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发帖数: 2585
来自主题: CS版 - who will go to algo 2005?
You go to esa?
发帖数: 36
来自主题: CS版 - Bioinformatics Journals

I think there are lots of good conferences for your paper depending on your
concentration: algorithms or applications.
If your result has good theoretical contributions, then recomb and wabi are
good choices. Of course, FOCS, STOC and SODA, ICALP, ESA, STACS,MFCS, CPM,
ISAAC… all are good ones and they have sessions for computational biology.
If your paper is a little bit less in theoretical contribution, then your
focus is application and you can try ISMB,ECCB, CIBCB, BIBE,PSB, CSB, … all
of t
发帖数: 240
be modest.
yixiu is watering everywhere, such as SODA, ESA, PODC, SIGMOD, etc
Check "Intro To Algo" section 9.3 selection in worst-case linear time
发帖数: 3968
来自主题: Astronomy版 - 哈勃发现前所未有的激波

版权:ESA和Valentin Bujarrabal
译自 哈勃网站(http://oposite.stsci.edu
发帖数: 3968
来自主题: Astronomy版 - 太阳旁的神秘气体


发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Ring Galaxy
Ring Galaxy AM 0644-741 from Hubble
Image Credit: Hubble Heritage Team (AURA / STScI), J. Higdon (Cornell) ESA, NASA
Explanation: How could a galaxy become shaped like a ring? The rim of the blue galaxy pictured on the right is an immense ring-like structure 150,000 light years in diameter composed of newly formed, extremely bright, massive stars. That galaxy, AM
0644-741, is known as a ring galaxy and was caused by an immense galaxy collision. When galaxies collide, they pass through each other
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: X-ray Moon
X-Ray Moon
Credit: J. Schmitt et al., ROSAT Mission, MPE, ESA
Explanation: This x-ray image of the Moon was made by the orbiting ROSAT
(R?ntgensatellit) Observatory in 1990. In this digital picture, pixel brightness corresponds to
x-ray intensity. Consider the image in three parts: the bright hemisphere of the x-ray moon,
the darker half of the moon, and the x-ray sky background. The bright lunar hemisphere
shines in x-rays because it scatters x-rays emitted by the sun. The backgrou
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Saturn
Cassini Approaches Saturn
Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SWRI, JPL, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Cassini, a robot spacecraft launched in 1997 by NASA, is close enough now to
resolve many rings and moons of its destination planet: Saturn. The spacecraft has closed to
about two Earth-Sun separations from the ringed giant. Last month, Cassini snapped several
images during an engineering test. These images have been combined into the
contrast-enhanced color composite pictured above. Saturn's r
发帖数: 344
影像提供: N. Benitez (JHU), T. Broadhurst (Hebrew Univ.), H. Ford (JHU),
M. Clampin(STScI),
G. Hartig (STScI), G. Illingworth (UCO/Lick), ACS Science Team, ESA, NASA
說明: 離我們二十億光年遠的星系團Abell 1689,是宇宙中最大質量的天體之一。
在上面這幅由哈伯望遠鏡先進巡天相機所拍攝的影像裡,Abell 1689正如同愛因斯坦
重力理論所預測的,扭曲了它後面星系所發出的光,產生了多個變形的影像。 天體
佔造成這些背景星系弧狀影像所需要質量的百分之一而已! 事實上,造成這種宇宙
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Abell 1689
Abell 1689 Warps Space
Credit: N. Benitez (JHU), T. Broadhurst (Hebrew Univ.), H. Ford (JHU), M.
G. Hartig (STScI), G. Illingworth (UCO/Lick), ACS Science Team, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Two billion light-years away, galaxy cluster Abell 1689 is one of the most
massive objects in the Universe. In this view from the Hubble Space Telescope's Advanced
Camera for Surveys, Abell 1689 is seen to warp space as predicted by Einstein's theory of
gravity --
发帖数: 344
Comet Kudo-Fujikawa: Days in the Sun
Credit: SOHO - LASCO Consortium, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Cruising through the inner Solar System, new Comet Kudo-Fujikawa
reached perihelion, its closest approach to the Sun, yesterday, January
29. Passing within 28.4 million kilometers of the Sun, this comet came much
closer than innermost planet Mercury basking only 57.9 million kilometers
from our parent star. So close to the Sun, comet Kudo-Fujikawa was extremely
bright but impossible for earthbound observ
发帖数: 1994
Cold Wind from the Boomerang Nebula
Credit: R. Sahai and J. Trauger (JPL), NASA/ESA
Explanation: A cold wind blows from the central star of the Boomerang Nebula. Seen here
in a detailed false-color image recorded in 1998 by the Hubble Space Telescope, the nebula
lies about 5,000 light-years away towards the grand southern constellation of Centaurus. The
symmetric cloud appears to have been created by a high-speed wind of gas and dust blowing
from an aging central star at speeds of
发帖数: 1994
Comet Neat Passes an Erupting Sun
Credit: SOHO Consortium, LASCO, ESA, NASA
Explanation: As Comet NEAT flared last week, the Sun roared. Just as the comet swooped
inside the orbit of Mercury and developed a long and flowing tail of gas and dust, the Sun
emitted a huge Coronal Mass Ejection (CME). Neither the fortuitous hot ball of solar gas nor
the intense glare of sunlight appeared to disrupt the comet's nucleus. The action was too close
to the Sun to be easily visible by humans,
发帖数: 1994
Light Echoes from V838 Mon
Credit: H. Bond (STScI), A. Henden (USNO Flagstaff), Z. Levay (STScI), et al., ESA,
Explanation: Nominated for most mysterious star in the Milky Way, V838 Monocerotis
briefly became one of the brightest stars in our galaxy. Its outburst discovered in January
2002, observations have indicated that V838 Mon somehow transformed itself over a period
of months from a small under-luminous star a little hotter than the Sun, to a
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: V838 Light Echo
V838 Light Echo: The Movie
Credit: H. Bond (STScI), A. Henden (USNO Flagstaff), Z. Levay (STScI), et al., ESA,
Explanation: What caused this outburst of V838 Mon? For reasons unknown, star V838
Mon's outer surface suddenly greatly expanded with the result that it became the brightest star
in the entire Milky Way Galaxy. Then, just as suddenly, it faded. A stellar flash like this has
never been seen before -- supernovas and novas expel matter out into space. A
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Double Eruptions
Double Eruptive Prominences
Credit: SOHO - EIT Consortium, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Lofted over the Sun on looping magnetic fields, large solar prominences are
composed of relatively cool, dense plasma. When seen against the brilliant solar disk they
appear as dark filaments, but these enormous magnetic structures are bright themselves when
viewed against the blackness of space as they arc above the Sun's edge In a rare visual treat,
these two solar prominences arising from the Sun
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: M17
M17: A Hubble Close-Up
Credit: NASA, ESA, J. Hester (ASU)
Explanation: Sculpted by stellar winds and radiation, these fantastic, undulating shapes lie
within the stellar nursery known as M17, the Omega Nebula, some 5,500 light-years away in
the nebula-rich constellation Sagittarius. The lumpy features in the dense cold gas and dust
are illuminated by stars off the upper left of the image and may themselves represent sites of
future star formation. Colors in the fog of surround
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Mercury Spotting
Mercury Spotting
Credit: SOHO - EIT Consortium, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Can you spot the planet? The diminutive disk of Mercury, the solar system's
innermost planet, spent about five hours crossing in front of the enormous solar disk
yesterday (Wednesday, May 7th), as viewed from the general vicinity of planet Earth. The
Sun was above the horizon during the entire transit for observers in Europe, Africa, Asia, or
Australia, and the horizon was certainly no problem for the sun-star
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Helix Nebula
NGC 7293: The Helix Nebula
Credit: NASA, NOAO, ESA, Hubble Helix Nebula Team, M. Meixner (STScI), & T. A.
Rector (NRAO)
Explanation: Will our Sun look like this one day? The Helix Nebula is the closest example of
a planetary nebula created at the end of the life of a Sun-like star. The outer gasses of the star
expelled into space appear from our vantage point as if we are looking down a helix. The
remnant central stellar core, destined to become a white dwarf star, gl
发帖数: 1994
A Primordial Quasar
Drawing Credit: Wolfram Freudling et al. (STECF), ESO, ESA, NASA
Explanation: What did the first quasars look like? The nearest quasars are now known to be
supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies. Gas and dust that falls toward a quasar
glows brightly, sometimes outglowing the entire home galaxy. The quasars that formed in the
first billion years of the universe are more mysterious, though, with even the nature of the
surrounding gas still unknown. Above, a
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Galaxies in GOODS
Galaxies in the GOODS
Credit: NASA, ESA, GOODS Team, M. Giavalisco (STScI)
Explanation: This tantalizing view of galaxies scattered near and far is part of the Hubble
Space Telescope's contribution to the GOODS - the Great Observatories Origins Deep
Survey project. The GOODS' goal is to study galaxy formation and evolution over an
unprecedent wide range of cosmic distances, therefore spanning time from the present to the
early Universe. Joined by the Chandra X-ray Observatory and soon
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Dark Matter Map
Dark Matter Map
Credit: J.-P. Kneib (Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, Caltech) et al., ESA, NASA
Explanation: The total mass within giant galaxy cluster CL0025+1654, about 4.5 billion
light-years away, produces a cosmic gravitational lens -- bending light as predicted by
Einstein's theory of gravity and forming detectable images of even more distant background
galaxies. Of course, the total cluster mass is the sum of the galaxies themselves, seen as
ordinary luminous matter, plus the cluster's
发帖数: 1994
A Powerful Solar Flare
Credit: SOHO Consortium, LASCO, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Yesterday, our Sun produced one of the most powerful solar flares in recorded history. Seen across
the electromagnetic spectrum, the Sun briefly became over 100 times brighter in X-rays than normal. Over the
next few days, as energetic particles emitted from these regions strike the Earth, satellite communications might
be affected and auroras might develop. The flare and resulting CME, emitted fro
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Flare Well AR486
Flare Well AR 10486
Credit: SOHO - EIT Consortium, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Almost out of view from our fair planet, rotating around the Sun's western edge, giant sunspot
region AR 10486 lashed out with another intense solar flare followed by a large coronal mass ejection (CME) on
Tuesday, November 4th at about 1950 Universal Time. The flare itself is seen here at the lower right in an
extreme ultraviolet image from the sun-staring SOHO spacecraft's EIT camera. Saturating the
发帖数: 1994
Supernova Survivor
Credit: Justyn R. Maund (IoA/Univ. Cambridge) et al., ESA
Inset Left: Isaac Newton Telescope, Bottom: Hubble WFPC2, Right: Hubble ACS
Explanation: Beginning with a full view of beautiful spiral galaxy M81, follow the insets (left, bottom, then right) to zoom in on a real survivor. Seen at the center of the final field on the right is a star recently identified as the survivor of a
cosmic cataclysm -- the supernova explosion of its companion star. Light from the cosmic blast, l
发帖数: 1994
Cassini Closes in on Saturn
Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Are they gone? They were not originally predicted to even be there. The mystery revolves around strange shadow-like spokes that appeared on Saturn's large B-ring, the large middle ring in the complex system of particles that orbits Saturn.
The spokes were discovered 23 years ago by the passing Voyager spacecraft and attributed to very fine dust of unknown origin. The missing spokes were noted in the above
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Solar Prominence
A Prominent Solar Prominence from SOHO
Credit: SOHO - EIT Consortium, ESA, NASA
Explanation: One of the most spectacular solar sights is a prominence. A solar prominence is a cloud of solar gas held above the Sun's surface by the Sun's magnetic field. Last month, NASA's Sun-orbiting SOHO spacecraft imaged an impressively large
prominence hovering over the surface, pictured above. The Earth would easily fit under the hovering curtain of hot gas. A quiescent prominence typically lasts about a mont
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Comet Bradfield
Comet Bradfield Passes the Sun
Credit: SOHO Consortium, LASCO, ESA, NASA SOHO
Explanation: Right now, Comet Bradfield is passing the Sun. The above image, the latest taken in the direction of the Sun by the SOHO LASCO instrument, shows the comet and its dust tail as the elongated white streak. The Sun would normally be seen in
the very center but has been blocked from view. Comet C/2004 F4 (Bradfield) was discovered just one month ago and has brightened dramatically as it neared the Sun. Careful
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Eyeful of Saturn
Eyeful of Saturn
Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Now a bright speck of light wandering through Earth's night sky, magnificent planet Saturn lies nearly 1.5 billion kilometers from the Sun. But after an interplanetary voyage of seven years the planet's stunning rings nearly fill the field
of the Cassini spacecraft's narrow angle camera in this image recorded on March 27. Tip to tip, the ring system spans about 270,000 kilometers. Named for discoverers, the large, ea
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Blue Saturn
Blue Saturn
Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Serene blue hues highlight this view of Saturn's northern hemisphere from the Cassini spacecraft. The image has been adjusted to approximate the natural blue color of visible sunlight scattered by the gas giant's upper atmosphere. Saturn's
famous rings cast the dark shadows stretching across the frame with infamous cratered moon Mimas lurking at the lower left. Orbiting beyond the main inner rings, Mimas itself is 400 kil
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Saturn's Moon
Saturn's Moon Rhea from Cassini
Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Each moon of Saturn seems to come with its own mystery. Rhea, Saturn's second largest moon behind Titan, shows unusual wisps, visible above as light colored streaks. Higher resolution images of the wisps show them to be made of long braided
fractures. Rhea is composed mostly of water ice, but likely has a small rocky core. Rhea's rotation and orbit are locked together, just like Earth's Moon, so that o
发帖数: 1994
Melas, Candor, and Ophir: Valleys of Mariner
Credit: G. Neukum (FU Berlin) et al., Mars Express, DLR, ESA
Explanation: First imaged by the Mariner 9 spacecraft, Valles Marineris,
the grand canyon of Mars, is a system of enormous depressions or
chasmas that stretch some 4,000 kilometers along the Martian equator.
Looking north over the canyon's central regions, dark Melas Chasma lies in the
foreground of this spectacular perspective view. Behind it are
Candor Chasma and the steep walls of Ophir C
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Saturnian Auroras
Persistent Saturnian Auroras
Credit: J. Clarke (Boston U.) & Z. Levay (STScI), ESA, NASA
Explanation: Are Saturn's auroras like Earth's? To help answer this question,
the Hubble Space Telescope and the Cassini spacecraft monitored Saturn's
South Pole simultaneously as Cassini closed in on the gas giant in
January 2004. Hubble snapped images in ultraviolet light, while Cassini
recorded radio emissions and monitored the solar wind. Like on Earth,
Saturn's auroras make total or partial rings around
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Ski Enceladus
Ski Enceladus
Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Small, icy, inner moon of Saturn, Enceladus is only about 500
kilometers in diameter. But the distant world does reflect over 90
percent of the sunlight it receives, giving its surface about the same reflectivity
as fresh snow. Seen here in a sharp view from the Cassini
spacecraft's recent flyby, Enceladus shows a variety of surface
features and very few impact craters - indicating that it has been an active
world even
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Saturn's Storm
Saturn's Dragon Storm
Image Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Dubbed the "Dragon Storm", convoluted, swirling cloud features
are tinted orange in this false-color, near-infrared image of Saturn's
southern hemisphere. In one of a series of discoveries announced by Cassini
researchers, the Dragon Storm was found to be responsible for mysterious
mysterious bursts of radio static monitored by Cassini instruments during
the last year as the spacecraft orbited the ringed p
发帖数: 1994
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005年03月23日 15:36 新浪科技
新浪科技讯 据3月22日报道,欧洲宇航局(ESA)成员国日前在巴黎会议上一致通过了
析仪 CIXS-2、SARA分析仪、SIR-2红外光谱分析仪以及高能X射线光谱分析仪(HEX)。此外
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Earth from Saturn
Earth from Saturn
Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA
Explanation: What's that pale blue dot in this image taken from Saturn?
Earth. The robotic Cassini spacecraft looked back toward its old home world
earlier this month as it orbited Saturn. Using Saturn itself to block the
bright Sun, Cassini imaged a faint dot on the right of the above photograph.
That dot is expanded on the image inset, where a slight elongation in the
direction of Earth's Moon is visible. Vast water oceans mak
发帖数: 1994
Janus: Potato Shaped Moon of Saturn
Explanation: Janus is one of the stranger moons of Saturn. First, Janus
travels in an unusual orbit around Saturn where it periodically trades
places with its sister moon Epimetheus, which typically orbits about 50
kilometers away. Janus, although slightly larger than Epimetheus, is potato-
shaped and has a largest diameter of about 190 kilometers. Next, Janus is
covered with large craters but strangely appears to lack small cra
发帖数: 1994
Children of the Sun
Credit: SOHO Consortium, LASCO, ESA, NASA - courtesy Steele Hill
Explanation: For a moment, planets Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Mercury all
posed near their parent star in this Sun-centered view, recorded on November
11. The picture, from a coronograph onboard the space-based SOlar
Heliospheric Observatory, spans 15 degrees with the Sun's size and position
indicated by the white circle. Background stars are also visible as the
otherwise overwhelming sunlight is blocked by the c
发帖数: 1994
Phobos: Doomed Moon of Mars
Credit: G. Neukum (FU Berlin) et al., Mars Express, DLR, ESA
Explanation: This moon is doomed. Mars, the red planet named for the Roman
god of war, has two tiny moons, Phobos and Deimos, whose names are derived
from the Greek for Fear and Panic. These martian moons may well be captured
asteroids originating in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter or
perhaps from even more distant reaches of the Solar System. The larger moon,
Phobos, is indeed seen to be a c
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Saturn from above
Saturn from Above
Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA
Explanation: This image of Saturn could not have been taken from Earth. No
Earth based picture could possibly view the night side of Saturn and the
corresponding shadow cast across Saturn's rings. Since Earth is much closer
to the Sun than Saturn, only the day side of the planet is visible from the
Earth. In fact, this image mosaic was taken in January by the robotic
Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn. The beautiful rings of
发帖数: 1994
Enceladus Creates Saturn's E Ring
Explanation: The active moon Enceladus appears to be making Saturn's E ring.
An amazing picture showing the moon at work was taken late last year by the
Saturn-orbiting Cassini spacecraft and is shown above. Enceladus is the
bright point near the center, right near the center of Saturn's E ring.
Streams of ice and water vapor can be seen pouring off Enceladus into the E
ring. The above bright image of the normally faint E-ring was
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Saturn from Below
Saturn from Below
Explanation: Swooping below Saturn, the Cassini spacecraft spied several
strange wonders. Visible in the distance are some of the many complex rings
that orbit the Solar System's second largest planet. In the foreground looms
the gigantic world itself, covered with white dots that are clouds high in
Saturn's thick atmosphere. Saturn's atmosphere is so thick that only clouds
are visible. At the very South Pole of Saturn lies a huge vortex that is
发帖数: 1994
Swirling Clouds Over the South Pole of Venus
Credit: ESA/MPS, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany
Explanation: What's happening over the South Pole of Venus? To find out,
scientists sent the robot Venus Express spacecraft now orbiting Venus
directly over the lower spin axis of Earth's overheated twin. Venus Express
confirmed there a spectacular massive swirling storm system with
similarities to the vortex recently imaged over Saturn's South Pole. The
above composite image in infrared light features Venus
发帖数: 1994
The Cat's Eye Nebula from Hubble
Credit: NASA, ESA, HEIC, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Explanation: Staring across interstellar space, the alluring Cat's Eye
nebula lies three thousand light-years from Earth. A classic planetary
nebula, the Cat's Eye (NGC 6543) represents a final, brief yet glorious
phase in the life of a sun-like star. This nebula's dying central star may
have produced the simple, outer pattern of dusty concentric shells by
shrugging off outer layers in a series of
发帖数: 1994
Dark Matter Ring Modeled around Galaxy Cluster CL0024+17
Credit: NASA, ESA, M. J. Jee & H. Ford et al. (Johns Hopkins U.)
Explanation: How do we know that dark matter isn't just normal matter
exhibiting strange gravity? A new observation of gravitationally magnified
faint galaxies far in the distance behind a massive cluster of galaxies is
shedding new dark on the subject. The above detailed image from the Hubble
Space Telescope indicates that a huge ring of dark matter likely exists
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Astronomy版 - APOD: Saturn at Equinox
Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, ISS, JPL, ESA, NASA
Explanation: How would Saturn look if its ring plane pointed right at the
Sun? Before last month, nobody knew. Every 15 years, as seen from Earth,
Saturn's rings point toward the Earth and appear to disappear. The
disappearing rings are no longer a mystery -- Saturn's rings are known to be
so thin and the Earth is so near the Sun that when the rings point toward
the Sun, they also point nearly edge-on at the Earth. Fortunately, in this
third mill
发帖数: 1994
金星Maat Mons火山的3D雷达图像/供图:DLR
新浪科技讯 北京时间4月12日消息,据美国《连线》杂志网站报道,欧洲航天局金星快
发帖数: 330
来自主题: Astronomy版 - HMXT今年发射吗?
终于找到了 -
[转载]中国空间望远镜HXMT的登天之难 (去年的文章!)
编者按 近30年来,望远镜的升级换代,使天文学界几乎每年都能得到激动人心的
失之交臂,而且渐行渐远... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 189
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