

全部话题 - 话题: fascinated
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发帖数: 1963
In one of the more interesting posts of the symposium on same-sex marriage
over at SCOTUSBlog, former Rep. Bob Barr wrote last week about the Perry
case and the Windsor v. USA case. He starts by pontificating on marriage as
an institution, then gets into it below (including his support for repealing
Perry v. Schwarzenegger
This time last year, U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker of the U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of California, struck down
Proposition 8, a referendum... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19713
By Neal Broverman
Two guys kiss-bombed a Thursday rally for presidential candidate Rick
Santorum and now you can see it for yourself.
About three minutes and 35 seconds into Santorum's speech at the Christian
Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights, Ill., Timothy Tross and Ben Clifford
screamed, "MIC Check!" Then they made-out to the horror and fascination of
the 2,100 people at the rally. The men, along with a female companion, were
removed from the ev... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2
I am a Tibetan Chinese, but I feel shamed by some of my compatriots!
My hometown is in Aba, where there are Tibetan, Qiangzhu, Han mainly. I am a
Tibetan. If you have doubt about my identity, please check my ID card No.
I hope some of Tibetan people can make an inspection for your own behavior
after reading this article.
To chase the freedom is so fascinating, to chase the sky belonging to
ourselves is so beautiful. But what I can not understand is why we need to
chase freedo
发帖数: 11267
I am a Tibetan Chinese, but I feel shamed by some of my compatriots!
My hometown is in Aba, where there are Tibetan, Qiangzhu, Han mainly. I am a
Tibetan. If you have doubt about my identity, please check my ID card No.
I hope some of Tibetan people can make an inspection for your own behavior
after reading this article.
To chase the freedom is so fascinating, to chase the sky belonging to
ourselves is so beautiful. But what I can not understand is
发帖数: 6242
来自主题: RuralChina版 - “白富美”有问题
then what are fascinating to you?
long strong bad?
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Salon版 - 中共选拔大规模“接班人”
I do not know. But we will see in a few years. China is an enigma--
fascinating to say the least.
发帖数: 577
来自主题: Salon版 - 老将们应该转移作战重心
Not sure how 选举制度、新闻自由、司法独立 can guarantee the effectiveness of
官僚制度 and whether each of them is indispensable. And wonder if other 制
度 could also guarantee the effectiveness of 官僚制度. If you want to get
rid of stupid or corrupted officials, impeachment can do it. You do not
necessarily need 选举. Why people is so fascinated with election is always
a puzzle to me.
发信人: absentminded (心不在焉), 信区: Salon
标 题: Re: 老将们应该转移作战重心
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 23 22:45:56 2009, 美东)
发帖数: 5309
来自主题: Salon版 - Re: 疮破vs希特勒 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: sgrastar (Theodore), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 疮破vs希特勒
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 28 21:01:55 2016, 美东)
• Hitler was often described as an egomaniac who “only loved himself
” — a narcissist with a taste for self-dramatization and what Mr. Ullrich
calls a “characteristic fondness for superlatives.” His manic speeches and
penchant for taking all... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1094
用什么方法发推文及掌握瞬息万变的媒体讯息?(Shawn Thew-Pool/Getty Images)
普不喜欢使用电脑,手机对川普来说,只是打电话的工具,也从未看过川普使用... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6327
From WSJ, the author Ms. Dorothy Rabinowitz is a conservative journalist and
commentator, a Pulitzer Price winner.
Obama's Media Army
April 23, 2008; Page A17
Nothing in the hysteria over last week's Democratic debate – including the
unprecedented opprobrium press critics heaped on the ABC moderators –
should have come as any surprise. That doesn't make it any less fascinating
a guide to current strange notions of what is and is not a substantive issue
in a presidential con
发帖数: 50
The Great McCain Story You've Probably Forgotten
What an old anecdote about Mo Udall in the hospital reveals about McCain's
By Michael Lewis
Posted Wednesday, April 9, 2008, at 6:47 AM ET
Back in 1996 and 1997, before John McCain was a presidential candidate or
object of media fascination, Michael Lewis followed the Arizona senator
around as he campaigned for Bob Dole and worked to reform campaign-finance
laws. Lewis' pieces for the New Republic and th
发帖数: 2494
来自主题: USANews版 - 不负责任的美国精英
20:44 GMT +00:00
Noblesse oblige
Posted by:
Health care
MARK KLEIMAN, a crime policy expert, has a fascinating article in Newsweek
discussing a set of programmes begun by a University of Colorado
pediatrician 30 years ago that send nurses to make home visits to low-income
mothers for the first two years of their kids' childhoods. The programmes
serve 18,000 families in 29 states at a cost of $80m a year. Mr Kleiman
The program was designed
发帖数: 29846
Iraq's turnaround in public opinion
Posted: Friday, December 18, 2009 2:24 PM by Mark Murray
Filed Under: Security, Polls
From NBC's Mark Murray
Here's a final set of numbers from our new NBC/WSJ poll that we find
fascinating: 57% say the Iraq war has been successful, versus 40% who say it
has been unsuccessful.
It's a reversal from July 2008, when 43% said Iraq was successful, and 53%
said it was unsuccessful.
发帖数: 29846
Martha Says You’re Not Smart Enough To Understand Health Care
This is a fascinating interview of Martha Coakley this morning on a local TV
station, focusing mostly on health care. Note how Martha Coakley dismisses
the concerns that voters have about health care by claiming the voters are
too “unfocused,” don’t really understand this iss
发帖数: 6571
来自主题: USANews版 - My Name Is Rachel Corrie
Well, I digress.
The play's most obvious hold on the audience's attention does not come from
working as an animated recruiting poster for Palestinian activists, but from
its deeper fascination lying in its invigorating detailed portrait of a
passionate political idealist in search of a constructive outlet.
Ms.Corrie's sense of a world inevitably went awry after she arrived in
Israel, and later Gaza. Finally, her fundamental belief in the goodness of
human nature was put to test and cost her life
发帖数: 1257
来自主题: USANews版 - My Name Is Rachel Corrie
Are you Ben Brantley? If not, you two sound awfully alike.
Sometimes word for word - and I wonder why. //sarc
"The play, directed by Mr. Rickman, is not an animated recruiting poster for
Palestinian activists. Its deeper fascination lies in its invigoratingly
detailed portrait of a passionate political idealist in search of a
constructive outlet."
"Given Ms. Corrie’s lightning-rod status as a pro-Palestinian activist — she has be
发帖数: 29846
A desperate Left sinks into nostalgia.
by John Hayward
President Obama has been under intense fire from the Left for his tax deal
with Republicans. House Democrats are trying to kill it entirely, while
their counterparts in the Senate have thrown so much spending on top of the
deal that it has, perhaps, become too toxic for the Republicans to accept.
Obama decided to have former Pres... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Smartest Man In The Room
Posted by Jay Tea
Published: June 18, 2011 - 9:30 AM
Well, we now know just went into President Obama's decision to wage UnWar on
Libya, and how he planned to deal with the implications of the War Powers
And the short answer is: because he said so.
When he was considering the move, he went to the two top experts on the
subject for their advice: the highest-ranking attorneys at the Department of
Defense and the Justice Departmant. And they agreed: what Obama planned was
covered by the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Monty Pelerin
The number of Obama supporters seems inversely related to his time in office
. Many wonder what happened to "The One We Are Waiting For."
Obama assumed office in difficult economic times. After a couple of years
of excuses -- which included "the problems were worse than we knew" and the
generic, all-purpose "it's Bush's fault" -- Obama now owns the original
problems and new ones of his own doing. An incomplete report card on his "
accomplishments" would include the following:... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - How to Destroy a Culture in 5 Easy Steps
Jun 29, 2011
Joe Carter
In his book The Future of Marriage, David Blankenhorn, a liberal, gay-rights
-supporting Democrat and self-professed “marriage nut,” offers this
sociological principle: “People who professionally dislike marriage almost
always favor gay marriage.” As a corollary, Blankenhorn adds: “Ideas that
have long been used to attack marriage are now commonly used to support same
-sex marriage.”
Blankenhorn provides almost irrefutable proof that this is the expressed
agenda of many—i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Negotiating with Lunatics
By Carol Peracchio
One of the benefits of having been a nurse for over thirty years is that
people will occasionally allow me to be brutally honest. For example, I can
get away with telling an acquaintance, "God did not create gastric reflux
medication just so you can eat an entire pizza and then go lie on the couch
like a beached whale."
Until recently, I was willing to believe that President Obama and his party
were merely way-out-leftists, even Marxists. But after listening to their
respons... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Robert Oscar Lopez
As Mike Bates at NewsBusters points out, gay-themed news stories have
reached an absurd prominence lately. He was flummoxed by the amount of time
devoted by Don Lemon (CNN) to same-sex marriages in New York:
Lemon devoted most of the hour-long program to stories of men marrying men
and women marrying women. Less than ten minutes were spent on a potential
debt ceiling deal in Washington. The Norwegian tragedy warranted about four
minutes of air time.
It has been almost a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by The Political Palaver
When I was young, I devoted quite a bit of study to Adolf Hitler and Nazi
Germany. The reason for my fascination is now certainly clear, if it was
even the slightest bit murky then. My efforts were to answer that one
question that haunts us all in our attempts to deconstruct such depravity
and horror: "How could this have happened?" How had one man created such an
ideology of militant proselytism, and how could that one man mold a legion
of followers ready to sacrific... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Rand Paul detained by TSA
January 23, 2012 | Posted by Rick Rice
You know… if this had been his father Ron, then perhaps it would’ve made a
little sense… I mean, some people think Ron Paul is off his rocker… but
Rand-paulKentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul’s press secretary Moira
Bagley tweeted on Monday that Transportation Security Adminstration
officials were detaining her boss in Nashville, Tenn.
“Just got a call from @senrandpaul,” Bagley tweeted at about 10 a.m.
on Monday. “He’s currently being detaine... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Academic Hypocrisy By Thomas Sowell
It is fascinating to see people accusing others of things that they
themselves are doing, especially when their own sins are worse.
Academics love to say that businesses are not paying enough to people who
work for them. But where in business are there people who are paid
absolutely nothing for strenuous work that involves risks to their health?
In academia, that situation is common. It is called college football. How
often have you watched a big-time college football game without seei... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10233
For example, one foreign-policy adviser shows Palin a map and declares, “
This is Germany. They were the primary antagonists during World War I and
World War II. They allied with Japan to form what became known as the Axis
Powers.” A fascinated Palin dutifully writes it down. The scene does not
appear in the Heilemann and Halperin book. This scene was the opening
anecdote of the glowing review by Bloomberg. Foreign-policy analyst Randy
Scheunemann, Palin’s primary advise... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
“The main problem for young black men is not violent white men chasing them
. It is black on black violence.”
March 25, 2012 Posted by Rick Rice
I watched a local news report yesterday focused on a rally in support of
Trayvon Martin. The reporter was interviewing a mother who was near
hysterical in voicing her fear that her teenage son might also be set upon
by an assailant because her son is black and because her son wears a hoodie.
The reporter was eating it up. The crowd around the mothe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Andrew Higgins and Maureen Fan, Published: May 18 | Updated: Saturday,
May 19, 11:10 AM
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — When scholars gathered at Harvard last month to discuss
the political tumult convulsing China’s ruling Communist Party, a demure
female undergraduate with a direct stake in the outcome was listening
intently from the top row of the lecture hall. She was the daughter of Xi
Jinping, China’s vice president and heir apparent for the party’s top job.
Xi’s daughter, Xi Mingze, enrolled at Harv... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
May 21, 2012 by Rick Rice
Fascinating happenings coming from many of the nation’s Catholics… God
bless ‘em:
Catholic archdioceses and institutions filed suit in federal district
courts across the country Monday against the so-called contraception mandate
, in one of the biggest coordinated legal challenges to the rule to date.
Claiming their “fundamental rights hang in the balance,” a total of 43
plaintiffs filed a dozen separate lawsuits challenging the
constitutionality of the requi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 52743
来自主题: USANews版 - 僵尸来了
TAMPA, Fla. - First came Miami: the case of a naked man eating most of
man's face. Then Texas: a mother accused of killing her newborn, eating part
of his brain and biting off three of his toes. Then Maryland, a college
telling police he killed a man, then ate his heart and part of his brain.
It was different in New Jersey, where a man stabbed himself 50 times and
bits of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By: David Harsanyi Follow @DavidHarsanyi
7/20/2012 03:46 PM
Listening to the crush of media coverage and the sickening politicization of
the murders in Colorado, we should not let it escape our attention that
despite all the violence and sadness brought on by this event — I lived in
Denver for years, and I’ve taken my children to the Aurora theater, so I
get it — most of us live in a far safer place than our parents.
All day, I’ve watched television pundits talk about the country as if we
we... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
August 30, 2012
So wrote Saul D. Alinsky in his landmark (and final) work, Rules for
During Tuesday night’s mainstream media coverage of the Republican National
Convention, the “impartial” veneer of the Leftist/Democrat/Media complex
completely disappeared, giving viewers a rare insight into the crude,
bigoted, and insensitive nature of their behind-closed-doors attitudes about
minorities who are part of the Republican party.
During key speeches by former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis, M... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4321
Published: September 19, 2012
by Frank James
As Mitt Romney continues to deal with fallout from the secretly recorded "47
percent" fundraiser video that's gone viral, in which he dissed half the
nation, more attention is being given to another recording featuring another
Romney — his mother, Lenore.
President John F. Kennedy was in the White House in 1962 when the current
Republican presidential nominee's mother sat down for an interview to speak
on behalf of her husband, George, who was then ma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Published October 18, 2012
Associated Press
WASHINGTON – Violent crimes unexpectedly jumped 18 percent last year, the
first rise in nearly 20 years, and property crimes rose for first time in a
decade. But academic experts said the new government data fall short of
signaling a reversal of the long decline in crime.
The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics reported Wednesday that the increase
in the number of violent crimes was the result of an upward swing in simple
assaults, which rose 22 percent... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
2:59 PM, Dec 4, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER
In an interview with Bloomberg's Julianna Goldman, President Barack Obama
stated, "I think America is poised to take off." The main obstacle, in Obama
's mind, however, is political dysfunction.
"We're seeing pretty strong consumer confidence, despite weaknesses in
Europe and even in Asia. I think America is poised to take off. And the
question is, let's make sure that we don't have a self-inflicted wound,
because there are a lot of silly games playe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12623
来自主题: USANews版 - 带女儿去打枪 (转载)
educate your kids how to exercise and defend their freedom, responsibly.
teach them about the price of freedom.
I'm always so fascinated about this Reagan quote.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't
pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected
, and handed on for them to do the same." - Ronald Reagan
发帖数: 29846
For the Boston Bombers, the President is Just Putting On Ayers …
April 20, 2013 | Posted by Ken Marrero
I have listened, with fascination and horror, to the President’s words
since the Boston bombing.
I found them a dispassionate litany of the obvious that did little to
inspire or encourage. Among them, he noted:
… on days like this there are no Republicans or Democrats – we are
Americans …
…that all Americans stand with the people of Boston.
… we salute all those who assisted i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Andrew C. McCarthy
June 30th, 2013 - 10:13 am
The state of Florida’s politically driven decision to charge George
Zimmerman with murder has resulted, as some of us predicted it would, in a
pathetically weak case. It has taken only a few days of trial to collapse of
its own weightlessness – undone, in fact, by the direct testimony of a
prosecution witness, as Bryan Preston relates at the Tatler and Ed Morrissey
details at Hot Air.
Over a year ago, I explained why this would happen:
When Tr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: TravisBickle (Travis), 信区: Military
标 题: 马里兰要给监狱里犯人发iPAD
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Aug 15 14:35:38 2013, 美东)
Maryland’s attorney general has a creative solution to end the revolving
door of prisons: Give inmates iPads. He says giving inmates access to tablet
computers will teach inmates and keep them in touch with social networks.
He even proposes allowing inmates to have limited access to e-mail.
Gansler proposes tablet computers for inmates
By Erin Cox, The Baltimore S... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Mark Steyn:美国正在走向香蕉共和国;联邦政府再分配财富规模是历史上最大的,神
秘的是,收入差异也是历史上最大的 »
American Banana Republic
The decay of a free society doesn’t happen overnight, but we’re getting
By Mark Steyn
‘This is the United States of America,” declared President Obama to the
burghers of Liberty, Mo., on Friday. “We’re not some banana republic.”
He was talking about the Annual Raising of the Debt Ceiling, which glorious
American tradition seems to come round earlier every year. “This is not a
deadbeat nation,” Pr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24893
来自主题: USANews版 - zimmerman的老婆说Z是定时炸弹
Sandoval was told by Scheibe that Zimmerman was “fascinated by guns” and
claimed she was afraid of the former volunteer night watchman. She remained
with Zimmerman because she wanted to help him. Scheibe initially contacted
Sandoval after Zimmerman’s depression created an oppressive environment in
their home and he put her belongings outside after an argument.
Scheibe also claims Zimmerman texted a portion of an “intimate video” of
the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 302
来自主题: USANews版 - 鱼翅是PF的杰作 (转载)
发信人: kahului (kahului), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: Re: 鱼翅是PF的杰作
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 28 12:26:23 2014, 美东)
"民主党有三个state senator都corrupt,其他的民主党可能也有问题"
"这个华裔 senator 和华人黑帮有联系,其他华裔政客可能也有黑帮背景"
第二个则更 fascinating,很容易让人对其他华裔政客也产生一种潜意识的怀疑.
发帖数: 29846
Maria Bartiromo Returns to CNBC… in an Ad for Fox Business Network
April 4, 2014 by Warner Todd Huston
In my writing about media, I have been fascinated in the rise of Fox
Business Network in the financial reporting game. Recently I noted that FBN
snagged star business reporter Maria Bartiromo from CNBC, but amusingly she
just went back on CNBC… in an ad for Fox Business!
FBN purchased a series of ads from the New York Market served by Time Warner
Cable and began running them on CNBC touting t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Sociopath Explains Why He’s Above Paying Off His Debts
BY: Sonny Bunch
I’m utterly fascinated by Lee Siegel’s op-ed in the New York Times about
how he was too good to pay off his college debts.
No really. That’s the whole piece. Let’s leave aside the basic moral
question about whether or not one should feel some sense of obligation to
repay one’s debts. It’s filled with lines like:
Years later, I found myself confronted with a choice that too many
people have had to and will have to face. I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Global Warming Hysterics Can Be Hilarious
by Wesley J. Smith July 9, 2015 12:13 AM
Global warming hysterics wonder why so many people don’t take them–or
their cause–all that seriously.
Case in point, an unintentionally hilarious column in The Guardian shouting
that we are all going to die from global warming. From, “It’s Too Late to
Save Our World,” by Stewart Lee:
Everything will die soon, except for cockroaches, and Glastonbury
favourite the Fall, who will survive even a nuclear holocau... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males'
How some university academics make the case for paedophiles at summer
By Andrew Gilligan
9:10PM BST 05 Jul 2014
"Paedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males,” said the
presentation. “At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to
have sex with children … Normal males are aroused by children.”
Some yellowing tract from the Seventies or early Eighties, era of abusive
celebrities and the infamous PIE, the Paedophil... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 189
To better appreciate how philosophically erratic Donald Trump has been over
the years, consider this: Less than three years ago, Donald Trump was
criticizing Governor Mitt Romney’s comments about “self-deportation.”
Today, Mr. Trump is advocating forced (and mass) deportation.
The Trump record on this matter is worth reviewing. A few days ago on NBC’s
Meet the Press, Mr. Trump endorsed mass deportation of the estimated 11
million illegal immigrants in America.
“They have to go,” he said.
Then, t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9531
来自主题: USANews版 - 美女作家呼吁13个候选人退出
It's Time for the Other 13 Candidates to Drop Out
By Ann Coulter
At what point in Donald Trump's inaugural address do you figure the GOP
establishment will finally grasp what's been happening?
The establishment -- not "elites," because they're mostly bland
functionaries who went to third-rate schools -- have thrown absolutely
everything they have at Trump. I've never seen so many Republicans featured
At least no one will be able to say the Republican National Committee didn't
give it t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5818
来自主题: USANews版 - 年轻时候的Donald Trump
Trump win or lose in 2016, millions of thousands of people got to learn he
is a such fascinating figure.
发帖数: 29846
13 Hours
The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi
by Mark Steyn
Mark at the Movies
February 6, 2016
Embassy balls-up: A no-name militia overruns the superpower
Michael (Transformers) Bay has now made two feature films about real-life
military attacks on US sovereign territory - in 2001 Pearl Harbor, which was
enough to have you rooting for the Japs, and now 13 Hours: The Secret
Soldiers of Benghazi. Happily, the latter does not have much in common with
the former, save for a reprise of what evidently Mr ... 阅读全帖
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