

全部话题 - 话题: graduated
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发帖数: 507
Republicans Push Bill to Help Foreign Science Graduates Stay
Republican leaders in the House of Representatives, hoping to pass a measure
before the November elections to improve legal immigration[1], are pushing
for a vote this week on a bill that would increase the number of permanent
resident visas for foreigners graduating from American universities with
advanced degrees in science... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4816
实情很一目了然啊 - 你上当了,dealer骗了你这1000.
另外,都是graduate student了,不会自己去查一下啊?
Take the test you’ll enjoy: A Toyota test drive
School may be out for you, graduate, but there’s still more to learn — and
earn. If you’ve obtained a degree within the last two years, you may
qualify for the Toyota College Graduate Finance Program, featuring a $1,000
rebate toward the purchase or lease of select n... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 32
来自主题: Automobile版 - 求问college graduate rebate的问题
来美读研究生半年多,在学校TA,基本没有credit history。这样的情况能拿到toyota
的college graduate rebate吗?
附toyota college graduate program的说明:
Making the grade: How to qualify
To qualify for the rebate, you’ll need to meet the following graduation,
employment, insurance and credit criteria requirements.
Earn your degree. To take advantage of the program, you must meet one of the
Have graduated from an accredited four-year college, university, or
registered nursing degree program during the last two years or... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18160
【 以下文字转载自 CivilEngineering 讨论区 】
发信人: JasonC (Jason), 信区: CivilEngineering
标 题: Graduate assistant positions at multiple universities avail (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 9 13:57:31 2013, 美东)
发信人: JasonC (Jason), 信区: Environmental
标 题: Graduate assistant positions at multiple universities available
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 9 13:56:27 2013, 美东)
The deadline at the University of Minnesota is Jan 15.
Graduate Research Assistants (MS and/or PhD) to work on an international... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 449
Sen. Grassley: Reform the U.S. Visa System to Give American Graduates More
Job Opportunities
Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 4:43 PM EDT
Senator Chuck Grassley
Senator Chuck Grassley
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary
Committee, wrote an op-ed that was published in The Daily Iowan calling for
fixes to the nation's vi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24
不要问一个chemistry graduate student research进展如何,这是很粗鲁很伤感情的

2 不要问一个chemistry graduate student什么时候毕业,这是很粗鲁很伤感情的;
3 不要问一个chemistry graduate student有对象没有,这是很粗鲁很伤感情的;
4 不要问一个chemistry graduate student一个月拿多少钱,这是很粗鲁很伤感情的;
5 不要问一个chemistry graduate student每天几点睡几点起,这是很粗鲁很伤感情的

6 不要问一个chemistry graduate student周末放假都干什么,这是很粗鲁很伤感情的

7 不要问一个chemistry graduate student将来干什么,这是很粗鲁很伤感情的;
8 不要问一个chemistry graduate student为什么学这个专业,这是很粗鲁很伤感情的
发帖数: 242
从toyota 网站上看,是可以的(第三条),但问过一dealer,比较含糊,说有条件,具体什么条件他又不说。谢了。
Making the grade: How to qualify
To qualify for the rebate, you’ll need to meet the following graduation,
employment, insurance and credit criteria requirements.
* Earn your degree. To take advantage of the program, you must meet one
of the following:
o Have graduated from an accredited four-year college, university,
or registered nursing degree program during the last two years or graduate
from such a school/program within... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 74
【 以下文字转载自 Environmental 讨论区 】
发信人: JasonC (Jason), 信区: Environmental
标 题: Graduate assistant positions at multiple universities available
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 9 13:56:27 2013, 美东)
The deadline at the University of Minnesota is Jan 15.
Graduate Research Assistants (MS and/or PhD) to work on an international
interdisciplinary project on sustainable cities in India and China
Friday, December 21, 2012
Job Type:
Job Rank:
Graduate Research Assistants
Job Instit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6
Dear Prospective Graduate Student:
I would like to inform you about the graduate opportunities in the
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Department at the Missouri
University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T). We offer PhD degrees in
Mechanical and Aerospace engineering, including direct doctoral degrees for
students holding a BS degree. We also offer MS degrees in Mechanical,
Aerospace, and Manufacturing engineering. Our graduate students engage in
challenging fundamental and app... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Gerber Graduates Yogurt Melts, Strawberry, 1-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 8):
Gerber Graduates Yogurt Melts, Peach, 1-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 8):
Gerber Graduates Yogurt Melts, Mixed Berries, 1-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 8):
Save an extra 30% off Gerber Graduates products sold by Amazon.com. Save 15%
when you enter co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5282
lzmaths (飞刀) 于 (Fri Apr 9 23:52:19 2010, 美东) 提到:
Earn College Plus miles
As a United College Plus® member, you can earn miles toward free travel
on United flights and with Mileage Plus® partners. But you also have
many exclusive bonus-mile opportunities available to you.
Graduation Bonus
We will help you celebrate your college graduation with 10,000 Mileage Plus
bonus miles (see United ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 104
来自主题: EB23版 - Bill for graduates green cards
Intel, IBM May Benefit From Green-Card Bill for Skilled Workers
June 14 (Bloomberg) -- Intel Corp. and Microsoft Corp. may have help in
their multiyear effort to bring more high-skill workers from overseas into
the U.S. under a bill Representative Zoe Lofgren introduced today.
Lofgren, a Democrat from California, introduced a bill that would provide
green cards, or permanent residence, to more foreign students who earn at
least a master’s degree in science or engineering at U.S. universities. It... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33825
Third Annual CUNY Pipeline Graduate School Recruitment Fair
Topic: Third Annual CUNY Pipeline Graduate School Recruitment Fair
Date: Friday, June 18, 2010
Time: 1:00PM - 6:00PM
Room: CUNY Graduate Center, Concourse Level
The purpose of this Graduate School Fair is to assist students who are inter
ested in applying to graduate programs for Masters and doctoral degrees. The
Graduate School Fair is open to all interested juniors
发帖数: 80
来自主题: PHILADELPHIA版 - 求助:有谁用过pre-graduation OPT的?
我是first-year graduate student,加上这个学期,在美国读书两个学期了。现在在找
暑期实习,我们的项目帮我们办不了CPT.所以现在在考虑用pre-graduation opt.从学
校的国际学生处得知,在学校修了两个学期的课就可以申请pre-graduation opt。你什
么时候毕业不要紧都可以申请。用这个pre-graduation opt,如果暑假实习了三个月,
可是我听一些同学说,一旦用了这个pre-graduation opt,我们签证的资料就会发生很
大改变。上头显示你用了OPT, 在暑假里做过paid-internship。如果之后这年(毕业前
不知道有没有人了解这个情况,或用过pre-graduation opt的呢?可以给我一点意见吗
发帖数: 990
Graduate Scholarships Openings Immediate
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Applications are invited to compete for multiple graduate scholarships in
the area of Geotechnical Engineering at the Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Successful candidates are expected to
enroll in the graduate program and conduct research towards a Ph.D. degree
under the supervision of Pro... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1691
Stay in peace. Lets slow down and take everything easy.
UC Berkeley graduate student Arthur Qi, remembered for his gentle nature,
died over the weekend. He was 30.
Qi, who was a student in the Haas School of Business’ Master of Financial
Engineering Program, was found dead in his home after classmates alerted
authorities when he missed a group lunch and had not been seen all weekend,
according to Ute Frey, associate director of marketing and communications at
the business school.
“He wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 408
Financing Start: 07/01/2010 End: 09/07/2010
.9% APR Term: 24 months Get Dealer Pricing
.9% APR Term: 60 months Get Dealer Pricing
Restrictions Special Graduate APR available to Graduates or students who
will graduate with a masters, bachelors, or associates degree from a U.S.
accredited college or registered nursing school. Eligibility period covers 4
months prior to graduation and up to 2 years after graduation. Please see
your dealer for program details. Vehicle m
发帖数: 644
College Graduate Bonus Cash program is available towards leasing or retail
purchases. Customer must have graduated within the past 2 years or will do
so within the next 6 months from an accredited 4-yr College/University,
Nursing degree program, graduate degree program, or currently be enrolled in
a graduate degree program. Within the last two years, graduates of any 2-yr
College, NATEF accredited 2-yr post secondary
发帖数: 644
College Graduate Bonus Cash program is available towards leasing or retail
purchases. Customer must have graduated within the past 2 years or will do
so within the next 6 months from an accredited 4-yr College/University,
Nursing degree program, graduate degree program, or currently be enrolled in
a graduate degree program. Within the last two years, graduates of any 2-yr
College, NATEF accredited 2-yr post secondary
发帖数: 72
recent college graduate? 包括phd new graduate吗
我在查一个公司的opening, 有如下几类。
new college graduate
我是fresh phd。我该看哪一类? 跟我相关的一个opening在experienced里,要求5年
工作经验。这种我可以申请吗? 申请时,有个问题是recent college graduate? yes,
or no? 我该选那个? Thanks!
发帖数: 325
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Fresh Graduate Engineer Referral 多个岗位
Graduate Test Engineer
Graduate Applications Engineer
Graduate CAD Engineer
Graduate Layout Engineer
Graduate Product Engineer
地点在Campbell, CA。
大家感兴趣的话赶紧PM我。我可以把job description 发给你。
发帖数: 325
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Fresh Graduate Engineer Referral 多个岗位
Graduate Test Engineer
Graduate Applications Engineer
Graduate CAD Engineer
Graduate Layout Engineer
Graduate Product Engineer
地点在Campbell, CA。
大家感兴趣的话赶紧PM我。我可以把job description 发给你。
发帖数: 1682
来自主题: Canada版 - Ontario Master graduate for PR zz
Opportunities Ontario: Applying as an International Student (Pilot
l Masters Graduate Stream)
If you are a graduate or will soon be graduating from a Masters program from
e of Ontario’s publicly funded universities, you may be able to apply to
tunities Ontario for nomination as a permanent resident, under the
l Student Category’s Masters Graduate Stream.
Ontario’s Masters Graduate students do n
发帖数: 403
Received a graduate degree in business from an institution recognized by
CHEA or accredited by AACSB with 30 semester hours in accounting at the
undergraduate level, or 18 semester hours of accounting at the graduate
level with at least one course in each of the following:
• financial accounting,
• management accounting,
• auditing (Internal auditing may not be ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 81
The Water Quality Research and Development Center at the Southern Nevada
Water Authority (SNWA; www.snwa.com) is actively recruiting applicants for a
paid graduate internship in Henderson, Nevada. The Graduate Intern would
work at the SNWA R&D lab while enrolled in a graduate level academic program
. The duration of this internship is tentatively for 12 months with a
possible extension up to 18 months.
PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES The Intern will provide field assistance and
support for current proj... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20445
【 以下文字转载自 Returnee 讨论区 】
发信人: pacific (hh), 信区: Returnee
标 题: Chinese applications to US graduate schools fall
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 24 14:57:53 2013, 美东)
Nature 496, 539 (25 April 2013) doi:10.1038/nj7446-539d
Published online 24 April 2013
Article tools
Rights & permissions
Applications from China to US graduate schools decline for first time in
years, says report.
Subject terms:
Careers Institutions Education
The number of applications to U... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Andrew | April 25, 2012 A | A
now a new report from the AP based on the 2011 Current Population Survey
data by Northeastern University shows that things are not so rosy for recent
About 1.5 million, or 53.6 percent, of bachelor’s degree-holders under
the age of 25 last year were jobless or underemployed, the highest share in
at least 11 years. In 2000, the share was at a low of 41 percent, before the
dot-com bust erased job gains for college graduates in the
telecommunications and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Posted by Jammie on Dec 29, 2014 at 12:34 pm
He’s really winning them over, huh?
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio received boos Monday from the
audience at a graduation ceremony for the city’s newest police officers,
after he didn’t address simmering anger among some officers that has
prompted symbolic protests.
At one point during the speech, de Blasio said that officers needed to
face problems that they themselves didn’t create. Someone then reportedly
yelled at the mayor, “you creat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 76
来自主题: Automobile版 - Toyota graduate student rebate的问题
刚找到了官方消息如下,似乎是在读graduate school的就可以的样子,周末去dealer
You must meet all of these conditions:
* Get that degree! To take advantage of the program you must:
o Have graduated from an accredited four-year college, university,
or registered nursing degree program during the last two years or graduate
from such a school/program within the next six months, or
o Have graduated from an accredited two-year college during the
last two years, or
o Be enrolled in an accredited
发帖数: 5
One Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Position for PhD Study, starting
August 2014 (for Fall semester) or January 2015 (for Spring semester):
* Available at Computer Science (CS) Department, Southern Illinois
University Carbondale.
* Standard salary (about $1,500 /month, 9 months/year) for PhD student,
tuition waived (standard fees will be asked by the university for each
graduate student). The support will be for at least 4 years. Summer support
for 2 or 3 months (with Graduate Research Assista... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13752
Republicans in the House of Representatives have just passed a tax bill that
would devastate graduate research in the United States. Hidden in the Tax
Cuts and Jobs Act is a repeal of Section 117(d)(5) of the current tax code,
a provision that is vital to all students who pursue master’s degrees or
doctorates and are not independently wealthy.
I’m a graduate student at M.I.T., where I study the ne... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9
【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区 】
发信人: iTomato (未名空间 — 新用户), 信区: EE
标 题: post again: Intel IC design job open, recent graduate only
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 20 15:48:14 2010, 美东)
recent graduate means you either have graduated from MS/Ph.D. for < 1 year
or will graduate soon.
Submit your resume online ASAP.
search for job # "573781"
Analog Design Engineer - 573781
Intel Massachusetts Microprocessor Design Center is looking for an Analog
Design Engin
发帖数: 144
烂校 cs fresh graduate一枚, 陆陆续续投了50份简历啦,只拿了一个电话面试,还是
1)fresh graduate是不是不能投有工作经验要求的?有些requirements上很含糊,比
如就说 one year experience on Java programming, 这里的experience 个人感觉不
是要求working/industry experience, 在校的experience也可算在里面。 不知道这
3)发现有些公司graduate的职位为0, 是不是现在这个时候好多公司不招fresh
如果有其他没考虑到的,feel free to talk, 先谢过。
发帖数: 5
One Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Position for PhD Study, starting
August 2014 (for Fall semester) or January 2015 (for Spring semester):
* Available at Computer Science (CS) Department, Southern Illinois
University Carbondale.
* Standard salary (about $1,500 /month, 9 months/year) for PhD student,
tuition waived (standard fees will be asked by the university for each
graduate student). The support will be for at least 4 years. Summer support
for 2 or 3 months (with Graduate Research Assista... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5
One Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Position for PhD Study, starting
August 2014 (for Fall semester) or January 2015 (for Spring semester):
* Available at Computer Science (CS) Department, Southern Illinois
University Carbondale.
* Standard salary (about $1,500 /month, 9 months/year) for PhD student,
tuition waived (standard fees will be asked by the university for each
graduate student). The support will be for at least 4 years. Summer support
for 2 or 3 months (with Graduate Research Assista... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5
One Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Position for PhD Study, starting
August 2014 (for Fall semester) or January 2015 (for Spring semester):
* Available at Computer Science (CS) Department, Southern Illinois
University Carbondale.
* Standard salary (about $1,500 /month, 9 months/year) for PhD student,
tuition waived (standard fees will be asked by the university for each
graduate student). The support will be for at least 4 years. Summer support
for 2 or 3 months (with Graduate Research Assista... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5
One Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Position for PhD Study, starting
August 2014 (for Fall semester) or January 2015 (for Spring semester):
* Available at Computer Science (CS) Department, Southern Illinois
University Carbondale.
* Standard salary (about $1,500 /month, 9 months/year) for PhD student,
tuition waived (standard fees will be asked by the university for each
graduate student). The support will be for at least 4 years. Summer support
for 2 or 3 months (with Graduate Research Assista... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3
Graduate Study Opportunity in Transportation at Texas Southern University
The Department of Transportation Studies (DTS) at Texas Southern University
(TSU), Houston, Texas, is recruiting graduate students who are interested in
pursuing either a master’s or Ph.D. degree in the fields related to
transportation. Full sponsorship in the form of Research Assistant (RA)
will be provided to qualified applicants.
TSU is a member of the Tier One National University Transpo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 41
Graduate Research Assistantship Available for Engineering Education Research
(Starting in Spring 2017, Summer 2017, or Fall 2017)
Engineering Education, a new and emerging discipline, has grown rapidly in
recent years, parallel to traditional engineering disciplines such as
mechanical and civil engineering. Engineering education research focuses on
a study of how to teach engineering and how to learn engineering.
What benefits will you have?
• Competitive Graduate Research Assistantship
&#... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 23
【 以下文字转载自 GeoSpace 讨论区 】
发信人: gataway (stargate), 信区: GeoSpace
标 题: Visiting Scholar/Postdoctoral/Research Faculty/Graduate Students Positions
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 11 11:16:14 2008)
Visiting Scholar/Postdoctoral/Research Faculty/Graduate Students Positions
The Digital Earth & Environmental Remote Sensing Lab (www.ou.edu/hydro) at
The University of Oklahoma (OU) is seeking enthusiastic post-graduate
researchers and graduate students in the areas of (radar/satellite) remote
sensing, environmen
发帖数: 1026
Another major, yet often overlooked, provision in the [Senate immigration
bill] would grant automatic green cards to any foreign student who earns a
graduate degree in a STEM field, based on assertions that foreign graduates
of U.S. universities are routinely being forced to leave. Such claims are
incompatible with the evidence that such graduates have many paths to stay
and work, and indeed the ‘stay rates’ for visiting international students
are very high and have shown no sign of decline. The... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3
Graduate Study Opportunity in Transportation at Texas Southern University
The Department of Transportation Studies (DTS) at Texas Southern University
(TSU), Houston, Texas, is recruiting graduate students who are interested in
pursuing either a master’s or Ph.D. degree in the fields related to
transportation. Full sponsorship in the form of Research Assistant (RA)
will be provided to qualified applicants.
TSU is a member of the Tier One National University Transpo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3
Graduate Study Opportunity in Transportation at Texas Southern University
Deadline: July 15th
The Department of Transportation Studies (DTS) at Texas Southern University
(TSU), Houston, Texas, is recruiting graduate students who are interested in
pursuing either a master’s or Ph.D. degree in the fields related to
transportation. Full sponsorship in the form of Research
Assistant (RA) will be provided to qualified applicants.
The areas of graduate studies at T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 51
The Asymmetric Catalysis Laboratory at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas
seeks dedicated graduate students interested in design and synthesis of
novel organocatalysts and asymmetric catalysis for the development of new
methodology to apply for the synthesis of bioactive complex molecules.
Job Title: Graduate Student Researcher in Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Institution: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Department: Chemistry
Department Website: http://www.unlv.edu/chemistry
Kang Group W... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 23
【 以下文字转载自 GeoSpace 讨论区 】
发信人: gataway (stargate), 信区: GeoSpace
标 题: Visiting Scholar/Postdoctoral/Research Faculty/Graduate Students Positions
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 11 11:16:14 2008)
Visiting Scholar/Postdoctoral/Research Faculty/Graduate Students Positions
The Digital Earth & Environmental Remote Sensing Lab (www.ou.edu/hydro) at
The University of Oklahoma (OU) is seeking enthusiastic post-graduate
researchers and graduate students in the areas of (radar/satellite) remote
sensing, environmen
发帖数: 23
【 以下文字转载自 GeoSpace 讨论区 】
发信人: gataway (stargate), 信区: GeoSpace
标 题: Visiting Scholar/Postdoctoral/Research Faculty/Graduate Students Positions
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 11 11:16:14 2008)
Visiting Scholar/Postdoctoral/Research Faculty/Graduate Students Positions
The Digital Earth & Environmental Remote Sensing Lab (www.ou.edu/hydro) at
The University of Oklahoma (OU) is seeking enthusiastic post-graduate
researchers and graduate students in the areas of (radar/satellite) remote
sensing, environmen
发帖数: 23
【 以下文字转载自 GeoSpace 讨论区 】
发信人: gataway (stargate), 信区: GeoSpace
标 题: Visiting Scholar/Postdoctoral/Research Faculty/Graduate Students Positions
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 11 11:16:14 2008)
Visiting Scholar/Postdoctoral/Research Faculty/Graduate Students Positions
The Digital Earth & Environmental Remote Sensing Lab (www.ou.edu/hydro) at
The University of Oklahoma (OU) is seeking enthusiastic post-graduate
researchers and graduate students in the areas of (radar/satellite) remote
sensing, environmen
发帖数: 29846
by n*****[email protected] (The blogprof)
It's not good enough enough for the liberal ruling class to simply import
the poor (aka - undocumented Democrats) from other countries to overwhelm
the entitlement system and implode the economy so they can shred the US
Constitution and rebuild the country in their own image. They have to do
that while simultaneously subverting the education system as well:
George Whittell High School principal Crespin Esquivel delivered his
graduation address to the cla... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
September 30, 2014 - 6:36 PM
Associated Press
FRACKVILLE, Pa. (AP) — A man serving life in prison for killing a
Philadelphia police officer in 1981 has been selected as a commencement
speaker at his Vermont alma mater.
Goddard College, a liberal arts college in Plainfield with 600 students,
says on its website that Mumia Abu-Jamal's recorded remarks will be played
Sunday at a commencement, along with a video about him.
Bob Kenny, the school's interim president, is quoted on the website as
saying... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 231
Volkswagen: Benefits in this Volkswagen College Grad Program are that there
is no credit history required, no security deposit, and no first month’s
payment. It is open to students who are graduating in the next six months or
who graduated less than 24 months ago. You’ll need to show you have a full
-time job or provide a commitment letter from your future employer.
或者lz说其他new graduate program
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