H*****r 发帖数: 764 | 1 good one. he is a good OC but a bad HC |
U***n 发帖数: 1204 | 2 不会。NCAA 搞他们是飞来横祸,不得打 Bowl game,对球员杀伤力极大,削减奖学金
他们有个DE跑来 Tenn,即插即用。听说一个追随到 USC 的5星 WR 又想跳回Tenn。人
我从一开始就觉得 USC 知道要被搞,就设计让 Kiffen 来带。等制裁结束再一脚踢开
他。 |
H*****r 发帖数: 764 | 4 Lane kiffin 八。据说这个们要被fire了 |
R*******a 发帖数: 2463 | 5 摇滚巨星lane kiffin
作为head coach的战绩:19:26
所过之地,UTK, USCw, 一片狼藉
不幸被他盯上过的人:Urban Meyer, 也是一败涂地
need I say more ?? |
U***n 发帖数: 1204 | 6 as a joke but somebody had to do it right!
zt |
H*****r 发帖数: 764 | 8 if UF offers 5m, you never know... |
N*********6 发帖数: 4372 | 11 不过ms他这次是内部消息,我觉得还是靠谱的,上次Lane Kiffin他
不也说对了 |
H*****r 发帖数: 764 | 14 “dream come true.”?
sounds like Kiffin Jr.
Flo |
R*******a 发帖数: 2463 | 15 This guy VS. UF
Lame Kiffin
0:1 |
S*******r 发帖数: 11017 | 17 我鳄的教练班子未免也太梦幻了一点。估计当年Lane Kiffin在田纳西的NFL式组合也难
就算SMART不来,据说西雅图海鹰的DL教练Dan Quinn是DC人选,并不逊色。 |
B***L 发帖数: 1923 | 19 JT是值得尊敬的功勋教练
下面赶紧去Kiffin的USC砸场子! |
W********s 发帖数: 2256 | 21 After thinking more about this thing, I think that it's possible the Cecil
Newton did not ask Auburn for money.
Kiffin and Stoops claimed that they didn't see anything wrong in recruiting
Newton. A possible scenario could
be: Rogers saw a chance to get some money because Newtons favored MSU, so he
suggested Cecil ask MSU
money. Rogers is like a con.
I still believe Newton got some money form Auburn, maybe not because Cecil asked money. Auburn boosters
pay every player on it's roster.
not |
j**y 发帖数: 7014 | 22 what?
Kiffin太有才了! |
n***k 发帖数: 2780 | 23 糟蹋人才最多的排序:
们死活就是信大骗子 lane kiffin 的话。咳,路都是自己走的。 |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 24 lane kiffin招人大师阿。 为什么oregon搞不过宇宙队阿 |
n***k 发帖数: 2780 | 25 不得不承认好些老黑的大脑确实不如小脑发达。
lane kiffin 和 orgeron 就是能败火,能侃,敢说,反正later 这些球员意识到他们
的integrity 问题的时候也来不及了。 |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 26 幸好早点除掉了他,不然还得出更大的乱子,lane kiffin就没不敢做的 |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 27 打电话就不白纸黑字了? 一样带你查出来。 除非是冲到你办公式,耳朵对耳朵说。
不过NCAA最近是迫于一些压力把tennessee, oregon, osu, lane kiffin这些中鱼抛出
来,顶住压力。 像saban, 市长,卡里帕里等等大鱼都还在表示比较淡定。 什么时候
抓一条这样的大鱼,我就服了,NCAA真有决心整顿市场。 |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 28 这次NCAA可能动真格的了。 上次uconn的那个是假摔。 先把lane kiffin 办了, 2年
show clause. 其次pearl. 下面JT....
最让人痛心的,是卡里帕里竟然还在NCAA混的像模像样 |
H*****r 发帖数: 764 | 29 估计USC就等着NCAA给理由fire Kiffin。 Jeff Fisher在那等着呢 |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 30 我看要严惩现在这批出头鸟。
CBP 可能2年禁赛。
lane kiffin 开除,下岗
JT 辞职。
Auburn 吐出冠军。
大地震要来了。 NCAA很生气,后果很严重。
据成功预测PC下课以后,看看这批几个幸存。 |
H*****r 发帖数: 764 | 31 Are we nearing an endgame in the seemingly endless tango between USC and the
Maybe, but it isn't the one former USC assistant coach Todd McNair wanted.
His appeal of sanctions was denied by the NCAA appeals committee, it was
announced Friday morning.
Wrote the NCAA, "This appeal decision is separate from the university’s
appeal, which has not yet been decided."
What does this mean for USC? Well, if McNair won his appeal, it certainly
would have boded well for the Trojans getting back some ... 阅读全帖 |
h***8 发帖数: 884 | 32 rockytoptalk.com 上田纳西球迷在评选过去二十年最让他们痛恨的教练,很有才阿。
The carriers of the modern flame in Tennessee's two biggest rivalries, and
they are incredibly good at it.
The two top SEC coaches in the last decade have cast aside good and bad
Tennessee teams en route to their
championships. They have all of the success of Steve Spurrier with none of
the personality, making UT's
futility against them cold and dark, and the vitality of both rivalrie... 阅读全帖 |
H*****r 发帖数: 764 | 33 Lane Kiffin and USC are still appealing their scholarship penalties.
The Reggie Bush situation resulted in the Trojans being ineligible to
compete for the conference championship or play in a bowl game for two years
and the loss of 30 scholarships over three years.
Because an appeal is pending, USC hasn't yet (and may not) feel the full
effects of the scholarship reductions.
Now, I realized a long time ago that the NCAA is inconsistent in how it
doles out punishment. For example, in 1994, Texas ... 阅读全帖 |
b*****a 发帖数: 14583 | 34 ...OSU hired Lane Kiffin?
haha |
H*****r 发帖数: 764 | 35 is the usc hc kiffin's dream job? |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 36 JT跟Saban,kiffin, UM 以及卡里帕里比是小巫见大巫。 搞了半天不敢动SEC。光打雷
市长肯定听到有人要动他的风声了, 所以借口新账兵下去了。 Saban 和 卡里帕里迟
早被抓。 les miles, mark richt, 以及老段也好不到哪去。
这段矛头都盯着八盖了, 我们vols压力小很多,表示情绪很稳定。 不过我们篮球肯定
挂了。 |
B****2 发帖数: 8892 | 38 又一个真傻冒律师。人家Lane会说“Lane Kiffin Sewage Center”是专门处理田纳西
的垃圾的,Center本身不是垃圾。 |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 39 现在ncaa的断头台是不是这个顺序?
lane kiffin, osu, oregon, unc, nebraska, tennessee。。。
我田位置不断靠后了。 |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 42 东边和downtown挺危险的, 我觉得西边还好。 不过不晚上出来瞎溜达,问题不大。
被打劫的,一般都是咳药过点了。 |
b********z 发帖数: 2092 | 44 治安很好了,平均一个星期才谋杀一个(过去7年平均值)。 |
x*******1 发帖数: 28835 | 48 其实看lane kiffin带领大战 Florida或者saban, 会很有意思 |
t****r 发帖数: 1506 | 49 宇宙队内牛满面!Lane Kiffin努力再打一年酱油!
吾盖悲催啊,这拉出来是要显眼么?居然还有ranking? |
h***8 发帖数: 884 | 50 明年我象篮球对阵vcu, 去年的final four, 估计要被打出屎了。
这招好啊,当年他田要是和kiffin狗屎有这条款,那他田也能乘宇宙队down 的时候,
干它一票。 |