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发帖数: 29846
“The postal workers have a right to fear for their life. It doesn’t give
them the right not to deliver the mail”
by Jammie
I bet postal workers wouldn’t be afraid to deliver the mail in a
neighborhood packed with NRA members. But this is Mike Bloomberg’s New York
, so they’re in fear for their lives. Maybe we should arm them.
Snow, rain and gloom of night might not slow Brownsville mailmen down —
but gangbangers sure will.
Postmen are too scared to deliver letters and packages to one of
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
Congratulations, Gabriel Gomez. You just earned yourself a spot on top
of the Democratic National Committee’s hit list.
It’s not just because you’re the Republican nominee for Senate. Or
because you’re a Washington outsider who threatens to prevent lifelong
political hack Ed Markey from becoming “Senator for life.”
It’s not even because you’re a Boston Marathon-running, former Navy
SEAL who exudes the kind of patriotism that embarrasses many liberals today.
No. The real... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Inspiring: Obama Gives Tired
Inspiring: Obama Gives Tired, Tedious Campaign Speech at Ohio State
by Jammie
On what would normally be one of the best days of their lives, these poor
kids had to sit through a speech best left for a partisan audience somewhere
on the campaign trail.
Give it a rest already.
“If there’s one certainty about the decade ahead, it’s that things
will be uncertain,” Obama told more than 10,000 newly minted Buckeye
We pay for someone to pen this dreck.
Obama, who ran for p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
Obviously they’re cleverly disguised tea partiers.
Police are investigating a possible bias attack near Madison Square
Garden, cops said.
Two men were attacked as they were walking arm in arm down Eighth Ave.
near the arena when a group of Knicks fans approached the men and began
using anti-gay slurs, police said.
The four thugs — at least one of which was wearing a Carmelo Anthony
jersey — started punching the 28-year-old victim in the face, breaking his
nose, according to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Obama Administration to Possibly Release College Transcripts “In the Coming
by Jammie
No, silly, not his. The suspects in the Boston terror bombing. You didn’t
really think Obama would release his, did you? Of course we realize the
public will immediately wonder where his are if and when these are released.
The Obama administration will decide “in the coming days” whether
taxpayers have a right to know if they helped fund the UMass education of
four suspects linked to the Boston Marath... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 哥大一老黑学生攻击一亚裔
NYC Hate Crime Alert: Black Columbia Student Attacks Asian Man
by Jammie
What has happened to the rich diversity and tolerance of Mike Bloomberg’s
New York?
A Columbia University football player has been charged with a hate crime
after an altercation outside a campus dorm building last weekend, cops said.
Chad Washington, 19, was arrested yesterday over the incident early
Sunday morning.
He grabbed a 19-year-old Asian man on West 113th Street and made ethnic
slurs while threatening t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 702
来自主题: USANews版 - 哥大一老黑学生攻击一亚裔
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Hey Cambridge, Tsarnaev’s all yours
by Jammie
We’re civilized Americans. We gave proper burials to Ted Bundy, John
Wayne Gacy and one day — if the Obama administration ever stops playing
politics with his case — we will do so for Khalid Sheik Mohammed. We can do
the same for this son of Cambridge.
Besides, his Uncle Ruslan Tsarni is right: “He grew up here and for the
last 10 years he decided to be in Cambridge … his home country
is Cambridge, Massachusetts.”
Cambridge is where Tamerlan Tsarnaev attended mo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Pelosi Says She Can’t Visit Troops for Mother’s Day Because of Obama
by Jammie
Maybe she should have skipped a few dozen cross-country trips on the
taxpayer dime and saved up.
“Every year for the past few years, on Mother’s Day, I’ve gone–I’ve
taken a delegation–into Afghanistan or Iraq, we’re alternating now, now
Afghanistan–for Mother’s Day to say thank you to our moms and, by the way,
our grandmothers, who are serving there. Some young grandmothers. But,
nonetheless, grandmother... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Son of Washington Democrat Pleads Guilty to Raping 11-Year-Old Boy
by Jammie
The kid had a hard life. His mother died when he was young, so there’s that
excuse. Besides, with the quaint rape laws we have, who’s to say this wasn
’t just young love and he’s a victim of our puritanical judicial system?
Who are we to judge!?!?
The son of a Washington state senator has pleaded guilty to rape after a
younger boy reported a series of incidents that occurred at the lawmaker’s
Lewis County ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Obama Administration Helps Hide Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Financial Records
by Jammie
They have a lot of experience in covering up potentially damaging
information, so if it’s good enough for Obama, it’s good enough for a
terrorist. In other words, terrorists have more rights than the average
Americans does.
The federal government gave cover to UMass Dartmouth officials who are
refusing to release information on taxpayer subsidies given to the accused
Boston Marathon bombing suspect and three othe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Obama’s IRS Scandal: Targeting of Conservatives Actually Started in 2010
by Jammie
First they said it was 2012. Then we found out it allegedly was 2011. Now it
’s 2010. I suspect by the end of the day we’ll discover it actually began
on January 20, 2009.
The targeting of conservatives by the IRS started earlier and was more
extensive than the IRS acknowledged last week, according to a draft IRS
inspector general report obtained by ABC News.
As we reported on “Good Morning America” this m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
Finally we’re in agreement with the Clintons. Like most of America, we’d
also like to see Anthony Weiner disappear.
Bill and Hillary Clinton will not support Anthony Weiner in his dream of
becoming mayor even though they love his wife, Huma Abedin, sources say.
“The Clintons wish Weiner would just disappear. Every time he pops up, it’
s a reminder of Bill’s scandal with Monica Lewinsky, and it isn’t helpful
to Hillary’s hopes for 2016,” one Democrat told Page Six. Abedin has
worked... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
Low-level employees, just acting on behalf of their bosses. Ultimately their
boss is Barack Obama and we hold him accountable. Firing a guy who was
basically a temp and who was leaving next month anyway isn’t going to cut
it. Criminal prosecutions must follow.
However, despite the claim of just two employees being involved, FOX19
has exclusively learned from two separate sources that there could be at
least four Cincinnati employees involved.
Those four employees, whose names w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
Because the Democrats never politicize anything, right? Who’s this clown
kidding? These rat bastards have politicized every aspect of our lives,
intrude into our business at every turn and generally make live a living
hell. But the GOP is being warned not to politicize and obvious political
scandal of Obama’s? Please.
The outgoing commissioner of the IRS apologized Friday for his agency’s
practice of targeting conservative groups, calling the actions “foolish”
while claiming it was... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
Obama covered up Benghazi and now we know he covered up his IRS scandal. It
also helped that the media enable the Benghazi cover-up. So we have a man
elected to office under false pretenses. Memo to the GOP: Cooperate on
nothing and spend all your time investigating the obviously corrupt
“Imagine if we — if you can — what would have happened if this fact
came out in September 2012, in the middle of a presidential election? The
terrain would have looked very differen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
It’s not just Southern Democrats, although the clear implication if those
racist rednecks down south hate the black guy. The way things are shaping up
for the Democrats and the scandal-drenched Obama, 2014 is shaping up to be
a bloodbath nationwide. Not just Benghazi, the IRS and DoJ scandals, but
just wait until the implosion of ObamaCare.
As Democrats try to keep their lock on the Senate next year, some of
their most vulnerable incumbents have a problem with President Barack Obam... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
Imagine what Obama will have to say when he reads about this in the
newspapers tomorrow.
Additional scrutiny of conservative organizations’ activities by the
IRS did not solely originate in the agency’s Cincinnati office, with
requests for information coming from other offices and often bearing the
signatures of higher-ups at the agency, according to attorneys representing
some of the targeted groups. At least one letter requesting information
about one of the groups bears the sign... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Rewarding Thuggery: IRS Goon Promoted After Targeting Tea Partiers
by Jammie
Funny how Obama’s so-called “outrage” over his IRS scandal hasn’t
resulted in anyone being fired. That Lois Lerner witch is on paid leave and
now we discover another of the henchmen received a promotion after his
dirty deeds.
President Obama may have promised “to hold the responsible parties
accountable” for the Internal Revenue Service targeting of conservative non
-profit groups, but one of the agents at the cent... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 稀拉里的approval rate急剧下降
What Difference Does It Make? Queen Hillary’s Approval Plummets in Wake of
Benghazi Cover-Up
by Jammie
Let’s just cut to the bad news: She still somehow manages to have the
approval of 52% of the public. We’re outnumbered by the low-information
crowd, obviously.
Hillary Clinton’s favorability rating dropped significantly in a
Quinnipiac University poll released Friday, as the months-long investigation
into the terrorist attacks in Benghazi have begun to drag on the former
secretary of State.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
IRS Began Harassing Conservative Groups Predating Tea Party
by Jammie
No wonder that witch Lois Lerner took the Fifth. She’s obviously got a lot
to hide.
The IRS tried to impose a gift tax on donors to a conservative group
formed to support former President George W. Bush’s 2007 troop surge in
Iraq, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday.
The timing of the effort coincided with the timeframe of the IRS’s
scrutiny of Tea Party groups seeking tax-exempt status, and it began under
the un... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
A Couple of Rogue IRS Employees? How About 88 of Them?
by Jammie
It’s going to take some time getting to the bottom of Obama’s IRS scandal
and judging by the obstructionist tactics of the IRS and Obama’s henchmen
we may be well into the 2014 midterm election cycle before we know the truth
. That should make for some fun leading up to next November.
The Internal Revenue Service has told House GOP investigators they have
identified 88 IRS employees who may have documents relevant to the
congre... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Cincinnati IRS Staffers Say DC Officials Directed Tea Party Targeting »
posted on Thu Jun 06, 2013 19:30 by Jammie
Yes, we know, this is shocking! Actually, it’s no surprise at all. Anyone
with half a brain knows this came straight from the White House and it’s
simply a matter of time until it’s confirmed.
Two Internal Revenue Service employees in the agency’s Cincinnati
office told congressional investigators that IRS officials in Washington
helped direct the probe of tea-party groups ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Pelosi: ‘I Don’t Remember Saying that Everybody in the Country Would Have
a Lower Premium’
by Jammie
Must be creeping senility. Or maybe she never read the bill.
“I don’t remember saying that everybody in the country would have a lower
premium,” Pelosi said in response to a question from THE WEEKLY STANDARD.
But during last year’s presidential campaign, Pelosi said that because of
Obamacare “everybody will have lower rates.” Pelosi, the House minority
leader, made the comment during a July 1, 20... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Hilarious: Obama Tells Fatcat Donors Democrats Favor Free-Market Solutions
and Less Government Regulation
by Jammie
So says the guy who’s been collecting every bit of data about your life and
who’s imposed the big government monstrosity of ObamaCare upon us. Does
he really think he’s kidding anyone with this nonsense?
Making a pitch for Democratic candidates in 2014, President Obama told
big donors in California Thursday night that Democrats favor free-market
solutions and less government r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
I’m developing a serious man-crush on this guy.
Now could we possibly come up with a better name for an incompetent IRS hack
than Faris Fink?
发帖数: 29846
| Friday, June 14, 2013 10:56 AM | Jammie | Labels: Blog
The meatheads at MSNBC continue to cover themselves in mud, day after day.
Not content with the daily idiocy dribbling from the mouth of Chris Matthews
, morning host Joe Scarborough is now hallucinating, thinking the NRA made
Obama appear darker than he is in a new ad. The stupid, it hurts.
Yesterday, Joe Scarboroughbrought the dramatics while discussing the “
shading” of President Obama in a new NRA ad. Scarborough continued that... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 米起饵自称自己是爱尔兰人
Michelle Obama in Ireland: ‘It Is Good to Be Home’
Posted by Jammie on Jun 17, 2013 at 3:23 pm
That’s weird, I thought she was from that violent hellhole of Chicago. Who
knows, maybe she’s trying to distance herself.
Speaking at the Gaiety Theatre in Dublin, Ireland, at a performance by
of “Riverdance” by Irish youth, First Lady Michelle Obama thanked the
crowd and said, “It is good to be home.”
“My goodness! (Applause.) That’s wonderful! You did it! Oh, my
goodness. (Applause.) Thank yo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
ObamaPhone Dealers OK With People Trading Them In for Drugs and Cash
Posted by Jammie on Jun 18, 2013 at 8:02 am
James O’Keefe strikes again.
Undercover video shot in May by a conservative activist shows two
corporate distributors of free cell phones handing out the mobile devices to
people who have promised to sell them for drug money, to buy shoes and
handbags, to pay off their bills, or just for extra spending cash.
The ‘Obama phone,’ which made its ignominious YouTube debut outside a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 疤蟆支持的埃及总统要滚蛋了
Protesters to Morsi: You Have a Day to Leave »
by Jammie
Well, this sure sets up an interesting week to come.
Egyptians who helped overthrow a 29-year dictatorship in a widely hailed
revolution have now given the country’s first democratically elected
president one day to step down from office.
In a statement posted Monday on its official Facebook page, Tamarod (the
“rebel” campaign”) demanded that if President Mohamed Morsy doesn’t
leave office by Tuesday, the group will begin a ci... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Former NYU Professor Stalked Citigroup Exec Via E-mail After Breakup: “What
can I do to make it right? Shall I lick your b—s?” »
by Jammie
Geez, we never knew these economics professors were so kinky.
A former NYU economics professor has been busted for stalking the chief
economist at Citigroup, sending him pictures of her pleasuring herself and
writing salacious e-mail come-ons, according to court papers.
Dutch-born academic Heleen Mees, 44, was charged yesterday after she
allegedl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Mexican Police Chief Killed With Rifle From Obama and Holder’s Fast and
Furious Gun-Running Scheme »
by Jammie
Move along, nothing to see here. There have only been a couple hundred
people killed, so what’s the big deal?
A high-powered rifle lost in the ATF’s Fast and Furious controversy was
used to kill a Mexican police chief in the state of Jalisco earlier this
year, according to internal Department of Justice records, suggesting that
weapons from the failed gun-tracking operation hav... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Media Frets Over Fading Obama Agenda: “He needs wins and he needs them soon
. There’s no way around that” »
by Jammie
Forget the good of the nation. According to The Hill, the most urgent
concern six months into Obama’s second term is that poor Obama gets to do
some victory laps.
Six months into his second term, the momentum that President Obama
gained from his reelection win is a fading memory.
Few could have foreseen this White House struggling so much after Obama
’s convincing 33... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
They knew for months and did what they do best: They covered it up.
As far back as March, a top IT official at the Department of Health and
Human Services said the department’s current ambition for the law’s new
online insurance marketplaces was that they not be “a Third-World
experience.” Several provisions had already been abandoned in an effort to
simplify the administration’s task and maximize the chances that the new
systems would be ready to go live in October, when customers... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Today Illinois Enters the 21st Century: Last State in USA to Have Concealed
Carry Laws »
by Jammie
Of course not without a fight. The raving anti-gun nut in the governor’s
mansion is fighting tooth and nail in opposition but the court order will
take effect today, and even Democrats are vetoing his weak last minute
amendment. So, law-abiding citizens of Illinois, today you catch up with the
rest of America. You know, it’s almost as if these hacks in Illinois don’
t believe in the Second Ame... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - NY School Dumps Michelle Obama Food Plan
NY School Dumps Michelle Obama Food Plan After Kids Complain of Hunger »
by Jammie
She’s free to shovel as many cheeseburgers and orders of fries into her
piehole as she pleases, but the kids get what’s good for them or something.
New York’s Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake school district has become the
latest casualty in first lady Michelle Obama’s preferred lunch plan,
dropping the menu after too many students complained of hunger.
“[Food service manager Nicky] Boehm and her staff worke... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Justice Department Organized and Funded Protests Against George Zimmerman &#
by Jammie
We’re officially living in a banana republic. Brian Preston reports the
gory details of the final nail in our coffin, whereby the President of the
United States uses his Justice Department to agitate against an innocent
March 25 – 27, 2012, CRS spent $674.14 upon being “deployed to Sanford
, FL to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies related to the shooting
and death of an African-Ameri... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
Hard to believe such an attractive guy like Bob Filner would have to force
himself on the ladies.
A prominent onetime supporter of San Diego Mayor Bob Filner urged him to
resign Wednesday less than a year after taking office amid allegations that
he sexually harassed women.
Radio and television station KPBS obtained a letter to Filner from
former Councilwoman Donna Frye that said she recently received “credible
evidence” that the mayor harassed more than one woman. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
We’re currently projected to have a pathetic 1.8% GDP for 2013, but surely
that will be “unexpectedly” revised downward. Yet in the Obama Fantasy
World, legalizing millions of criminal aliens will magically triple that.
You can’t make this shit up.
The White House late Thursday dispatched an email to President Obama’s
campaign supporters that provided a video claiming that immigration reform
will result in a 5.4 percent growth in GDP as “highly skilled” workers and
“entrepreneurs” ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Chicago a Hotbed of Violence Against Lesbians and Gays »
by Jammie
This would be a national story if it involved conservatives. But since it’s
black hoodlums beating on lesbians you won’t hear much about it.
The mob beating of a lesbian couple in the Austin neighborhood, which
police are calling a hate crime, has gay rights groups calling for greater
attention to what they say are routine acts of violence and discrimination
against members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Another Obama Victory: Indiana School Loses $300K Because Kids Won’t Eat
the Mooch Meals »
by Jammie
We’re nearing the point of a national rebellion. Starving children refuse
to eat the crap foisted on them by the Obamas and now we have school
districts nearing bankruptcy. How much longer must the children suffer?
School officials in Carmel Clay, Ind., said they lost $300,000 last
school year because students are rejecting the healthy menu changes brought
on by First Lady Michelle Obam... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
NJ Transit Driver Masturbates While Going Through Lincoln Tunnel »
by Jammie
Just another day in New Jersey.
NJ Transit says it has removed a driver after a rider recorded video of
him masturbating behind the wheel of a moving bus.
The driver was transporting passengers through the Lincoln Tunnel on
June 24 when he was observed engaging in the lewd behavior.
After the video was turned over to Weehawken Police, investigators
arrested the driver, George L. Simpson Jr., 41, of Newa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
As she departs the corrupt Obama administration for a cushy job at the
University of California system, let’s fondly recall the highlight of Janet
Napolitano’s inept reign as the head of Homeland Security.
SPIEGEL: Madame Secretary, in your first testimony to the US Congress as
Homeland Security Secretary you never mentioned the word “terrorism.”
Does Islamist terrorism suddenly no longer pose a threat to your country?
Napolitano: Of course it does. I presume there is always a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
‘Justice for Trayvon’: Obama DOJ Member Urged Action Against Zimmerman &#
by Jammie
George Zimmerman will be a very wealthy man when his lawsuits against NBC
News, CNN and the Obama Justice Department pay off.
The legal watchdog Judicial Watch released an audio recording Thursday
of a Department of Justice staffer urging Sanford, Fla., city officials and
the minority advocacy group Dream Defenders to seek justice for Trayvon
Martin, because “if a community perceives that there’s somethi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Mostly Peaceful Savages Protest Zimmerman Acquittal: “F- the police”; “
Kill Pigs” »
by Jammie
Because nothing quite says “outrage” like a call for the murder of the
In San Francisco, demonstrators marched through the Mission District
after gathering at the 24th Street Mission BART Station. Hundreds marched
down Valencia Street, chanting “Justice for Trayvon Martin.”
The crowd dispersed peacefully, and officers will “maintain a presence
in the Mission District for the time b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
After instigating the mob, now he’s above the fray.
Also on Monday, the White House says President Obama won’t involve
himself in the Justice Department decision on whether to pursue civil rights
charges against Zimmerman. White House spokesman Jay Carney said it would
be inappropriate for Obama to express an opinion on how the department deals
with Zimmerman.
Holder says Martin’s death was unnecessary. Gee, you think?
发帖数: 29846
Insipid Michelle Obama Promotes ‘Walking School Buses’ »
by Jammie
Her kids are transported to school by armed Secret Service, but regular
Americans kids should be forced to walk.
First Lady Michelle Obama is promoting walking to school as part of her
anti-obesity campaign.In remarks to mayors gathered at the White House last
week, the first lady singled out Knox County, Tenn., which – inspired by
Mrs. Obama’s “Let’s Move!” campaign — has created a bike-share program
and something calle... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
It’s going to be tough for Obama’s so-called Justice Department to
overcome this hurdle as they try to railroad George Zimmerman with civil
rights charges.
The Justice Department has responded to appeals to probe whether George
Zimmerman committed any civil rights violations in the fatal shooting of 17-
year-old Trayvon Martin — but previously filed FBI documents are already
challenging the narrative that the shooting was racially motivated.
Sanford police detective Chris Serin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
California Democrat ‘Rising Star’ Arrested on Burglary Charges »
by Jammie
Curiously, nobody is calling him a white Hispanic.
Sonoma County Supervisor Efren Carrillo’s arrest Saturday on suspicion
of burglary and prowling is likely to curtail any short-term plans of his to
seek higher office and could cut short or limit his career in local
government, political observers said Sunday.
While the extent of immediate damage to his political prospects isn’t
yet clear, the dramatically di... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Illegal Alien Previously Deported 11 Times Arrested on Drug Charges in
by Jammie
An illegal alien who has already been deported 11 times was arrested
Tuesday on charges of drug possession with intent to distribute, the office
of Pinal County, AZ Sheriff Paul Babeu reported today.
Daniel Jupa-Fino and his passenger allegedly fled on foot from his
vehicle – carrying 220 pounds of marijuana with at street value of 165,000
– when a deputy pulled him over for a routine traffic violati... 阅读全帖
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