s*******u 发帖数: 1055 | 1 上个礼拜五我跟我的老印manager argue 了最近他要大面积修改我的project,不难,
但是费事,近400个jsp,上面每一个element的innerHTML都要改成Java Snippet,算下
来近3000个,要求手改,不能写scripts,我并没有反对手改,因为所有 gulp 能用的
有关Dom 的plugin都是针对HTML的,JSP用不了,我自己写的plugin,明确声明只能用
下次在做这么重大改动时提前跟我商量一下,我是project owner,他这次一面说时间
紧,一面直接给我发个email让我照着就完了,他那back end才几行code,根本被考虑
并且在daily meeting 上当着全组和QA的面跟他confirm 是annually. 结果我昨天晚上
刚check in,他今天一早跟我说他把我的... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 2 【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: AmABB2015 (), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 老印 manager 给我穿小鞋,已报告HR, 但是没什么用,求助
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 19 18:58:15 2017, 美东)
10/30/17 update:
刚才在我个人邮箱发现一封邮件,HR发过来的termination letter,说是因为
视为constructive resign, will lead to termination accordingly。根本没提立即
--------------------------------------------... 阅读全帖 |
s**********t 发帖数: 1846 | 3 三锅没人饿死,都是喝恒河水喝死的
No one starves in India. The poor drink, get sick and die
Being underweight is a “national shame” in India but starving to death,
well, that just does not happen.
When a survey revealed that 42% of India’s children are underweight,
Manmohan Singh called it a “national shame.”
But when a Gita Devi dies of starvation, the village council chief shrugs,
writes Ashwin Parulkar, researcher at New Delhi think tank Centre f... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 4 Why does New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg hate women? First he’s
taking away their Big Gulp’s, then he was denying them access to baby
formula, and now he’s keeping them from picking up a free pocket rocket…
From AP:
The Trojan condom company set up “Pleasure Carts” on Wednesday in two
Manhattan neighborhoods, and were set to give away 10,000 vibrating sex toys
. Nearly 300 people had lined up at each of the hot-dog-style carts.
According to the New York Post, the giveaway was inter... 阅读全帖 |
g***y 发帖数: 1268 | 5 讲不出道理就扯团结压倒一切。你的水平和土共类似。
我告诉你怎么可以团结没内斗,只有敢跳出来反对AA, 敢跳出来支持STEM, 保证团结,
Joe Lieberman为了伊拉克战争,不惜脱党. 最近黑人反对bloomberg的big gulp ban.
什么时候华人政客敢这么有种? |
c*****g 发帖数: 21627 | 6 Michael Lewis: Did Goldman Sachs Overstep in Criminally Charging Its Ex-
A month after ace programmer Sergey Aleynikov left Goldman Sachs, he was
arrested. Exactly what he’d done neither the F.B.I., which interrogated him
, nor the jury, which convicted him a year later, seemed to understand. But
Goldman had accused him of stealing computer code, and the 41-year-old
father of three was sentenced to eight years in federal prison.
Investigating Aleynikov’s case, Michael Lewis holds a s... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 7 Warren Buffett: Time to Scrap ObamaCare »
by Jammie
Poor Obama. He’s spent years trotting around useful idiot Warren Buffett,
even going so far as to use his secretary as political fodder. Well, they
may be headed for a messy breakup.
Healthcare costs in the United States are like a tapeworm eating at our
economic body.
Those words come from famed investor Warren Buffett, who said he would
scrap Obamacare and start all over.
“We have a health system that, in terms of costs, is r... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 8 The odds of life existing on another planet grow ever longer. Intelligent
design, anyone?
Eric Metaxas
Dec. 25, 2014 4:56 p.m. ET
In 1966 Time magazine ran a cover story asking: Is God Dead? Many have
accepted the cultural narrative that he’s obsolete—that as science
progresses, there is less need for a “God” to explain the universe. Yet it
turns out that the rumors of God’s death were premature. More amazing is
that the relatively recent case for his existence comes from a surprising
place—s... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 9 餐饮软件开发商Menusifu诚招前端、后端研发工程师
Menusifu 公司简介:
Menusifu Inc. 是一家总部位于纽约,提供全面餐饮电脑系统软件的创业公司。我们提
供的全新餐饮业点餐系统Menusifu POS整合了iPad,iPad mini与iPhone点餐系统。公
阔,任你才华施展。如果你也和我们一样有着Stay hungry, Stay foolish 的学习态度
Software engineer, Back-end web application development
Develop and deploy back-end web/mobile application with a variety of
technologies including but... 阅读全帖 |
l**********a 发帖数: 419 | 10 原文:
2:00pm - Realize that I have to give lecture in half an hour. Pull up
lecture notes from last year. Change "2009" to "2010" on the title slide.
Skim over them and remember that this lecture was a total disaster but that
I don't have time to fix it now.
2:30pm - 4:00pm - Give lecture on cache algorithms to 70 or so somewhat
perplexed and bored undergrads. Try to make the lecture more exciting using
extensive PowerPoint animations and wild gesticulations with the laser
pointer. Answer ... 阅读全帖 |
n********e 发帖数: 41 | 11 楼主 看到 你 isDiffByOne 函数就知道你必然要超时
Leetcode免费给你用 就别挑剔了。凡事要先从自身找问题
start = "nanny";
end = "aloud";
String[] d = {"ricky","grind","cubic","panic","lover","farce","gofer
wares","wom... 阅读全帖 |
z******e 发帖数: 53 | 12 目前在国内一家电商公司,3年前端开发经验。 打算在米国找个工作,Front-End Web
Developer, 最好能在Plano,Dallas, Austin 周边,远的也能接受。
Skill sets:
* Javascript, CSS, HTML
* Linux,vim, Shell script // 一直都在Linux上开发
* Git 3年使用经验
* NodeJS, ExpressJS 自己写过一个博客引擎,使用expressJS, Jade, marked等
* SASS, Stylus
* Cross-Browsers Compatible 熟悉ie6及以上浏览器的兼容
* Grunt, Gulp 非常熟悉Grunt的api,写过不少plugin
* Mocha Karma Chai 刚开始使用
* YUI 一直在用YUI,并且贡献过几次代码
非常感谢,希望大神能帮忙推荐下。 网上投了好多,总共才面试了两家,悲剧。。。 |
z******e 发帖数: 53 | 13 刚从国内来dallas, 在国内有3.5年的Front End 工作经历,求推荐Dallas,Plano,
Irving 附近的职位
1 - JavaScript用的最多,库之前用的是yahoo的YUI3,也用过jQuery,曾经给YUI3 贡
2 - CSS, 因为在国内,能写兼容stone age的IE6的css代码,CSS3/HTML/HTML5也都熟
悉, CSS Preprocessor 像 Sass/Stylus/Less 都用过
3 - 熟悉Grunt/Gulp, Browerfiy, Bower 等, 给grunt-contrib-copy 贡献过代码
4 - 熟悉Express, Koa, Connect, 在上家公司用Express写过一个博客: http://tech.meituan.com
5 - 测试方面用过 Mocha,Sinon,Chai, Karma 等
6 - 用过Bootstrap,Angular/React
7 - 用过一些MongoDB (个人项目), casperJS
8 - 其它语言:3.5+ year PH... 阅读全帖 |
T**********n 发帖数: 480 | 14 去年发过帖子招人, 今年继续扩招,职位全部在Mountain View
同时也招有经验的iOS,Android和Core Java工程师
请投简历至 [email protected]
/* */,关于公司情况也欢迎邮件交流
Contribute to the testing strategy for the client applications
Prepare and update test plans
Coordinate with Development to resolve issues
Test new releases on mobile handsets
Suggest ways to preemptively avoid bugs
Collaborate with Server testing
Build tools and utilities
Strong desire to work ... 阅读全帖 |
B***S 发帖数: 73 | 15 Responsibilities:
Fast-paced eCommerce development including content management and system
Creating front end experiences and systems to support multi-brands eCommerce
Team is tasked with aligning the IT solution strategy to meet the needs of
multiple clients, while maintaining efficient and standards-compliant code
Leads all front end development streams including offshore team
Job Requirements:
The successful candidate will have 5-7 years’ experience with the
development and... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 16 JOB TITLE: Javascript developer
Job Description
We are looking for a JavaScript Developer who is motivated to combine the
art of design with the art of programming.
Responsibilities will include implementing visual elements and their
behaviors with user interactions.
You will work with both front-end and back-end web developers to build all
client-side logic.
You will also be bridging the gap between the visual elements and the server
-side infrastructu... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 17 Wall street tech Startup looking for candidates with 1-3 years of python/
javascript experience.
JOB TITLE: Core Python developer
1. 3 years of Python (or similar) programming
2. Strong problem-solving and communication skills and enjoys a
collaborative environment
3. Flexible, self-starter, fast-learner – willing and able to quickly
learn new technologies and skills
4. Experience with functional programming is a... 阅读全帖 |
a******r 发帖数: 192 | 18 初创公司,目前只有五六个人。需要一名前端工程师负责前端开发。要求一年以上前端
开发经验,熟悉React, Redux, gulp, less, data visualization等技术。能做架构,
独挡一面。目前以part time方式加入即可,可以按时薪付报酬,若有兴趣长期加入可
以有股份。要求最好住在湾区。有意者请发站内邮箱。 |
a******r 发帖数: 192 | 19 初创公司,目前只有五六个人。需要一名后端或full stack工程师主要负责后端开发。
开发经验,精通Java, REST, ElasticSearch。熟悉AWS, XMPP, DevOps更好。前端技
术是React, Redux, gulp, less, data visualization等。要求能做架构,独挡一面,
写的代码具有良好的代码组织结构。目前以part time方式加入即可,可以按时薪付报
酬,若有兴趣以后全职加入可以有股份。要求最好住在湾区。有意者请发站内邮箱。 |
a******r 发帖数: 192 | 20 湾区硅谷刚开始的初创公司。需要一名Sr. Frontend engineer负责前端开发。要求三
年以上前端开发经验,精通React, Redux, css, html5, gulp, less, yarn, data
visualization等技术。能做架构,独挡一面。目前以part time方式加入即可,可以按
在湾区。若技术够牛,远程也可。有意者请发站内邮箱。 |
发帖数: 1 | 21 150人的agency, 总部在sf,客户有很多湾区的科技公司,现在找的职位是Front End
趣可以简历到[email protected]/* */,附一小段简短的介绍最好了。
Must have front-end development experience for email andweb, with proficient
knowledge of HTML, CSS / SASS, and JS. Knowledge oftemplating systems (
Handlebars, Assemble) is a plus.
Must have experience building pixel-perfect layouts fromsubmitted designs.
Knowledge of creating optimized image assets from ... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 22 [email protected]@~~~~~~
坐标纽约startup company急招程序猿、攻城狮,不需要刷题,只看实力
Menusifu 公司简介:
Menusifu Inc. 是一家总部位于纽约,提供全面餐饮电脑系统软件的创业公司。我们提
供的全新餐饮业点餐系统Menusifu POS整合了iPad,iPad mini与iPhone点餐系统。公
阔,任你才华施展。如果你也和我们一样有着Stay hungry, Stay foolish 的学习态度
Software engineer, Back-end web application development
Responsib... 阅读全帖 |
A*******5 发帖数: 690 | 23 update:简直欺人太甚,我要找律师了。HR 居然不管不顾地站在老印一边,给我发邮
件不许我work onsite,还给我规定不合理的任务,我以前就拒绝过Angular2,因为它
Update: 周一我要去纽约的EEOC, 当面file charge,目前看来律师费是不用了,如果
第一, EEOC 是 U S Equal Employments opportunities co... 阅读全帖 |
A*******5 发帖数: 690 | 24 看来您是内行,的确,我一直在前端,其实gulp 和 node 都不能算前端了,我自己写
的扫描app,recursively 扫描所有 Dom 的 ID已经innerHTML,自动生成properties
:跳槽吧 何必忍着呢。
: |
A*******5 发帖数: 690 | 25 10/30/17 update:
刚才在我个人邮箱发现一封邮件,HR发过来的termination letter,说是因为
视为constructive resign, will lead to termination accordingly。根本没提立即
10/06/17 Update:刚才看见烙印在我关闭了的以前Angular2的project底下疯狂留言
又说Ang... 阅读全帖 |
A*******5 发帖数: 690 | 26 看来您是内行,的确,我一直在前端,其实gulp 和 node 都不能算前端了,我自己写
的扫描app,recursively 扫描所有 Dom 的 ID已经innerHTML,自动生成properties
:跳槽吧 何必忍着呢。
: |
l**********2 发帖数: 197 | 27 Location: Los Angeles Area, CA 洛杉矶
Type of Work: Full time 全职
About us 公司介绍:
Gomay Group, a Los Angeles-based media and technology company, not only
creates but also produces and distributes premium contents and brands across
various industries with innovative marketing strategies and professional
With over 10 years’ experience in business, Gomay is dedicated to
integrated marketing. Our main business philosophy focuses on building ... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 28 餐饮软件开发商Menusifu诚招前端、后端研发工程师
Menusifu 公司简介:
Menusifu Inc. 是一家总部位于纽约,提供全面餐饮电脑系统软件的创业公司。我们提
供的全新餐饮业点餐系统Menusifu POS整合了iPad,iPad mini与iPhone点餐系统。公
阔,任你才华施展。如果你也和我们一样有着Stay hungry, Stay foolish 的学习态度
Software engineer, Back-end web application development
Develop and deploy back-end web/mobile application with a variety of
technologies including but... 阅读全帖 |
m***y 发帖数: 14763 | 29 If that's a hand job, I got a blow job joke.
Two whales, a male and a female, were swimming side by side in the ocean.
Suddenly, the male whale spots a ship in the distance. He recognizes it as
the whaling ship that killed his father.
Filled with anger, he says to his female companion, "That's the ship that
killed my father!
Let's swim closer!"
When they were close enough, the male said, "Why don't we swim under the
ship and blow air through our blow holes and break the ship into a million
piece... 阅读全帖 |
a***s 发帖数: 21 | 30 这个月初我用MPX买了200的amazon gc,又直接在amazon网上买了500的gc。
online shopping,没拿到5%……
还有我去这边7-11买big gulp被discover识别成gasoline(这个7-11没有加油站),好
奇怪…… |
T**9 发帖数: 1528 | 31 silent reflux 的症状有:
1. poor weight gain or rapid weight gain
2. gulping with a painful look on the face
3. sour breath, wet sounding burps
4. persistent or chronic cough
5. frequent hiccups
6. sudden burst of painful crying
7. painful wakeups from sleep or poor sleeping habits
8. poor feeding habits, possible feeding aversions
9. neck or back arching during or after feeding
10. excessive fussiness, crying or colic
11. demands to be carried constantly
12. red or salmon colored throat
13. blood in... 阅读全帖 |
h****9 发帖数: 381 | 32 如果宝宝本来吃奶没有问题,没有什么改变的因素,宝宝没有什么不适的话,那么有可
能是growth spurts,以前听PED说过,大概6-8周时宝宝长得比较快,有可能出现吃奶
★ Breastfeeding During a Baby's Growth Spurt
From Melissa Kotlen Nagin, former About.com Guide
Updated March 27, 2009
Growth spurts are essential parts of physical maturation and they are
developmental milestones. Also called "frequency days," growth spurts are
inevitable in every baby. Still, breastfeeding mothers often become
concerned that they have low milk supply during these times. I... 阅读全帖 |
p*******y 发帖数: 133 | 33 这是很老的一片文章,反思关于批评式教育。写的很好。
如文中所说,批评式教育很多时候源于父母的这样一种心理: expect too much of
youth and measure kids by the yardstick of the parents own years.
Father Forgets
by W. Livingston Larned
Listen, son; I am saying this as you lie asleep, one little paw crumpled
under your cheek and the blond curls stickily wet on your damp forehead. I
have stolen into your room alone. Just a few minutes ago, as I sat reading
my paper in the library, a stifling wave of remorse swept ove... 阅读全帖 |
T*C 发帖数: 5492 | 34 In news that may make Pandora (P) shareholders gulp hard, Apple (AAPL) is
looking to create a rival to the popular custom-radio service, reports the
WSJ, and has recently initiated licensing talks with record labels. It's not
Apple's first foray into the area, but sources say these talks appear to be
more serious than previous efforts. Pandora -4.5% AH |
W***n 发帖数: 11530 | 35 Zuckerberg's Grasp of Mandarin Has a Big Lesson for Businesses
Mark Zuckerberg’s remarkable display of language facility during his recent
Q&A in Mandarin at Tsinghua University in Beijing impressed many people
around the planet. But Zuckerberg’s linguistic feat clearly has much more
significance than just dazzling us and his in-laws.
First, there’s the obvious. Facebook enjoys 1.23 billion active monthly
users as of February, but Facebook has been blocked in China since 2009, one
of several pro... 阅读全帖 |
s****0 发帖数: 2532 | 36 时间:6:30P-7:45P,04/17/2012
地点:wilder dam, lebanon, nh
鱼饵:Gulp minnow
收获:5条小嘴鲈鱼 |
l**********2 发帖数: 197 | 38 Location: Los Angeles Area, CA 洛杉矶
Type of Work: Full time 全职
About us 公司介绍:
Gomay Group, a Los Angeles-based media and technology company, not only
creates but also produces and distributes premium contents and brands across
various industries with innovative marketing strategies and professional
With over 10 years’ experience in business, Gomay is dedicated to
integrated marketing. Our main business philosophy focuses on building ... 阅读全帖 |
b**********5 发帖数: 7881 | 39 Hooker sipped wine & watched Google exec die on yacht: cops
Forrest Hayes (left) died after high-end prostitute Alix Tichelman (right)
allegedly injected him with heroin and then left the scene.
SANTA CRUZ — A high-end prostitute injected lethal doses of heroin into a
former Google executive before callously stepping over his body, downing a
final swig of wine and then leaving him to die about his yacht, officials
The Santa Cruz Sentinel reported Tuesday that surveillance video from the
bo... 阅读全帖 |
p******e 发帖数: 17163 | 40 7/11
一个big gulp,很大的汽水,只要两块,加税后两块二不到。 |
p******e 发帖数: 17163 | 41 them soda are so small, that big gulp soda probably double that .. |
p******e 发帖数: 17163 | 42 Thought they need to see Costco card at ck out, I don't got no Costco
card. Plus, them store are hard to reach. I got 7/11 at working distance
from my place. A hot dog bun and a big soda for 2 bucks is a real good deal.
U know them bottle soda cost near 2 bucks in a grocery nowadays. Them big
gulp sodas is bigger than that bottle soda, and u get a hot dog bun with it
[在 iamapig (大懶豬) 的大作中提到:]
:You only need to show a Costco card to walk in.
:........... |
e******0 发帖数: 21 | 43 A chinese intern is looking for a roommate to share an apartment around kop
( Kingswood or gulp mill will be the best for him because he has no car).
The lease will start from 08/20/2008. If you are interested or have some
other information, please leave your contact information. |
a****8 发帖数: 236 | 44 SANTA CRUZ — A woman police describe as a high-end prostitute has been
arrested on suspicion of murder after allegedly injecting heroin into a tech
executive on his yacht in Santa Cruz and leaving him to die when he
The Santa Cruz Sentinel reported Tuesday that surveillance video from the
boat shows 51-year-old Forrest Timothy Hayes losing consciousness.
Modal Trigger
Alix Catherine Tichelman
Investigators say the suspect, Alix Catherine Tichelman, makes no effort to
help him and inst... 阅读全帖 |
z******e 发帖数: 53 | 45 刚从国内来dallas, 在国内有3.5年的Front End 工作经历,求推荐Dallas,Plano,
Irving 附近的职位,Front End, Nodejs, full-stack 都可以
1 - JavaScript用的最多,库之前用的是yahoo的YUI3,也用过jQuery,曾经给YUI3 贡
2 - CSS, 因为在国内,能写兼容stone age的IE6的css代码,CSS3/HTML/HTML5也都熟
悉, CSS Preprocessor 像 Sass/Stylus/Less 都用过
3 - 熟悉Grunt/Gulp, Browerfiy, Bower 等, 给grunt-contrib-copy 贡献过代码
4 - 熟悉NodeJS, 目前维护TJ写的Commander.js(npm上每月下载量8M左右),另外自己
4.1 - 熟悉 Express, Koa, Connect, 在上家公司用Express写过一个博客: http://tech.meituan.com
5 - 测试方面用过 Moc... 阅读全帖 |
l*****9 发帖数: 9501 | 46 The Uncertain Future of Linsanity
By Jay Caspian Kang
Consciously or not, writing on the Internet is always, in part, about the
Internet. Every meme, news story, and event has its own momentum and it's
nearly impossible to commit anything to print without first taking into
account how, exactly, the topic at hand has been handled by the thousands of
bloggers who hit "publish" before you. And because bloggers are suc... 阅读全帖 |
d****o 发帖数: 5 | 47 lures can be really effective and versatile for HIghhand. also, there are
thousands of lures, you have to use right size/color/presentation.
shrimp is bait, not live bait. so its small caught your first cat.
When I say presentation, I mean you have swim the lure in water, otherwise
still lure without smell won't attract any.
Gulp? artificial plastic? I was talking about live nightcrawler from Walmar,
they have them in a fridge in fish dept. usually several bucks for one box,
2 dozens, more expen |
d****o 发帖数: 5 | 48 lures can be really effective and versatile for HIghhand. also, there are
thousands of lures, you have to use right size/color/presentation.
shrimp is bait, not live bait. so its small caught your first cat.
When I say presentation, I mean you have swim the lure in water, otherwise
still lure without smell won't attract any.
Gulp? artificial plastic? I was talking about live nightcrawler from Walmar,
they have them in a fridge in fish dept. usually several bucks for one box,
2 dozens, more expen... 阅读全帖 |
a*****g 发帖数: 543 | 49 今天买菜;钓鱼。 钓了4个多小时,还是9条crappie.不过没有什么大的;怀疑female
了berkely gulp的假蚯蚓去钓。一坠下去就吃了钩,不过没有钩牢。最后换成triple
hook才搞上来一条,20inch左右。fight了20分钟,累死了。 |
i****r 发帖数: 1797 | 50 今天独自行动,可以按照自己的想法找钓点。早上6:40从marina开船出发,7点钟到预
1 Red fish 23"
5 Trout 16-20" and couple more released
1 undersized Cobia
1 Yellow Jack
couple unseen off-hooked fish
1/4oz red minnow head jig head + Bass Assassin Electric Chicken paddle tail
Cajun Thunder + 1/8oz red jig head + white Gulp 3" shrimp
以上两种各上了一半鱼,还试了MirrLure Catch 2000 Suspending,no bite.
最近从spinning换玩baitcasting,两个reel分别是Abu Garcia Ambassadeur 5601C4
和 Daiwa Procaster Z 1 |