

全部话题 - 话题: killelea
发帖数: 1106
By Patrick Killelea, last updated Mon Jan 25 2010
Because house prices will keep falling in most places. Prices are still
dangerously high compared to incomes and rents. Banks say a safe mortgage is
a maximum of 3 times the buyer's annual income with 20% downpayment.
Landlords say a safe price is a maximum of 15 times the house's annual rent.
Yet on the coasts, both those safety rules are still being violated. Buyers
are still borrowing 6 times their income and putting only 3% down, and
发帖数: 1106
【 以下文字转载自 Living 讨论区 】
发信人: dakandao (大熊宝宝), 信区: Living
标 题: Housing Crash Continues:It's Still A Terrible Time To Buy
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 10 11:00:47 2010, 美东)
By Patrick Killelea, last updated Mon Jan 25 2010
Because house prices will keep falling in most places. Prices are still
dangerously high compared to incomes and rents. Banks say a safe mortgage is
a maximum of 3 times the buyer's annual income with 20% downpayment.
Landlords say a safe price is a maximum of 15 times the house's an
发帖数: 35
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - 大家有什么看法?
About Patrick
Patrick Killelea has no background in real estate at all...
stopped reading right there.