s********n 发帖数: 944 | 1 Local office周六还开吗?原打算预约周6的imfopass,但是没有周3,6和7的。可以周
六直接去local office吗?谢谢! |
s********n 发帖数: 944 | 2 LD的直接经验:带上医院疾病诊断书,最好翻译公证过(有网友说随便请人翻译也可以
)的去local office,现在比较严格,一般不立即给办(即使IO给NSC打了很久的电话
还是没有用),而是提供NSC或TSC的传真号码,并且要求写一封简短的cover letter简
要说明父母病情以及imfopass时与local IO的交谈内容,一并翻译或并公证好的疾病诊
如果您属于NSC,晚上回去看看还能不能找到它的传真号码。 |
w***0 发帖数: 154 | 3 My EB1b application got stuck. here it is the detail as follow:
EB1b I-140 got approved in June 30,2010.
Approved I-140 was interfiled to my old I-485 (based on my NIW) early July.
My -I-485 was transfered to National Benefical Center (NBC)on July 23rd,2010.
After that, I have not gotten any updated.
I went to Imfopass late september. One agent told me to wait.
Any suggestion to deal with my case will be highly appreciated. Thanks in
advance. |
s********n 发帖数: 944 | 4 没听说imfopass有限制。话说回来,谁没事撑着常往那儿跑呀? |
d****y 发帖数: 701 | 5 请问一下,应该选哪个选项?
You need Service on a case that has already been filed
You are a new Permanent Resident and have not yet received your
Permanent Resident Card
You want to file an application in person
You need information or other services
You need a form.
You are a United States Military Member, Military Retiree or a Military
好一点? |
g***l 发帖数: 2753 | 6 没关系,这个预约就是用来进门的。ead和ap一起的。我上次借着催ead的预约去催ap,
emergency ap就可以了,其他情况他们无能为力。 |
z******k 发帖数: 149 | 7 我选的,“You need information or other services”
约了下周三去 |
d****y 发帖数: 701 | 8 多谢多谢。刚约了预约,不知道时间能不能改的?我机票是星期二的,只能约到前个星
期四的, 不知道是不是一定只能机票两天前才给开AP,差个几天行不行。 |