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发帖数: 58
来自主题: FleaMarket版 - 求购 10X OM $10 off instore coupon $1.5
Your price is kinda low, but you can always bid or give seller a best offer,
which is what I usually do.
发帖数: 827
willing to pay $10 or more for one coupon. direct deposit required is OK.
Kinda urgent, pls contact me
发帖数: 555
来自主题: Food版 - 每次potluck都要我的命啊
looks kinda like their "deviled eggs" when cut open, or slice up to resemble
what they have in their regular salad in so-so salad bars.
then they know what the dish is, then they know it is not sth gross like chi
cken feet, pork feet, cartlige (how to spell this?), internal organs, sth st
icky and mysterious etc.
发帖数: 24887
来自主题: Food版 - Gordita从头合成
Looks kinda yummy
how is the texture?
coarse, smooth?
发帖数: 2659
two days return policy? kinda lazy to drive back for a few bucks. the gas
cost more than that. :)
发帖数: 1195
来自主题: Food版 - 酒药该放多少啊?
water in those holes and what about the bacteria powder? also in those holes
? or mix together with rice? and what kinda water you would use? boiled? I
was told not to put any drop of raw water into the rice, a little confused,
发帖数: 452
here in our apt,
there is always a small room, or may not be called room,
but a small space, where the heater is located,
kinda like a place they put the heater machine
this place is super warm in the winter, when the heater is being used.
发帖数: 737
来自主题: Food版 - Christmas dinner (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Cantonese 讨论区 】
发信人: yanxx (弱智儿童欢乐多), 信区: Cantonese
标 题: Christmas dinner
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 25 20:55:45 2011, 美东)
Greetings from NY countryside!
Simple and yummy Christmas dinner from American family:
roast beef with gravy, the beef is kinda too rare .....
roast potatoes with olive oil, bacon and herb
dinner roll, veggie, onions, field green salad with walnuts
Desserts: homemade holiday cookies,candies and ice cream, all are too sweet
for a Chinese stomach , but the snowman cook... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24887
Oh, I am confused.
I think LZ kinda thinks broil is the so-called 上火.
发帖数: 24887
Not too bad, though kinda foolish-looking.
发帖数: 28
I don't really know about oyo.
btw, all of the programs charge $15 a month.
If anyone has joined the PTF+, could you please reveal the list of the
giftcards. I wish everybody could contribute a little so that everyone would
know a lot. If this bbs could provide some kinda wiki, that would be the
发帖数: 28
I don't really know about oyo.
btw, all of the programs charge $15 a month.
If anyone has joined the PTF+, could you please reveal the list of the
giftcards. I wish everybody could contribute a little so that everyone would
know a lot. If this bbs could provide some kinda wiki, that would be the
发帖数: 530
来自主题: GiftCard版 - Shopping Essentials new promotion
For each $25 gift card you purchase, you'll receive 1 point. Earn 10 points
and receive a FREE $25 gift card!
Don't know what kinda gift card ......
发帖数: 5700
来自主题: GiftCard版 - 请问一下哪个program里有amazon?
thx for bz. I think dp is kinda clever to see through it.
发帖数: 4371
来自主题: GiftCard版 - 2个包子求epg邀请
大熊,你怎么也来求啦。你不是早有了吗?kinda weird
发帖数: 26
one advisor told me it is 5 months grace period
as long as u get offer from another university.
kinda of worry about this.
发帖数: 893
kinda finished one speaker today. it sounds great even before broken in. the
bass sounded amazing. I'd say it really made the music sound full bodied. a
pair of grand speakers.
it is definitely too bright with the default tweeter resister. luckily have
have ordered the other two resister values when I ordered more tweeters. I
made some many freak mistakes today and I was just so pissed. and then the
biggest mistake of all is I realize that my zdt3.5 are build too tall (by 6"
). hopefully my 3.8
发帖数: 9452

ue10 means ue10 pro, not tf10............
tf10 kinda == 垃圾
发帖数: 2719
that's very good info,,,
Did you buy the U3A from the site? kinda of difficult to make a decision
without trying it first, right? i assume they got no showroom in NYC...
I will check out the korean place you mentioned this weekend... thanks again

发帖数: 2663
来自主题: HiFi版 - 话筒选择
If you've got a couple of SM57 in your bag and knows how to set them up when
recording instruments then you kinda passed the beginner phase. The sony
mic you are looking at is mostly for documentary purpose or video recording
accessories. You can use it as instrumental mic if you want. To me it just
seem like eating fastfood unless there is a specific reason for this.
发帖数: 2719
LP is replacing CD.. its kinda funny.. as CD was introduced to replace LP..
but the sales of LP went up 300% last year..
i beleive sacd and CD (and dvd, blueray) will go away completely in the next
5 years..
harddrive and streaming will replace everything..
发帖数: 2663
来自主题: HiFi版 - 有没有带mic的好耳机推荐?
Hmm, your best bet is to try to find some quality aviation/military headset.
I remember seeing some "hifi" headset for helicopters. otherwise who needs
that kinda shit? a call center chic?
发帖数: 7371
来自主题: HiFi版 - 装修home theater求建议
wow, well said, bro. only draw back to me for doing what you suggested is
that you're kinda of getting rest your family turning their backs on you...
face the fact, not any other in my household would enjoy 40 mins of blasting
symphony with me on daily basis; just as I would not be able to tolerate
these s***y K-pop for more than 5 mins either...
So, Hmmmmmmmmmm
Could be the human race is run.

发帖数: 1985
来自主题: HiFi版 - HD598 需要配个耳放吗?
MBP drive HD598很好了。但用好一点的DAC肯定还是更爽。倒底爽多少kinda
发帖数: 1985
来自主题: HiFi版 - HD598 需要配个耳放吗?
MBP drive HD598很好了。但用好一点的DAC肯定还是更爽。倒底爽多少kinda
发帖数: 5
Hi, I am looking for a room in Houston.It's kinda urgent since I am going to
arrive to Houston at the end of July.I prefer rooms near Schlumberger,
which is located in 145, Industrial Boulevard, MD-2, Sugar Land, Texas 77478
. I will stay there for about 6-8 months, so I can't sign a long-term
contract. I hope it's a furnished room with cable and internet.Please feel
free to contact me at either w********[email protected] or 732-485-0658. Thanks a
发帖数: 714
来自主题: HouseRental版 - Woodland Hills CA Luxury Apartment 求合租
I kinda like to share 2bed2bath with someone but works in Santa Clarita.
Seems like Woodland Hills is a bit far away.

发帖数: 1
来自主题: HouseRental版 - 湾区北San Jose, 2bd/2bath apt 寻室友
Hi, is the room still available? I am kinda interested. Could you give a
email address or phone number? or send an email to me. It's l****[email protected]
. Thank you
发帖数: 163
来自主题: Investment版 - 转两个帖子
GTR (缤纷生活) 于 (Mon Jul 9 21:29:09 2007) 提到:
for a beginner, you don't decide what to buy.. but rather, u decide how much
to buy....
if you are bullish on the broad market, just put more money in the market (
80% stock, 20% cash for example)...
if you are kinda bullish but not very bullish, just put 50% in stock market
and 50% in cash or short term CDs
in terms of what to buy, always buy Spiders or some other broad market ETFs
(QQQ, Mid-cap.. etc) depending on your risk profile .. those ETF gives
发帖数: 12410
来自主题: Investment版 - what's "credit-default swaps"
is it kinda insurance? how does it work
发帖数: 1170
来自主题: Investment版 - 文摘并标记的Roth IRA期限有误
yes! kinda worried me a bit as I don't have 10k before 4/1
发帖数: 358
来自主题: Investment版 - 这里有买过ANNUITY的吗?
Thanks for your suggestion. Some advisers think fixed annuity is a good
product since they are simple, carry little risk while provide tax-deferred
income. And they are protected (kinda of insured) by the state government.

发帖数: 241
来自主题: Investment版 - It's all about China
u may give too much credit to china and its stimulus plan, although china is
kinda a global force now, not as "local" as before. shanghai did bottom out
after 11/9 when china's stimulus plan was announced, but US market started
its rally 4 months after. at least timing wise, there is no way to play "all
about china card" in trading US stock market.
发帖数: 30533
There are a lot of stuffs that's not poisonous. Corn (I actually
can eat some if I can't sell), coal (I can burn some, although
it's kinda dirty), coffee (might be too fragrant to sleep at
night). But none of these can beat gold -- heavy, expensive and
never expires.

发帖数: 323
来自主题: Investment版 - permanent portfolio
1410? isn't that kinda expensive since the spot price is only 1138 now.
发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Investment版 - FA案例
So the analysts just couldn't predict that at all?
Or they are not aware of the 重组 or higher material costs news?
To me, a 15% revenue estimate error is huge. On top of that,
an error in the earning estimate in the opposite direction
is kinda unthinkable.
发帖数: 8363
来自主题: Investment版 - 黄金会不会是泡沫了?

You claimed to distrust politicians, and yet recommended bonds that they
issue. That kinda strategy definitely makes a case of being stupid.
发帖数: 8363
来自主题: Investment版 - Double dip assured (转载)

US government borrowed 1.2 trillion in 2009 and generated like what, 3%
GDP growth? That's only 400B dollars. It's horrendous ROI. This year they
are on pace to borrow another 1.3 trillion. Under such kinda management
the only thing they are able to grow is debt, and it will hit a wall.
发帖数: 8363

What kinda nonsense is this?
发帖数: 229
来自主题: Investment版 - 现在是买基金的好时候吗?
hash's 401k got 7% return?

If hash is happy with this number and would like to take the same risk, then
hash can just go buy the same funds that hash has in his/her 401k account
to get the same % of return.
What kinda stuffs in 401k can do 7% return? Is it like some bond fund?
发帖数: 8363
来自主题: Investment版 - 黄金坑

Price of everything is decided by supply and demand including gold. When
people first discovered lots of gold in new continents e.g. South Africa
hundreds years ago, gold price did come down as the result.
Still gold is somewhat stabilized and less likely to run into that kinda
big interruptions. The current issue is mostly the huge Ponzi scheme in
the gold market where according to Jim Willie "short position for gold
at COMEX & LBMA is roughly equal to the entire earth potential of future
gold... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 229
Have you taken that into your consideration?
IB seems to be a reasonable way to do it.
I have never used IB, nor Zecco before. But I know sharebuilder is kinda
crappy. It's more like a bank account, its MF are crappy, very limited on
choices and fees for MF r high. But it does have the dividend auto-reinvest
for free. This is something that Scottrade doesn't offer. The best time to
open an account with sharebuilder is when they run the July4th or
Thanksgiving event. That's... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3688
来自主题: Investment版 - 晒晒仓位
this is kinda meaningless
发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Investment版 - Roth 401K or Traditional 401K?
I know, but what they say is tax rate will be hiked for high income
people first and the chance for regular people to get hit is very
low. I kinda of believe that.
But you sound like high income people who may get damaged... If so
it's up to you how to estimate the risk leh.
I am the type of guy that likes to pocket profit. If a stock is
high, I sell it. If I can save 25% tax, I save it. All because
of fear for uncertainty in the opposite aspect, hehe.
发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Investment版 - Roth 401K or Traditional 401K?
I know, but what they say is tax rate will be hiked for high income
people first and the chance for regular people to get hit is very
low. I kinda of believe that.
But you sound like high income people who may get damaged... If so
it's up to you how to estimate the risk leh.
I am the type of guy that likes to pocket profit. If a stock is
high, I sell it. If I can save 25% tax, I save it. All because
of fear for uncertainty in the opposite aspect, hehe.
发帖数: 229
来自主题: Investment版 - I bonds菜鸟问题
You didn't tell us which month of that 2003 and 2008 u bought your ibond, I
can't verify if the interest you said is correct. But I assume you did the
calculation correctly.
If I remember correctly.
If you hold the ibond for less than 5 years and if you want to cash it out,
you will need to pay 3 months of the interest. This means, ur 2003 one is ok
but 2008 one isn't.
If you want to cash out ur 2008 ibond, you need to pay for the last 3 months
of interest.
Reward checking is great but the inter... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2964
来自主题: Investment版 - 80% active MM lose to index....what 80%?
Why? Jack uses both index and actively managed funds, such as Wellington, he
also think bond index does not make sense, at least now. I do not find
anything ironic here.
I kinda suspect VG actively managed funds drive some of his acolytes nuts.
发帖数: 8363

This is a bloody lesson for anyone that trades gold heavily on
leverages, margin and AGQ kinda ETFs. Gold will appreciate enough
eventually that there's no need for such risky plays.
发帖数: 3811
来自主题: Investment版 - 求推荐几个fidelity长期的投资产品
kinda of. find some books to read. everyone has different needs. u will
benefit a lot from your learning.
发帖数: 3811
来自主题: Investment版 - 求推荐几个fidelity长期的投资产品
kinda of. find some books to read. everyone has different needs. u will
benefit a lot from your learning.
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