c****g 发帖数: 37081 | 1 擦,偶能看到amc,check out,
“eSellerate was unable to find the requested SKU.
We suggest that you check the software publisher's web site for the link to
its eSellerate store.”
可能是暂时的技术问题。 |
b***n 发帖数: 13455 | 2 两个帐号买GC, 到最后一步都是 We are unable to process your order at this
time. Please contact s*****[email protected] for more information. |
g*****p 发帖数: 3403 | 3 为什么在shopper上买东西总是显示We are unable to process your order at this
time. Please contact s*****[email protected] for more information. |
j***i 发帖数: 1041 | 4 We are unable to process your order at this time. Please contact
s*****[email protected] for more information.
这是什么原因? |
a****p 发帖数: 6155 | 5 After clicking submit order, it shows:
We are sorry, but your order cannot be processed. Before trying the order
again, please contact s*****[email protected] and let us know the name you
entered for your order.
Is shopper dead? |
h*e 发帖数: 10233 | 6 给我来了个这个
We are sorry, but your order cannot be processed. Before trying the order
again, please contact s*****[email protected] and let us know the name you
entered for your order.
h********g 发帖数: 1204 | 7 【 以下文字转载自 Money 讨论区 】
发信人: howyadoing (人生如戏-戏如人生), 信区: Money
标 题: shopper买不了gift card了吗???!!!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 23 12:04:51 2012, 美东)
We are sorry, but your order cannot be processed. Before trying the order
again, please contact s*****[email protected] and let us know the name you
entered for your order.
谁知道咋回事? |
x*****n 发帖数: 1636 | 8 我试了N个卡都说
We are sorry, but your order cannot be processed. Before trying the order
again, please contact s*****[email protected] and let us know the name you
entered for your order.
我也联系他们了,他们说让换不同的卡试试,结果我三个信用卡2visa 1amex都不行,
有同样问题的xdjm么? |
h******i 发帖数: 661 | 9 显示“We are sorry, but your order cannot be processed. Before trying the
order again, please contact s*****[email protected] and let us know the name
you entered for your order.”
有神医神户有类似情况吗? |
s*****r 发帖数: 2347 | 11 我总是得到这个
eSellerate was unable to process your credit card. Please contact the
issuing bank for information about this card. |
s*****r 发帖数: 2347 | 12 我还是不行,citi chase amex hsbc所有卡通通试了一遍,都是说esellerate无法
validate我的卡,感觉是shopper把我账户屏蔽了,不让买卡? |
h***d 发帖数: 2188 | 13 是不是same address多account做多了?
我还是不行,citi chase amex hsbc所有卡通通试了一遍,都是说esellerate无法
validate我的卡,感觉是shopper把我账户屏蔽了,不让买卡? |
k****g 发帖数: 1977 | 15 用同样的信息加入了CS和shopper.
Another order placed in the past 7 days also used your e-mail address and
included the item(s) below:
Product Quantity
Shell Gas $25 Gift Card 4
For information on the previous order, you can visit the eSellerate
Support page and use your e-mail address to look up your order history.
Otherwise, click "Continue" to proceed with the purchase or "Cancel" to
return to the... 阅读全帖 |
p**x 发帖数: 6614 | 16 如果买一样的,他好像会提示你已经在7天内买过一次了,因为两家都用esellerate,
这个不会影响最终受到GC把 |
s******t 发帖数: 105 | 21 第一次买,菜鸟一只
怎么回事啊?到底购买成功了没有?@@ |
s******t 发帖数: 105 | 22 多谢多谢,热泪盈眶~
还是必须要时时爬到那个eSellerate上查询呢? |
s******e 发帖数: 1985 | 24 We are sorry, but your order cannot be processed. Before trying the order
again, please contact s*****[email protected] and let us know the name you
entered for your order. |
f******y 发帖数: 853 | 25 我submit order的时候显示 “eSellerate was unable to process your credit card
. Please contact the issuing bank for information about this card.” 卡本身
应该没问题啊,两小时前去超市还刷来着。有人遇到过这情况么? |
d*******a 发帖数: 545 | 29 老是到最后一步提交的时候就显示
We are sorry, but your order cannot be processed. Before trying the order
again, please contact s*****[email protected] and let us know the name you
entered for your order. |
s******m 发帖数: 2310 | 30 1号买油卡, shopper和CS上都给出下列信息:
"We are sorry, but your order cannot be processed. Before trying the order a
gain, please contact s*****[email protected] and let us know the name you ent
ered for your order."
给里面的email发信 没啥解决办法
刚才又尝试了一次 还不行 又换信用卡尝试了一次 也不行 都是一样的error message
这是咋回事? |
l****y 发帖数: 3925 | 32 We are sorry, but your order cannot be processed. Before trying the order
again, please contact s*****[email protected] and let us know the name you
entered for your order.
是新申请的账号 |
m****9 发帖数: 1218 | 34 每次checkout最后一步
We are sorry, but your order cannot be processed. Before trying the order
again, please contact s*****[email protected] and let us know the name you
entered for your order.
已经半个月了,试了很多次,都是这样 |
l*****n 发帖数: 5018 | 35 试了几次都是
We are sorry, but your order cannot be processed. Before trying the order
again, please contact s*****[email protected] and let us know the name you
entered for your order. |
w*5 发帖数: 972 | 37 shopper买油卡,最后一步显示:
We are sorry, but your order cannot be processed. Before trying the order
again, please contact s*****[email protected] and let us know the name you
entered for your order.
有人遇到同样状况吗? |
b**********g 发帖数: 5537 | 38 提交order最后一步就出现: We are sorry, but your order cannot be processed.
Before trying the order again, please contact s*****[email protected] and let
us know the name you entered for your order.
难道是被block了?没干啥坏事啊,就只有CS/shopper各一个账户。求解。 |
l*****n 发帖数: 5200 | 39 没有收到,着急发信的话,可以去store2.esellerate.net/store/support/default.
aspx查询,然后复制order,email |
e******x 发帖数: 925 | 41 使用regnow,ShareIt, Regsoft,eSellerate等都可以。 |
b*******r 发帖数: 311 | 42 regnow,ShareIt, Regsoft,eSellerate等
M******n 发帖数: 43051 | 43 还是不太一样。。。例如我下了个补丁,要移动到,例如/Users/xxxx/Library/
Application Support/eSellerate/3349187860下面,要是跳出对话框让我输入,我肯
就算用column view拖动也有这个问题,例如我不确定是要移动到3349187860还是
我并不是说cut-paste就是万能的,但多个选择总会方便些啊 |