n*******4 发帖数: 6402 | 3 我想要的物品:
ebay 马甲
可以是新注册的,0 feedback
地址随便,但是必须已经激活ebay bucks
注意:ebay 限制ip地址,一个ip注册2个就要求电话验证了
买卖双方谁承担邮寄损失(Required if not code only):
s******[email protected]
二手交易风险自负!请自行验证是否合法和一手卡!: |
s****e 发帖数: 49 | 4 PM in this format
ebay ID
account age
account feedback
seller account limit
your ask price |
N****g 发帖数: 5172 | 6 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
baixiaoxiong (baixiaoxiong) 于 (Tue Jul 21 12:38:40 2009, 美东) 提到:
东西是5月30号买的,买家没写apt号码, 他非说写了, 东西现在在他当地邮局, 就是不
肯去拿, 要dispute, 但因为超过了45天, paypal没让开.
如果因为这种原因吃了坏评, 可以让EBAY拿掉吗?
server (Server) 于 (Tue Jul 21 12:40:55 2009, 美东) 提到:
OuXiangGG (偶像GG) 于 (Tue Jul 21 12:43:58 2009, 美东) 提到:
☆───────────── |
z***0 发帖数: 4609 | 7 CANCEL别人的ORDER,人家还是可以留FEEDBACK的。
至少我遇到过 |
w****g 发帖数: 1143 | 8 那是以前的事了.自从amazon要求seller提供tracking才能confirm order和charge
buyer, buyer是不能给canceled order 留feedback的.
buyer 就能留了. |
x*****s 发帖数: 952 | 9 pat pat,唉,以前大牛不是都讨论过了,$200是insurance的槛儿,我碰上0 feedback
的buyer,出个60块的打印机还买了signature。。。。。 |
g********x 发帖数: 4671 | 10 He didn't ask and paid you for Next Day Air in the "message" section when he
paid you did he?
If not he just flat out piece of shit, thanks to eBay's fucking brainless
feedback policy buyers can leave random shit without consequences. |
PK 发帖数: 1153 | 11 No, he asked nothing. No message, no note. I hate that the seller could
not even leave a negative feedback to the seller.
when he
brainless |
p*****u 发帖数: 310 | 12 RT. 第一次卖出去东西,很怕上当.当然我也没啥feedback,就更不知为啥要买我的拉,所
以更担心是个骗子. |
c*****a 发帖数: 8464 | 13 0 feedback都照卖。。。不过买本子的就要掂量下了。 |
D****9 发帖数: 10889 | 14 the buyers ate his word and have not revised feedback so far. |
m*r 发帖数: 37612 | 15 if it is a positive feedback, no one cant' |
x*****s 发帖数: 952 | 16 只能发5个包子了,前五个ID把,前天100个feedback的时候把包子都发完了。。。。
了。。。。 |
l*********a 发帖数: 1155 | 17 是病人自己不小心删除了ebay 上面给我留的feedback,想帮我恢复。。。。 |
h**7 发帖数: 691 | 18 【 以下文字转载自 FleaMarket 讨论区 】
发信人: hz77 (hz77), 信区: FleaMarket
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 9 22:55:03 2010, 美东)
这个RETURN SHIPPING应该是恶霸负责赔吧? |
r****6 发帖数: 929 | 19 病人的feedback,什么意思啊?
Was hesitant to buy b/c of small # of products sold but seller proved me
wrong! |
d*****1 发帖数: 8618 | 20 恩 应该是的 feedback比我大几个数量级
呵呵 第一次碰见 觉得很好玩 |
L**i 发帖数: 22365 | 21 保存在电脑里的feedback句子用错了吧,lol |
x*****s 发帖数: 952 | 22 哈哈,这个肯定是留feedback的那个栏里面自动保存的句子选错了。。。。选成给病人
的了 |
c**0 发帖数: 9331 | 23 but leave negative feedback? |
e***l 发帖数: 3482 | 24 买家要求我额外退运费6.5,我LISITNG里都写了不退运费的。
这个TRANSACTION已经CANCEL了,如果买家不能给我留FEEDBACK了,我就懒得理他了。 |
w****r 发帖数: 64 | 26 It 是 top rated seller, I can't leave negative feedback to him |
w****r 发帖数: 64 | 27 IT said:
Offering a refund does not constitute making my experience with a seller as
a positive one as you may think. Your accusations in reference to making a
purchase from another seller in order to intentionally defame them is
preposterous, immature and offensive at the very least.
You sent me a product that was not as shown in your picture nor was the
damage or condition of the box pointed out in your description. This is why
you received a negative feedback |
w****r 发帖数: 64 | 28 奇怪的是,它拒绝我refund it, 拒绝replace. IT 买我的东西的时候自己还有同样更多
的的东西in stock. 我不知道IT还有什么花样.请大牛指点一下
as a positive one as you may think. Your accusations in reference to making
a purchase from another seller in order to intentionally defame them is
preposterous, immature and offensive at the very least.
damage or condition of the box pointed out in your description. This is why
you received a negative feedback |
m*r 发帖数: 37612 | 29 576个feedback就这么猖狂呀
why |
c*******e 发帖数: 8624 | 30 你为啥要比人家卖得便宜的多?跳水上瘾了?
as a positive one as you may think. Your accusations in reference to making
a purchase from another seller in order to intentionally defame them is
preposterous, immature and of
damage or condition of the box pointed out in your description. This is why
you received a negative feedback
am kind new seller. I don't know how to retaliate it. Any idea? |
s****1 发帖数: 1025 | 31 I have emailed you once, put an offer on this item 3 times and still no
response. This morning, I contacted ebay about you not responding. If I get
no response for the 3rd offer I made, I will leave negative feedback and let
everyone know not to do business with you.
- courts0408 |
m*r 发帖数: 37612 | 32 revise feedback, seller sends request
baozi please |
b**j 发帖数: 20742 | 34 昨天还得意自己DSR接近5.0, 今天一看,别人一个月都是几百个feedback, 我就10几个
。唉。差距不是一点两点啊。难怪这么穷 |
b******e 发帖数: 609 | 35 木有ebay,feedback是0,难怪这么穷 |
c******g 发帖数: 310 | 36 在ebay上拍一个东西,发现有点tricky的东西在后面,然后联系seller,他同意cancel
这桩transaction,然后给我发了cancel request.我同意cancal.case已经closed.请问
这样会对我的feedback有影响么? 谢谢 |
S********t 发帖数: 4402 | 38 (ebay)buyer已经付钱买了一个东西.现在是seller发了cancel request(因为seller没
有货).buyer同意了。buyer这种情况下就不能给seller留feedback? |
v******o 发帖数: 3417 | 39 赔本赚吆喝,卖了这么多,没有赚来一个feedback.苦啊。 |
j*****e 发帖数: 11116 | 40 You have earned 250 positive feedback points, and that means you are halfway
to your Purple Star!
... |
v******o 发帖数: 3417 | 41 我刚刚干完骚扰两周前的买家的事。积攒feedback真是难啊。 |
x******a 发帖数: 6336 | 43 7%-15%.
寄完东西发个shipping notification,要求收到后不满意就联系你,满意就留个
以前的就算了,不要去骚扰了,第一个是neg的话帐号基本就死了 |
d*****1 发帖数: 8618 | 44 是的 我觉得连二十分之一都不到
我amazon feedback到现在还是两位数 真可怜 呜呜呜 |
v******o 发帖数: 3417 | 45 骚扰还是有点用,刚才骚扰了一下ebay的买家,马上就多了两个feedback. |
c*******l 发帖数: 769 | 46 如果卖几十个还没有feedback的话,
需要多想想有没有可以提高的地方。 |
c**5 发帖数: 1238 | 47 没有feedback总比留个neg好吧
爱留不留 |
v******o 发帖数: 3417 | 48 前几天我还在抱怨没有病人给我留feedback,这几天就来了17个了。不容易啊,在ebay
泡了这么多年,买了不少东西,还不到100。 |
c**0 发帖数: 9331 | 49 I am afraid of Feedback now, since patient will give you a DSR 1 in shipping
, i would rather they do not leave anything |
v******o 发帖数: 3417 | 50 我正在看的一本书,也有教怎么remove negative feedback的招数,书名是:
How to buy, sell and profit on ebay
by Adam Ginsberg
for a |