substantial contingent of elected officials, labor leaders, and other
advocates hosted a press conference Wednesday to show support for marriage
equality in Queens, N.Y., a borough represented by two undecided state
senators key to passage of the legislation.
The event, which brought together federal, state, and local leaders,
signaled the start of the final, intensified push for ma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
A new Public Policy Poll shows that 57% of Maryland voters would vote to
uphold the state’s new marriage equality law in a likely referendum this
fall, with 55% of African-Americans expressing support.
Marylanders for Marriage Equality, the coalition working to pass the
referendum, released the poll results Thursday morning. The poll shows a 12-
point increase from March in the number of voters who would vote yes, where
an affirmative vote would uphold the new marriage equality law. In the
lates... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
With June being Pride month, the list of Cabinet secretaries openly
supporting marriage equality is growing fast.
The Advocate has confirmed that Secretaries Hilda Solis at Labor, Kathleen
Sebelius at Health and Human Services, John Bryson at Commerce, and Timothy
Geithner at Treasury all support same-sex marriage.
Add their names to that of Shaun Donovan at Housing and Urban Development
plus Arne Duncan at Education. Both came out for marriage equality even
before President Obama's announcement... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Deadline for Marriage Equality in New York
Posted on Advocate.com June 20, 2011 09:40:00 AM ET
Deadline for Marriage Equality in New York
By Julie Bolcer
Monday is the last scheduled day of the legislative session in New York,
where the marriage equality bill, which remains one vote short of passage,
awaits a vote in the senate.
The New York state legislative session is scheduled to end on Monday, giving
the senate one more day to hold a vote on the marriage equality bill that
remains one vote short of passage. Following a series of majo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5443
"equal protection under the law是亚裔的立足根本"
请列出哪条法律,法规不是 equal protection,
AA不是 equal protection,
看门狗 高喊equal protection, 同时支持AA吧
对了,作弊心中, AA就是 equal protection, 没错吧,AA的文字里面可是充满了
作弊 Hijack了 equal这个词,
在美国,你一听到 equal,你就知道 要AA华人, 作弊一说 equal,就是暗指AA,
发帖数: 1822
Peter Tatchell writes:
“We wish William and Kate every happiness. May they have a joyful
marriage and a wonderful married life together.
“The royal couple are lucky. They have the option to get married. Gay
couples don’t have this option. They are barred by law from marriage.
“We urge Kate and William to support marriage equality: the right of
same-sex couples to get married. Their support would mean a lot. They
take for granted the right to marry. Marriage is something that many
lesbian and gay... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Marriage Equality Momentum on Hold in New York
By Julie Bolcer
Following a three-hour meeting on Friday morning, the third such conference
in as many days, Republican senators in New York emerged with no decision on
whether to bring the marriage equality bill for a vote by the scheduled end
of session on Monday. In fact, majority leader Dean Skelos said that
concerns about the language of the bill supersede the questions of whether
and when to bring the mea... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Democrats released their 2012 platform Monday with language inclusive of
marriage equality and an overriding focus on the contrast between the party
’s economic vision and the approach of the Republican Party.
The Associated Press reports on the unveiling of the document as the party
prepares for the start of its convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Delegates are expected to approve the platform Tuesday on the first day of
the convention, which will include a primetime program with a speech ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
By Julie Bolcer
Albanyx390 (Getty) | Advocate.com
New York senate Republicans failed to reach a decision whether to hold a
vote on the marriage equality bill in a Thursday morning meeting that
included a visit from New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg.
New York senate Republicans met Thursday morning to continue their
discussion about whether to bring the marriage equality bill to the floor
for a vote, but afternoon remarks from New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg
, who attended the meeting, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com June 20, 2011 05:20:00 PM ET
N.Y. Senator Tweets for Marriage Equality Feedback
By Julie Bolcer
New York State senator Greg Ball, an undecided Republican who asked his
Twitter followers how he should vote on the marriage equality bill, said the
feedback appears to be trending toward support of the measure, but he
refuses to budge unless the bill includes stronger religious exemptions.
Ball, an Air Force veteran who advocated against the “don’t ask, don’t
tell” policy, pose... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Campaigners that hope to reverse Iowa’s status as a Midwestern outpost for
marriage equality appear to be losing their opportunity to win a public vote
because of increasing acceptance for same-sex marriage and lack of interest
even among conservative Republican voters and lawmakers.
The Associated Press reports on the changes since 2009, when Iowa became the
first state in its region to allow same-sex couples to marry after a
unanimous state supreme court decision. Conservative activists includ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
【 以下文字转载自 QueerNews 讨论区 】
发信人: globalized (球球), 信区: QueerNews
标 题: Major Breakthroughs on Marriage Equality in New York
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jun 13 20:02:39 2011, 美东)
Posted on Advocate.com June 13, 2011 07:10:00 PM ET
Major Breakthroughs on Marriage Equality in New York
By Julie Bolcer
James Alesi x390 (pub) | ADVOCATE.COM
James Alesi
A statement of support from James Alesi, the first Republican state senator
to publicly announce he would vote yes on the marriage equality bill in New
York, capp... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com June 13, 2011 07:10:00 PM ET
Major Breakthroughs on Marriage Equality in New York
By Julie Bolcer
James Alesi x390 (pub) | ADVOCATE.COM
James Alesi
A statement of support from James Alesi, the first Republican state senator
to publicly announce he would vote yes on the marriage equality bill in New
York, capped a day of watershed developments on Monday as the legislature
moved briskly toward holding a vote, perhaps as early as this Thursday.
“It has been an extraordinary d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com August 11, 2011 11:25:00 AM ET
Poll: New Yorkers Pleased With Marriage Equality Law
By Julie Bolcer
A new poll indicates that a solid majority of New Yorkers supports the
marriage equality law that took effect last month, with 63% being opposed to
the prospect of overturning the measure.
The NY1/Marist poll found that 55% of New York State residents support the
new law, 36% oppose it and 9% are unsure. Among r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com February 08, 2012 02:30:00 PM ET
Marriage Equality Bill Introduced in Illinois
By Trudy Ring
Cassidy, Harris, Mell
On the heels of Tuesday’s federal appeals court ruling for marriage
equality in California, Illinois legislators have filed a bill to bring
equality to that state.
Illinois’s three openly gay state representatives — Kelly Cassidy, Greg
Harris, and Deborah Mell — today introduced the Religious Freedo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is backing a push by the pro-
LGBT rights organization Freedom to Marry to include marriage equality in
the 2012 Democratic Party platform, Chris Geidner of Metro Weekly reported
on Wednesday.
This week, Freedom to Marry launched the "Democrats: Say I Do" campaign to
promote the drive to get Democrats to include a pro-gay marriage segment in
their platform, which will officially be ratified at the party's national
convention in September. The languag... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Marriage equality on the cards for Taiwan
Two women were married in a Buddhist ceremony in Taiwan last weekend, in the
first known ceremony of its kind to be held in the country.
While no Asian countries have actually fully legalised marriage equality,
Taiwan – along with Vietnam and Nepal – is one of the few that have taken
a forward-thinking stance on the issue, with legislation pending for nearly
a decade.
If the bill is passed, Taiwan will become the first Asian country to
legalise marriage equality.
The two women in question, Huang... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Rhode Island moved one big step closer to marriage equality today with the
House of Representatives approving the bill.
On Tuesday it had moved out of committee for the first time in all of the
previous attempts made during the last 11 years and went to the floor of the
state House, where it passed 51-19 today, led by out House speaker Gordon
Fox and the bill's author, Arthur Handy. But next up is what is still
considered by many to be the legislation's greatest hurdle — the Senate.
Senate presi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Illinois Senate Approves Marriage Equality
Illinois Senate Approves Marriage Equality
On Valentine's Day, the Illinois State Senate approved marriage equality
legislation by a vote of 34-21. The legislation now heads to a House
Valentine's Day for LGBT couples in Illinois just got a little sweeter, as
this morning, the Illinois State Senate voted in favor of marriage equality
by a margin of 34-21, according to the Windy City Times.
The Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act n... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Poll: Marriage Equality Is Imminent
Poll: Marriage Equality Is Imminent
Bipartisan support for legal recognition of couples is growing, and 83% say
marriage equality will happen within the next 10 years.
Three-quarters of voters say that the right to marriage is a constitutional
right, and 83% say they believe marriage equality will become legal in the U
.S. within the next decade.
According to a poll of 800 participants by the Anzalone Liszt Grove Research
, the support for marriage equality, or at least relationship recognition,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois announced his support for marriage equality on
Tuesday, making him the second sitting Republican to endorse the right to
marry for all couples.
"When I climbed the Capitol steps in January, I promised myself that I would
return to the Senate with an open mind and greater respect for others,"
Kirk wrote on his blog Tuesday, after taking a break from office to recover
from a stroke. "Same-sex couples should have the right to civil marriage.
Our time on this Earth is l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
May could become an even more spectacular month for marriage equality: The
sponsor of the Illinois bill predicts it will pass by the month’s end,
which is also the end of the legislative session.
Rep. Greg Harris, the chief sponsor, said he will “absolutely” call a vote
on the marriage equality bill by May 31, and “it’s going to win,”
Chicago’s Windy City Times reports. Harris has previously said he would not
bring the measure to a vote in the House of Representatives unless he was
sure there wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 142
简单来说,自己安装EQUAL,首先把valve core拆下来把气放光,
然后就是从valve stem那个开口里面把EQUAL粉末“倒”进去。
偶用的是vacuum pump里面带的管子和小储藏罐。一头接上打气筒,
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购买EQUAL也不难,按理说任何一个大的18轮parts store,都应该有。
欧是通过IMI的主页找的local distributor。欧们这个地方叫做Truck Pro。
买了一个10 oz的袋子,$9.85 + tax,免费送了4个EQUAL valve core。
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Barbara Bush Jr for Marriage Equality
Posted on Advocate.com January 31, 2011
Barbara Bush for Marriage Equality
By Advocate.com Editors
The daughter of a Republican president who once endorsed passage of a
constitutional amendment banning gay marriage has spoken out in support of
marriage equality.
"I am Barbara Bush, and I am a New Yorker for marriage equality," the 29-
year-old daughter of President George W. Bush said in a short video posted
Monday on YouTube by the Human Rights Campaign. "New York is about fairness
and equality... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Two Md. Senators for Marriage Equality
Posted on Advocate.com February 15, 2011
Two Md. Senators for Marriage Equality
By Julie Bolcer
Edward Kasemeyer Maryland state senators Edward Kasemeyer and Katherine
Klausmeier said Monday that they would support the marriage equality bill,
bringing the number of votes for the measure to 23. The bill needs 24 votes
to pass the chamber.
According to The Baltimore Sun, “Kasemeyer, a Democrat who represents
Howard and Baltimore counties, had not previously said how he planned to
vote on the bill.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - NY marriage equality前景变化
Cuomo Gets Personal with Marriage Equality
By Advocate.com Editors
New York governor Andrew Cuomo met with marriage equality advocates on
Wednesday and promised to use his considerable political assets to pass a
bill this year.
The New York Times reports that Cuomo told advocates in the closed-door
meeting in Albany that he was ready to devote his “full attention” to the
issue this spring, likely after the conclusion of the difficult budget
Cuomo said, “For me, this is personal,” a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com June 20, 2011 07:40:00 PM ET
N.J. Senator Regrets Vote Against Marriage Equality
By Michelle Garcia
A New Jersey state senator said he now regrets voting against marriage
equality last year.
Senate president Stephen Sweeney said his vote against marriage equality was
the "biggest mistake" of his political career, according to the New Jersey
Star-Ledger. The Democrat made the remarks after a floor speech regarding a
bill that could overhaul state workers' pensions and healt... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Colombian Court Rules for Marriage Equality
Posted on Advocate.com July 27, 2011 02:50:00 PM ET
Colombian Court Rules for Marriage Equality
Colombia must extend marriage rights to same-sex couples within two years,
the nation’s Constitutional Court ruled Tuesday.
By Trudy Ring
The Colombian Constitutional Court X390 (FAIR) | ADVOCATE.COM
Colombia must extend marriage rights to same-sex couples within two years,
the nation’s Constitutional Court ruled Tuesday.
The Colombian Congress must create an equivalent of marriage for gay couples
by ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Washington State Aims for Marriage Equality
Posted on Advocate.com November 14, 2011 02:09:36 PM ET
Washington State Aims for Marriage Equality
By Michelle Garcia
Rep. Jim Moeller x390 (.gov) | ADVOCATE.COM
Rep. Jim Moeller
Two years after Washington approved a contentious, wide-ranging domestic
partnership law, legislators are now looking to enact full marriage equality.
A coalition of civil rights groups, under the moniker Washington United for
Marriage, will announce a push to legalize marriage equality on Monday, the
Seattle Timesrepo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
By Julie Bolcer
Maryland governor Martin O’Malley introduced marriage equality legislation
Monday with clarification on protections for religious institutions and
A survey commissioned in October by the Human Rights Campaign and conducted
by the Garin Hart Yang polling firm showed that 51 percent would support
same-sex marriage in Maryland if the issue went to referendum.
Another poll, conducted by Gonzales Research and Marketing Strategies, that
surveyed voters abou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
REPEAL REJECTED: New Hampshire Sticks With Marriage Equality
By Lucas Grindley and Andrew Harmon
John Lynch, David Bates
A Republican-led effort to repeal marriage equality in New Hampshire
decisively failed today. Lawmakers voted against the repeal, against
replacing marriage with civil unions, and against putting it up to a voter
Just to ensure the message was clear, Republican Rep. Seth Cohn, who
supports marriage equality, propose... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - another state on path to marriage equality
WASHINGTON -- Delaware could legalize marriage equality next year, according
to Gov. Jack Markell.
Markell, a Democrat, supports legalizing same-sex marriage, and he has said
in the past that he believes marriage equality is "inevitable" in his state.
He previously predicted the Delaware legislature would take up the issue "
probably within the next few years."
But in an interview at The Huffington Post's offices on Monday, Markell ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
Marriage equality supporters rallied in Chicago over the weekend, looking to
the upcoming Illinois legislative session for action on the issue.
More than 100 people gathered Saturday at the James R. Thompson Center, a
state government building in downtown Chicago, with signs bearing such
slogans as “Opposition to Legal Equality Is Bigotry” and “Call Your
Legislators for Marriage Equality,” Windy City Times reports.
Several speakers addressed the crowd on the need for marriage equality. Boyd
and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Jon Huntsman Backs Marriage Equality
A prominent conservative voice and former presidential candidate, Jon
Huntsman, now backs marriage equality, he announced today in an editorial.
Headlined "Marriage Equality Is a Conservative Cause," the former Utah
governor and failed Republican presidential candidate wrote in The American
Conservative that "we need to take a hard look at what today’s conservatism
stands for."
He called marriage equality "the right thing to do" and warned that
Republicans will continue to lose national election... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 305
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Java的hashcode和equal函数有什么用?
更多详情: http://www.cnblogs.com/nktblog/articles/2518111.html
发帖数: 2285
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: neosmith4 (天涯海客), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 【工作机会】Equal Experts 在美东招Senior JVM Developer
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 14 22:39:02 2016, 美东)
Equal Experts (EE) 是一家在欧洲名声很好的IT业咨询公司, 专招有经验IT人才。
现在EE在美东招多名Senior JVM Developer, 要求如下。公司内推优先,有意请站内
联系,或电话联系本人: 631-374-4550.
Senior JVM Developer
Equal Experts’ agile practitioners combine technical excellence and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2285
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: neosmith4 (天涯海客), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 【工作机会】Equal Experts 在美东招Senior JVM Developer
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 14 22:39:02 2016, 美东)
Equal Experts (EE) 是一家在欧洲名声很好的IT业咨询公司, 专招有经验IT人才。
现在EE在美东招多名Senior JVM Developer, 要求如下。公司内推优先,有意请站内
联系,或电话联系本人: 631-374-4550.
Senior JVM Developer
Equal Experts’ agile practitioners combine technical excellence and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16
Response to Chinese Alliance for Equality
January 16, 2014
Jack Ouyang, Ph.D.
Convener, Chinese Alliance for Equality
Priscilla Ouchida
Executive Director, Japanese American Citizens League
Dear Mr. Ouyang and Ms. Ouchida:
Thank you for your thoughtful and respectful request that U.S. Figure
Skating reconsider its selection of Ashley Wagner as a member of the 2014 U.
S. Olympic figure skating team instead of Mirai Nagasu.
U.S. Figure Skating firmly stands behind its process, the Athlete Selectio... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Equal Social Security Benefits
Protest Demands Equal Social Security Benefits
By Michelle Garcia
- Photos by Sean Moran. Rep. Linda Sanchez officially announced Sunday to a
crowd of 700 that she would introduce a bill to equalize Social Security
benefits for same-sex couples.
“We now have quality, affordable health care coming to all,” Sanchez said
at the Rock for Equality rally in Los Angeles. “What good is the quality of
our health care in America if Americans are not treated equally under all
of our laws? I look at this co
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Aussies Propose Marriage Equality Bill
Posted on Advocate.com September 30, 2010
Aussies Propose Marriage Equality Bill
By Michelle Garcia
A member of the Green Party reintroduced legislation to legalize marriage
equality in Australia on Wednesday.
Sen. Sarah Hanson-Young brought the bill to the nation's senate, citing
Sweden, South Africa, some states in the U.S., and other governments that
have enacted marriage equality.
"We know that 60% of Australians support marriage equality, they understand
the effect of the current laws, and
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Australians for Marriage Equality
Posted on Advocate.com November 21, 2010
Poll: Australians for Marriage Equality
By Julie Bolcer
A new poll shows that 57% of Australians favor making marriage equality the
law of the land.
The Age/Nielsen poll was taken this week as parliament voted to support a
Greens-backed proposal to engage constituents in conversation on the issue.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard remains opposed to marriage equality, but some
of her Labor party members joined their G... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
来自主题: QueerNews版 - Minn. Judge Considers Marriage Equality
Posted on Advocate.com December 13, 2010
Minn. Judge Considers Marriage Equality
By Advocate.com Editors
Minnesota's state solicitor general pulled out all the stops Friday to
convince district court judge Mary Steenson DuFresne to dismiss a legal
challenge to the state's ban on same-sex marriage.
Three same-sex couples are suing the state over the marriage equality ban,
saying the law violates their rights to due process, equal protection, and
freedom of conscience and association under the sta... 阅读全帖
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