

全部话题 - 话题: immoderate
发帖数: 29846
荷兰反伊斯兰议员Geert Wilder在国会演讲中向首相喊话:承担你的责任,制止伊斯兰
Geert Wilder's speech to the Dutch Parliament
Madam Speaker, allow me, first, to express my sincere thanks to you
personally for having planned a debate on Islam on the very day of my
birthday. I could not have wished for a nicer present! Madam Speaker,
approximately 1400 years ago war was declared on us by an ideology of hate
and violence which arose at the time and was proclaimed by a barbarian who
called himself the Prophet Mohammed. I am ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4321
The Bible on the Poor
or, Why God is a liberal
The Bible contains more than 300 verses on the poor, social justice, and God
's deep concern for both. This page contains a wide sample of them, and some
reflections. It's aimed at anyone who takes the Bible seriously.
As you read these passages, you will very likely feel a good deal of
resistance (possibly at first manifesting itself as indifference). American
churches have departed strongly from Biblical values in these areas, and
even created a r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1034
来自主题: USANews版 - 麦当劳最低工资要这么看
James Madison, who wrote our Constitution, said, "Government should prevent
an immoderate accumulation of riches." Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton,
they all agreed that too much money in the hands of too few would destroy
发帖数: 1034
来自主题: USANews版 - 限制最低工资or限制最高工资
James Madison, who wrote our Constitution, said, "Government should prevent
an immoderate accumulation of riches." Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton,
they all agreed that too much money in the hands of too few would destroy
发帖数: 17163

2009 2014 change pct chg
Extraversion 44 34 -10 -22.73%
Friendliness 49 36 -13 -26.53%
Gregariousness 35 53 18 51.43%
Assertiveness 56 33 -23 -41.07%
Activity Level 46 46 0 0.00%
ExcitementSeekin32 24 -8 -25.00%
Cheerfulness 58 42 -16 -27.59%

Agreeableness 61 ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1691
来自主题: Stock版 - 买卖pick的读一读Jessy Livermore
Edwin Lefevre 的 Reminiscences of a stock Operator 第176页
Tips! How people want tips! They crave not only to get them but to give them
. There is greed involved, and vanity…It has always seemed to me the height
of damfoolishness to trade on tips…The belief in miracles that all men
cherish is born of immoderate indulgence in hope. There are people who go on
hope sprees periodically and we all know the chronic drunkard that is held
up before us as an exemplary optimist. Tip-takers are all they real... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5754
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 【福音派版本】 罗马书1:8-17

".....Two things are to be here considered —
that the gospel is by a heavenly mandate destined and offered to the wise,
in order that the Lord may subject to himself all the wisdom of this world,
and make all variety of talents, and every kind of science, and the
loftiness of all arts, to give way to the simplicity of his doctrine;
and what is more, they are to be reduced to the same rank with the unlearned
, and to be made so meek, as to be able to bear those to be their fellow-
disciples unde... 阅读全帖