

全部话题 - 话题: instalment
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发帖数: 23939
来自主题: Programming版 - 问一下MSI installer制作的问题
请问有什么好的工具能够帮助制作一个MSI installer。便于我在winXP上发布软件,以
发帖数: 1148
venv, just like rvm for Ruby and nvm for Node.js
You can also install Conda on your home dir,
and activate any virtual environment you want.
Don't mess with the system installation.
发帖数: 216
试了下,可行,用usb,一步步来。就是要search 一个i386 ISO 的东西分别down 下来
发帖数: 420
如何判断一段public key 已经 install 到一个 linux machine 上?有一段public
key ,txt 文档, 如何判断它已经 register/install 到一个 linux machine 上?多
发帖数: 128
try this:
"setup.exe nocheckmedia=true"
it works for mappoint 2002
发信人: mitty (dada), 信区: Software
标 题: Re: Help on install Streets and trips 2002?thanks
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Fri Aug 30 17:10:56 2002), 转信
I got it from ms website, there is a special command for
administrative installation.
发帖数: 1078
来自主题: Software版 - system install
Hi, the XP sytem in my computer was broken. I have to re-install the sytem.
After I finished that, how can I install all the drivers(which are hided in
the hard drive) for the hardware. Sorry I can not type Chinese now. But I
can see Chinese.
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: Software版 - Help, install C++ compiler (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 CS 讨论区 】
发信人: summerbrook (sizzling, dizzling), 信区: CS
标 题: Help, install C++ compiler
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 13 20:10:02 2008)
I downloaded the Borland .exe file, freecommandLinetools.exe
It says double-click to start installation. But I did and nothing happened (even after I reboot the computer). What I can do? THanks,
发帖数: 6542
来自主题: Software版 - windows cannot be installed
lenovo 3000 N200,前几天说personal file service failed to logon,不能登陆。
备份数据后就想用机器自带的"Rescue and Restore 4"恢复出厂设置。
但是快安装完了才显示"windows cannot be installed,please restart the
发帖数: 31
I bought a laptop comes with Windows 7 Home Premium. Now I want to install
Language Interface Package so I can use Chinese menu. How do I install LIP
on Windows 7? Does it have to be Ultimate or Business version?
发帖数: 15758
I try to boot my computer with windows xp disk but failed. then I googled
and was told that I should change some settings in cmos. but I still can't get
to the windows xp installation.
then I used one key revoery and tried to get back to my original vista
system but failed.
I don't need to recover anything from my hard drive, how can I install
windows xp? thanks in advance :)
发帖数: 1685
在Newegg买了Webroot antivirus,盒子上写最多可install 3 PCs,我已经install 4
发帖数: 322
【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区 】
发信人: YaoMingRox (Let), 信区: EE
标 题: How to install Beamer in Windows?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 12 12:10:26 2007)
I have downloaded the beamer.zip and unfold it. I am using WinEdt. How to
install this beamer class? many thanks!
发帖数: 176
TrueStory (不是幸福的坑不挖) 于 (Sun May 18 10:34:09 2008) 提到:
I installed MikTex in our lab's network drive, in the hope that I can use it
wherever I am in the computer clusters. However, I could use the MikTex
only on the computer that I installed it, and I got the following error
messages on other computers.
initexmf.EXE: no formats.ini exists.
I can't find the default format file!
However, the file, "formats.ini", does exist in the folder that I specified.
发帖数: 47
I download cxterm5.0 and want to install it. But when I
install the config.sh,
it said I have no xmkmf on my system, so I had to find one
from other place,but
when I run config.sh again, it said it can not find imake,
(I also can not find
it on my system), what is the problem? Or where can I
download the imake package?
Thanks a lot for your help!
发帖数: 119
I install "cxterm5.0.p3" in my machine, which is "SunOS 5.7".
However, complie is not successful. The "Install.log" is as
below :
Building cxterm Version 5.0
Thu Jan 4 17:06:35 PST 2001
imake -DUseInstalled -I/usr/openwin/lib/X11/config
make xrelease
You are using X11R6
make Makefiles
making Makefiles in cxterm...
making Makefiles in utils...
making Makefiles in dict...
making Makefiles in dict/gb...
making Makefiles in dict/big5...
making Makefiles in dict/jis...
making Makefiles in di
发帖数: 3
来自主题: Unix版 - Help about installing Cxterm5.0!!!!
5555555, I tried to install cxterm5.0 on SunOS 5.6.
I followed the instruction in README, but failed
during compilation procedure. Would any kind Da Xia
help me? I am urgent to view Chinese.
Bellow is the file: install.log:
Building cxterm Version 5.0
Tue Jan 2 15:57:28 EST 2001
mv -f Makefile Makefile.bak
imake -DUseInstalled -I/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config
make xrelease
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/xia/cxterm/cxterm-5.0'
You are using X11R6
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/xia/cxter
发帖数: 40
as i know now, you cannot find the executive file. but you
can let CD as reboot device, and then you will see what
happen there. it will automatically enter the installation
process. but pay attention to the installation process,
which is really damn crazy. i have spent days on that. but
still not successful. hope we can share some experience
发帖数: 40
really thanks Layne and Melonm. But I still have some
1. are there any differences between NIS and DNS. you know,
my boss wants the machine to be a server. now i do have
assisgned IP and domain name. but i don't know whether i
should choose NIS or DNS. is it absolutely in DHCP?
2. i didnot configure this in the process of installation,
so there are any difference between now and that time. in
the process of installation, there are GUI interface and
also test it for me.
thanks Daxia ag
发帖数: 40
new problems? i know how to set up new users, but how to set
up their right to access the system. there are three steps
to do that: basics, operating and system admin. but are
there any other ways to set up that.
the second question is how to set up mail function. i cannot
set mail function. you know i cannot send email now.
the third question is there are any difference between
installing sun solaris in PC intel and SPARC enterprise
machine. i will install that machine. i am so afraid that i
发帖数: 67
I have a problem question when I try to install
unix7.1. I have a ME in my computer so I left
2G to unix, but cylinder number is larger than
1024, so there is a error when I add a unix native
partation. I don't want to resize my dos-partation
Could some friends tell me how to resolve it in such
case? (mean how to install it when boot partation larger
than 1024)? Thanks a lot!!
发帖数: 114

Use the Software Install CD 1 to boot your PC and install it.
because the CD includes an ISO-9660 and a UFS slice.
发帖数: 10
来自主题: Unix版 - about gcc installation
My question is about how to install gcc on unix.
after log in as root, where should i put the *.tar file?
where should i install it?
what's configuration? what's it for?
发帖数: 47
I tried to install cxterm 5.0 on my sun workstation, it
always failed.
it said X11R6 not installed and some other information...
Who can suggest a good and easier chinese telnet software to
use? (soloris 8.0
in company(can not be root))
i only want to use this software to telnet mit bbs and if
possible, input chinese.
Thanks for your suggestion!
发帖数: 21
来自主题: Unix版 - installation tool
where can I find the information about "wise installation shield" or other
installation software?
发帖数: 124
I want to install perl GD module to Solaris, but it requires pre-install zlib,
libpng and gd-lib.
Anyone has some experience? I search the internet but still get confused.
Thanks in adv,
发帖数: 13
Hi All
I have tow IBM RS/6000 machines now running AIX-4.3.
I want to know if I can install linux on it.
After some research, I cannot find information on linux installation
of these specific machines.(Some RS/6000 models can run linux, but I
cannot find my models in the list)
First I want to make sure I get the right machine type.
On one machine, there is a printing "IBM RISC System/6000 39H", and
next to it there is another printing, which I think is the serial
number,"7012 26-80853".
On anoth
发帖数: 21
My system is Alpha OSF1 5.0.
I downloaded a tar file for alpha from mozilla.org and unziped it.
Then I can't find the install file.
When I ran the file "mozilla", it shew error message:
53182:./mozilla-bin: /sbin/loader: Fatal Error: object libgtk-1.2.so
from liblist in ./mozilla-bin has version "9.0", which does not match
the found object: /usr/local/lib/libgtk-1.2.so
(with version "5.5.1:0.0:1.0:2.0:3.0:4.0:5.0")
I do not have the root right, can I install and use mozilla?
Thanks for answer.
发帖数: 207
来自主题: Unix版 - about install lapack.
i tried to install it on alpha osf1 v4.0
i did what the release notes told me
while it said this sentense is wrong
blaslib = -ldxml
anyone can help me?
and how can i install lapack on sunos 5.9
i can't find the related setting on release notes
thank you
发帖数: 57
来自主题: Unix版 - question about install lapack
i'm using a tru64 system. I tred to install a math tool, OOF, but it
needs LAPACK. So I installed a compaq software cxml which was said
including the lapack. But the math tool cant find "libblas", which is
supposed to be the library of BLAS.
anyone know how to solve this porblem? thanks a lot!
发帖数: 57
来自主题: Unix版 - question about install lapack
I installed a package(cxml) provided by Compaq. And all the tests in
LAPACK/BLAS were passsed. But when i run "sh ./configure" to configure
the math tool i want to install, it still can not find "libblas", following
is the code in the configure file to test blas. should i make any changes?
dnl Checks for libraries.
[ --with-blas=-lblas Specify library (or libraries) for BLAS],
if test "x$withval" != "xno" ; then
发帖数: 57
来自主题: Unix版 - question about install lapack
well, the problem is i cant find that libblas.a
the compaq software installed some "lapack-equivalent", dont know how it works.
sigh, the system is totally a mess, esp to me
even rpm cannot be installed, even for the package i download form tru64 website.
发帖数: 1
来自主题: Unix版 - help needed for xfig installation
I just want to install xfig3.2.4 from http://www.xfig.org/.
I followed their installation instruction. but after I type "make"
it gave me errors:
"./fig.h", line 55: cannot find include file:
"./fig.h", line 56: cannot find include file:
"./fig.h", line 58: cannot find include file:
I checked /usr/include, I didn't see those files. I am using HPUX11.0
Anybody can give me some suggestion? Thanks a lot!
发帖数: 57
I tried to install rpm in compaq tru64, seems everything is ok,
after finishing installation, i can use "man rpm" to see the help file.
but when i try to use rpm, the system just cant find the command.
Do i have to reboot the system? b/c some program is running, i try not to
stop them if possible.
help pls, thx!
发帖数: 17
the solaris machine I am installing to doesn't have sun's compiling
toolset like the usr/ccs/ stuff. We are using GNU's free gcc to compile.
so the Imake setting in the cxterm won't work there.
Anyone know how to change it so it will install correctly?
发帖数: 6
I downloaded Matlab 6.5 for linux from emule. I don't know how to install it.
Did anybody install it before? And how to do that? Thanks for your help.
发帖数: 3
Sorry can't type in Chinese.
When I install the Oracle Application Server, the installation needs to create
a new user (not using root) by using Solaris Management Console, I followed
the steps in menu and created a new user called "oracle", after that I got the
1. When I use "su oracle" to change to the new user, the prompt changed from #
to $, but when I use "who" to check the login user, only "root" listed.
2. The home directory for the new user I set in Solaris Management Console w
发帖数: 508
【 以下文字转载自 Hardware 讨论区 】
发信人: MildSeven (七星*极夜), 信区: Hardware
标 题: How to install Debian on a Alpha machine?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 27 21:31:45 2005), 站内
发信人: MildSeven (七星*极夜), 信区: Linux
标 题: How to install Debian on a Alpha machine?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 27 21:31:14 2005), 转信
We have alpha machine sitting in lab. Previously it runs RedHat 5 or 6.
Now I want to turn to Debian. This machine has:
ReadHat 5 or 6,
an Digital Alpha 21164 64-bit processor,
AlphaPC 164LX matherboard with
发帖数: 578
I wanted to install GNU screen on the university's UNIX server, on which I
obviously don't have super user permission.
this is what i did:
I configure with option --prefix=$HOME/root, where I have w/r/x permissions.
I then make the sources.
Until now everything is fine.
When I make install, it exited with error (exit 4). The log is as follows:
if [ -d /usr/lib/terminfo ]; then PATH="$PATH:/usr/5bin" tic ./terminfo/
screeninfo.src; chmod 64
发帖数: 436
I have installed Matlab 2014a on Ubuntu 14.04. The supported compiler for
this Matlab is gcc/g++ 4.7. However, the Ubuntu 14.04 comes with a default
version of gcc 4.8. Do you know how I can install gcc 4.7, rather than
compiling the program with 4.8? In other words, the Matlab 2014a only
supports the GCC 4.7. I cannot use gcc 4.8.
Thanks very much for your help!
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