

全部话题 - 话题: kautter
发帖数: 5274
David Kautter will become the new interim leader of the Internal Revenue
Service, succeeding John Koskinen when his term expires on Nov. 12.
Kautter, who joined the Treasury Department as assistant secretary for tax
policy in August, will continue to carry out his duties for that position,
including working on a tax overhaul, while overseeing the IRS, according to
a statement Thursday from the Treasury. Kautter worked at Ernst & Young LLP
for more than three decades, and was head of RSM US LLP’s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 455
来自主题: WashingtonDC版 - your tax will be higher if ur family earns >300k
from wsj
"One of these tax increases will be in the form of the personal exemption
phaseout. That provision reduces or eliminates the benefit of the personal
exemption. That exemption was $3,800 per person for most individuals in 2012
. Under the bill it would phase out for couples with $300,000 or more of
adjusted gross income, or singles with $250,000.
Another tax increase being revived is the "Pease" provision, a complex
limitation on itemized deductions. Under the bill, it would eliminate up... 阅读全帖