

全部话题 - 话题: espeically
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发帖数: 380
Dear Friends, I hope we can find a way to stop the Hollywood's cosers'
fraud, especially to Chinese travellers. Normally taking pictures with the
coser, we just pay some tips,lower than 5 US dollars. But when I was taking
pictures with them, they asked for 20 dollars, and they even show this price
by Chinese language "20". This is not a ethical behavior.
Though that's just the behavior of cosers themselves, but it's happening
in public plac... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5723
来自主题: Automobile版 - 你以前的车,今天的车,将来的车
96 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS,烂车,能坏的都坏过,还在Bay bridge爆过水箱导致大塞车
03 Toyota Corolla LE,典型DFBB,基本没坏过,开到12w miles卖掉比KBB还高了800块
02 BMW 325i,第一台BMW,奠定了未来12年坚守BMW代步的理念
04 BMW E46 M3,First M car,what a car! I still regret to sold it for a RL
06 Acura RL A-Spec,first REAL family sedan, but not miss it
06 BMW E90 330i,fun to drive, one of the best 3 BMW ever made
09 Cayenne GTS, starts to believe Porsche makes the best sport car in any
04 Lexus GX470,reliable SUV,still have it for over 10 yrs... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 405
来自主题: Faculty版 - 国内的人真可笑!
it is true that larry did not get the tenure when he was in the u.s. for
various reasons, but his contribution to corporate finance, espeically
corporate governance, clearly makes him one of the very top persons in the

发帖数: 705
来自主题: Family版 - 准备离婚, 大家给些意见吧
not agree, the human kind is 悲剧 because government, espeically US, "make"
a family value in order to control most of us.
发帖数: 2719
来自主题: HiFi版 - B&W 802 Diamond
for under $10K, you can consider the classic Naim + Harbeth combo. The re-
sale value on those are really good, espeically if you buy them used. You
would be able to sell them in a few years without any loss.
Source/Amp: Naim SuperUniti ($6K new, $3.5K used, English)
Speaker: Harbeth 7ES-3 ($3.7K new, $2.5K used, Engliah)
发帖数: 310
It is not a good idea to use trie to implement auto-completeion, espeically
at the facebook scale. Trie consumes a lot of memory, and the pionter-
jumping will lead to a lot of cache miss, and significantly slow down the
发帖数: 310
It is not a good idea to use trie to implement auto-completeion, espeically
at the facebook scale. Trie consumes a lot of memory, and the pionter-
jumping will lead to a lot of cache miss, and significantly slow down the
发帖数: 401

what should be the right way then?
发帖数: 209
It could happen. The bank can include the commission. Usually, the approval
letter from the bank only state how much net money the bank required. For
example in your case, the bank want to receive net 660K. But the agent has
to plus the 5% commission, it will be close to 700K.
I suggest you fire your agent. You MUST have a good agent to deal with
short sale, espeically, if the list agent is not good at the short sale
发帖数: 209
It is very rare to have an offer during the open house. The main purpose
for open house is to collect all the contacting information for buyers at
the market, espeically have during a very "hot" open house.
发帖数: 137
This is nothing, 90% of houses will have soem small vertical crack like that
, espeically under the window. You can hire a structural engineer, but will
be wasting money.
发帖数: 1879
来自主题: Living版 - 急问二次贷款问题
Yes, you will have the risk to be found out by the current lender that your
home is no longer the primary home. According to Freddie Mae & Freedie Mac,
you can not claim two primary house in 12 months. Espeically you just
finished the primary refinance a few months back, it will be very easy to
figure it out by lender by just checking your credit report. Also, when you
switch the home insurance from owner to rental, when you switch the address
...etc, they will be the signals for lenders too.
发帖数: 199
来自主题: Medicine版 - Re: help! anyone know tuberculosis

Yeah, it's PPD skin test. Do you have some other history of infection? Do you
have a problem of weak immune system? Are you taking some concurrent drugs
(espeically immunosupressive?). What kind of antibiotics did the doc rx to
you? Take it exactly as prescribed even though you feel sick.
There are some possible reasons that cause TB infection to you: bad nutrition,
working too hard, irregular sleep, previous (immunosupressive) medication use,
dirty living environment, intensive contact with
发帖数: 199
how severe is it? dementia? (i guess you are not 60 years old yet). for
example, do you sometimes go around and cannot find home? (guess not).
do you have low memory all the time, or slowly degenerated, or suddenly
do you have other symptoms such as headache or weight loss? do you have bad
and unhealthy diet or even anorxia?
it's also likely to be hormone related, espeically for female (which you are,
right?). do you have some other symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, insomnia,
bad tem
发帖数: 199
来自主题: Money版 - Re: 现在买I-BOND还是EE-BOND?
Of course, espeically after today. Those with high APY and gracious terms are
dominant strategy over bonds.
1) You can withdraw at anytime (depending on the terms). More flexible than
saving bond which you have to wait at least one year.
2) Higher returns (if you don't plan to hold it for 10 years).
3) Zero risk. safter because it is FDIC insured. Bond are not insured.
4) Return rate is a constant (also means a lower risk). If you don't think
this important, then you probably just need to buy st
发帖数: 18546
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 妊娠纹是什么样的啊?
most probably yes. espeically if it's itchy
发帖数: 1124
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 第二胎20周了周围人看不出来我怀孕
I am now around 9 weeks pregnant with my second, belly already kinda show.
But, everyone is different, espeically if you are the really skinny type.
How was your first pregnancy? big belly or small?
Since now you already 20 weeks, I am sure your dr has been constantly
checkign the progress of your baby, if everythign looks fine then you don't
have to worry.
发帖数: 86
Hi, there:
Would like to buy some reading materials of stock technical analysis,
espeically in day-trading area. If you happen to know some good books or
websites, please help to share. thanks.
发帖数: 1090
来自主题: Stock版 - 这次是FED谋杀了美股
commodity is getting cheaper, espeically oil.
发帖数: 978
1.) I don't think EB2 can upgrade to EB1 easily espeically for PERM guys.
EB3 can upgrade to EB2 much easier, so the pending EB2 will be bigger.
2.) No matter how much spill over it will be, EB2 Indian will get the
majority of it. EB3 Indian is upgrading to EB2 crazily. Don't expect too
much from it.
I think 3000 is a reasonable estimate. For EB2 guys in 2007, at least 3
years waiting.

发帖数: 1372
来自主题: Chicago版 - 征,征,征
me. me. I want to join. espeically 想看年老色衰的发哥怎么被狗熊强暴蹂躏
发帖数: 688
来自主题: Chicago版 - 版上有北京的么?
last year I took AA, the timing is not good, espeically the arriving time
at Beijing. After everything done, it was around 1:00am, too late. This year
I changed back to UA.
发帖数: 9598
来自主题: Chicago版 - [合集] 版上有北京的么?
Nietschean (Somewhere warm~) 于 (Tue Aug 23 12:09:55 2011, 美东) 提到:
问个航班问题:AA PEK<=>ORD是不是只有187/186一个航班?
bigbigbee (大蜜蜂: Phase-Ot) 于 (Tue Aug 23 12:17:20 2011, 美东) 提到:

Nietschean (Somewhere warm~) 于 (Tue Aug 23 12:19:37 2011, 美东) 提到:
☆──────────────────────────────... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 215
来自主题: Connecticut版 - Re: 骗得了别人, 骗不了自己

Finding these kind of excuses is not good. The comfort in bbs is
obvious, but the bad side is also immediate. They can find 1000
excuses for u on bbs, and you yourself will think it is reasonable
while they are not.
Being undergrad or grad is not the problem. The first semester needs
more time on it. Espeically a calm mood to listen to those language
and terminorlogy.
You should, and we all should.
The dilemma of bbs is that you find comfort as your excuse and it makes
things even worse if
发帖数: 209
来自主题: NewJersey版 - 简单说两句刚来NJ的感受
You must live in that several apts near hunters glen. over 50% of them,
espeically in that little park. The air is filled with their smell during
the summer time.
I suggest you move to montgomery area, still close to princeton with much
less "them".
发帖数: 407
1. 金凤轩 - Cantonese style, very similar style as kc海鲜. Have Drink Tea
Dim Sum in the afternoon. I will vote 金凤轩 to have the best taste Dim Sum
food in the NY metro area, even better than Chinatown. But it could be very
crowded over the weekend.
2. 木桥 - It is a new Shanghaiese restaurant openned in Woodbridge downtown.
Right next to the Woodbridge train station. I think it only opened about 3
months. I went there 3 times already.
木桥 - This restaurant has a great chef. Taste of food is quite OK.
木桥... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3967
i dont even remember.
first year staff, I guess.
Usually two years after big 4 can guarantee you the next accounting job
espeically after you pass the exam.
3500 is a lot to me le.
发帖数: 3967
for many people who have been married over 3 years espeically if thy are
over 35. the answer is YES.
发帖数: 22
来自主题: SanDiego版 - San Diego vs. Austin 生活比较
I think I am the best person to write something here.
I had been living and working in Dallas and Austin for years. Now I moved to
Austin is the best place you can live in term of weather and housing in
I think it is better than Dallas and Houston, since it has lakes and hills.
Yes, you do have a lot of shopping malls, but for Chinese food, you only
have one big store, and the restraunts are just so so. Dallas is better,
maybe Houseton is best in Texas.
The pirce of housing is very r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1632
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 昨天差点打架,兼问后果
No the cop won't come for people arguing about a parking space unless
someone gets hurt. That is reason why you leave and come back to fix his car later. Just make sure no one is around. It will make you feel better. LOL
Here is what happened to me one time while I was waiting someone to back out
of a parking space. Someone came from behind, drove 20 feets in front,
made a U-turn and took the space right in front of me. It caught me off
guard becuase why would someone do that espeically I am
发帖数: 175
The best solution is drink grapefruit juice (自己榨),don' buy from
supermarket.I tried before, very effective, 1 day, or 2-3 days. (everyday,
drink 1-2 times). 2nd solution is to drink 苦瓜汁(水煮或滚水泡). Meanwhile
you should eat more fruit and vegetables (espeically bitter taste vegetable,
such as 芥菜等), all this can remove poison from your body, ORGANIC &
healthy. Hope you recover soon!
发帖数: 2865
Though I would even say Google vs. Microsoft is a wash depending on the
project. If you get a side & unimportant project in Google and a good core
group in Microsoft, I would vote for Microsoft. Espeically now Microsoft's
compensation is comparatively good.
发帖数: 16647
dont need to "hate"...
well, sometimes it is a little annoying, or very annoying espeically it is
not rush hour and lanes r pretty empty and the slow car just occupied the
HOV without any basic sense...
发帖数: 507
Nashville's food (any style) is terrible, espeically those southern fried
发帖数: 36
来自主题: Texas版 - 从三番转机到Houston的问题
it's gonna be very tight, espeically if the line for border control is long,
that'll take extra time.
发帖数: 16778
来自主题: Fishing版 - F150 Raptor真不错 (转载)
I like F150 too, espeically the one with long bed.
I hope I can buy one in the future so that
I don't need to tie and untie each time for my sedan to load my kayak on its
发帖数: 39399
来自主题: Football版 - 推荐搭讪神器
actually, we normally call this tech info, espeically in one's company...
发帖数: 10701
来自主题: Golf版 - 大出卖
english songs?
basicially, i only listen to english songs, after having stayed the states for
years. espeically, top 40 sponosed by msn radio. kaka~~
Jay Chou is unique.
by the way, do u know how my roomate comments the country music? after i told
him i likes some country music.
he said their lyric are alway about sadness, loneness, 失恋等。
近期在听的top 40中的歌有
《because of you》》
《wake me up when september ends?

-mariay carey这首歌怎么有这么好的排名?不懂。
发帖数: 10701
来自主题: Golf版 - Why do you golf?
still not easy bah.. espeically, when we have kids to take care of..
i am thinking to have a putting green at my yard. so that i only spend time
on hitting balls on the range, and pratice short game at home..
发帖数: 10701
来自主题: Golf版 - what I am working on lately..
1) dont' count score during the one round play..it's just so distracting,
espeically, for the last several holes.
2) focus on the surrounding observation of next shot, next hole.
3) stay positive.. think positive, dont' think what if I miss...., but "this
is what I want to do." this matters a lot for some tough tee shots, and pin
发帖数: 10701
来自主题: Golf版 - 2008 Men's City Championship
yah.. my capability is just about making the cut..
if i 've had more tournament experience, espeically, mental side, i could
give me much more chance.
i guess i had the most birdie chances in my 3some group, however, i just
didn't convert them.
anyway, it's a good tournament, pretty fun.. i am looking foward to playing
the next year's.
发帖数: 193
来自主题: Outdoors版 - Red Rock Climbing
Thanks. Good point. I think I want to enjoy the nature a little bit after
the meeting. Maybe just a car camp.
Do people espeically climbing people camp there?
发帖数: 349
来自主题: Running版 - 也说说国内和美国的跑步比较
I don't trust reseach published on dot com, espeically when I find it is
trying to sell sth, haha
发帖数: 4859
mark (花生,微爷远爷的爸爸) 于 (Wed Oct 28 23:03:37 2009, 美东) 提到:
这个坑太好。不填就有点可惜了.. :)
1)先说职业的。说实话。这里可能除了 bearSQ可能少有人和职业级别的有接触。
最近白雪。英杰。毁娜 成绩也不错。说明还是有科学的。
2) 说业余的。
以后会更好。我相信(我还想回去搞个Runners world中文版呢.hoho)
这个是经验问题... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13580
来自主题: Running版 - Race Report-HTC 2011,a 200 mile party(I)
Van 1: feline, blogrance, fish, fatcat, me, monica. support: mei (fatcat's
lovely wife)
Van 2: rick, paff, fff, julian, danwei, james. support: tina (james' wife,
rick's mom)
We are all Chinese, 8 guys and 4 gals. We have all raced at least 1 marathon
. We are all over 30 except Rick. Except for Rick who is still in college,
we all have higher degrees, with at least 3-4 PhDs. If there is a nerdy team
award, we'll probably win it.
How it all began.
I heard about the race in 2008 and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7276
来自主题: Swimming版 - Butterfly Video of my son
Yeah, he just started to learn butterfly a month or two ago in the swim team
, no private coach teaching yet (his private coach so far only taught him
freestyle and a little bit breast stroke). But his backstroke and butterfly
so far have the fastest time compared with state standards (they call it
blue time). So I'm not surprised his stroke could be wrong somewhere. Just
trying to find out where.. HeHe.. Thanks for the advice.

son's espeically from the different angles in the animation.
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Phil Hellmuth运气真是TOO BADDDD!
I agree with livb's analysis. He should not worry about Minyh much since if
Miny had a set or AQ, he would raised that pot with such a draw heavy board
and multi way pot.

Matt would not call preflop raise with Q7, so his shoving range either AQ
, set 7s, which crush Phil's hand, also could be a combo draw/pair with
flush draw, so his a7 is actually under ranged at that spot. Also, he is
confident that he can get in with better spot since he is a better player,as
you said.
It was too late ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - player批评俺的那把
Those hands are typical at cash game.
I don't think it is an automatic shove against a raise there. Just like
anything in poker, there is grey area.
I will say what type of opponents and how big is the folding equity are two
key factors in my decision.
Amazingly, there is not many one pair hand btn can choose to raise with,
assume he is an average player. Since he limped at btn, unless he is totally
a weak tight, we can put less weight on he holding Ak, AQ, AJ. And normal
player probaly won't ra... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Did I miss a thin river value bet there?
no cap 5-10 NL. typical Vegas 5-10 NL situation recently. A huge loose asian
fish, and all other players on the table are regs.
I started this hand with about 2.5K. I raised to 40$ with Ako MP, a
loose reg 3 bet to 140$, the loose asian fish cold called 140$. Loose reg
opens and 3 bet pretty light and he got me covered. I could 4 bet him with
AK there , but with loose asian fish in, I decided to just call there. My
hand is sort of under reped and I have decent implied odds when I hit my... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3967
来自主题: Travel版 - Loving vegas
1. Take your girlfriend to Jasmine inside Bellagio's. Very authentic
Cantonese cuisine. Ask for a table by the window and you can enjoy the
fountain.The sea bass is the best. They stick to the same menu for years but
cook everything to perfect.
2. Go for the lunch buffet at Wynn, good price (less than 25 bucks after tax
) and very nice setting.
3. Enjoy Gelato at the cafe down the new Mandarin Oriental hotel, the
service is super.
4. Shopping at the stores in Palazzo, espeically Barney's new yor
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