

全部话题 - 话题: jiangchuan
发帖数: 361
来自主题: Chess版 - ye jiangchuan
[Event "Bled 2002"]
[Site "Bled"]
[Date "2002.11.08"]
[Round "13"]
[White "Kozul Zdenko"]
[Black "Ye Jiangchuan"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2565"]
[BlackElo "2667"]
[ECO ""]
[WhiteTitle "GM"]
[WhiteCountry "CRO"]
[BlackTitle "GM"]
[BlackCountry "CHN"]
[Remark "Bled 2002"]
[PresId "0000130031"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Be2 O-O 6. Bg5 Na6 7. Nf3 h6 8.
Be3 Ng4 9. Bc1 e5 10. O-O Qe7 11. d5 f5 12. g3 f4 13. Nh4 Qg5 14. Ng2 h5
15. Rb1 Kh7 16. b4 Qf6 17. f3 Nh6 18. Bd2 Nf7 19. g4 c5 20
发帖数: 361
来自主题: Chess版 - kasparov vs ye jiangchuan
sigh, kasparov has rook+bishop+knight+5 pawns
ye has rook+2 knights + 4 pawns
发帖数: 361
来自主题: Chess版 - kasparov vs ye jiangchuan
sigh, lost le... 55555
发帖数: 183
来自主题: Chess版 - zhao xue's game
This is a very impressive game. I like games end this way instead win by King
+ several pawns. So far, Ye JiangChuan and Zhao Xue's game are interesting to
发帖数: 361
来自主题: Chess版 - ye jiangchuan
very cool cool game!!! ye is black. using king's indian defense, he
started the offense every early in his king side. in middle game,
he sacrificed a pawn to get a tempo and assembled all his forces
(queen, two rooks, knight and bishop) in his kingside and started
the attack! his rival obviously had to defend hard hard hard. but,
still, had to give up a rook. and the ending is so entertaining:
with two bishops and an advanced pawn, rival was going to promote
a queen immediately. but, ye had seve
发帖数: 361
来自主题: Chess版 - 国象灌水(47)
i think ye jiangchuan's rating is higher than short now
(at least at the olympiad game)
发帖数: 1738
来自主题: Chess版 - 卜详志怎么这么差劲啊

Duh! J. Polgar is a top 10 player while our top dog Ye Jiangchuan is only
ranked No. 24 (which, by the way, is really not bad).
Do you know why Judit Polgar kicks ass like nobody's business? Because she is
Jewish. Bobby Fischer is Jewish, too. Maybe you didn't know that because he's
a notorious anti-semitist. Well, you know now. Bobby Fischer is a Jew who
hates Jewish people with ALL HIS GUTS.
The best female chess player on this planet is Jewish. The best male chess
player of all time is Jewis