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发帖数: 12853
来自主题: Military版 - 美国媒体说埃及是massacre了么?

Cairo massacre: Scores killed and hundreds more injured as Egyptian
government declares war on the country's Islamists
As machine gun fire crackled around the besieged Islamist encampment in
eastern Cairo today, a 12 year-old boy called Omar was sat on a mattress
drinking from his carton of orange juice. Just a few yards away, the bodies
of 31 protesters lay on the grubby, blood-caked floor.
Many had been shot through the head and chest with high velocity bullets;
some bore gnarled lips betrayi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 32828
Fresno biker club shooting leaves 1 dead, 12 hurt
Updated 12:00 pm, Sunday, October 6, 2013
FRESNO, Calif. (AP) — A chaotic gunfight at a Fresno motorcycle club that
spilled into the streets left one dead and a dozen people injured.
The Fresno County Coroner on Sunday identified the fatality as 18-year-old
Dejuan Gladney, hometown unknown.
The Fresno County Sheriff's Department said shots were still being fired
when the first of the more than 100 officers arrived at the Soul Brothers
clubhouse a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5425
(CNN) -- Authorities have identified the man who opened fire at Fort Hood in
Texas on Wednesday, killing three people before committing suicide, as
Specialist Ivan Lopez.
Sixteen more people were injured Wednesday when he opened fire at Fort Hood,
the sprawling Army post in Texas still on edge after a mass shooting there
left 13 dead in 2009, officials said.
The gunman also died. He was engaged by military police before he fatally
s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12955

You better rethink your comparison. You didn't even have the roles correct.
The driver is the one with deadly weapon, which is comparable to the police.
The moment before hitting someone with the car is similar to the moment
before police pull the trigger.
for the driver, he's thinking "Do I try to break or swerve to avoid killing
that person, but probably leave him permanently injured, or myself loose
control and get hurt, or do I just run through him, killing him probably,
but I would come o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11162
德州车队帮派火并, 先是拳腿,后是棍棒,再动刀子,最后是枪和子弹乱飞。
Police: 9 dead after shooting between biker gangs in Texas
Police in Waco, Texas say nine people are dead and multiple people are
injured after a shooting between rival biker gangs at a restaurant Sunday.
Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton told The Associated Press that eight
people died at the scene of the shooting at the Twin Peaks restaurant about
noon Sunday and another person died at a hospital. The severity of injuries
to others was not immediately know... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2010
英文的。 虽然是中国人都知道的事实, 敢说真话的英文媒体人不多了。
by Terry Irving
I was one of the producers editing in Hong Kong for Ted Koppel's Special
Report on Tiananmen Square that aired a month after the event occurred.
Nightline had sent 4 China experts to observe the events of June 4th from
the Square in that chaotic evening. We also hired a number of smart bi-
lingual college-age students who had lived in Beijing for years to help with
translation and with clarifying what was really going on. (The worst part
of repor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2074
年轻的阿富汗难民, 用刀斧砍伤4名香港人,奇怪了, 为什么不砍德国人啊?
A teenage Afghan refugee armed with an axe and knife injured four people on
a train in southern Germany before being shot dead by police, officials say.
Three people in a group from Hong Kong were seriously hurt and one slightly
injured in the attack in Wurzburg. Another 14 were treated for shock.
Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann said the attacker was killed as
he tried to flee the scene.
The motive for the attack is not yet clear.
The South China ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10330
来自主题: Military版 - 瑞士火车有人放火砍人ZT
BREAKING NEWS: Man injures seven Swiss train passengers including a six-year
-old child when he sets carriage on fire and goes on a knife rampage
Swiss police confirm seven people have been injured after attack on train
A man reportedly assaulted passengers with 'fire and a knife'
Officers confirmed the 27-year-old offender stabbed a child, six
Swiss Interior Minister 'holding emergency meeting' over incident
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/13/18/3730526C00000578-3739003-image-a-19_147110... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Kabul bomb: Diplomatic zone attack kills dozens
7 minutes ago
From the section Asia
Civilians were said to be the main casualties
A powerful vehicle bomb has hit the diplomatic area of the Afghan capital,
Kabul, killing at least 80 people and injuring 350.
It struck close to the German embassy in Zanbaq Square, with civilians said
to be the main casualties.
The morning rush-hour blast was so strong it blew out windows and doors
hundreds of metres awa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
Kidnapped and tortured: One player's unbelievable story
A college football player thought he and a friend were going to meet up with
two women. Instead, they were abducted and tortured for 40 hours -- all
because of a teammate.
NIKO KOLLIAS WATCHED his blood swirl down the bathtub drain. There was so
much. And it was coming from so many places. His head. Both of his legs. And
the gaping cuts where they had sliced the webbing b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10817
来自主题: Military版 - worst hiking buddies ever
Published Tuesday, October 1, 2019 10:15AM PDT
Last Updated Tuesday, October 1, 2019 7:21PM PDT
VANCOUVER - North Shore Rescue is strongly criticizing a group of hikers who
abandoned an exhausted woman who injured her ankle on a challenging trail
Sunday afternoon with no intention of calling for help.
Search manager Allan McMordie, who's been part of the all-volunteer team for
four decades, told CTV News Vancouver that while it's common for groups to
separate, he's never seen a case where fellow... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4825
27 Feb, 2020 21:21 / Updated 2 hours ago
At least 33 Turkish servicemen have been killed in an airstrike in Syria’s
Idlib province, while an unspecified number of soldiers were injured.
Turkish officials attributed the strike to the Syrian military.
“In Idlib, Turkey’s armed forces were targeted by the regime elements in
an airstrike,” Hatay province Governor Rahmi Dogan told the media late on
Thursday. While he originally s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4140
NYS Workers' Comp G2029240: "The Claimant's absence"
April 03, 2020
by Limin Wang
The CORRUPT and MURDEROUS NYS WCB system sent out a ridiculous decision of
the March 27, 2020 REMOTE hearing. I was calling the (844) 337-6301 to
attend the hearing by phone as one allowable way to me the claimant too. The
WCLJ Lucky Enobakhare made the so-called decision, including one line "The
Claimant's absence is excused due to COVID-19 emergency." What a shame to
such a sham NYS WCB system! The WCB has been c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 37081
来自主题: Military2版 - 阴地国核潜艇火并
LONDON – A British sailor aboard a nuclear-powered submarine apparently
shot dead a crew member and seriously wounded another Friday while the
vessel was on a goodwill visit to an English port, officials said.
The suspect was overpowered by colleagues and visiting dignitaries aboard
HMS Astute and arrested on suspicion of murder.
Police and military officials said the incident was not related to terrorism
, but offered few details about what may have prompted a sailor to open fire
during a t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12734
来自主题: Military2版 - 坏事传千里,上了yahoo了
still there
Four dead in police station clash in China's Xinjiang
At least four people including a police officer were killed when a crowd
attacked a police station in China's restive Xinjiang region on Monday, the
official Xinhua news agency reported.
The attackers, who were apparently from the region's mainly Muslim Uighur
minority, set fire to the building in the remote city of Hotan in the far
northwest and took a number of hostages, the report said.
Two of the dead were hostages, one was a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2153
来自主题: QueerNews版 - NOM Backing Civil Unions in NH
Civil Marriage vs. Civil Unions
What is marriage?
Marriage is a unique legal status conferred by and recognized by governments
all over the world. It brings with it a host of reciprocal obligations,
rights and protections. It is also a cultural institution. No other word has
that power and no other status can provide that protection.
Married couples have 1,138 federal rights, protections and responsibilities
such as:
Social Security bene... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3435
来自主题: QueerNews版 - BREAKING NEWS: Good news
BREAKING NEWS – A gunman opened fire Sunday morning at a Florida nightclub
, killing “around 20 people” in a crime that law enforcement authorities
are investigating as a terror incident.
The shooting in Orlando at Pulse, which bills itself as "the hottest gay bar
" in the city and was packed with more than 300 people, was reported minutes
after 2 a.m. Sunday. In addition to those killed inside the club, at least
42 people were taken to area hospitals.
The gu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Police: Iranian blows off legs in Bangkok blast
Day after car blast injures Israeli woman in New Delhi, Thai police say
explosions in capital injure four civilians; second Iranian nabbed at
airport. Thai authorities said to have had intelligence indicating threat
An Iranian man carrying explosives blew off his own legs and wounded four
other people in two blasts Tuesday in Bangkok, Thai authorities said.
Security forces found more explosives in the assailant's rented house in the
capital, but it... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5610
以下是一个doctor的建议,如果cut 美国medicare cost by 50%,他说的不见得全对。
Some time ago I told you how I could cut health care costs in half and
provide every American with the healthcare they need (not necessarily the
healthca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6327
来自主题: USANews版 - 说说我经历过的4场大选
March 2002, Israel
Three bombs, independently planned but all timed to coincide with the
Passover festival. One hits a Passover dinner at a hotel in Netanya, killing
20 people. Another in Tel Aviv kills 29 and a suicide bomber attacks an
Arab-owned restaurant in Haifa and kills 14.
October 12 2002, Bali, Indonesia
Car bombs outside nightclubs popular with foreign tourists kill 202 people,
91 of them Australians. An Indonesian Islamist group with Al-Qaida links is
October 23 2002, Moscow
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Gun Owners Hurt In Gun-Free Zones Could Sue Under New Bill
25 Jan, 2016 by Katie McGuire
A new law would allow gun owners to SUE if they are injured because they are
unarmed in a so-called ‘gun free zone’ This is probably the best news I
have heard all day, and I hope this passes:
If you’re going to put someone in danger, pay the price.
Via Tenessean:
If a Tennessee grocery store bans guns on its property and a black bear
or wild hog kills or injures a person who o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1814
来自主题: USANews版 - 今年已发生9次暴乱,创纪录了
2016 – Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, January–
February 2015. 1 killed and several dozen arrested. Malheur National
Wildlife Refuge, Oregon
2016 - Salt Lake City, Utah. Feb. 27. Locals clashed with police after the
Shooting of Abdullahi Omar Mohamed.
2016 – 2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest, March 11. Five people
arrested and two police officers injured during a demonstration at the UIC
2016 - Democracy Spring rally in April. March to Washi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
SEVEN INJURED in Houston Shooting – Suspect Taken Down by Police (VIDEO)
Jim Hoft Sep 26th, 2016 7:55 am 16 Comments
At least seven people were injured Monday morning after a black male opened
fire at a strip mall in Houston.
The suspect was taked out by police.
BREAKING NEWS: Police say officers have shot 1 suspect in Houston strip
mall shooting; no other suspects reported https://t.co/dQbKhZhJXi
— MSN (@MSN) September 26, 2016
ABC13 reported:
At around 6:30 this morning, HFD scanne... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 535
来自主题: USANews版 - Thex 你能联系一下央视行不?
一个月大就感觉不对你更没办法说liver injure完全是在医院发生的了。你一会儿说代
不会引起liver injure。你自己又说后来医院给你错误的奶粉让你儿子的liver injure

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - 法国香榭丽舍又恐怖袭击了
Paris: 'French police officer killed' in shooting on Champs Elysées
The Champs Elysees avenue in Paris has been evacuated on Thursday evening
after a police officer was reportedly killed in a shooting and another
seriously injured.
Unconfirmed reports say two gunmen opened fire on police officers on the
famous avenue in the west of the city.
One officer was killed and another seriously injured, BFM TV repor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: WCNMLGB (CCC), 信区: Military
标 题: 对比下白人学生被绑架虐待,警察果断出击几天内破案
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 1 20:39:21 2017, 美东)
Kidnapped and tortured: One player's unbelievable story
A college football player thought he and a friend were going to meet up with
two women. Instead, they were abducted and tortured for 40 hours -- all
because of a teammate.
NIKO KOLLIAS WATCHED his blood swirl down the bathtub drain. There ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3433
The man who killed one person and injured six in a supermarket knife attack
in Hamburg was a "known Islamist", police say.
"He was known as an Islamist but not a jihadist," police spokesman Andy
Grote said, noting that the suspect also suffered from "psychological"
The man, a failed asylum seeker born in the United Arab Emirates (UAE),
attacked customers at random on Friday.
Police said he acted alone and he was overpowered by passers-by.
The 26-year-old man, identified as Ahmad ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3433
来自主题: USANews版 - 德国夜总会恐袭
伊拉克人干的. 但德国警察说不是空袭。不是空袭怎么弄到枪的。德国以后都
Witnesses told German news agency dpa that the attacker had a machine gun
and shot at the crowd inside the building indiscriminately, local media
Terrified revellers fled the music venue or hid as the shooter opened fire
at around 4:30 a.m.
The 34-year-old Iraqi gunman exchanged fire with police before he was shot
at the scene by armed officers.
A visitor, center, waits to be questioned by police near a discotheque in
Consta... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 114
5 dead, 4 injured in crash on U.S. 23 south of Brighton
Louise Knott Ahern • l*****[email protected] • October 10, 2010
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GREEN OAK TWP. — Three Ingham County teenagers were among five people
killed in a car accident on U.S. 23 south of Br... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 22013
来自主题: Automobile版 - 中国政府阻止对北密车祸学生尸检
【 以下文字转载自 ChinaNews 讨论区 】
发信人: kaleege (隆冬盖), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: 中国政府阻止对北密车祸学生尸检
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 19 00:03:17 2010, 美东)
Police: Chinese Officials Block Student Autopsies
2 U Of M Students Killed; 3 Injured In Crash
Michigan State Police say the Chinese government is blocking autopsies
of two University of Michigan students that were killed in a car crash
Saturday morning on Interstate 75.
Police said ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 35437
geico里有一项叫Medical Payments
Medical Payments coverage pays medical, dental, hospital and funeral
expenses for you, household relatives and guest passengers injured in your
insured vehicle. This coverage extends to household relatives injured in
other vehicles or if struck as pedestrians.
The limit of liability for medical payments stated in the declarations as
applying to "each person" is the limit we will pay for all costs incurred by
or on behalf of each person who sustains bodily injury in one... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6034
来自主题: Automobile版 - 再次请教:车祸后 body injury 赔付
Bodily Injury (BI) Liability coverage pays damages for other people's
injuries or death resulting from an at-fault accident involving an insured
vehicle or driver. This may include medical treatment, lost wages and
compensation for pain and suffering. In the event of a serious accident,
these costs can become substantial. If you do not carry a sufficient limit
of insurance, your personal assets and earnings could be at risk. You should
choose a coverage limit that will adequately protect your as... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5697
来自主题: Automobile版 - 德车撞日车,其中一辆一折两半
DANA POINT, Calif. (KABC) -- Two people died and three people were injured
in a violent traffic collision that left one vehicle split in half in Dana
Point on Sunday.
According to the Orange County Sheriff's Department, the accident happened
around 1:30 p.m. on Coast Highway and Beach Road. Authorities say four cars
were involved, including a white Volkswagen Jetta, a Mini Cooper with a 15-
year-old student driver and instructor inside, a Honda Civic and a passenger
The Orange County Major ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19737
来自主题: Automobile版 - Tesla 又着火,抛股票吧
Tesla reports third fire involving Model S electric car
By Ben Klayman and Bernie Woodall
DETROIT (Reuters) - Tesla Motor Inc's(NSQ:TSLA) Model S electric car has
suffered its third fire in six weeks, sending its shares down nearly 9
percent in Thursday midday trading.
The Tesla Motors Club website contains pictures and a story about another
fire involving a Model S that a company spokeswoman confirmed. The accident
occurred on Wednesday in Smyrna, Tennessee, where Nissan Motor Co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27064
来自主题: Automobile版 - 2014 Sienna Xle 32000 +ttl
真能扯淡,我怎么记得sienna和odyssey一样,driver death rate都是17,随便搜一下
1、They died in Toyotas, leaving many questions
Place: Cass County, Minn.
Date: Aug. 11, 2007
Deceased: David Bruce Schowalter, 47
Vehicle: 2007 Toyota Sienna (not recalled)
Details: Police say roads were dry at the time of the 9:45 a.m. crash that
killed Schowalter. On the way home from a YMCA camp, the minivan was hea... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6612
来自主题: Automobile版 - 车祸的轻微人身伤害理赔
1. 不要雇律师,保险公司有基本固定的理赔公式,一般是产生的医疗费用的两倍。律
2. 不要做完全没有必要的治疗。
3. 不要轻易签字同意赔偿。
4. 车祸不是中彩票,赔偿要求要合理。
So you've been in an automobile accident and you were sort of injured, or
think you might be injured. This article really does not apply to anyone
seriously injured in an accident. Those claims, ironically, are typically
the easiest to settle once the cost of medical treatment has been calculated
. This is geared m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5697
来自主题: Automobile版 - 这种情况下你们敢追吗
A car slammed into a commercial building in Boyle Heights Sunday after a
possible carjacking, killing a person who was clinging to the side of the
vehicle and injuring the driver, according to the Los Angeles Police
One person was killed after a car crashed into a building in Boyle Heights
on Nov. 23, 2014. (Credit: KTLA)
One person was killed after a car crashed into a building in Boyle Heights
on Nov. 23, 2014. (Credit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4651
来自主题: Automobile版 - 这种事故如何避免?
A Bellevue woman was killed and her two sons were injured in a crash
Thursday in Chelan County, troopers said.
The crash happened on State Route 2 at milepost 112 near Cashmere.
According to the Washington State Patrol, a pickup with a boat trailer and a
Toyota 4Runner were traveling eastbound when the boat trailer lost a tire.
The driver in the Toyota swerved to avoid the tire, lost control and rolled
off ont... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 340
As an owner hiring an unlicensed individual you assume full
responsibility for all phases of your project and its integrity.
Unlicensed individuals most likely carry no Liability Insurance or
Workers Compensation Insurance. What does it mean when they are injured
while on your property ? This means YOU the homeo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 30
来自主题: Living版 - 房客借口Hurricane Sandy不付房租
12 (b) Tenant shall notify Landlord of issues with the Premises in a timely
manner (defined as three (3) business days, or as immediately in the case of
serious issues (for example, fire, flood, etc));
13. DAMAGE TO PREMISES. In the event the Premises are destroyed or rendered
wholly uninhabitable by fire, storm, earthquake, or other casualty not
caused by the negligence of Tenant, this Agreement shall terminate from such
t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2136
Jeffry John Aufderheide
History books proclaim with absolute certainty that the pinnacle of public
health is defined by the polio vaccine program. Disease finally conquered by
science. The polio effort was a benchmark for the public to mentally accept
the concept “shots prevent disease.” However, hidden to most Americans
was an elaborate Public Relations scheme being carefully applied by
Rockefell... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1703
来自主题: Parenting版 - 是人性本恶吗?
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altruism_in_animals
Dogs often adopt orphaned cats, squirrels, ducks and even tigers.[8]
Dolphins support sick or injured animals, swimming under them for hours at a
time and pushing them to the surface so they can breathe.[9]
Mongooses support elderly, sick, or injured animals[citation needed]
Wolves and wild dogs bring meat back to members of the pack not present at
the kill.[citation needed]
Male baboons threaten predators and cover the rear as the troop r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18
发帖数: 2136
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: whiteclouds (/ 参考消息 /), 信区: Military
标 题: ------ 疫苗产业与洛克菲乐集团 -------
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 27 20:31:19 2010, 美东)
Jeffry John Aufderheide
History books proclaim with absolute certainty that the pinnacle of public
health is defined by the polio vaccine program. Disease finally conquered by
science. The polio effort was a benchmark for the public to mentally accept... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5449
来自主题: Stock版 - 共济会礼仪 Masonic Etiquette
Unfortunately, Masonic Etiquette ...or Blue Lodge Etiquette, (as it is
called in the United States) is largely unpublished as well as unspoken,
therefore, up until now, it has been more difficult to learn its rules and
You may study ritual work, degree work, floor work and know all Masonry’s
glorious history, Masonic symbols, jewels, etc. but there is very little
written about how to comport yourself so you do not look foolish or be
regarded as disrespectful.
Some are s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7853
Gunman in Northern California killed wife before going on rampage
By Ray Sanchez, Faith Karimi and Jason Hanna, CNN
Updated 3:00 PM ET, Wed November 15, 2017
(CNN)Kevin Neal's deadly shooting rampage in Northern California may have
been prompted by the fatal shooting of his wife, authorities said Wednesday.
Neal, identified as the gunman who killed four people in a string of
shootings Tuesday, shot and killed his wife the previous night and concealed
her body under a floor in his home, Tehama Co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18
发帖数: 18
发帖数: 18
发帖数: 386
Will a carbon monoxide detector detect a gas leak in the house?
I notice a faint smell of gas in the house. Will a carbon monoxide detector
register a gas leak?
Best Answer
Chiefmanycrows answered 5 years ago
No, carbon monoxide and natural gas are two different things. Carbon
monoxide is produced when a hydrocarbon fuel is not combusted completely.
Natural gas is about 96% methane with a small amount of ethane mixed in. It
is a colorless and odorless gas. An odorant is added to it to give a gar... 阅读全帖
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