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发帖数: 13455
来自主题: Bridge版 - some observations of HCP distribution
great! will try it
发帖数: 14569
来自主题: Bridge版 - Grand slam without 2 A
Partner start bidding with 1H, I hold a lovely hand --
It is easy to respond with 2S (6+ spade, 12+ HCP).
Pd Me
1H 2S
3H 3NT(1)
4H(2) 4NT(3)
5D(4) 5H(5)
6H(6) 7H(7)
(1) I have general control in unbid suits, if you don't have slam interest, we
may stop here.
(2) my heart is really good
(3) ok, you have such a good heart, let's see how many key cards you have.
(In worst case we can stay at 5H)
(4) 1/4
(5) Damn, I don't know he's answering
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - A CTC deal

the reason for Michaels is that bridge is a major suit oriented game.
Playing strength is not only dependent upon 5-5 or 5-4, it is also dependent
upton HCP and quick tricks. ODR for 5-4 is lower than 5-5. However,
pure 5-4 two suiter should have higher ODR than not pure 5-5 two suiters.
So we normally michaels with pure two suiters and double if we have
not so concerntrated value in both majors:
I'd double with something like this: SJxxxx HAxxx DAx CAK, but bid 2C
with SKQxxx HAQJx Dxx CKx for
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - 1H/S-X-1N=?
this framework is workable. Sometimes, if you don't bid 1NT, opps would
eventually bid 1NT and make it. Also, you may have tough balancing decision
if you pass with around 8-9 HCP, no sp fit hands.
Also, I don't really like precision's design of 1NT to show good raise to 2M.
The best structure so far is to play 1NT to 2H as transfer to the higher suit.
So 1NT shows C suit, can be weak or strong.
2C/D, transfers to D/H.
2H: good raise to 2S.
2S: preemptive raise to 2S.
发帖数: 545
来自主题: Bridge版 - 1H/S-X-1N=?

firstly, this analogy is incorrect. secondly, in competitive auction, many
players, DO raise pd with qx or kx. Thirdly, there is always risk, even when
you open strong NT or 5card major, pd may have null, HCP or your suit. Does it
scare you away from opening? There is no such rule as never or ever in bridge,
as Fred Gitleman said. Bridge is not a pure science. WHen you hear pd opening
1 level, you know him has sth btw 11 to 15, so you expect him to have average
13. If you have 6-7,
发帖数: 545
来自主题: Bridge版 - 1H/S-X-1N=?

yes, but 1n is not direct, it is after intervention if i am correct.
Competely agree with this x and nt. It should be sth 18, 9.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - 1H/S-X-1N=?
well, x then 1NT showing 16-18 HCP is actually playable.
suppose you have such a hand:
SAKxx HKJxx DAxx CKx
over 1C opening, still double works fine,
because you would be able to bid 4H when partner holds something like
Sxx HAQxx Dxxx Cxxxx
you take 2 spades, 4 hearts, 1D, CK and two possible ruffs.
if you bid 1NT, partner would usually pass. which might not play well.
Also, double would allow you to find 8 card major fit when partner is
Sxx HQxxx Dxxx Cxxxx, 2H would be better th
发帖数: 155
来自主题: Bridge版 - What's to bid?

I also believe d6+ is promised. But is one not allowed to compete with
a good playing hand of 6 diamonds but minimum in hcp? I know I want to
compete. Is it a matter of style or what?
发帖数: 155
来自主题: Bridge版 - whose fault?

This "extension" is new to me. The core idea of Lebensohl is to allow you to
name your suit yet limit your hcp in two major ranges (without it there would
be only one bid range, or you would have to pass when weak). After reverse
there have been 3 suits named, such "leb" is obviously not for the 4th suit :)

发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - good hand for bidding test
forgot to mention, there was a fix of the century by greg.
he held:
SAx HJxx DKQxxxx CQx
I had:
SKJx HKxx DJx CAxxxx
I was the first to bid, but he bid 1D out of turn, playing against
So Polowan rejected his opening, now I have to pass all the way,
Polowan's partner opened 1H with
SQxx HAQxxx Dx CKxxx
Greg had a tough guessing problem now, he eventually overcalled
1NT and played there.
In this lay out, although we have 24 HCP, good diamond fit,
3NT would still have no play. even 2NT mig
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - good hand for bidding test
I sometimes feel that negative double is really a losing option for
5 diamonds and 4 hearts, 6-9 HCP hands. Perhaps a better treatment is
to play 2NT to show it. However, in that case, we have to double 1S
with balanced hand, no 4 hearts. Anyway, I don't think it's very bad to
double without 4 hearts. In Ross-Stone's orginal negative double version,
x doesn't guarantee 4 cards in the other major.
For this hand, 5D wasn't clear, change the lay out slightly, it can easily
be 4S -1, 5D -2.
发帖数: 3277
no, for 4 card support, 2C still saves a lot of bidding spaces. 2NT is
no good. 2NT should be reserved for invitational hands in D/H or S.
3C: invitational in C.
3D: fit showing jump in either C/D/H.
3H: splinter with 12-15 HCP.
3S: constructive.
3NT: whatever you like.
4C: whatever you like.
4D: good raise to 4S.
发帖数: 545

I wont agree with this point. If you want, better to keep 2N for original
balanced 13-5hcp hand.
Also, i think it is very important to distinguish 3card raise and 4card raise.
This is just too important for pd when he decide to go for game or slam.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - seeking advice on bidding of this hand
I think 2S is also bad, partner would always pass you with 9-10 HCP
balanced hand with 4 spades which may often produce a game.
1NT has many problems as well, the biggest problem is that
5-4-3-1 is suit oriented, not NT oriented.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - Where to go?
my comment is that 2S is bad. 3D would be the only choice over 2H.
now, it's a matter of partnership agreement.
With some partners, I play 1D 1H 2H even when I hold 4 spades and 3 hearts:
4-3-5-1 shape and around 12-13 HCP. So partner's 3S doesn't garantee 4 hearts.
For standard treatment, people usually bid 1S over 1H with 4 spades and 3
hearts. So you still can move on. you need partner to hold
SQJxx HAQxx DKxxx Cx to have a good play in 6H.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - Where to go?
because you can't raise him later after he shows a preference in your
opening suit.
1D 1H
1S 2D
2H shows a stronger hand, around 15-17 HCP.
发帖数: 155
来自主题: Bridge版 - Where to go?
and restricting HCP is restricting, restricting shape(number of hearts)
is not restricting.

发帖数: 155
来自主题: Bridge版 - Where to go?

1H-2D, what is his hand like then? why at that time does 2H still sound
more attractive than 2D if you are 14-HCP?
发帖数: 17
来自主题: Bridge版 - a bidding question
Bidding is not playing, it is convention between partners:
3NT here means clearly 5332 10 or so HCPs.
Pass 3NT means 2-3 S, stoppers in other 3 suits.
4S means 4 S support (another form of "8 never, 9 ever" :))
The rationale behind this is. unless 1NT hand can ruff something, 4NT can be
made if 4S can be made in most of cases, but 10th trick might make hugh
difference for a 3NT hand with 4S bid.
The question here might present an opposite example, but in a long run, it
would be benefitial to fol
发帖数: 346
来自主题: Bridge版 - What do u bid?
Pass. Your Heart was quite good and you had 14 hcp and two cards Spade only.
发帖数: 168
1s 2h
3c 3h
4h 4n
5c 5d
5h ?
H A K 10 x x x
D A K x
4n ask for key cards, 5c shows one (1430), 5d ask for HQ, 5H sais no
wt are you going to do?
发帖数: 2449

I will try 6d, your P should have some extra in C
so, most likely, you can get 3-4 C, 2h, 3-4S, 3-4D
guess 7nt is better than 7H, if there is a 7.
so since 5d ask for HQ, without hq, P will know 7h is not doable.
then if he have SJ and C KQ
and DQ
you can count 13 tricks with NT, but not enough for 7H.
With a random p, I will bid 6nt directly. and satisfied with it.
发帖数: 168
In reality, pd has the following hand:
S A J 10 9 x
H J x
D J x
C K J x x
发帖数: 524
7NT 嘛.
发帖数: 168
I just worried I have to relie to heart suite
If I have only 5 hearts, it is a no brianer
发帖数: 2449
both you and your P have CJ?
发帖数: 168
c K Q x x
发帖数: 545
with this hand, he shld not bid 3c over 2h, 3c shld show more than min.【 在
foo (Bridge) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 48
Nod, couldn't agree more. 3C needs some extra. 2S is the bid after 2h.
But what is the best bid after the following series:
1s - 2h
2s - ?
发帖数: 2449
this totally depends on the system.
with 2/1
3c don't need much extra. I guess 3c is ok.
It is the min though.

发帖数: 2449
usually not.
But, seems you have C and S fit or partial fit.
So it is really depends.
The only thing we sure is that, there is no 7H, usually
发帖数: 524
来自主题: Bridge版 - under bid?
2S is a too much an underbid.
Even you only count the so-called damn "HCP", it's roughly a 3S call.
在 xlxie (《※★★★※§三少爷§※★★★※》) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - can you bid it?
We still invite, but we invite only with a narrow range of hands.
For example, for this kind of sequence:
1C 1S
1N ?
We invite only with good 11 and normal 12,
we pass 1NT with normal 11 or less, bid 3NT with good 12 HCP.
So you don't play many 2NT here, which is important, because very often
you either make an overtrick in 2NT or go down in 2NT.
We may miss a game with normal 11 facing normal 14, but in that case,
3NT might not have a good play when we find no fit.
The same is true for 1S p 2S
发帖数: 6639
来自主题: Bridge版 - 今天的一副牌
1s-4s shows alot of spades with limited hcp but lots of distribution.
not the case here.
发帖数: 3
来自主题: Bridge版 - What's your opinion?
1. Either 2H or X are fine. i would be tempted to bid 2S if there were 2 more
HCPs or longer D suit.
2. 3S has to be gaming forcing because pass and 3H are available under 3S.
Note that if s/he had a weak hand but 6+ S, pass would be the choice.
Interestingly, most repsonds assumed H fit but what if the 3S bids wanted to
play 3NT but had absolutely no stoppers in D?
3. i would bid 4D after 3S because with S void, trump contracts would be more
attractive than no-trumps. i assume partner would bid
发帖数: 545
来自主题: Bridge版 - lol...
This is exactly why you should read mike lawrence's hand evaluation. Hand
evaluation is not about HCP, but about evaluation.【 在 cocoon (青虫※茧成心止
) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - What do you want to bid.
4-3-3-3 is a no trump oriented shape and you hold HQxx, which means
1nt would usually be right sided if it's declared by you. At balancing
seat, 1NT over 1H is about 12 to 16 HCP, and this hand falls into the
range. So it's a very normal 1NT bid. If you send this hand to an
expert solving panel, I bet most would bid 1NT.
Double isn't very bad, but it's not as good as 1nt, because
it can often be wrong sided if partner holds HKxx or HAxx.
Also, x may get you to 2 m, which might not play well faci
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - wt will u bid
you really need quite a lot from partner to make 3nt:
DKJ, SA and a heart honor, and you can never find that out by bidding
2D, suppose partner raises you to 3D, will you try game?
Most likely, 3nt will go down I belive. Even if he holds
SAKx Hxxx DKxx Cxxxx, 3nt still isn't cold. This is a typical hand
that you need about 27 HCP to make a game because of your weakness in
opener's suit and your HQx doubleton. Change the holding
to Sxxx HAQxx DAKxx CKx, you want to bid here because this hand cont
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - 新手问题一
with 8 HCP, you can invite game and bid 2nt, otherwise, just pass, cause
2D is transfer.

发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - 新手问题五--争叫
you want to overcall 1S here. The overcalling strength varies for different
partnerships. Basically, you want to have an opening strength and a
good suit for one level vulnerable overcalls. When it's white, you want to
overcall with a hand about one to two HCP lower than the hand you would
overcall when red. That actually suggests a sound overcall range, about
12 or good 12 when red and about 10 when white.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - What is Michaels?
It shows both majors when the cue bid is a minor, or the other major and a
when the cuebid is a major.
There are two schools here, one advocates the continueous range of strength
of both majors, at least 5-4 or 4-5. When it's red, it shows at least
an opener; when it's white, it can be weaker. The other school likes
either weak or strong, which means either less than an opener, or
a hand that has some extra, about 16 HCP or more. Either way has
some merrits. What I play now is to show a ha
发帖数: 31
来自主题: Bridge版 - simple bidding question
partner open 1c, 16 hcp with 5 clubs, what to bid?
发帖数: 6500
来自主题: Bridge版 - bidding question
since with sayc, 2s re-bid normally promise 2-card spades and 6-9, so worth
a game try
while with 2/1, 1nt then 2s re-bid, either with 4 or 5 HCPs, or maybe singel
ton spade
发帖数: 472
来自主题: Bridge版 - bidding question
with 8 hcp and doublton spade, what wud u bid using 2/1? same sequence ba...

发帖数: 472
来自主题: Bridge版 - [合集] simple bidding question
qiantom (超人猫) 于 (Thu Jan 10 14:22:36 2008) 提到:
partner open 1c, 16 hcp with 5 clubs, what to bid?
mapcar (绵掌) 于 (Thu Jan 10 14:33:51 2008) 提到:

cozofu (you are still a killer bee.) 于 (Thu Jan 10 22:10:13 2008) 提到:
that's why you want to play invert minor raise. In SAYC, there isn't a bid
for such kind of hands...
发帖数: 31
来自主题: Bridge版 - Small slam with 19HCP combined
Just came back from the Sacramento Regional, we played in the SWISS team
event in the last day and won the 0-500 strata.
One hand we bid and made small slam with 19HCP points combined.
Sitting North, I held:
S: T987
C: JT98X
Only 8 HCP, but I always like a void.
East opens 1H, I started to like my hand a lot more.
My partner overcall 1S, now I feel we have at least 4S.
West jumps to 3H, and East explained that as weak.
I am always willing to go to 4S and feel that is almost cold, but
发帖数: 472
来自主题: Bridge版 - [合集] Small slam with 19HCP combined
shinestone (小石头) 于 (Tue Feb 19 23:49:04 2008) 提到:
Just came back from the Sacramento Regional, we played in the SWISS team
event in the last day and won the 0-500 strata.
One hand we bid and made small slam with 19HCP points combined.
Sitting North, I held:
S: T987
C: JT98X
Only 8 HCP, but I always like a void.
East opens 1H, I started to like my hand a lot more.
My partner overcall 1S, now I feel we have at least 4S.
West jumps to 3H, and
发帖数: 2804
来自主题: Bridge版 - 这牌怎么叫?
I think most bids were wrong, but it really started from the double. Double
should emphasize shape, off-shape doubles should be used only when there is
no alternative. Here you have two reasonable alternatives: 1NT or 2C (yes,
you are allowed to make 2-level overcalls up to 18 hcp).
The major problem of double here is on space. If you plan on bidding NT
after double, you would have to do it at 2-level facing a possibly 0-count
partner. If the hand is like A965 / A8 / AKT97 / K6, and the opening
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - Bidding Problems
lol, 14-16 is another story. Also, QJx Jx KQJx KQJx is slightly better,
but not a lot better than the hand I showed. QJx is still not easy to
after that 2S bid, you know your hand sucks big time if you want to play
slams. Again, such kind of hands are extremely rare and we still have
enough room to pass that message to partner at low level that this hand
sucks if partner doesn't jump to 5 level and starts from transfers.
Also, that's why I tend not to
often use HCP to evaluate hands an
发帖数: 2804
来自主题: Bridge版 - 6-6-1-0一定要抢过来打吗?
In general, it is more important to bid out your own hand. When you have a
good minor suit with length (not 5-card suit headed by 10), it will be much
more likely that RHO has the other minor suit. Bridge is a game of frequency
, in such a case you will want to concentrate on showing your hand rather
than catching RHO competing with a weak suit and penalizing him. You might
occasionally miss a juicy penalty, but you will reach a decent contract most
of the time.
As to pass then double, surely ta... 阅读全帖
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