p*****y 发帖数: 1579 | 1 上周在pomerado生了娃。
pomerado的birth center不大,人也不多。产房在顶层,recovery room在楼下几层。
装修不算modern,舒适度算不上最好,但是都算可以接受。产房和recovery room都是
娃拎出来之后,护士会问你要马上skin to skin还是先洗澡称重。我要求马上skin to
的单独时间,安静的enjoy新baby,然后再回来给baby洗澡称重... 阅读全帖 |
A**E 发帖数: 191 | 2 啊,原来mm也上bbs的。
,一般hood没关好只会pop up一些,但是不会整个翻起来(因为还有个latch),估计
signal不要开过啦(结果每次来一辆卡车都白高兴一场)。其实也属于瞎操心。:-P |
d******o 发帖数: 2489 | 3 我拍死,所以我把下边这段文字读了好几遍,并且都照着做了。
What to Do Before an Earthquake
Earthquakes strike suddenly, violently and without warning. Identifying
potential hazards ahead of time and advance planning can reduce the dangers
of serious injury or loss of life from an earthquake. Repairing deep plaster
cracks in ceilings and foundations, anchoring overhead lighting fixtures to
the ceiling, and following local seismic building standards, will help
reduce the impact of earthquakes.
Six Ways to Plan Ahead
Che... 阅读全帖 |
f*****o 发帖数: 95 | 4 咱的洗衣机门的latch怀了,在sears 配件部门咨询了一下,买配件自己整也就六十来块
他说不可以,必须是$253,如果不接受,必须charge $99.00的路费,我说当时打电
走了.咱便到sears order了一个latch,加税和shipping,总共才$61,自己换了以后,完
数次,每次都没人接让咱call again.
门可以投诉吗? |
W*******s 发帖数: 18705 | 5 俗话说你们别看贼吃肉威风,贼挨打满地找牙通常是不曝光的。今天心痒痒去试试看新
装的Trolling Motor。考虑了二天决定去探险。地点是麻省大河Merrimack River
HaverHill Section。我以前去过不同的Section,除了Dink,都没啥建树。尽管网评不
试TM。75LB,24 Volts的确比55LB,12Volts给力。踩脚板同以前的不一样,占地面积
No Big Deal,但是这又是拆装的活啊!!!心理有阴影了,很不爽。
组DropShot,没收一双。拽Snagging,没留意,... 阅读全帖 |
S***e 发帖数: 957 | 7 我换了,没觉得有问题。网上有个Alex的DVD详细说明如何拆装,很容易。只有扳机弹
簧不太好装。你可以用曲别针做个小钩子,当trigger latch插入不到一半时,用钩子
把弹簧往枪口方向钩,在插入trigger latch。有了钩子一下就搞定了,这应该是最难
对了,slide lock 拆装时注意别划到枪身。 |
q*c 发帖数: 17993 | 8 http://www.wikihow.com/Escape-from-a-Sinking-Car
How to Escape from a Sinking Car
Edited byAndy Zhang and 58 others
Edit Discuss History
Escape from a Sinking Car
Any car accident is frightening, but an accident in which your vehicle is
thrown into the water, with you trapped inside, is absolutely terrifying.
Such accidents are particularly dangerous due to the risk of drowning and in
Canada alone, 10 percent of drowning deaths can be attributed to being
submerged in a car,[1] and about ... 阅读全帖 |
P****S 发帖数: 2286 | 9 鸡舍下面不用垫水泥。鸡舍可以架在4x4和6x2做的木头架子上。要保险的话再围上1'x1
'的砖。如果有啥兽能从地下打这么远的洞钻进去的话,打穿房子的dry wall就跟玩似
网子用Hardwood Flooring Staples定在框子上。框子和网子如果不太细的话,只有棕
Latch。racoon要是能打开Gate Latch估计已经成精了。鸡笼里垫土之后,窝里垫
稻草比刨花好,鸡蛋能干净很多。 |
p***r 发帖数: 20570 | 10 月子里前两周少吃蛋白质,多喝粥,等奶通了再吃好的,最好再买个奶泵。还有就是找
时间才会latch on比较好。latch on好的话,其实也不怎么痛苦的。 |
t*******r 发帖数: 22634 | 11 是不是这种 D flip-flop 不太好用?
那么我用这样的 D latch 把数据给 latch 住,是不是可行? |
c*****y 发帖数: 31 | 12 看上去还好,正面撞的而且钻到下面, 应该不影响frame. 关键要看你的raditor
support有没有变形, 这个是raditor后面有个T形状的横梁, 有的车头灯也有部分固定
在上面. 这个support要是变形的话,更换是需要焊接的.
接下来就是hood, grill, bumper, fender和头灯了.貌似你的bumper和fender都还好,
头灯估计玄, hood和grill肯定要换. 头灯, grill和hood你要是自己能动手的话, 完全
可以自己更换, 越南店也花不了多少钱. 这里有个网站, 可以查到你附近junkyard有没
有你需要的部件, 还可以看到部件的状况和颜色, 没准你找个颜色一样的连喷漆都免了
. 如果raditor和AC compressor坏了也可以在上面查到. 自己买还是便宜一点的. 对了
固定hood的钩子(hood latch)一定要换,这个千万不能用现在的, 可以在ebay上买到新的.
http://www.... 阅读全帖 |
t****g 发帖数: 35582 | 13 快和能latch不矛盾呀。能latch了就是上了就分不开了,除非这边痿了或者那边撕裂。 |
z******o 发帖数: 3285 | 14 我家狗 原来crate的latch完好的时候 被他自己偷偷打开过2次 后来不知怎的 他开锁
方式变了 蛮力把latch弄变形了 现在再也自己打不开了 哈哈哈 聪明 但还不够聪明 |
B*********h 发帖数: 800 | 15 you can use a CountDownLatch. it works like this:
1. in the main thread, you say I am going to count down from N.
2. in each of the N threads you want to create and run, count down the latch
at the end of run().
3. the mainthread blocks until the latch count is zero.
go check it out. but you can simply call join() as coconut pointed out. |
s*******y 发帖数: 44 | 16 用XILINX ISE,SYNTHESIZE得到WARNING,
WARNING:Xst:1291 - FF/Latch is unconnected in block .在
When this warning occurs, a register or latch in your design has been
created, but the output is never connected or the signals or logic it drives
have been trimmed. Check the XST log for messages such as the following to
find signals that have been trimmed out of the design:
"WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal is assigned but never used."
可以我并没有说明里的WARNING,而且有关的信号用来驱动其他部分,并不 |
w****3 发帖数: 27 | 17 信号在综合的时候,经常会被更名或者代替(因为优化),
综合上,应该会出现一些“assigned but not used”的告警,
你还是要从其他地方找原因。 |
s**g 发帖数: 66 | 18 expected answer:
positive feedback and check loop gain
bonus point:
if the interviewer points out that ckt on the left could latch up too -- a
small leakage current for start-up will solve the problem.
extra bonus point:
if the interviewer knows how to simulate the ckt to ensure it will not latch
up |
g******u 发帖数: 3060 | 19 我关心的问题是
(1)ic(t), ic(t)怎么就能变成peak current的值 - 还就是control的nature
try to find out later.
(2) comparator - 一般的comparator,
v(+) - (v-)> 0 , 输出1
v(+) - (v-)< 0 , 输出0
这里看来要求的是ic(t) - is(t) = 0, comparator输出change status.
It senses input current, if zero, means switch open, able to turn on
switch if necessary. Then if Vref>Vout, comparator provides grounded output,
when the SR latch sees a pulse from clock, it turns on the switch as the
load drops.
Quite simple.
(3) SR -latch这块。 s接pulse, r接 |
T******T 发帖数: 3066 | 20 For relatively static(not cycle active) databus synchronization from
fast - slow clock domain, besides using async FIFO (overkill in this
case), you can also use 1) req/ack mechanism, 2) pulse/toggle
CLK A (fast), CLK B (slow), sync request signal to Shepherd the databus
across the clock domain.
1) update/hold databus, issue req (A) -> Dual FF Sync -> req_sync(B)
then safely latch in the databus from A domain. Ack(B) -> Dual FF Sync
-> ack_sync (A), then clear the request.
2) upda... 阅读全帖 |
I***a 发帖数: 704 | 21 worse-case tsu: 7.152ns
worst-case tco: 14.204 ns
worst-case th: -1.128ns
Clock Setup: 287.89MHz(period = 3.357 ns)
根据这几个条件,你认为的Fmax 是多少?
”你的data launch和data latch的clock都有经历clock tree
你没有考虑输入pin和clock之间的时序关系(tsu, th), 输出pin和clock之间的时序关系(tco),你只考虑了内部的时序关系。
如果你用clock period = 3.357 ns, 输入pin的数据在下降沿变化,tsu = 7.152 ns的话, 输入pin的数据还没等被latch, 就变了。tsu = 14.204 ns的话, 一个上升沿过后, 14.204 ns后才在输出pin得到对应的数据 |
S******s 发帖数: 5376 | 22 其实desynchronization的提出就是为了使用clocked CAD tools。把同步的clock换成
handshake controller,data path的storage element换不换成latch无所谓(latch和
4 只是提供了一种对应方案,同时支持除了desynchronization以外的纯异步设计。
4的整套流程实际上还需要其他custom formal verification tool来对asynchronous
handshake controller进行timing提取,以保证其正确性。一旦这个搞定后,就可以当
作一个module来instantiate,做system level的design了,system level design就直
接用标准EDA工具来做,包括timing driven synthesis, P&R,和post-layout timing
desynchro... 阅读全帖 |
S******s 发帖数: 5376 | 23 其实desynchronization的提出就是为了使用clocked CAD tools。把同步的clock换成
handshake controller,data path的storage element换不换成latch无所谓(latch和
4 只是提供了一种对应方案,同时支持除了desynchronization以外的纯异步设计。
4的整套流程实际上还需要其他custom formal verification tool来对asynchronous
handshake controller进行timing提取,以保证其正确性。一旦这个搞定后,就可以当
作一个module来instantiate,做system level的design了,system level design就直
接用标准EDA工具来做,包括timing driven synthesis, P&R,和post-layout timing
desynchro... 阅读全帖 |
s**g 发帖数: 66 | 24 Thank you for sharing.Your discussion is very informing.
I'd like to make a few comments:
1. is MP0 a JFET? If so, the device symbol you drew is incorrect.
2. Almost all band gap start up ckt can be properly simulated. That is, you
shall be able to predict if the ckt could latch up to off-condition. Keep in
mind start up problem is essentially a DC operating point problem, not a
transient issue.I guess you either use transient sim or power supply DC
sweep to verify your design, which is not the ... 阅读全帖 |
s**g 发帖数: 66 | 25 Thank you for sharing.Your discussion is very informing.
I'd like to make a few comments:
1. is MP0 a JFET? If so, the device symbol you drew is incorrect.
2. Almost all band gap start up ckt can be properly simulated. That is, you
shall be able to predict if the ckt could latch up to off-condition. Keep in
mind start up problem is essentially a DC operating point problem, not a
transient issue.I guess you either use transient sim or power supply DC
sweep to verify your design, which is not the ... 阅读全帖 |
t*o 发帖数: 2606 | 26 【 以下文字转载自 NextGeneration 讨论区 】
发信人: cqsun83 (qiqi), 信区: NextGeneration
标 题: 分享经验-从草牛到奶牛
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Aug 3 11:38:11 2010, 美东)
记得两年多前生大宝,非常不幸,首先没有latch on,
后来改成全pump, 产量也少得可怜,才够一半吃吧
医生护士一开始全不理俺,要epidural 也说麻醉师忙着得排队
就这么痛着高潮着生出来了,搞笑的是老公到门口一喊“the baby was born"
二宝也有latch on的问题, |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 28 I posted this deal within the other FP thread. The other containers are now
OOS, and the thread got moved to Deal Talk. These are still a good deal
and in-stock.
32 gallon (heavier duty) - set of 4 for $10. Not quite the deal as the
others, but if you are looking for stronger, larger, $2.50 a pop is good.
Sterilite 32 Gallon Latch Tote Green Chili, Set of 4
Sterilite 32 Gallon Latch Tote Hawaiian Blue, Set of 4
http://www.walmart.com/i |
g********n 发帖数: 2314 | 29 Earthquake Preparedness Checklist
Earthquake Preparedness Checklist (EPC)* - Use this earthquake preparation
checklist to help prepare you and your families for an earthquake.
# Eliminate potential hazards in classrooms and throughout the site: ____
Bolt bookcases in high traffic areas securely to wall studs
# ____ Move heavy books and items from high to low shelves
# ____ Secure and latch filing cabinets
# ____ Secure cabinets in high traffic areas with child safety latches
# ____ Secure aquari... 阅读全帖 |
b****s 发帖数: 10197 | 30 那个有latch on的那边能不能带什么Nipple shield来改变 latch on呢? |
y***d 发帖数: 2330 | 31 and someones belive they have successfully latched on the fruit of
revolution |
P*****t 发帖数: 4978 | 32 最具杀伤力广告
Segway's owner dies in freak scooter accident
A flamboyant former miner who became the owner of the Segway motorised
scooter company died in a freak accident yesterday by sliding one of the
upright two-wheelers off a cliff.
Jimi Heselden, who latched on to an international craze for the electric
vehicles, was testing a cross-country version when he skidded into the river
Wharfe which runs close to his Yorkshire estate.
Police said the 62-year-old's body was found in the river at Boston S |
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 33 VOA Chinese, Feb 8, 2011.
My comment:
(a) Often I wonder whether American scholars know what administration is
thinking. How come sometimes they talk as if they are cocksure. I started
wonder when former president Chen Shui-bian was in the receiving end of
displeasure. Were they speaking for themselves? Were they part of a trial
(b) Shelley Rigger is currently Brown Professor of Political Science,
Davidson C... 阅读全帖 |
i***z 发帖数: 7508 | 34 拍摄视频, 哈哈
A SNAKE who bit Israeli model and actress Orit Fox in the chest died after
being poisoned by an unusual venom - the silicone in the buxom blonde's
surgically enhanced breasts.
Spanish TV channel Telecinco's footage of Fox's encounter was racking up
YouTube hits Monday, with some users lamenting, "R.I.P. snake," and the less
-informed commenting: "I wish I was that snake!"
The video shows the model fondling and licking the serpen... 阅读全帖 |
O*******d 发帖数: 20343 | 35 Radiation-hardening techniques[edit]
Hardened chips are often manufactured on insulating substrates instead of
the usual semiconductor wafers. Silicon dioxide (SOI) and sapphire (SOS) are
commonly used. While normal commercial-grade chips can withstand between 50
and 100 gray (5 and 10 krad), space-grade SOI and SOS chips can survive
doses many orders of magnitude greater. At one time many 4000 series chips
were available in radiation-hardened versions (RadHard).[3]
Bipolar integrated ... 阅读全帖 |
m**********e 发帖数: 12525 | 36 你也是翻墙的吧?估计车都没开过,还以为你家房门呢
手动和电动的latch机构上没有区别,区别只是多了个电机驱动而已 |
d**z 发帖数: 3577 | 37 【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: dmjz (东门虎西门豹), 信区: Stock
标 题: The Year the Hedge-Fund Model Stalled on Main Street
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 30 21:38:33 2015, 美东)
The Year the Hedge-Fund Model Stalled on Main Street
By Sarah Krouse
Dec. 30, 2015 6:59 p.m. ET
Enthusiasm is fading for what had become one of the hottest products in
asset management
It is getting a lot harder to sell hedge-fund-style investing to the masses.
More “liquid alternative” mutual funds closed in 2015 than in any year on
record,... 阅读全帖 |
a****n 发帖数: 3082 | 38 二十年了,还没有定论
After reading extensively about this case I think the most logical deduction
is that the brother accidentally killed his sister. She had a large head
wound that would have killed her if she wasn't strangled first. Her father
said she often shared her brother's bed. Her body had been dragged to the
basement. She only weighed 45 lb. Either parent could have carried her
easily. The neighbor heard a loud scream sometime around midnight. She was
killed somewhere around 1:00 am o... 阅读全帖 |
y****g 发帖数: 36950 | 39 IBc 2009: 1008.1.9.2 Hardware height. Door handles, pulls, latches, locks
and other operating devices shall be installed 34 inches (864 mm) minimum
and48 inches(1219 mm) maximum above the finished floor.
:发信人: aa1343 (aa), 信区: Military |
W*****B 发帖数: 4796 | 40 种族,性侵,垃圾胡扯都有争议
Oscars so scandalous: leading movies hit with backlash
For some, "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri" is a movie
about an angry mother seeking justice. But others cannot get past its racist
cop, who they feel is unfairly redeemed.
"Call Me By Your Name" is hailed as a heartbreaking gay romance, but
some are puzzled that the filmmakers cast two straight actors to play the
lead roles.
While recent years have seen the Oscars attacked for under-representing
wome... 阅读全帖 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 41 A。 NoPension Fri, 03/09/2018 - 08:14
Here is the problem with the Chinese, based on my experience. They latch
onto a product or a process, designed by others. They copy the shit out of
it...in multiples. Then they crank up production. BUT....they don't
understand the underlying principles of why this is that way, or that is
this way. I've worked with a few Chink engineers. Very well educated. They
could modify plans, etc...on the laptop faster than a blink. But the had no
underlying knowledge ... 阅读全帖 |
K******r 发帖数: 4052 | 42 第一个说不知道为什么那样设计
[在 beijingren (to thine own self be true) 的大作中提到:]
:A。 NoPension Fri, 03/09/2018 - 08:14
:Here is the problem with the Chinese, based on my experience. They latch
:onto a product or a process, designed by others. They copy the shit out of
:it...in multiples. Then they crank up production. BUT....they don't
:understand the underlying principles of why this is that way, or that is
:this way. I've work... 阅读全帖 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 43 A。 NoPension Fri, 03/09/2018 - 08:14
Here is the problem with the Chinese, based on my experience. They latch
onto a product or a process, designed by others. They copy the shit out of
it...in multiples. Then they crank up production. BUT....they don't
understand the underlying principles of why this is that way, or that is
this way. I've worked with a few Chink engineers. Very well educated. They
could modify plans, etc...on the laptop faster than a blink. But the had no
underlying knowledge ... 阅读全帖 |
K******r 发帖数: 4052 | 44 第一个说不知道为什么那样设计
[在 beijingren (to thine own self be true) 的大作中提到:]
:A。 NoPension Fri, 03/09/2018 - 08:14
:Here is the problem with the Chinese, based on my experience. They latch
:onto a product or a process, designed by others. They copy the shit out of
:it...in multiples. Then they crank up production. BUT....they don't
:understand the underlying principles of why this is that way, or that is
:this way. I've work... 阅读全帖 |
x********e 发帖数: 35261 | 45 首先,娃刚出生有一段时间是相当脆弱敏感的。就算纯母乳,妈妈吃的东西里有过敏源
操作困难 很多小孩会瓶/胸二选一,不管是纯瓶还是纯胸都特别累。最好的方法是一个
,再喂瓶子。 |
发帖数: 1 | 46 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-colorado-lion-attack/colorado-jogger-
Colorado jogger strangles mountain lion after attack on trail
Keith Coffman
DENVER (Reuters) - A Colorado jogger strangled a juvenile mountain lion in
the foothills of Horsetooth Mountain northwest of Denver, acting in self-
defense after the predator attacked him, authorities said on Tuesday.
The man, who was not identified, survived the life-and-death s... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 47 Bat cave solves mystery of deadly SARS virus — and suggests new outbreak
could occur
Chinese scientists find all the genetic building blocks of SARS in a single
population of horseshoe bats.
David Cyranoski
Researchers analysed strains of SARS virus circulating in horseshoe bats,
such as this one (Rhinolophus sinicus), in a cave in Yunnan province, China.
Credit: Libiao Zhang/Guangdong Institute of Applied Biological Resource
After a detective hunt across China, researchers chasing the origin ... 阅读全帖 |
C***S 发帖数: 1159 | 48 要点:罐装病毒导致的感冒占比是10%到30%。这次的不同之处是能攻击下呼吸道。R0在
Science News
How the new coronavirus stacks up against SARS and MERS
For the third time since around 2003, a coronavirus has jumped from animals
to people
2019-nCoV transmission electron micrograph
A new coronavirus called 2019 novel coronavirus, or 2019-nCoV, (seen here in
a transmission electron micrograph) is spreading in China. It is similar to
both SARS and MERS.
COURTESY: IVDC, C... 阅读全帖 |