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发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 米疣对中国充满了敌视和歧视
Remember when Nixon played China as a strategic counter to Cold War Russia?
Made a certain amount of sense. He may have been mildly corrupt (by today's
standards), but he had the intelligence to keep us out of a direct war with
countries having tens of thousands of nukes.
Today's neocons, from the Bushes to the afirmative action golf enthusiast,
and most importantly - Hillary - just can't wait to stick it to Putin, and
if China wants to go along for the ride, so be it. What the hell, their kids
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7349
来自主题: Military版 - 苏联革命一百年
A BRITISH intelligence officer dismissed Vladimir Lenin and his fellow
revolutionaries as “fanatical and narrow-minded”. That was an
understatement. But by early 1917 power in Russia was there for the taking.
That February, 300 years of Romanov autocracy had been ended in a few
dizzying days, while nothing had been put in its place. Russia, exhausted
and desperate from three years of disastrous war with Germany and its allies
, was being run by ineffectual and well-meaning moderates.
Lenin knew ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3030
来自主题: Military版 - 亚裔反AA不能只盯着高校录取
Trump as president might help China since he will weaken US in every aspect.
That might explain the unrelenting fear and rumor mongering on Chinese BBS,
but it is beyond comprehension that anybody who are sane, have some sense
of shame, and with basic IQ would fall for those, let alone coming up with
those vomiting inducing cheer. It is quite sad to see those fanatics after
what happened during culture revolution and the height of FLG.
But that kind of boost to China would only prolong the inevi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3030
来自主题: Military版 - NPR事件凸显疮轮智商欠费
Do those dumb dumbs really think they are the only ones who can read chinese?
NPR only need to translate a couple of threads of their daily raciest and
fanatic orgy on any of the Chinese BBSs to discredit all of them.
I have said a long time ago, yellow trump ass kissers would do much more
damage to Chinese American than FLG even though they are only a tiny
发帖数: 3030
Unfortunately, those dumb Trump supporters won't be smart enough to let this
one to die out in the next news cycle and some of their "leader" won't let
go this golden opportunity for their blood bun making business.
It wouldn't be difficult for NPR to figure out the so called CAFT didn't
have many US citizen and all of the "members" are first generation from
mainland China. Just presenting that would be very damaging.
The news would get worse if some fanatics start to harass that dumb kid.
发帖数: 551
Wrong, African American, European American, Asian American are all Americans
. Normal people, if they aren't fanatic, all recognize it. You don't want
to push the clock back two hundred years, do you?
发帖数: 4796
One hundred years since Russia’s controversial mystic Grigory Rasputin was
poisoned, shot, beaten, and thrown into freezing waters by a group of
aristocrats, historians are still divided over his murder and influence on
the Tsar’s family.
The Siberian faith healer’s close relationship with the Romanov royal
family caused ruptures among Russian aristocrats fearful of his influence.
Rasputin became a trusted advisor to Empress Alexandra Feodorovna after she
was convinced that he had saved her son ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4465
来自主题: Military版 - 福利: 看看真正的淫妇长啥样
(London, UK) -- Qatar a tiny Persian Gulf Peninsula albeit vastly affluent
and notorious for supporting Al Qaeda-inspired terrorists in war-scarred
Syria , has tarnished its already infamous reputation by causing an
ignominious scandal involving a female member of royal family.
In spite of the Qatari Royal Court (Diwan Amiri) desperately seeking to
somehow vindicate this public disgrace ,paying no attention to this
dishonorable sin, the Qatari King , a close US ally, allows privat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: USANews
标 题: Patrick J. Buchanan: 美国的战争是否正义和道德?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 25 22:33:13 2017, 美东)
Are America’s Wars Just and Moral?
“One knowledgeable official estimates that the CIA-backed fighters may have
killed or wounded 100,000 Syrian soldiers and their allies,” writes
columnist David Ignatius.
Given that Syria’s prewar population was not 10 percent of ours, this ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17713
来自主题: Military版 - 1波尔 看看决赛怎么样
Hugo is a sports fanatic and in his free time he enjoys playing basketball,
tennis and watching sports on TV.
Hugo can solve the Rubik’s cube in 11 seconds on average.
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 好多字不认识
How To Recognize When Your Society Is Suffering A Dramatic Decline
1) Ignorant "Ghetto Culture" is popularized by the elites who are mostly
white to dumb down the masses.
2) Low achieving individuals have to be promoted beyond their competency
levels, due to absence of meritocracy.
3) The elites, who are mostly white, allow the country to become overrun
with unskilled uneducated, and non-... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 无标题
It is sad but true for recent 10 years.
Much more and more young generation in China holds a bunch of way worthless
degrees.. Although many of them are from world-class reputation graduate
The rapid pace of change makes postgraduate degrees worth of nothing. 20
years ago, person holding a plain bachelor degree can
earn nearly half the salary of today.
Chinese might be the most fanatical people who emphasize themselves being
educated in the globe.

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 黄皮川粉英文怎么说
Yellow ulcer & canker fanatics
发帖数: 3030
The yellow dump kissers are curiously silent about this other than those
religious fanatics (born-again whatever, Lunzi...)
The question is, how much is Xi going to pay for his throne?
发帖数: 3030
来自主题: Military版 - 中国人在美国 就两条路
Not too late yet. Maybe 80-20 can fix the damage caused by those fanatics
with their "parents against affirmative action" garbage
发帖数: 17243
Emily West has a message for voters in Missouri House District 15.
Don’t vote for her dad.
“I can’t imagine him being in any level of government,” she told The Star
on Monday.
Her dad is Steve West, 64, the Republican candidate for the Missouri General
Assembly who made headlines after winning the GOP primary in August when
word spread about his radio show and website through which he regularly
espoused an array of bigotry including homophobia, anti-Semitism,
Islamophobia and outright racism.
“A... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 疮聚聚支持中小学开设圣经课
教会的fanatics为了传教哪管得上reality check

: 基督教国家怎么定义?这些先进的国家都是定基督教为国教吗?自己好好琢磨一下

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 疮聚聚的气候委员会太搞笑了
清一色的非主流,连装都不装,alway win。
Meet The Ostriches Under Consideration For Trump’s Anti-Science Climate
The list includes people who have called climate science a “cult” and
claimed Earth benefits from burning fossil fuels.
By Chris D’Angelo
In its ongoing attempt to discredit decades of climate science, the Trump
administration is reportedly reaching out to some of the most seasoned
deniers on the circuit to join a new panel to present an alternative take on
climate change.
As The Washi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Iran would lose a conventional confrontation/war with the US. No doubt. But
I doubt they would wage a symmetrical conventional war with the US.
Iran could do many things that could severely hurt the US and world economy
without leaving clear fingerprints showing they were responsible.
They could use suicide terrorists world wide to attack commercial aviation
or carry out assassinations of political leaders. They have had a long time
to reverse engineer the computer code we installed on their cen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1709
来自主题: Military版 - 美又向沙特部署爱国者导弹系统
This in nonsense. Saudi Arabia is an enemy of the United States of America.
The Saudi's are low IQ religious fanatics inhabiting a desert landscape
only slightly more productive than the moon.
发帖数: 6300
ISIS planning to use toy helicopters as bombing drones fear security chiefs
Counter-terror chiefs fear Islamist fanatics plan to launch deadly bomb
attacks on the UK’s streets using unmanned toy drones.
Both MI5 and police battling the threat of an IS outrage in Britain believe
the network has experimented with planting high explosives on the tiny
flying machines.
The agile drones could lift enough C4 plastic explosive to kill or ma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7009
发帖数: 677
来自主题: QueerNews版 - the never ending debate about gay marriage
有时候我会想,有用么?Honestly, what's the chance we can actually talk any
fanatic anti-gay person into supporting gay marriage? 5%? Less? Even if
we can rebuff every reason they have for against gay marriage, they can
always say "我就不爽了,你能怎么样?suck it up!" What can we do? Beat them
up? Force feed them lard until they agree with us? (As much as I would
like to do that it's obvious not the way to go :P)
The truth is, as evidenced by women's suffrage, anti-segregation and
numerous other civil rights movements,
发帖数: 2073
I'm not sure if she's catholic or christian. in christian, Jesus never said
a thing about homosexuality BUT he sure did have a thing to say about
divorce and religious fanatics that try to show how holy they are.
that what those people always quote from the passage are most likely from
Romans. and if you go back to the original Greek I believe the word they
translated to mean homosexuality means something different. It's really
talking about the practice in Greece whre older men would go and sex
发帖数: 1822
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 宗教 与 同志
"Jesus never condemned gay people," my Bible as Literature professor said to
me. I was writing an article for UCLA's gay newspaper on homosexuality and
the bible, and that one simple sentence sent a rush of joy through my entire
body. "There are only five texts that refer to gay sex, and when you look
at them within their historical context, the meanings don't match the
present definition of homosexuality." He scribbled a bo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 22013
来自主题: QueerNews版 - 同性婚姻大讨论合集之一
willhung (黄威廉) 于 (Mon Feb 1 15:24:47 2010, 美东) 提到:
发信人: aptget (apt), 信区: USANews
标 题: 同性婚姻受不到祝福也成了叽歪的理由了?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 1 13:38:17 2010, 美东)
不受祝福的婚姻多了,suck it up!
majia111 (maji... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 181
来自主题: RisingChina版 - 关于喇嘛的文章,请版主置顶
I. For Lords and Lamas
Along with the blood drenched landscape of religious conflict there is the
experience of inner peace and solace that every religion promises, none more
so than Buddhism. Standing in marked contrast to the intolerant savagery of
other religions, Buddhism is neither fanatical nor dogmatic--so say its
adherents. For many of them Buddhism is less a theology and more a
meditative and investigative discipline intended to promote an inner harmony
and enlightenm
发帖数: 918
来自主题: Talk版 - Vigorously worship leader
Worship leader is a feature common to all cults, but the leader is from, as
the leader was born and died. Cult leader claiming to be "God" in order to
become the object of worship of believers. To deified leader, the cult all
the time engaging in "Zaoshenyundong" completely dominated the leader of all
the believers of the faith and even their lives. In the fanatical worship
leader under the control of, a lot of believers as a leader willing to
devote his entire property, energy, as the leader of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 918
来自主题: Talk版 - Correct Understanding of the cult
From the mid-20th century, the cult in the world inflated, cult activities
intensified. Congress specializes in terrorism Katzman said:. "The world
will face the most dangerous terrorists are not professional, but some
fanatical religious sect" China from the late 1980s began, but also all
kinds of cults dregs, havoc masses. In short, the cult social harm is
multidisciplinary and multifaceted.
     With fully exposed to the "Falungong" cult,
represented by the nature of the c... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
作人玛莎·夏巴斯(Martha Schabas)的评论文章。作者描写了观看“法轮功”的“神韵
玛莎·夏巴斯(Martha Schabas)
2015年4月29日,美国《外交政策》杂志(Foreign Po... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3205
来自主题: TheStrait版 - 这也算PA?
Bertrand Russel: “The whole problem with the world is that fools and
fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wise people so full of
发帖数: 2428
来自主题: USANews版 - party of no
原贴找不到了,但另一个版上的朋友踫上过这么一位,说:“Since you gun nuts are
so fanatic about guns, why don't you take all your guns,conquer a place
and move there”
这位朋友回答 “We DID! Who the hell invited you?”
发帖数: 897
In the wake of National Public Radio firing Juan Williams for comments he
made about Muslims on “The O’Reilly Factor,” Sarah Palin took to her
Facebook page Thursday afternoon to call for NPR’s defunding.
“National Public Radio
is a public institution that directly or indirectly exists because the
taxpayers fund it,” she wrote. “And what do we, the taxpayers, get for
this? We get to witness Juan Williams being fired from NPR for ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 也许该把KGB称为Gay G. B
为Gay G.
The two biggest stories this week are WikiLeaks' continued publication of
classified government documents, which did untold damage to America's
national security interests, and the Democrats' fanatical determination to
repeal "don't ask, don't tell" and allow gays to serve openly in the
The mole who allegedly gave WikiLeaks the mountains of secret documents is
Pfc. Bradley Mannin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
April 23, 2011
By Stella Paul
This week is Passover, the season of deliverance, and I'm praying for
deliverance from America's failed Jewish leadership. As Jews confront the
most dangerous era since World War II, whom are we stuck with for leaders?
A clueless bunch of mini-Pharaohs, strutting around proclaiming their moral
superiority, blissfully unaware the Jewish people's mortal enemies are
pulling down their pants and laughing at them.
Cataloguing their collective acts of evasion, cowardice... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Ann Coulter捅马蜂窝:大多数libertarians都是胆小的假货,因为怕得罪人,而不敢
June 15, 2011
I consider all Republican debates time-fillers until New Jersey Gov. Chris
Christie jumps in, but Monday night's debate did crystallize for me why I
dislike libertarians. (Except one, who is a friend of mine and not crazy.)
They lure you in with talk of small government and then immediately start
babbling about drug legalization or gay marriage.
"Get the government... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by The Political Palaver
In today's world, any critic of Islam is labeled an Islamophobe and
marginalized by society at large. But it was not always so. Here,
abolitionist, scholar, and sixth President of the United States John Quincy
Adams delivers the most concise, yet deeply analytical assessment of the "
why" of Islam.
Please read on.
In the seventh century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab [Muhammad] of
the lineage of Hagar, the Egyptian, combining the powers of transcendent
genius, w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Dr. Sowell轰加州高铁项目
by Thomas Sowell
California has a huge state debt and Washington has a huge national debt.
But that does not discourage either Governor Jerry Brown or President Barack
Obama from wanting to launch a very costly high-speed rail system.

Most of us might be a little skittish about spending money if we were
teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. But the beauty of politics is that it
is all other people's money, including among those other people generations
yet unborn.

The high-speed... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
1) The Founding Fathers were generally religious, gun-toting small
government fanatics who were so far to the Right that they'd make Ann
Coulter look like Jimmy Carter.
2) The greatest evil this country has ever committed isn't slavery; it's
killing more than 50 million innocent children via abortion.
3) Conservatives are much more compassionate than liberals and all you have
to do to prove it is look at all the studies showing that conservatives give
more of their money to charity than liberals... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Man Pleads Guilty to Threatening Arpaio
Updated: Wednesday, 14 Mar 2012, 1:02 PM MST
Published : Wednesday, 14 Mar 2012, 1:00 PM MST
PHOENIX - A man described as a President Barack Obama fanatic pleads guilty
to threatening to kill Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Adam Eugene Cox appeared in a Tennessee courtroom on Wednesday.
He was arrested last year for a death threat that began on the Internet.
Cox threatened to kill the sheriff and his family.
Cox will not go to jail. He was sentenced to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2987
Romney already had best performance among non-Hispanic white voters.
But the demographic changed.
Also DEM o8 gave a lot of money to the people on welfare (more than $60k/
family). So the worse the economy, the more voters he gets. This is like
buying votes.
On GOP side, a few stupid beyond comprehension religious fanatics alienated
women voters.
GOP should focus on fiscal conservatism. tone down their evangelical
发帖数: 29846
House Democrat Kills Time During Dull Obama SOTU Speech By Tweeting ‘I Love
You’ to Bikini Model
by Jammie
Let’s face it, given the choice of listening to Obama drone on and on or
making a play for some bikini babe, I have to say the guy was making the
right choice. Of course he went and deleted them, but nothing ever goes away
on the Internet.
You would think a Congressional Democrat would know that by now.
Tennessee Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen is a Twitter fanatic, but even he
seems to thi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
How Obama Betrayed America
A policy of appeasement and intervention abets our enemies.
By David Horowitz
“If we have to use force, it is because we are America. We are the
indispensable nation. We stand tall. We see farther into the future.”
— Madeleine Albright, secretary of state (1997–2001), Clinton
It is a judgment on Barack Obama’s timorous, apologetic, and irresponsible
conduct of foreign affairs that Madeleine Albright’s words, spoken little
more than 15 years ago, now sou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Irony: Former Member of Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Group Sentenced to Jail for
Illegal Use of Firearm
by Jammie
He’s only a former member because they kicked him out when he was arrested
in 2013.
Despite impassioned pleas from family and friends of former Marcus Hook
Mayor James Schiliro, a Delaware County Court judge on Monday sent him to
Schiliro was sentenced to 10 to 20 months for an alcohol-fueled episode
last February in which he had a police car bring a former neighbor – a 20-
yea... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Senate Liberals Narrowly Lose Bid to Reverse SCOTUS Religious Freedom
via Breitbart Feed
Senate liberals--a mix of almost all Democrats and a few Republicans--missed
by a hair last week in a bid to overturn the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby
decision, which ruled unconstitutional the Obama administration’s heavy-
handed requirement that business owners provide abortion services for
employees, even in violation of their constitutionally protected religious
As reported by Politico:
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 总统先生,你打算怎么办呢?
So What Will You Do, Mr. President?
Denunciations won't stop the men who killed James Foley.

Updated Aug. 21, 2014 8:18 p.m. ET
President Obama on Wednesday condemned the made-for-YouTube murder of
American James Foley with as much passion as we've seen from the cool
Commander in Chief.
He said that Foley's killers in the jihadist Islamic State in Iraq and al-
Sham, or ISIS, "have rampaged across cities and villages, killing innocent,
unarmed civilians in cowardly acts of violence. They abduct... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
ISIS surrounds Baghdad in preparation for attack
Thousands of jihadi fighters from the murderous ISIS terrorist group
surrounded Baghdad Sunday and were prepared to mount an assault.
More than 10,000 of the fanatical barbarians had gathered outside the Iraqi
capital, poised to take it by force, an Iraqi official told Britain’s
Telegraph newspaper.
Sabah al-Karhout, president of the provisional council of Anbar Province,
told the paper that the fighters had advanced as far as Abu Ghraib, a suburb... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1094
来自主题: USANews版 - An open letter to Ben Affleck ZZ
An open letter to Ben Affleck
Columns CommentOCTOBER 25, 2014 BY EIYNAH
Your heart was in the right place, but…
Dear Ben,
I am writing to you today as a woman who was born and raised in Islam. I saw
your discussion with Bill Maher and Sam Harris, and I must say you did me a
great disservice that day. Your heart was in the right place, of course,
and it was lovely of you to step up and defend ‘my people’.
What you really did though, perhaps inadvertently, was silence a
conversation that never get... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Lee Edwards | May 22, 2015 | 4:07 PM EDT
For more than three decades, they have sought out and killed Americans. In
1983, in one of the first major anti-American attacks, they bombed the
Marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241 American servicemen. In 1992, they
used bombs to kill two people in Aden, Yemen, in hopes of killing American
troops that might be passing through. In February 1993, they used a truck-
based explosive to try and topple the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan.
They fail... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5579
来自主题: USANews版 - 选美国总统最重要的原则
犹太复国主义的确有些极端分子, 纳汤鸦壶就是一个。 但很多犹太人还是很温和的。
比如 ROTHCHILD 家族里也有些反对犹太建国的, 有些人是要以色列和巴解和解的,
"Interviewed by Haaretz in 2010, Baron Benjamin Rothschild, a Swiss-based
member of the banking family, said that he supported the peace process: "I
understand that it is a complicated business, mainly because of the fanatics
and extremists – and I am talking about both sides ......"
特别注意他强调 “ I am talking about both sides ......”, 说明他看到也承认
巴以问题双方都有责任。 我看老罗家的人很有智慧, 他们家族能够连着200多年做超
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