
全部话题 - 话题: file
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发帖数: 1
律师昨天才通知说可以File 485, 我这边表格都填好了,准备自己File,另外准备180
天后换工作,不知道时候自己File还是让律师file 比较好? 有啥区别不?
发帖数: 153
们在忙H1B的事儿,140都要往后放一下,再有就是需要file 140 SII。他的原话是“We
will have to file an I-140 successor in interest before we can file your
AOS”,我又发了一封邮件问能否concurrent filing,尚没有回答。
发帖数: 10550
来自主题: EB23版 - 是否需要再file一个485?
换雇主之后140和485 concurrent filing + premium,采用之前140的PD。但是140被拒
律师马上重新单独file了一个140 premium已经批了(据说没有LC原件不能直接加急但
现在已经拿到EAD。之前重新file 140的时候问律师485怎么办,律师回答已经在140上
“the person for whom you are petitioning will be notified separately when a
decision is reached on his or her pending adjustment of status application”
“the petition indicates that the person for who... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 56
请问各位大神, 如果140 pending的时候排期到了,可以file 485吗?
我的情况试第二个PERM刚批, 排期快到了,想让律师给我140加急,律师说不用,140
pending的时候如果排期到了也可以file 485.这是她的原话
Regarding premium processing for your I-140 – it is not necessary to have
your I-140 approved in order to be able to file your I-485 application. As
soon as your priority date is current, we can inter-file your I-485
application into your pending (or approved) I-140 petition. Therefore, the
best strategy for us will be to track the cutoff date and plan to file your
I-485 app... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 595
来自主题: EB23版 - 1/30 EB3面试遭遇-17年4月File
我看了一下usics的visa bulletin
When USCIS determines there are immigrant visas available for the filing of
additional adjustment of status applications, the Dates for Filing
Applications chart may be used to determine when to file an adjustment of
status application with USCIS. Otherwise, the Application Final Action Dates
chart must be used to determine when to file an adjustment of status
application with USCIS.
我觉得最后一句说的很清楚了。不过如果小二培训时走神儿了,一定要按fili... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: topskysi (天天向上), 信区: USANews
标 题: Dallas cop files lawsuit against Black Lives Matter, Obama
关键字: BLM,Obama
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 18 16:53:18 2016, 美东)
A Dallas Police sergeant filed a lawsuit on Friday against Black Lives
Matter and its supporters, alleging the group is inciting a race war.
Sgt. Demetrick Pennie, a 17-year veteran of the force, is seeking betw... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18578
来自主题: Basketball版 - Breaking news - Kobe's wife filed for divorce
Kobe Bryant and Vanessa Bryant said they have "resolved all the issues"
related to their divorce in private and that final court papers will be
filed next year.
Vanessa Bryant filed for divorce in Orange County Superior Court on Friday
afternoon, stating her intentions to end her 10-year marriage to the Lakers
A computer record of the divorce filing does not contain details of the
divorce. But a copy of the filing obtained by shows that Vanessa
Bryant cited "irreconcilable differen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6555
来自主题: Hockey版 - Sabres file for bankruptcy protection
BUFFALO, N.Y. - The Buffalo Sabres hockey club has filed for bankruptcy
The team is believed to have liabilities of about $238 million US, and assets
of about $68 million US.
The National Hockey League confirmed the filing Monday morning.
FROM JAN. 9, 2002: Judge grants Ottawa Senators bankruptcy protection
The Sabres are the second NHL team to file for bankruptcy protection in the
past week. Ottawa Senators filed on Thursday, owing creditors $160 million.
The Sabres filing was expec
发帖数: 28835
【 以下文字转载自 Basketball 讨论区 】
发信人: cashback (bing), 信区: Basketball
标 题: Kim Kardashian files for divorce after 10 weeks (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 31 16:32:04 2011, 美东)
发信人: cashback (bing), 信区: Joke
标 题: Kim Kardashian files for divorce after 10 weeks
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 31 16:31:38 2011, 美东)
LOS ANGELES (AP)—Just 10 weeks after their lavish, made-for-TV wedding and
less than a month after the wedding special aired, reality starlet Kim
Kardashian is cancelling her marriage to NBA player Kr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19908
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: jjjstc (买买提就是一个垃圾处理站), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: opt e-file一般多久能收到工卡?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 25 13:12:34 2011, 美东)
想当然的以为e-file更快,就没用paper file。而且在e-file的时候还不小心把国籍填
错了,后来交supporting document的时候附了一份correction letter说明了情况。也
去local USCIS office做了biometric meeting。
发帖数: 1199
LOS ANGELES (AP) — News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch has filed for divorce from
Wendi Deng Murdoch, his wife since 1999, citing a breakdown in the
relationship. The matter doesn't alter the succession plan for the media
company, which the 82-year-old founder controls through a family trust.
Murdoch filed a one-page document Thursday indicating that he was opening a
divorce case in New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan.
A News Corp. spokesperson confirmed the filing.
A sealed document with the fi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 82482
Typing the first few letters in a file name selects the file. For example,
if you want to select a file named "Budget", when you type "b", the first
file name starting with "b" is select. This is almost identical to Windows.
But the next is different: when the "u" is typed, the selection will be
the first file name starting with "bu", etc. You cannot do that in Windows.
Notice: the letters here are case-insensitive. You must not pause between
letters or the Mac OS will interpret each additional
发帖数: 14
The simplest way is by putting your file inside a virtual
directory. Then
create a hyper link to your file Download.
But if you can
view this file in your browser (like *.txt, *.htm,
*.gif...), you need right
click and choose "save target as". In order to avoid this,
you need a ISAPI
or MTS (or whatever) running on your webserver. Every
request to your file,
you need to feed back a html header and the contents of your
file, so that
the clients will start to download.
发帖数: 158
来自主题: BuildingWeb版 - ASP File Upload component for windows
Just learn some COM programming and made this fine tool for
file upload. It will work for files of any size. If you want
to add file upload support for your website, get it at:
Sample files illustrating usage is included.
It will work for multiple files uplading as well.
发帖数: 21
来自主题: BuildingWeb版 - file changed - old file accessed from web
i have an apache server which takes long time to get the up-to-date files. E
.g., i changed a java script file, if i access the file form web, it is
still the old file. can you help me?
发帖数: 579
This file was loaded to netezza database.
But, I need to make sure that the all lines in the file have been loaded to
the database.
So, I need to know how many lines the txt file has so that I can compare it
with the table in database.
I only need to know how many lines the file has, I do not need to open the
Thanks !
发帖数: 575
来自主题: DotNet版 - How can I upload an xml file in
Hi, how can I upload(or post) an xml file to a gateway, say by using In my program, I am creating an
xml file based on the user input and then I need to upload (or post) the xml
file to a gateway , get their response and they will return back another xml
file to me and then I parse it transfer to another page. When I am trying to
connect to the gateway, I got an 200 response status, which means successful.
And I can see my xml file using response.write somew
发帖数: 1301
X61 加了intel 320 80GB SSD , 按照网上建议的,关掉了page file, hibernate等设定, 但是关掉
page file后,每次resart,都要弹出个"Windows created temporary file on your
computer because of a problem that occurred with your paging file
configuration when you started your computer" 消息框,见附图。 请教应该如何
设定来关掉page file。 X61 内存是4GB,分了1GB做ramdisk。
发帖数: 2
You might have two ways to do it:
(1) use synchronization, synchronize on a common object,
like this,
synchronized( commonObject ) {
access the file;
(2) use a lock file , say myfile.lck
if ( lock file exits ) quit;
else {
create the lock file myfile.lck;
if (creation is successful) {
access the file;
remove the myfile.lck;
发帖数: 43
来自主题: Java版 - How to append something on a file?
I am using the following codes to create a file and put some strings (or some
other format data) into this file. I hope to save some extra strings into this
file when I run this program again. Of course, I don't want to delete the
original strings (or data). How can I finish this function?
File data_File = new File("image_data.txt");
FileOutputStream data_Stream = new FileOutputStream(data_File);
PrintWriter data_write_Stream = new PrintWriter(data_Stream);
发帖数: 1
【 以下文字转载自 Internet 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: boda (长生树), 信区: Internet
标 题: Problems with reading image file in Jar.
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Tue Jun 8 12:27:40 2004) WWW-POST
The system I am working on is an Applet. The package name is process which
contains several java files and jpg files.
In one of the file, I write:
private JButton button = new JButton(new
I make jar file using the following steps
发帖数: 2901
这几天需要弄个straightforward的provision web app, 后台rest api + mongodb用
java写一两小时就搞定了,放streaming file到http response下载也没问题,但是
front end的 file upload in js已经搞了两三天了还是没什么头绪。。
我要实现的功能很简单,就是一个form,里面有几个text input,一个file input,通
过一个button click action把这几个string和一个file(比如说.zip)通过http post
传给back end
为了适应rest api,这几个string param可以作为path param,http request的body就
一个streaming,rest是支持consume application/octet-stream的,整个传输又是基
有人做过类似的吗,我google了一下,貌似file upload是一个bi
g pain
发帖数: 16
A simple question: say I have a series of files with naming file 000,
file001, file 002 ... file 200, how do I easily change their names to
file001, file002, file003 ... file 201?
发帖数: 1152
Deleting a file is deceptively simple. You can simply use the rm command
like this.
$ rm file1
However, if the file has one or more hard links to it, life gets more
interesting. You need to seek and destroy all hard links to the file.
A hard link is essentially another name for a file. Hard links to file1 can
be created as follows:
$ ln file1 file2
$ ln file1 tmp/file3
file2 and file3 become another name of file
发帖数: 127
来自主题: Linux版 - pdf file problem created by CUPS-PDF
After updated to Ubuntu 10.10, pdf file created by CUPS-PDF can't search
text within the file using AcroReader. I still can do the text search when
opened by Evince but not AcroReader. However, this makes the pdf file that I
created not-so-portable since other user who opens the file in Windows can'
t perform the search function.
I still can select the text in the pdf file, but copying the selected text
and then pasting it appears as un-readable fonts.
Anyone else has the same problem?
发帖数: 220
how about change standard out from "stdout" to "FILE". Here "FILE" is
some file handler? Like,
select FILE;
print "....";
Then the print result would be in that file.

发帖数: 372
sub.c is not a header file. sub.h is.
You need to understand that your executable depends on two source files:
main.c and sub.c. This allows you to separate your work into smaller chunks,
as well as to build reusable libraries.
The error message you got is not a compiler error, but a linker error.
Just wonder what makes you not want to put both source files on the cc line.
If you have more files, you should consider at least use a shell script, or
better, use a make file.
发帖数: 372
来自主题: Programming版 - 请教有关header file的几个问题
I think your questions are follow-ups to your earlier post.

Yes. sub.h is not necessary for sub.c to compile.

The extension of the header file can be anything. In fact, C++ standard
header files have no extension, e.g.
Now the real answer to your questions. Header files usually contain the
prototype of functions and definitions of data types that are shared among
source files.
Declaring function prototype is necessary in ANSI C. Using the same header
file allows the compiler
发帖数: 135
来自主题: Programming版 - how to get reference.vb file? (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 DotNet 讨论区 】
发信人: xltao (iii), 信区: DotNet
标 题: how to get reference.vb file?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 4 10:29:46 2011, 美东)
Hi, I am a newbee for
I am trying to add a web reference throught he wdsl file. But I couldn't get
the the auto generated reference.vb file. I can see the file.
When I try to update the webreference. I got the the following error
The custom tool 'MSDiscoCodeGenerator' failed. Unable to import binding '
BindingName' from namespace '... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 613
【 以下文字转载自 biojailbreak 俱乐部 】
发信人: szbiophy (szbiophy), 信区: biojailbreak
标 题: 求助 怎么编辑 多个 .c files(比如a.c, b.c) 和一个.h file(ab.h)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 9 10:43:53 2014, 美东)
怎么编辑 多个 .c files(比如a.c, b.c) 和一个.h file(ab.h)
int main()
printf("use b to apply a.c, and the global variable define 'r' in");
printf("this is a.c %dn",r);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
调用 a.c 五遍 // 不知道怎么用?
define int h 4;
想用b.c 调用a.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17
I am using capybara 2.5.0, selenium driver, dropzonejs-rails 0.5.3
tried the solution from stackoverflow:
but I got either $('.dropzone')[0].dropzone is undefined or $('.dropzone')[0
].dropzone.listeners[0] is undefined.
Anybody has experience on this?
my html looks like this

发帖数: 579
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: light009 (light009), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: error of saving pdf file w/o read-only on win 7
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 30 12:06:06 2014, 美东)
I am trying to add some comments to a pdf file that is opened by Adobe
Reader XI on win 7.
But, when I saved the pdf file, I got error:
The file may be read-only, or another user may have it open. Please save the
document with a different name or in a different folder
After searching and doing many research, I thought that this ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 114
I accidently overwrote .tex file.
Is there anyway to recover .tex file from other files that were procuded
by .tex file recently. I think the myfile.tex is completely gone.
Pls help me out...
Thanks a lot,
发帖数: 579
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: light009 (light009), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: error of saving pdf file w/o read-only on win 7
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 30 12:06:06 2014, 美东)
I am trying to add some comments to a pdf file that is opened by Adobe
Reader XI on win 7.
But, when I saved the pdf file, I got error:
The file may be read-only, or another user may have it open. Please save the
document with a different name or in a different folder
After searching and doing many research, I thought that this ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2223
来自主题: TeX版 - add bib file path in Texshop
export BIBINPUTS=$HOME/Dropbox/icebergzjw_lib
The basic way to use BibTeX is to put your bibliography file in the same
folder as your Tex document. You are then able to refer to it simply by its
name. For instance, if your bibliography file is mybooks.bib, you need only
insert the following line in your TeX document in order to use it:
(The .bib extension is no... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2223
来自主题: TeX版 - add bib file path in Texshop
export BIBINPUTS=$HOME/Dropbox/icebergzjw_lib
The basic way to use BibTeX is to put your bibliography file in the same
folder as your Tex document. You are then able to refer to it simply by its
name. For instance, if your bibliography file is mybooks.bib, you need only
insert the following line in your TeX document in order to use it:
(The .bib extension is no... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2912
Is there a way to convert postscript file to graphics file, such as .jpg?
I generate postscript file in spice3 in UNIX and need to put the file in
a word document. Any suggestions?
发帖数: 112
as title, I happen find there are two of such strange files, and
have no idea how do they come from .
But when I try to delete it, weriod thing happens:
The original file is deleted, but, a new file is generated again. //fdDD
e.g : original , it is : .nfs83C4
after deletion , it is : .nfsA3C4
Although, those files are not huge, 40Kb, but, I do hope I can get
rid of those two stupid files.
发帖数: 26
来自主题: Unix版 - How to reunite the files?
I use command "split" to split a large data file into a series of small
files, then make some changes to one small file. The question is, how can
I reunite these small files back to a large file? Thanks for help.
发帖数: 26
来自主题: Unix版 - Help please: 2GB limit on file size
Hello everyone,
I encountered a 2GB limit file size problem recently. The OS is solaris 9,
according to the references I read, it should support writing to files > 2GB.
But somehow when I tried to write to a file > 2GB in my program written in
C++, the system gave me a bus error. However, I tried to concatenate two files
each with a size slightly < 2GB, it worked. I mean suppose I have two files,
file1 and file2. I issued the following command:
cat file1 file2 > newfile
And the newfile was creat
发帖数: 18
来自主题: EE版 - mathcad get data from Excel file?
In Mathcad, just go to Insert>Component... and select "File Read or Write" in the dialog box.
Then, make sure the "Read from a file" radio button is highlighted on the next screen.
Under the next screen, select "Excel" from the File Type drop-down, choose your saved Excel file with the Browse... button.
Click Ok and Mathcad inserts a File Read component into your worksheet. See how the component is on the right side of the := assigment operator? Now all you do is tell Mathcad what variable to
发帖数: 579
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: light009 (light009), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: error of saving pdf file w/o read-only on win 7
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 30 12:06:06 2014, 美东)
I am trying to add some comments to a pdf file that is opened by Adobe
Reader XI on win 7.
But, when I saved the pdf file, I got error:
The file may be read-only, or another user may have it open. Please save the
document with a different name or in a different folder
After searching and doing many research, I thought that this ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 313
来自主题: Statistics版 - question about loading date file in R
I am trying to load a .csv file in the R commander, but the output window
always showed that "Error: bad restore file magic number(file may be
corrupted)--no data loaded". Did any one know why does this happen? btw, I
can open this file in commander by "open script file".
发帖数: 267
来自主题: Statistics版 - R read many files
请教一个问题,In R, 如何同时 read in 1000 files,然后 assign 不同的名字 to
each file, dat1, dat2, ... , dat1000
这些 files, row length 一样,col length 不同,如何 cbind 这1000 files into a
single file?
发帖数: 858
比如 file A 有 1-10的不同信息。
file B 1-5的信息。
怎样只保留A file中6-10的信息。
两个file都很大,数字配列也是混乱的。不知道有什么简洁的方法一下子把A file中1-
发帖数: 3979
I have text/csv files and want to upload them into Cloudera cluster, and use
them in Spark.
What's the best way to upload and convert text/csv file into PARQUET format?
Two load, use either file manager in Hue or SFTP?
To convert, I can think of 3 ways:
In HIVE, create external table based on the original file,
then create new external table in PARQUET format ?
In Spark, wse Scala code to convert ? Conversion speed might be a concern. 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Seagate STDSA10G-RK FreeAgent DockStar Network Adapter - The Easy Way to
Access and Share Your Digital Content!
Features Include:
* File sharing at its simplest with a clean, web-based interface
* Turn any external USB drive into an Internet-connected storage device
* Access to your digital files from any computer on your home networkPC
or Mac
* Access files from anywhere in the world via the internet
* Activate service and ac... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
mwave has IOGEAR GCS661U USB laptop KVM switch with file transfer:
for $9 + FS
The USB Laptop KVM Switch is the innovation from IOGEAR, combining easy
switching and convenient file transferring between two computers. It allows
the user to seamlessly control a second computer with a laptop as the
console. The KVM features a toolbar with multiple functions such as file
transfer, desktop image scaling and others. With its des... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
IOGEAR GCS661U USB laptop KVM switch with file transfer $4.99 f/s ac
$5 OFF with Coupon Code "KVM5" (Expires 7/5/2011)
The USB Laptop KVM Switch is the innovation from IOGEAR, combining easy
switching and convenient file transferring between two computers. It allows
the user to seamlessly control a second computer with a laptop as the
console. The KVM features a toolbar with multiple functions such as file
tra... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Staples B&M: Coupons for 75% off HP paper, uni-ball, envelopes, filing
folders, etc.
75% Off any one HP paper product, designed for inkjet, laser and photo
printers.* Coupon Code 57442
75% Off any one uni-ballproduct with this coupon.* Coupon Code 10689
75% Off any one package of envelopes with this coupon.* Coupon code: 44482
75% Off any one package of filing folders, hanging folders or expanding file
items.* Coupon Code 17484
Coupon links to follow.
1. Discount applies to one HP pa... 阅读全帖
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