S**K 发帖数: 23 | 1 因为是老房子,上面壁橱底部离countertop只有34“,宽36"。现在用的很老的油烟机
是5" height. 版上讨论的神五神六好像都是10“height, 太大了。
多谢!!! |
发帖数: 1 | 2 芝加哥北郊Arlington Heights Downtown 高档 1 睡房朝南Condo, 一楼,完全高档重
Heights Downtown非常方便,地点适中,Metra 40分钟直达芝加哥。25分钟到机场。有
无小孩夫妇。包暖包水,指定停车位。 有大储藏室。无家具。7739660707. 详细请看
chicago.craigslist.org/nwc/apa/6267547775.html |
z*********n 发帖数: 94654 | 3 LA地铁就那点,根本通不到rowland heights
你一定要坐公交可以LAX FLYAWAY到union station,
然后union station换乘silver line到el monte,然后在el monte换乘foothill
hill malls
然后就离rowland heights不远了,呵呵
想靠公交到那边,你得有毅力 |
e******e 发帖数: 10121 | 4 我前面铁锅了,从LAX到hacienda heights, rowland heights最便宜的prime shuttle
$47,网上提前订票,在机场出来有等车标志。比华人酒店旅行社接人都便宜。 |
r******8 发帖数: 26 | 6 (申请置顶)爬山, 礼拜日早上9点@ S 7th Ave, Hacienda Heights
地址: Orange Grove Middle School 14505 Orange Grove Ave, Hacienda Heights,
驾驶: 60号公路上出S 7th Ave, 60东右转,60西左转
停车: 在S 7th Ave上, 球场旁边的停车位
时长:4英里, 2/3小时
难度:中下 环境:全程80%有树荫
运动组: http://outfun.co |
S******8 发帖数: 86 | 7 Rowland Heights, 4.5...
2km SE of Rowland Heights, California
2014-03-29 14:32:46 UTC-07:00
9.0 km |
L********e 发帖数: 783 | 8 求租Madison Heights,Troy或者Rochester Hills单间
本人情况:女,现住的apartment的lease即将到期,不想再续,求租Madison Heights
,Troy或者Rochester Hills单间
限单身女性。如有意者请发邮件至r***********[email protected]。
非常感谢。 |
M********I 发帖数: 848 | 9 大来本店在southfield, 8mile 和lahser 交界,Madison heights 是在 John r 上,
11 mile 和 12 mile 之间。
fuji在 Madison heights, John r上,13和14之间。在一起的fuji自助餐就挺好的
southfield那有个韩国餐馆也不错,从12迈mall best buy沿高速旁边的小路往西一点
就到了 |
h******b 发帖数: 312 | 10 周六 10/30 下午,天气不错,少云,风小,适合打蓝球,稍微有点冷,15至20度。不
【地点】Berkeley heights school superintendent 后面有一个篮球场大概在这
345 Plainfield Ave
Berkeley Heights New Jersey 07922
United States
现有5人 |
h******b 发帖数: 312 | 11 我们是加入别人的教堂组织的,我下次问问他们。现在是每周日下午1-3点,但是要从
我们去年秋天组织了有4-5个人在Berkeley Heights School Superintendent,就是图
书馆在往前一点的地方,(345 Plainfield Ave ,Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922-1480
么个收费法?是不是一定要买full membership? |
a********7 发帖数: 65 | 12 最近看到short hills的帖子很热,大家都关心住哪儿合适,开个系列帖子,就仅我所
【Basking Ridge, Berkeley Heights, Chatham, Livintston, Madison, Mountain
Lakes, New Providence, Short Hills/Millburn, Summit, Westfield】
--注,对富人区bergen county不熟悉,我知道那边有不少好学区,也欢迎熟悉的人多
先介绍New Providence和Berkeley Heights这个两个地方吧,是好区,但是属于新生代
大量中国人的迁入,以后排名应该还有会稳排... 阅读全帖 |
z*****o 发帖数: 16 | 13 【 以下文字转载自 JobMarket 讨论区 】
发信人: zstudio (六月之后), 信区: JobMarket
标 题: Berkeley Heights NJ 聘请通勤保姆
关键字: NJ,保姆,通勤,新泽西
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 21 09:42:08 2015, 美东)
新州 Berkeley Heights (邮编07922) 请通勤保姆周一到周五。做四人晚饭和简单家务
,薪优。时间灵活,需要自己有交通工具通勤。有意請发email到 zk.iphone@gmail.
com |
m**********e 发帖数: 53 | 14 有个亲戚家小孩要到Seaside Heights,NJ 做交换,网上查了下貌似是海岛,旅游城市
啊,也没有学校啊。请教下大家Seaside Heights的情况。 另外,也请问这个地方怎么
租房比较安全实惠了。多谢,多谢 |
c*******n 发帖数: 5 | 15 儿子刚满6岁,Shaker Heights 的几个小学,Boulevard, Fernway, Lomond, Mercer,
and Onaway哪个好一点?除了Shaker Heights 的其他学区呢?谢谢 |
m******n 发帖数: 15691 | 16 那一片 黑人不多, 周围都是商业区, 房租不便宜,
Beachwood 和 Mayfield Heights 不差,
往北 Richmond, Euclid, 往南 Highland Heights 开始差了 |
x******g 发帖数: 319 | 17 are you talking about arbor heights apt in Tigard?
Or the house in arbor heights? |
W*****r 发帖数: 5681 | 18 Forest Heights 太多 hills, up and down. 哈哈,我比较懒怠。 Not ideal for
trick and treat for me. 我们都去 Arbor Heights 要糖果,then party at friend
's house. |
b*****t 发帖数: 3928 | 19 我的理解,power 和 bernardo height 还是有点距离的。
bernado height 那里,Pearl 和 Chef Chin还算可以吧。 |
s*****u 发帖数: 77 | 20 打算把家里的饭桌卖了。详情请看这里:
For sale is a solid wood 7 piece pub height expandable dining set with 6
seats in excellent condition
The finish is rich maple rouge,.
Comes with instruction manuals.
Size: 36 inch tall x 64 inch long x 48 inch wide with leaf; 48inch x 48inch
without leaf. The seat has a bench height of 24".
Tiny wear-outs and scratches are shown in the pictures. The reason of sale
is to change to a bigger set for a large family. |
k*********h 发帖数: 1841 | 21 住Heights都是喜欢那儿离城市近而社区又漂亮。而且Heights里各种authentic的餐馆
,又有不错的bike trail,所以住那儿的都是些挺hippy的白人。 |
H*********i 发帖数: 78 | 22 location and life style choices...not everyone wants to commute 2hrs a day..
.and it's totally different life style from suburbs... chinese mostly care
abt school but other younger plp care abt other stuff...u can walk to a lot
of restaurants, and ice cream shops and there are lots of local stores...
plus 300s are low price in the heights...also compared with other inner loop
location heights is the cheapest |
N*********3 发帖数: 108 | 23 如题,我表妹工作实习在san antonio,Alamo height区域,6月中旬就的报道了。但她
请问华人较为集中的区域在哪一片区?或者Alamo height 附近比较安全的社区? 现在
在那附近一个studio 或者小一室一厅大概月租金多少?愿大侠们指点迷津,人生地不
熟,怕住到不好的社区,那就不好了。谢谢 |
w*******1 发帖数: 1789 | 24 Alamo heights 这里中国人不多,房子也比较贵,但是安全,生活方便。不放看看一个
房租公司alamo heights apartments,我看最近我这条路上 Elizabeth road有3个公寓
地理位置及其方便,周围啥都有 |
w*******1 发帖数: 1789 | 25 Alamo heights 区号78209,你说的那个地方估计离上班地方太远了。Alamo heights相
的,总体来讲,这个区很安全。最好找在new braunfel ave 西边的公寓,不要找任何
在Austin highway上的,虽然那里也是78209,但是foot traffic很多,有些人看着很
还有quarry market附近也有很多公寓,但是由于比较新,贵的很。 |
z*********i 发帖数: 4 | 26 【转租】
地点:Rosslyn heights
联系方式:2022885466/ [email protected]
/* */
rosslyn heights 距离rosslyn地铁站只要不行6分钟,楼下就有GU的班车,步行5分钟
以内有pho,cvs,safeway。距离M st 也很近。
只招女室友,谢谢 |
z**********3 发帖数: 11979 | 27 Stack Height:
Barefoot Minimal Low Medium High Maximal
Road Road-Trail Hard Trail Varied Trail Soft Trail
我平常的跑步路线是公路旁边的人行道算是road trail,一半是黑色的柏油路面,还比
剩下的是灰色水泥路 好硬。
我在running houseware按surface分类选鞋的话,给我推荐的是stack height maximal
我担心底太厚会不会对膝盖震动过大?我目前Newton Distance挺适应的 |
e****i 发帖数: 2152 | 28 【 以下文字转载自 Music 讨论区 】
发信人: erkuai (要减肥了,要减肥了), 信区: Music
标 题: Wuthering Height
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Feb 24 04:48:41 2007)
Kate Bush
Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights
Hayley Westenra
Out on the wiley, windy moors
We'd roll and fall in green.
You had a temper like my jealousy:
Too hot, too greedy.
How could you leave me,
When I needed to possess you?
I hated |
m***a 发帖数: 198 | 29 Value Produce, an itanlian food store. It is located on
Golf, one block east of Golf & Arlington heights. Also a
mexican food store called "Sun harvest" is located at Busse
and Golf. You can get a lot of chinese food on both of them.
ALso on Arlington Heights rd., there is a Japanese store.
Name unknown, the building is blue.
Try yellowpage. |
b*********d 发帖数: 20 | 30 用 Image.getToolkit().getImage()读进一个 JPG 文件,用 image.getWidth()/
getHeight() 得到的width/height和实际图形的不一样。请问:如何能得到和实际图形一
样的width/height?多谢 |
b*********d 发帖数: 20 | 31 Thanks first. I have alreay used MediaTracker. The package I used is called "
ImageUtilities" found from Internet. But width and height are not same as the
real ones. Moreover, width = height. Could you give some suggestions? Thanks. |
w*s 发帖数: 7227 | 32 i have this
now height is fixed, i tried 100%, doesn't work.
谢谢! |
x*g 发帖数: 689 | 33 【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区 】
发信人: xig (xig), 信区: Programming
标 题: font height/width in word
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 10 16:22:59 2007), 转信
Is it possible to change the height or width
of the letters in word independently? |
f******e 发帖数: 582 | 34 I am using MS OFFICE 2007.
I insert a table and input some text. However, the height of each row is
too large, how to reduce the height of the row?
Thanks. |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 35 Link:
Reseller Ratings: Link:
You can never have too much space to store your belongings. In fact, there's
usually never enough. Whether you're living in a cramped apartment or
sharing a room with five people you only met yesterday, this 4-pack of bed
risers will prove to be a lifesaver, and of course - a space-saver!
Raising the heights of the bottom of your bed to create extra space for
storage, ... 阅读全帖 |
b*******e 发帖数: 4483 | 36 Height Predictor
Your boy will likely be 6 ft. 2 in. at age 18.
Height Predictor
Your girl will likely be 5 ft. 7 in. at age 18. |
w***t 发帖数: 8175 | 37 【 以下文字转载自 LosAngeles 讨论区 】
发信人: wneat (鲁牛), 信区: LosAngeles
标 题: 住在Diamond Bar, rowland heights 的欢迎加入 DB_Chinese yah
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 11 00:37:10 2011, 美东)
Post message: D********[email protected]
Subscribe: D******************[email protected]
Unsubscribe: D********************[email protected]
直接从你的email发信到 D******************[email protected] |
发帖数: 1 | 38 我老婆说不同意买Arlington Heights的房子
我老婆唯一能接受的芝加哥郊区是evanston |
b*******l 发帖数: 1095 | 39 请问Load Leveling and Height Control Suspension的工作原理?
弄这个Suspension 对tow 肯定有帮助,但会不会影响舒适性呢? |
s********9 发帖数: 595 | 40 Jackson Heights大小单房出租,大间面积15平米,$400/月。小间面积10平米,$360/
月。多窗,采光好,近地铁。五分钟至地铁七号线90 St.水电煤全包。有意者晚上七点
以后请电 718-916-6593 |
c*i 发帖数: 348 | 41 Room available in New York ave, Jersey City heights
Walk to Stevens 20 to 30 mins.
Start from June 1st
Rent 450$, security deposit 450$
Rent includes hot water and heat, roommates share electricity only
which is about 10$/month
(the only utility fee every month).
Lease ends on December 31st 2010. |
s********9 发帖数: 595 | 42 Jackson Heights单房出租,二楼。面积15平米,$400/月。多窗, 采光好,近地铁。
五分钟至地铁七号线90 St. 水电煤全包。有意者晚上七点以后请电 718-916-6593直
接与房东联系,站内概不回复。 |
x**z 发帖数: 2 | 43 I will be in yorktown heights on Feb. 7. I need a room for living. please
call 832-661-8301 zhang. thanks |
i********0 发帖数: 6 | 44 地点:41st Ave, 75th St, Elmhurst
五分钟到地铁站:Jackson Heights/Roosevelt Ave(Express E&F, M, R, 7)
月租:$650 + 1 month security (水,电,瓦斯,冷气,网络齐全,全包)
房子位于安静,安全的Residential Area,交通方便,步行5分钟即到地铁站,附近有
房东叫Hank,讲中文。他的电话: 917-348-1129 |
b*********n 发帖数: 17 | 45 终于熬到3天,可以在这里发帖了。 公寓具体位置,village green blvd.,rochester
hills,mi。 刚刚好在Rochester Hills, Troy, Utica, Sterling Heights 交界处,距
离Troy Somerset Mall 10mi, Auburn hills Chrysler center 6mi. 周边各个方向2mi
内都有大型超市,公园。半封闭小区,全新地毯,2层/2层,2bed/2bath。 整体承租
小区临主路,安静。适合学习或者不喜欢吵闹的人。 |
b*******9 发帖数: 19 | 46 One bedroom in a single family house will be available on Nov 1st.
在 colima&hacienda heights 附近,近新香港超市,房间宽敞明亮,小区环境好,安
有意请电 或短信到 626 872 5585 |
v***i 发帖数: 68 | 47 Location: Kemper Rd, Shaker Heights
2 bedroom,1.5 bathroom Apt with underground garage parking.
The room to sublease is the larger bedroom including the ½ bath.It has
a spacious closet, three windows and like-new carpet.
$470/month. Heat and water is included. Internet and electricity are at most $35 per person. The current lease ends at 6/30/2011.
A Clean, mature, non-smoking graduate or professional FEMALE roommate is
Close to CCF, CW, UH and only 10-15 minutes to CSU/Downtown.... 阅读全帖 |
h*********n 发帖数: 255 | 48 帮房东贴租房信息,单房一间,大约14-15平.里面有简单家具,床,床垫,基本上是拎包入
交通还算便利,如果步行到地铁Jackson Heights站大约12钟.也可以做公交到地铁站,公
有意向请留言,我会让房东跟你电话联系的,11月底或12月初您可以搬进来. |
a******1 发帖数: 30 | 49 1. 楼下雅房分租。420/月.
2. 近fullerton 和 colima。附近有香港广场,顺发超市,99大华,夜市广场。
3. 包水,电,瓦斯,网络,每月有专人打扫室内公共部分。和室外园丁。
4. 免费使用洗衣机,烘干机,冰箱,过滤饮用水。冰箱有足够空间够你使用。
5. 停车方便。
邮件: a******[email protected]
地址: 18*** Rocky Ct. Rowland Heights, CA 91748 |
d*******u 发帖数: 142 | 50 我们目前两个人,想长期租住一个可以独立出入,近超市的,位于haciend hts or
Rowland Heights, CA 91748 房子。希望有独立厨房浴室,一房或者两房都可
请给我email:d***********[email protected]
thanks |