

全部话题 - 话题: expletive
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发帖数: 2239
-the night Bill unexpectedly lost his 1974 Arkansas congressional seat bid,
Hillary shrieked at his campaign manager, “you fucking Jew bastard.”
Alec Flegon’s Dictionary of English Sex Quotations (London: Flegon Press,
1996) quoted Hillary:
-L.D. Brown, a member of Clinton’s former security staff and bodyguard in
Arkansas, stated that Hillary is “as foul-mouthed as any sailor you’d ever
meet.” (p. 147)
-As reported by Bill’s security staff, Hillary frequently erupted in
expletive-filled tirades ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5818
KELLYANNE CONWAY: I'm glad Meryl Streep has such a passion for the disabled
because I didn't hear her weigh in or I didn't even hear her use her
platform last night, Ainsley, to give the shoutout to the mentally
challenged boy who last week was tortured live on Facebook for half an hour,
by four young African-American adults who were screaming racial and anti-
Trump expletives and forcing him to put his head in toilet water.
So I'd like to hear from her today, if she wants to come and continue h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
来自主题: USANews版 - NYT:The Dark Magic of Kellyanne Conway
If you happened to watch CNN on Friday morning, you saw a brutal exchange
about Russian hacking between a righteous anchor with steam coming out of
his ears and a right-wing operative with ice in her veins.
“Chris Cuomo bulldozes Kellyanne Conway,” said a headline in one of the
many publications so impressed by the encounter that they reported on it.
If you happened to watch CNN on Monday morning, you saw that Conway was
actually back with Cuomo for more.
Surprised? Then you don’t know the first... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - Trump tried the 2nd time
"I'm sick of defending Trump. Now that he is anti white pride but doesn't
say anything about BLM of Antifa it's clear he's just another [expletive],"
one 4chan user wrote.
David Duke: "It appears the First Amendment doesn't apply to White Americans
just like racial discrimination laws don't protect White Americans," he
wrote after Trump's statement.
Stormfront boards on the subject were littered with calls of "turncoat" and
发帖数: 29576
来自主题: USANews版 - New Yorker fires Ryan Lizza
New Yorker fires Ryan Lizza over alleged 'improper sexual conduct'
By MICHAEL CALDERONE 12/11/2017 04:48 PM EST U
The New Yorker magazine announced Monday it had fired Washington
correspondent Ryan Lizza following an allegation of sexual misconduct.
“The New Yorker recently learned that Ryan Lizza engaged in what we believe
was improper sexual conduct,” a spokesperson said in a statement. “We
have reviewed the matter and, as a result, have severed ties with Lizza. Due
to a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2018
来自主题: USANews版 - The Truth in Trump’s Vulgarity
In a closed-door meeting with lawmakers in the Oval Office on Jan. 11,
President Trump is alleged to have used a vulgarity to describe the origin
countries of some immigrants, including Haitians and Salvadorans. Or so Sen.
Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) claimed, in an obvious attempt to embarrass
Mr. Trump denies having used the expletive. Yet the gist of the remark is
grounded in fact: A great many migrants to the U.S. ar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24733
来自主题: USANews版 - 左臂:美军是The Lowest of the Low
A California high school teacher and local politician is being investigated
after a student clandestinely recorded his apparent anti-military rant.
Administrators at a high school in Pico Rivera, Calif., east of Los Angeles,
are looking into comments Councilman Gregory Salcido allegedly made to his
"Think about the people you know who are over there [in the military]. They'
re your freaking stupid Uncle Louie or whatever," Salcido said, according to
the audiotape.
"They're dumb [explet... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 754
来自主题: USANews版 - 左臂:美军是The Lowest of the Low
[在 jerrycasper (Cat) 的大作中提到:]
:A California high school teacher and local politician is being investigated
after a student clandestinely recorded his apparent anti-military rant.
:Administrators at a high school in Pico Rivera, Calif., east of Los Angeles
, are looking into comments Councilman Gregory Salcido allegedly made to his
:"Think about the people you know who are over there [in the military].
They're your freaking stupid Uncle Louie or whatever," Salc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5818
发帖数: 2787
Me too是不是共和党受害者直接跳过?

★ 发自iPhone App: ChinaWeb 1.1.4
发帖数: 2482
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 喜讯:某家ceo想去uber当ceo
He has seven children, ages 20 to 60, from three wives and two girlfriends.
He was romantically involved for six years with Lisette Derouaux, but they
hit a snag on the issue of children.
"I can't have a rug rat right now, like cats and dogs, scratching all my (
expletive) up," Jones says with a chuckle. "I'm done with that."
Always in search of harmony, Jones "fixed her up," introducing Derouaux to
LinkedIn chi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4704
Barclays Asia Strategist Said to Leave After Berating Workers
2012-11-09 09:19:39.505 GMT
By Andrea Tan and Tanya Angerer
Nov. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Barclays Plc’s head of Asia currency strategy
Olivier Desbarres left the bank after a video of him berating construction
workers near his home was posted on the Internet, according to a person
familiar with the situation.
Desbarres left on Oct. 29, said the person, who... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1105
THE Commonwealth Bank has slugged homeowners on Melbourne Cup Day by raising
its standard mortgage rate by almost double the increase in official rates
announced by the Reserve Bank.
CBA was the first to follow the RBA's increase, increasing its standard
variable mortgage rate by 45 basis points, nearly double the Reserve Bank's
increase of 25 basis points.
At its annual meeting last week, the nation's biggest lender revealed a $6.1
billion profit for the last financial year.
The bank said toda... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
High School Drama Teacher Pushes Play With Incest and Bestiality, Gets
October 13, 2013 by Warner Todd Huston
Here is a story that shows why we don’t let children decide what they want
to do for themselves. In Arizona, a high school teacher thought it would be
a great idea for his kids to put on a play that features incest and
bestiality. He got suspended for this leftist idea, but the silly children
are rallying behind this warper of souls hoping to get his punishment
Stirri... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 420
An earlier version of this article erroneously said research by Diversity
Inc and Catalyst indicated that almost 87 percent of corporate board seats
of Fortune 500 companies are held by white men. Almost 87 percent are held
by white workers: 73.3 percent men and 13.4 percent women.
Ingrid Yung is a made-up character, but her story seems to resonate with
the real-life Asian American lawyers gathered for a book reading in ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16223
来自主题: Baseball版 - manny和youkilis又咋了?
According to three sources, Manny had raised objections to Youkilis throwing
equipment around in the dugout after flying deep to center in the fourth
inning, and advised him to "cut that (expletive) out. Youkilis apparently
didn't take kindly to the remark, said something, and Manny swiped at him.
发帖数: 2415
来自主题: Basketball版 - 骑黑骑密不要这么快下定论吗
''They kicked our behind from the beginning and we did not fight back until
late,'' Brown said. ''We've got to decide if we're going to take the fight
to them and take these games. Not a [expletive] thing is going to be given
to us at all in this series. We've got to come out and fight better than
what we did tonight.''
发帖数: 9501
Jeremy Lin on His Fast Break to Fame, God, and Kobe Bryant
By Jeff Yang
When The Garden is full and the right moment hits, it sounds like a riverbed
canyon during spring thaw. The roar is deafening, and it rebounds from wall
to wall, off the rafters, and into your face with tangible force.
The first time you felt that sonic boom was a few minutes into last night’s
program, when No. 17, Jeremy Lin — the man of the hour, the evening and
just maybe the season — trotted into the strobing lights of t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17256
来自主题: Basketball版 - 面对批评 韦德说
这才是真正的I don’t give a [expletive] what you say啊,威武!
参考 http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Basketball/32490921.html
发帖数: 398
来自主题: Basketball版 - 总结一下老北京被犯规门。。。
1:公牛对老北京凶狠犯规。视频:NBA.com (Bulls Get Physical on LeBron)。
“The Bulls snap the Heat's win streak with physical play on LeBron James.”
2:老北京赛后很不爽,点名批评了某些人某些动作。视频:NBA.com (Postgame:
LeBron James)。
“Let me calculate my thoughts real fast before I say [what I want to say],
” James said after the game. “I believe and I know that a lot of my fouls
are not basketball plays. First of all, Kirk Hinrich in the first quarter
basically grabbed me with two hands and brought me to the ground. The last
one, Taj G... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1369
来自主题: Basketball版 - 最近裁判火气很大
On April 15, 2007, Crawford ejected San Antonio Spurs superstar Tim Duncan
for supposedly laughing at Crawford from his seat on the bench during a game
against the Dallas Mavericks. Duncan also supposedly insulted Crawford with
an expletive.[9] Duncan alleges that Crawford asked if he wanted to fight.[
10] On April 17, Crawford was suspended for the remainder of the 2006–07
season and the 2007 Playoffs as a result of this altercation, ending his 21
consecutive Finals appearances. The league also... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 348
After seven playoff appearances, Baltimore Ravens linebacker Terrell Suggs
is finally headed to his first Super Bowl. And he's going to celebrate with
some championship-level trash talk.
"We came. We saw. We conquered. Shut them out in the second half. Tell them
to have fun at the Pro Bowl. Arrogant (expletives)," Suggs said, via Dan
Wetzel of Yahoo! Sports, among other reporters.
Suggs was just getting started:
"These are the most arrogant pricks in the world starting with Belichick on
do... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16730
来自主题: Football版 - 河南德子发逮捕令了
In an anecdote near the bottom of a longer report, it was mentioned that
Hernandez was at the team facility trying to watch film, when he grew
frustrated at not being able to operate the equipment. Wide receiver Wes
Welker walked by, Hernandez asked for help, and Welker replied: “Rookie,
you figure it out.”
According to the report, Hernandez “responded with expletives.”
The Globe being a family publication, didn’t expound, but one of their
reporters did on Twitter.
According to Shalise... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2828
来自主题: Football版 - bravo Coach
“What’s all the stink over the Redskin name?” Ditka said. “It’s so much
[expletive] it’s incredible. We’re going to let the liberals of the world
run this world. It was said out of reverence, out of pride to the American
Indian. Even though it was called a Redskin, what are you going to call them
, a Proudskin? This is so stupid it’s appalling, and I hope that owner
keeps fighting for it and never changes it, because the Redskins ar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4295
Denis Leary, who plays fictitious Cleveland Browns coach Vince Penn in the
soon-to-be-released movie “Draft Day” consulted with Bill Belichick on the
And, during a meeting with Belichick, the Patriots head coach inquired who
came up with the money-in-the-playbook trick to see which prospects actually
studied what they were asked to study.
Neil Best of Newsday relates that Belichick asked Leary, "Who the [expletive
] came up with that $100 playbook thing?!"... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8892
来自主题: NCAA版 - 老李头犯臭了?
ESPN college football analyst Lee Corso always ends the ''College Gameday''
show in outrageous fashion.
On Saturday, he accidentally added a profanity.
On set for the SMU-Houston game, Corso got tangled up with his SMU prop, a
cheerleader's megaphone, prompting the veteran broadcaster to drop an F-bomb
as he tried to make his pick for the game. Corso then put on the Houston
mascot head — muffled a few seconds t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20256
That never happened. The cult of Bo had long run the football program, and
athletic director Bill Martin wanted new blood. Even more, rumors fogged
Miles' reputation around Ann Arbor, the sort repeated so often they were
accepted as ugly fact. Miles departed Michigan in 1994, right after Moeller'
s drunken outburst at a local restaurant led to his arrest and firing. Even
though Miles left to run Oklahoma State's offense, urban legen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3252
Bo Pelini insults A.D. Shawn Eichorst in expletive-filled talk during final
meeting with players
发帖数: 13580
来自主题: Ski版 - 女子half pipe
haha, did you guys see this:
At first there were whoops of celebration. But then things got a little R-
Keene: What do you want to do?
White: I don't know, man. Ride down the middle?
(Chorus of noes.)
Keene: No, have some fun.
White: Drop a double mick?
Keene: Yeah, drop a double mick at the end. Do whatever you want and [
expletive] send that thing
发帖数: 2279
U.S. has bigger problems
Mexico's team, not its fan base, more of a concern
Copyright 2011 Houston Chronicle
It's been a long time since the U.S. Soccer Federation's men's and boys'
sides seemed in such disarray. The senior national team was embarrassed at
the Rose Bowl on June 25, blowing a two-goal lead in an eventual 4-2 blowout
loss to Mexico in the Gold Cup final.
Outclassed on the field, U.S. goalkeeper Tim Howard then showed a lack of
class off the field in a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3103
SAO PAULO (AP) Former star Romario says Brazil wouldn't get past the group
stage of the World Cup if the competition was played today.
Now a congressman, Romario used an expletive to describe what he thinks
about the national team and said coach Mano Menezes needs more time to be
able to form his squad.
Romario said he would like to see former South Africa coach Joel Santana in
command if Menezes is fired in case Brazil fails to ear... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1956
来自主题: CouchPotato版 - [转] Cosmo Kramer Quotes (from Seinfeld)
Cosmo Kramer is a character on the American television sitcom Seinfeld (1989
–1998), played by Michael Richards. Kramer is the "wacky neighbor" of main
character Jerry Seinfeld. He lives at 129 West 81st Street, New York City,
Apartment 5B. Of the series' four central characters, only Kramer has no
visible means of support; what few jobs he holds seem to be nothing more
than larks. Here are some of the funniest things he has ever said:
"I'm useless Jerry!"
"Wrong Mujumbo"
"I'm... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 141625
来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 林书豪的头发
Jeremy Lin: Brooklyn Nets guard responds after Kenyon Martin disses
Oct. 6 (UPI) — Brooklyn Nets guard Jeremy Lin has responded to a dis from
Kenyon Martin regarding his dreadlocks.
Martin, who is no longer in the NBA, posted a photo of Lin’s hair on his
Instagram account. He also posted videos talking about the hair. He has
since taken the posts down.
“Do I need to remind this [expletive] boy his last name Lin?” Martin said
one of the vi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 800
Samuel L. Jackson Refuses to Answer Question About Abundance of ‘Nigger’
in Django Unchained Unless Interviewer Says the Word
The controversy surrounding Quentin Tarantino's supposed over-use of a
certain expletive in Django Unchained is on everyone's lips — except that
few can actually bring themselves to say the word.
FOX Houston's film critic Jake Hamilton definitely couldn't when he asked
Samuel L. Jackson ab... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 800
Samuel L. Jackson Refuses to Answer Question About Abundance of ‘Nigger’
in Django Unchained Unless Interviewer Says the Word
The controversy surrounding Quentin Tarantino's supposed over-use of a
certain expletive in Django Unchained is on everyone's lips — except that
few can actually bring themselves to say the word.
FOX Houston's film critic Jake Hamilton definitely couldn't when he asked
Samuel L. Jackson ab... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
Christie Spars Over a Tribute to Houston
She was a great singer, a troubled soul, a local girl, a substance abuser.
But was Whitney Houston deserving of the same tribute as fallen soldiers or
police officers?
Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey has spent the last few days defending his
plan to fly flags at half-staff on the day of her funeral, which is
scheduled for Saturday and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4704
Barclays Asia Strategist Said to Leave After Berating Workers
2012-11-09 09:19:39.505 GMT
By Andrea Tan and Tanya Angerer
Nov. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Barclays Plc’s head of Asia currency strategy
Olivier Desbarres left the bank after a video of him berating construction
workers near his home was posted on the Internet, according to a person
familiar with the situation.
Desbarres left on Oct. 29, said the person, who... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 734
来自主题: EnglishChat版 - there will be times....
"There is" does not provide the future tense here.
The word "there" in "There is..." is an expletive pronomial subject,
and "There is..." means that something (the grammatical object that
follows, which is the semantical subject) exists or happens.
发帖数: 5739
来自主题: Joke版 - 说fork说的最多的电影
‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Drops Most Movie F-Bombs… Ever
So, how many times does "Wolf" drop the F-word? According to Wikipedia
tabulation: 506 times, or 2.83 times every 60 seconds of the 180-minute film
. This easily beat the previous record-holder among scripted films, Spike
Lee's 1999 hit "Summer of Sam," which boasted (a measly) 435 instances of
the expletive.
发帖数: 2555
A Cobb County woman was indicted Thursday for allegedly claiming to be a
federal law enforcement agent to get a discount for her Chick-fil-A meal.
Tara Marie Solem, of Marietta, faces two felony counts of impersonating an
officer, according to court documents.
Police said the incident happened July 5 at the Macland Cross Circle
She initially tried to convince a worker at the eatery’s drive-through
window that that she was a federal agent. It didn’t work, so she went
Solem walke... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19049
来自主题: SciFiction版 - 云图 英文版
Dreamt I stood in a china shop so crowded from floor to far-off ceiling with
shelves of
porcelain antiquities etc. that moving a muscle would cause several to fall
and smash to bits.
Exactly what happened, but instead of a crashing noise, an august chord rang
out, half-cello,
half-celeste, D major (?), held for four beats. My wrist knocked a Ming vase
affair off its
pedestal—E-flat, whole string section, g... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19049
来自主题: SciFiction版 - 云图 英文版
the first luisa rey
Rufus Sixsmith leans over the balcony and estimates his body’s velocity
when it hits the
sidewalk and lays his dilemmas to rest. A telephone rings in the unlit room.
Sixsmith dares not
answer. Disco music booms from the next apartment, where a party is in full
swing, and
Sixsmith feels older than his sixty-six years. Smog obscures the stars, but
north and south
along the coastal strip, Buenas Yerbas’s billion lights simmer. West, the
Pacific eternity East... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 34098
Saturday, 20 October 2012
10 Things that Scream, "Don't Hire Me!"
You just don't get it. You've applied to numerous jobs, been to countless
interviews and made several new contacts in your network -- yet here you are
-- still sitting on the unemployment list. What gives?
Well ... have you ever stopped to consider that what gives might in fact be
... you?
It's a hard concept that most job seekers have trouble wrapping their heads
around, but applicants frequently -- inadvertently -- raise red fla... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4704
Barclays Asia Strategist Said to Leave After Berating Workers
2012-11-09 09:19:39.505 GMT
By Andrea Tan and Tanya Angerer
Nov. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Barclays Plc’s head of Asia currency strategy
Olivier Desbarres left the bank after a video of him berating construction
workers near his home was posted on the Internet, according to a person
familiar with the situation.
Desbarres left on Oct. 29, said the person, who... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Boy I'm wordy. Your draft is very nice. Best wishes tomorrow and no
First there was the question that was manipulative,
It blamed China for everything expletive;
Then there was the solution that was not funny,
We got apologies from Kimmel that weren't real apologies...
发帖数: 4396
来自主题: _Auto_Fans版 - 直接换Synthetic OIL没事吧
engine lubrication systems are designed for a particular range of
viscosities because the size of oil passages are engineered to maintain
sufficient flow at said viscosity. too high or too low a viscosity will
reduce oil flow at various places inside an engine.
and btw, engineering IS a fucking science. pardon the expletive.
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