a**t 发帖数: 3833 | 1 Hillary Clinton's campaign raised more than $154 million in September,
marking its best fundraising month, according to a statement released
Hillary for America raised about $84 million, while about $70 million was
raised for the Democratic National Committee and state parties through the
Hillary Victory Fund and the Hillary Action Fund, according to the statement. |
r*****e 发帖数: 7853 | 2 班上ID加油,补了这半个亿吧
[在 atxt (文本一) 的大作中提到:]
:Hillary Clinton's campaign raised more than $154 million in September,
:marking its best fundraising month, according to a statement released
:Hillary for America raised about $84 million, while about $70 million was
:raised for the Democratic National Committee and state parties through the
:Hillary Victory Fund and the Hillary Action Fund, according to the
statement. |
l********7 发帖数: 2974 | 3 反驳:谈谈trump支持者的心态 - rosemile 能举出具体的证据证明任何一条你泛泛的
我不会如原帖那样,无根无据的泛泛而谈,我给出具体事实证据。这也是law & order
====... 阅读全帖 |
g********f 发帖数: 1112 | 4 【 以下文字转载自 USChineseRight 俱乐部 】
发信人: adorp (ad), 信区: USChineseRight
标 题: 全长106分钟"Hillary's America"免费观看
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 23 12:51:08 2016, 美东)
Disclaimer: 本人因被财迷老邢封站14天,所以俺所有的贴都对外开放,欢迎转贴至美
新,Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, 微信,文学城等等,让更多的人认清真相,看清稀
--------- 分割线以下的是供您操作的内容 ---------
全长106分钟的"Hillary's America"免费在线观看!
FREE Online Watch FULL 106 minutes "Hillary's America: The Secret History of
the Democratic Party (2016)" produced by filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza.
好消息:全长106分钟的"Hill... 阅读全帖 |
a**t 发帖数: 3833 | 5 Trump的总统使的他的拥护者失望透顶,但是他们很快又找到了新目标,那就是前
留下的烂摊子。最近, 希拉里表示不在竞选总统,但是她要监督Trump的总统, 这似
的人们联想,Hillary Clinton可以做副总统。
Hillary Clinton is interviewed by Mariella Frostrup (not pictured) at the
Cheltenham Literature Festival on October 15, 2017 in Cheltenham, England.
Matthew Horwood | Getty Images
Hillary Clinton is interviewed by Mariella Frostrup (not pictured) at the
Cheltenham Literature Festival on October 15, 2017 in ... 阅读全帖 |
j****n 发帖数: 4358 | 6 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: thinredline (Rich), 信区: USANews
标 题: Google is behind Hillary's Campaign
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 8 13:05:28 2016, 美东)
Google's team has been trying to help Hillary win the election by monitoring
insane amounts of data in real time to expose routes of gaining voters.
Over the past 4 years Google has had meetings in the white house at least
once per week.
Eric Schmidt himself quietly funded a startup called 'The Groundwork' to win
Hillary the election. Google's inter... 阅读全帖 |
T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 7 The title "Rodham" has already been claimed for a forthcoming film, and now
a new series coming to broadcast television will use the other half of a
famous name: "Hillary."
It could find a larger audience than other such projects in the works – it
is being produced for a broadcast television network.
Former secretary of state, senator, first lady – and possible 2016
presidential candidate – Hillary Clinton will be the subject of a four-hour
miniseries coming to NBC, the network said Saturday.
Os... 阅读全帖 |
c*******d 发帖数: 1283 | 8 2008年,80%的在美华人都支持了民主党, 95%的都支持了Hillary当选美国的总统。目
前的美国华人,不论老将小将, 需要统一思想,使得绝大部分的华人至少90%,都支持
Hillary当选美国2016总统。有人还要支持共和党,那是荒唐可笑。 在美华人,在政治
上要表态,唯一的一条道, 就是要保证支持Hillary 选美国总统。 |
C****t 发帖数: 3813 | 9 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: CalCat (北加猫), 信区: USANews
标 题: 不支持Hillary的华人应该支持Trump
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 18 15:34:07 2015, 美东)
最近,Donald Trump多次惹起争议,这个亿万富翁, 自从宣布作为共和党参加2016总
统选举以来,大嘴热了许多的祸, 但是人气也是一路高升。
Donald Trump最近说, John Mccain 根本就不是战争英雄, 他只是个战争俘虏。 我
Donald Trump最近说, Rick Perry 的智商低下, 根本就不够格 美国总统候选人。 o
目前来看,GOP只有Donald Trump能够和Hillary匹配, 其他和共和党, 都是一驼屎。
再每华人, 如果不支持Hillary, 就支持Trump |
l*****7 发帖数: 8463 | 10 http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/USANews/31666241.html
发信人: theboxer (boxer), 信区: USANews
标 题: 大家都来看看 Hillary(希拉里)是怎样的一个人渣!!!!!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 9 14:07:47 2016, 美东)
1. 12岁的女孩对成熟男人都有一种浪漫(romantic)的仰慕。这个女孩也不例外。言
2. 这个女孩有过和其他成熟男人接触的历史,曾经抱怨其... 阅读全帖 |
l****p 发帖数: 27354 | 11 这个不可能,除非他发动大规模战争,估计其实他支持拜登或者桑德斯。桑德斯虽然批
他本人反而对Hillary充满了愤怒,但又发泄不出。 |
l****e 发帖数: 609 | 12 How Many Classified Emails Did Hillary Clinton Send and Receive?
--Kevin Drum
I don't want to make a big point about this, but I want to write it down in
order to get comments. Here is my understanding of the results of the
investigation into Hillary Clinton's 33,000 emails:
3 were marked classified. Two of these were classified in error. The
third was classified correctly but was marked improperly (and was pretty
trivial anyway).
110 contained information that wasn't marked classified, ... 阅读全帖 |
j****y 发帖数: 597 | 13 by 无招亦有招
前天看了一部纪录片/记实文学片《Hillary’s America》。颇为震撼。完全颠覆了我
影片记录了 Dinesh D'Souza 的真实经历。Dinesh D'Souza 因为在州议员的竞选中,
年拍了部电影 《2016,Obama‘s America》,得罪了O8)。在监狱,在与犯罪团伙的
交谈中,Dinesh D'Souza 发现,怎么街头犯罪团伙做坏事的策略,方法和民主党一模
一样。连事发被逮着后,抵赖的手段也一样,just deny, deny and deny。 Never did
it。 No. I don’t know。 Nothing, etc。因此 Dinesh D'Souza 突发奇想,是不是
民主党本身就是个最大的犯罪团伙?唯一不同的是,Democrats are at large, while
those street gangs are in jail.
带着这个问题,出狱后,Dinesh D'Souza 走访了民主党总部。在... 阅读全帖 |
C****t 发帖数: 3813 | 14 Hillary赢了第1场总统辩论
Hillary赢了第3场总统辩论 |
g********d 发帖数: 4174 | 16 Posted on Advocate.com December 06, 2011 07:38:56 PM ET
8 Must-Read Moments of Hillary Clinton's Speech
By Lucas Grindley and Michelle Garcia
Tuesday's landmark speech from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton outlined
the United States' stance on an "invisible minority" in many countries, as
she put it — LGBT and gender-varyiant people. The full speech is available
here, but if you're in a hurry, here are eight key points made during her... 阅读全帖 |
b********2 发帖数: 189 | 17 "Hillary criticized Obama so strongly that at one point he yelled at her. He
just said, 'Hey, easy, lady, we're not married'" --David Letterman
"Political experts are now saying it's almost impossible for Hillary Clinton
to win, and everyone is urging her to call it quits and go home to Bill.
Except, of course, Bill. 'Stay out there, honey!'" --Jay Leno
"Bill Clinton's been getting in the way of Hillary's campaign. Can you
believe that? She's really upset about it, so she's encouraged him to sta |
r******6 发帖数: 25 | 18 zan!
You should deliver this letter in person to bill/hillary next time they
visit your city.
I do not think Hillary's statement is a political shot. She thinks she is a
champion for "human rights". I can feel she is very proud of her 1995 speech
in China. We, Chinese, know that speech had no impact at all, but she felt
differently. She thinks that is part of her broad mission.
I listened to taylor marsh's radio program the other day. She said she knew
Hillary for quite a while. By her observati |
n*h 发帖数: 30 | 19 A very very nice article.
August 27, 2008
The Better Hillary Does, the Worse for Obama
By Dick Morris
By not putting Hillary on his ticket and then giving her a prime-time speech
at the convention on Tuesday, Obama has the worst of both possible worlds.
The better Hillary does in her speech, the more people ask why she was
passed over for vice president.
This is written before Mrs. Clinton spoke on Tuesday nigh |
w******8 发帖数: 115 | 20 Biden on Hillary: May Have Been Better VP Pick
by Aaron Bruns
NASHUA, NH — Joe Biden defended Hillary Clinton at a town hall meeting in
New Hampshire, telling the crowd that the New York Senator would have made
an excellent Vice Presidential pick for Barack Obama.
“Make no mistake about this, Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more
qualified than I am to be Vice President of the United States of America,”
he said to one man who said he was pleased that Obama chose Biden over the
former First Lad |
b*d 发帖数: 161 | 21 The force of the Hillary Effect
By Derrick Z. Jackson
Globe Columnist / October 18, 2008
THE BRADLEY EFFECT is fading into the Hillary Effect.
The former is the phenomenon that the polls overestimate how much white
voters will support a black candidate. The latter was in full force Thursday
at Barack Obama's first rally of the homestretch of the presidential
campaign. Huge numbers of women from New Hampshire and Massachusetts who
breathed fire into Hillary Clinton's campaign after Clinton was st |
C****t 发帖数: 3813 | 22 据我的观察, 美国新闻的几个所谓的右派,2008年当年都是支持Hillary的总统的。
了。 再过3个月,Hillary又要出来选总统, 你们到那时侯是支持她呢, 还是支持共
和党? |
C****t 发帖数: 3813 | 23 2016年的美国总统是Hillary Clinton的, 更本不用怀疑。我号召千千万万的稀饭,重
新回到美国新闻,继续支持Hillary 当选2016总统。目前的美国新闻版的讨论者,大多
都痛骂左派, 其实,他们自己就是左派,就看他们贴的的中文的长篇大论, 就不像右
派看的东西, 他们也不像左派, 他们是游离在党派之外的华人茶党,对当前美国政府
和obama极度不满。我们讨论, 要有目的建设性讨论, 不瞎讨论。 我的目的是统一思
想,左派右派华人, 99%的华人支持Hillary当选美国2016总统。 |
C****t 发帖数: 3813 | 24 过去的几年里,在美华人,尤其是有良知的华人,80%的都支持了民主党, 95%的都支持
了Hillary Clinton 当选美国的总统。 目前的美国新闻版面需要统一思想,使得绝大
的攻击obama政府,甚至有人还要支持共和党,荒唐可笑。 美国经济要恢复,只有唯一
的一条道路, 就是要完成
从黑人总统到女性总统的转变。,当时建立美国新闻版的原因就是要支持 Hillary 选
美国总统, 但是经过几年的历史变迁,这个宗旨似乎被扭曲了。 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 25 via Breitbart Feed
Pat Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, one of the victims of the 2012
terrorist attacks against the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya reacted to
reports from security officers who were on the ground on the night of the
attacks that they were told to wait to provide aide to the besieged
consulate by saying that Hillary Clinton and President Obama “killed my kid
.” When asked “how do you feel about America and the government, and what
would you say to President Obama and Hillary Cli... 阅读全帖 |
C****t 发帖数: 3813 | 26 在美华人,80%的都支持了民主党, 95%的都支持了Hillary Clinton 当选美国的总统。
党,荒唐可笑。 美国经济要恢复,只有唯一
的一条道路, 就是要完成要支持 Hillary 选美国总统。 |
C****t 发帖数: 3813 | 27 美国经济要恢复,只有唯一一条道路, 就是要 Hillary 当选2016年的美国总统。 美
国新闻版,决大部分的人都没有表示反对Hillary, 说明 Hillary 能够代表我们 在美
华人的利益。谁反对,说个理由? |
C****t 发帖数: 3813 | 28 2008年,80%的在美华人都支持了民主党, 95%的都支持了Hillary 当选美国的总统。目
还要支持共和党,荒唐可笑。 在美华人,在政治上要表态,只有唯一的一条道路, 就
是要保证支持 Hillary 选美国总统。 |
C****t 发帖数: 3813 | 29 2008年,80%的在美华人都支持了民主党, 95%的都支持了Hillary当选美国的总统。目
持共和党,荒唐可笑。 在美华人,在政治上要表态,唯一的一条道, 就是要保证支持
Hillary 选美国总统。 |
C****t 发帖数: 3813 | 30 只有Hillary才是新移民的首选总统。Hillary支持非法移民通过正当途径变成美国公民
,而不是可以再美国工作的二等美国居民。Hillary plans to focus on a path to
citizenship as part of comprehensive immigration reform. Latino leaders
consulting her campaign have told ABC News that Clinton is looking for a way
to clearly contrast herself with Republican presidential candidates by
embracing the full path to citizenship rather than proposing a second class
of Americans who can work in the United States but not enjoy the protection
of citizenship. |
C****t 发帖数: 3813 | 31 2008年,80%的在美华人都支持了民主党, 95%的都支持了Hillary 当选美国的总统。目
前的美国新闻版面, 没有人气, 主要原因是版主和板斧们 已经6年没有更换,天天重
复老掉牙的话题。 美国新闻版,需要统一思想,使得绝大部分的华人,至少95%,都支
持Hillary当选美国2016总统。这里发言的, 每天就那么几个人, 天天唱衰美国,攻
击obama政府,对美国黑人过渡的关注, 忽略了华人的利益需要。 甚至有人还要支持
共和党,荒唐可笑。 在美华人,在政治上要表态,只有唯一的一条道路, 就是要保证
支持 Hillary 2016 选美国总统。 |
发帖数: 1 | 32 Responsibility of Secretary of State 美国国务卿的责任
(A) protection of all United States Government personnel on official duty
abroad (other than Voice of America correspondents on official assignment
and those personnel under the command of a United States area military
commander) and their accompanying dependents;
第一大国务卿责任Hillary就已经fail了。 在Benghazi,包括美国大使的四人被杀。
How c... 阅读全帖 |
H**G 发帖数: 563 | 33 Hillary will spend the treasury on her luxury living and outlandish life
style; Donald will save every penny for the taxpayers. This is evident from
their spending habits. Hillary demanded the most luxurious suite in any city
she stayed; Donald ate at McDonald and stayed in Holiday Inn Express. That
means Hillary will waste taxpayer's hard earned taxes, while Donald will be
very careful in spending your pennies. |
c*******d 发帖数: 1283 | 34 这帮子人很无聊, 整天老调子说些没有人关心的Email问题。Who cares?
白人,富人,男性选民的候选人,这个情况在目前是不可能出现的。 |
发帖数: 1 | 35 大财迷希拉里用‘Payroll & Benefits’, ‘Employee Benefits’的名义从竞选基金
Federal campaign finance records reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon
found that starting in April 2015, the month that Clinton launched her
campaign, thousands in payments began flowing to the candidate. Clinton has
previously claimed that she and Bill Clinton were “dead broke” when he
left the White House, but the two have since amassed millions of dollars in
The first transaction from Hillary for America to Hillar... 阅读全帖 |
c*******e 发帖数: 5818 | 36 warren 最近刚刚跳出来直接打击trump,而且完全照抄trump的策略,label 对手,希
warren label trump loser,而且通过完全social 媒体,facebook 和 twitter,看看
她的twitter wording,都是照抄trump的风格,以短句为主,再加“单字”概括,学的
民主党的策略是,用VP做打手,这样hillary 不用亲自get into muddy。
再一个,warren在liberal 里很有号召力,能一定程度弥补hillary 跟sanders 因为竞
选时对liberal 产生的隔阂。
磨,如何broker convention,推third party,甚至组织“保守派”去投hillary,真
不知道说什么好。 |
c*******o 发帖数: 8869 | 37 如果是hillary vs trump,他也许真希望hillary赢,但的确极可能sit out,因为他的
支持肯定帮倒忙,hillary也不敢要。 |
C****t 发帖数: 3813 | 38 预测Trump能赢Hillary的人群:
白人: 60 to 40%
男人:52 to 45%
Voters aged 45 to 64: 51 to 47 %
Voters aged 65 and over: 56 to 44 %
College graduates: 51 to 47 %
Voters with incomes between $50,000 and $90,000: 52 to 46 %.
Voters with incomes of $100,000 and over: 54 to 44 %.
但是, Hillary能赢72%的女人,85%的墨西哥移民,95%的黑人,99%的华人。 所以
Hillary肯定能赢2016大选。 |
a**t 发帖数: 3833 | 39 预测Trump能赢Hillary的人群有限: 白人: 60 to 40%; 男人:52 to 45%;年龄 45
to 64: 51 to 47 %;年龄 65 以上: 56 to 44 %; 大学以下: 51 to 47 %;收入在 $
50,000~$90,000: 52 to 46 %. 收入在$100,000 以上: 54 to 44 %.
但是, Hillary能赢72%的女人,85%的墨西哥移民,95%的黑人,99%的华人。 所以
Hillary肯定能赢2016大选。 |
d*2 发帖数: 2053 | 40 http://www.ibtimes.com/state-department-says-hillary-clintons-e
Hillary Clinton just can't seem to get away from her email woes. After
months of being dogged by the controversy surrounding her use of a private
email server while she was secretary of state, the State Department’s
inspector general has concluded that Clinton did not comply with the agency
’s policies on record keeping, Politico reported Wednesday.
The information comes in a report released to lawmakers Wednesday that
Politico obta... 阅读全帖 |
t*********e 发帖数: 568 | 41 Google's team has been trying to help Hillary win the election by monitoring
insane amounts of data in real time to expose routes of gaining voters.
Over the past 4 years Google has had meetings in the white house at least
once per week.
Eric Schmidt himself quietly funded a startup called 'The Groundwork' to win
Hillary the election. Google's interest is in making a tool that can win
elections, no doubt to feed their AI system so that it can decide which
leaders the world needs.
http://qz.com/5... 阅读全帖 |
c*******e 发帖数: 5818 | 42 大会后,两党才正式推出候选人,包括各自的VP,大选才正式开始,定下 辩论什么的
所以,民主党特别想把 hillary email 门这篇儿翻过去。Benghazi 刚 结论,媒体报
email 门 在大会前 出结论,news 很快就会 被大会 相关的消息覆盖。
最近这个突然热起来,也是各方相互角力的表现。我估计,结论不会 indict,可能是
内部 批评 和 indict hillary 的一两个 staff。
要是大会前没有结论,那几乎只能等到 大选后了。因为,越往后越对 hillary 不力,
无论什么结论。民主党会 死命阻止的。 |
g********2 发帖数: 6571 | 43 ...
On the subject of Trump, Roger Stone said that “the Trump you see on TV is
the only Trump there is, he doesn’t have two personalities, he has one
He contrasted this with Hillary Clinton, who he described as having “two
“Publicly, she pretends to be the warm, likeable grandmother. But privately
she is a foul mouthed, short-tempered, nasty, vicious, extraordinarily
abusive, maniac. I think she has bipolar, at least.”
“I have a new book out called the ‘Quotable Cli... 阅读全帖 |
i*****9 发帖数: 3157 | 44 经济:
American First
Lower taxes
Balance Budget
Regulate Wall Street
raise taxes(on middle class ???)
free college ???
Make America safe again
Blue live matter
No nation without boundary
restore law and order
Open boundary
Black live matters (only ???)
More refugee
Make America Great again
Obama's third term |
g********2 发帖数: 6571 | 45 Hillary Clinton: ‘I May Have Short Circuited’ on Email Answer
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said she may have “short
circuited” during her response on her emails in an interview with Fox News
reporter Chris Wallace.
“I may have short short-circuited it and for that I will try to clarify,”
Clinton said in a response to NBC’s Kristen Welker after her speech at the
National Association of Black Journalists conference.
She said that she and Chris Wallace were talking past each othe... 阅读全帖 |
T********N 发帖数: 1507 | 46 为什么
YouTube上trump rally 视频 LIKE的和dislike 的比例大致是3-5:1
YouTube上Hillary rally 视频 LIKE的和dislike 的比例大致是1:1
YouTube上trump rally 和 Hillary rally 视频的LIK+dislike的总数比例大致是5-8:1
我觉得无论给TRUMP和HILLARY点like和dislike都是随机事件, 不太容易做假
懂数据分析的人可不可以给点解释, 我的统计学水平不高, 求理论分析 |
g********2 发帖数: 6571 | 47 August 12, 2016
Don't cry for Hillary, America
By Patricia McCarthy
Since the release of Peter Schweizer's book Clinton Cash in May 2015, the
truth of the Clinton Foundation has been out there for all to read and know.
The left can disavow it all they want but the truth of it has become
clearer and clearer as more and more "missing" emails are released via
hackers or FOIA.
Only ten percent of the billions of dollars the "Foundation" takes in goes
to charity. The rest subsidizes the lavish li... 阅读全帖 |
O*********h 发帖数: 382 | 48 Hillary一不小心在各个关键州领先Trump 5-14个百分点的民调。
Trump这次行动还是完成的不错的。 |
m********o 发帖数: 2088 | 49 "She looks just like Hillary. Is that Hillary. Hillary, is that you?" LOL |
g********2 发帖数: 6571 | 50 WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans stepped up their attacks on Monday on former
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server and
pointed to newly released messages to allege that foreign donors to the
Democratic presidential nominee's family charity got preferential treatment
from her department.
Congressional Republicans issued subpoenas to three technology companies
that either made or serviced the private email server located in the
basement of Clinton's New York home. The su... 阅读全帖 |