

全部话题 - 话题: gurram
发帖数: 195
来自主题: ebiz版 - 报个gc fraud 大牛
还是老印的马工厉害. 是不是现在收gc, kc都要承担很大的风险啊.
A New Jersey couple is charged with stealing more than $300,000 in
merchandise by defrauding the Kohl's Cash rewards program.
Pavan Gurram and Vanaja Gattupalli, who are originally from India, are
charged with 10 counts of mail fraud. Each count carries a maximum penalty
of 20 years in prison if they are convicted.
Gattupalli has been released on bail, but Gurram remains behind bars in
Wisconsin. Gurram has offered to put up $100,000 in bail, but prosecutors
fr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 490
来自主题: PennySaver版 - 报个gc fraud 大牛
【 以下文字转载自 ebiz 讨论区 】
发信人: geohint (geohint), 信区: ebiz
标 题: 报个gc fraud 大牛
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug 7 11:52:17 2015, 美东)
还是老印的马工厉害. 是不是现在收gc, kc都要承担很大的风险啊.
A New Jersey couple is charged with stealing more than $300,000 in
merchandise by defrauding the Kohl's Cash rewards program.
Pavan Gurram and Vanaja Gattupalli, who are originally from India, are
charged with 10 counts of mail fraud. Each count carries a maximum penalty
of 20 years in prison if they are convicted.
Gattupalli has been released... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 117
来自主题: PennySaver版 - 吐槽兼提醒KOHL'S
A New Jersey couple is charged with stealing more than $300,000 in
merchandise by defrauding the Kohl's Cash rewards program.
Pavan Gurram and Vanaja Gattupalli, who are originally from India, are
charged with 10 counts of mail fraud. Each count carries a maximum penalty
of 20 years in prison if they are convicted.
Gattupalli has been released on bail, but Gurram ... 阅读全帖