f***r 发帖数: 413 | 1 现在在准备dean's letter。但是有几个问题不是很明白,请大家帮帮忙。
第一,我在网上找到一个northwest university的模板。就基本按这个模板来写,但是
第二,在精华区考古的时候发现,有同学说dean's letter可以先由学校寄给我,然后
是,dean's letter上面只有我的名字,没有USMLE 或者别的什么ID。那么别人怎么知
道这个dean's letter是我的呢?而不是和我同名的别人的。我要怎么样才能确保让别
人把我的dean's letter和我联系起来?
第三,dean's letter里面appendix一大堆,到底能不能省啊?我看有的模板上是没有
第四,是不是dean's letter给院长签字就可以了?看有的同学说要盖学校的红章,这
个章盖 |
t*********n 发帖数: 240 | 2 You're very welcome. A cover letter is not needed for online LOR request. As
indicated by this system,
1. "You will be required to enter the contact information of your letter
writers including e-mail address. Your letter writers will be sent an e-mail
with a link from which they can access the on-line recommendation form and
upload a letter in support of your application."
2. "To submit a request for a new letter writer: click on New LoR Request,
enter your letter writer’s contact information, ... 阅读全帖 |
w*******y 发帖数: 60932 | 3 Amazon has on sale Earth's Best Organic Sesame Street Letter of the Day
Cookies, Oatmeal Cinnamon:
#39;s Best Organic Sesame Street Letter of the Day Cookies" rel="nofollow"
target="_blank" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'thread', 'click', '
3757524 - 6count-earths-best-organic-sesame-street-letter-of-the-day-cookies
-10-fs']);">Earth's Best Organic Sesame Street Letter of the Day Cookies,
Oatmeal Cinnamon [Earth's Best Organic Sesa... 阅读全帖 |
p***a 发帖数: 105 | 4 Obama阵营实在太贱了...
The Florida secretary of state is warning election supervisors across the
Sunshine State about a “possible act of voter intimidation and fraudulent
activity very seriously.”
In the letter, Secretary of State Ken Detzner says that voters in multiple
counties have recently received suspicious "official looking" mail alleging
that they are potentially ineligible to vote.
"In addition t... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 5 November 6, 2014 - 6:35 PM
By MATTHEW LEE and JULIE PACE, Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — In a rare outreach to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei, President Barack Obama has written a letter about the fight
against Islamic State militants, a common enemy in Syria and Iraq, according
to diplomatic sources.
The U.S. and Iran are each engaged in military efforts to degrade the
Islamic State group, essentially putting the longtime foes on the same side
in the campaign against the extre... 阅读全帖 |
f******2 发帖数: 1027 | 6 我申请了十几所学校,大约有4所学校要求upload reference letters,而且给出upload
3封reference letters的链接。我已经uploaded了CV即其它材料,但是申请状态显示
1.让我把申请的链接和登录密码告诉教授,请教授上传reference letters.
2. 让我上传一个list of reference文档。我上传了,但是还是incomplete状态。
3. 让我告诉推荐人把推荐信发到某个email地址。
最极品的一个学校,我申请了两个星期才完成申请。这个学校的要求和我的背景很... 阅读全帖 |
s********4 发帖数: 307 | 7 Hi, all
I have a question regarding the request for recommenation letters from
referees. As I saw many applicants here applied over 80 jobs during their
faculty position applications, I wonder how I should ask my referees to send
the letters to the schools that I am interested in? Should I ask a signed
copy of the letter from them and send the copy of the letter to the school I
want or I should give them the addresses of the schools I applied and ask *
them* to send the letters? I am sure that I... 阅读全帖 |
s*******o 发帖数: 163 | 8 这东西要怎么写?email说接受不行么??
"The acceptance letter can be addressed to me and you can refer to the offer
letter and other details specifically. "后半句话什么意思???
1. startup funds。
2. 绿卡
3. relocation package
1.人家说一涨不了,公立学校穷啊。2.说学校 we fully sponsor the permanent
residency application (green card) but most of the fees for this application
are paid by the faculty applicant. 这意思就是是sponsor eb1b。这个应该是学校
政策,要不要要求他们写进offer letter里?3.说学校没有relocation package
policy。但是他们自己打算给我2000快的budget。哎,公立学校穷啊。... 阅读全帖 |
s***n 发帖数: 392 | 9 我有一份完整的application package:CV、一页的cover letter、三页的research
statement,还有一页半的teaching statement。有的学校却说只要CV和cover letter,
"The cover letter should briefly describe the candidate’s research and
teaching experience."
一般cover letter不能超过两页吧,可是我感觉实在很难把我的research和teaching
research statement她都发一份过去,于是我又想是不是稍微扩充一下现在的cover
letter到一页多一点,然后把完整的research和teaching statement当附件?这样会不
大牛们给点建议?还有这事能直接问search committee负责人吗? |
l********s 发帖数: 358 | 10 【 以下文字转载自 Visa 讨论区 】
发信人: leileicats (Seeking a job in EDA industry), 信区: Visa
标 题: 请教H1B签证的Employment verification letter
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 14 23:34:48 2009, 美东)
精华区的H-1B签证的checklist有提到Employment verification letter?请问
Employment verification letter是些什么内容?这个letter是必需的吗?
师给我的document list里面没有提到这个Employment verification letter,如果这
个Employment verification letter就是关于职位的描述和职位的薪水的话,这些都在
H1B petition package里面有描述啊!
谢谢! |
h*******d 发帖数: 108 | 11 My husband got a letter from the BOA. The letter was titled "Re: Conditional
Approval" and I wonder if this is what's so called Pre-Approval letter? I
still don't know the difference between Pre-Approval letter and Pre-
Qualification letter. Can someone kindly explain?
Thanks a ton!!! |
c**********e 发帖数: 1184 | 12 Pre-Approval Letter是指银行或者贷款公司在看了您的收入,信用和个人信息等基本
serious buyer”。无论是银行还是贷款公司都可以出具此letter,但是最后的贷款银
行并不一定非得是出letter的机构。 |
c**********e 发帖数: 1184 | 13 Pre-Approval Letter是指银行或者贷款公司在看了您的收入,信用和个人信息等基本
serious buyer”。无论是银行还是贷款公司都可以出具此letter,但是最后的贷款银
行并不一定非得是出letter的机构。 |
z*******y 发帖数: 5 | 14 老板不愿意写supporting letter,因为那letter上写着: support change from J1
to H1b, 他顾虑是他明年没办法再帮我续约并转H1b了。虽然我跟他说这个letter就是
个形式,不是一个commitment。 他还是不愿意。
supporting letter,只给offer letter申请吗?能过吗?
另外: 如果我可以在未来几个月中找到公司工作,用公司的offer申请wavier行吗,让
公司的老板写supporting letter. 这样能过吗?
谢谢! |
s****e 发帖数: 165 | 15 准备申请waiver,遇到些问题,不太明白,希望大家给个建议!
Q1:看过本版一些内容,说中方领馆要求的聘书,可以是offer letter,这个我可以提
供,如此就可以不提供support letter了。不知道我这个理解对不对?
Q2:在向DOS递交材料时,是否一定需要老板的support letter?还是可以用offer
Q3:如果一定要写offer letter可以不提支持换H-1吗?一定要写“工作还有好多年,
!!! |
C*******n 发帖数: 150 | 16 第一年薄厚到今年7月1日到期,老板很好,愿意再留我一年,也同意我找工业界机会,
再搞一份新的offer letter,要写明7月1日以后还在工作。
我现在手头还没有工业界的offer,如果要实验室再开一份新的offer letter cover 今
offer letter,然后过两月撕破脸皮走人。
不知道版上有没有人有这方面经验啊,用老的offer letter延期OPT?我的老offer
决于实验室funding和个人表现。这个符合OPT延期需要的employment verification
谢谢!! |
s**u 发帖数: 9035 | 18 你可能遇到这样的情况, DOS没有把材料发到USCIS
See below case
发信人: li957728 (li), 信区: Postdoc
标 题: 终于Approved了我的J1waiver怎么这么多灾多难啊!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 26 21:41:41 2011, 美东)
馆的No Objection Statement后已于2011年1月18日给USCIS Vermont Service Center
发出Recommendation Letter并CC给我一份,等待USCIS处理。
2.按理说USCIS在收到DOS的Recommendation Letter后1-2周内应该寄给我I -797C,告
知我的case的reciept number,这样我可以登录USCIS的网站查询我的case的进展情况
的任何通知,甚至连I... 阅读全帖 |
P*****a 发帖数: 629 | 19 Dear all, I have a question.
For inviting parents to visit US, should I provide them invitation
letters to facilitate their B1/B2 visa application?
I googled the internet and found several letter templates for assisting
Indian citizens. Do they look good? Are these letters necessary? Especially,
do you think form I-134 is needed?
Thank you!!
[Sponsor's name]
[Full address]
Phone Numbers:
(Work): [(xxx) xxx-xxxx]
(Home): [(xxx) xxx-xxxx]
Email: [email address]
[Visitor's name... 阅读全帖 |
a****g 发帖数: 70 | 20 【 以下文字转载自 Immigration 讨论区 】
发信人: arhong (爱我吗?爱你亚), 信区: Immigration
标 题: Employment verification letter instead of original offer letter
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 14 16:48:38 2011, 美东)
Original offer letter 指明这只是一个三年的职位。所以那个letter用不了了。
学校同意出具一份Employment verification letter,可以写上permanent的意思。
递交这样的一个verification letter会不会成功? |
w*********g 发帖数: 139 | 21 EB1A 140批了,正在准备485。看到网上给的checklist里面有employment letter。根
据485 instructions, 貌似需要employer sponsor的140/485才要求这个letter。
用手里的原版postdoc offer letter?但offer letter是写给我的,不是写给
immigration officer, 不知这样可以吗?
请高人指点,谢谢! |
g****l 发帖数: 86 | 22 我的公司本来很愿意支持我申请Eb1b的;问题是我2008年6月被公司招的时候,
offer letter上是个non-research position, process engineer.后来同年9月
我内部调到R&D,在现在职位快2年了。HR死活不愿意为如今的research position 出具
offer letter, 只愿意开employment verification letter 和书面解释内部调动这个
事件。我的律师认为,offer letter是法律规定的。有前人经验吗?想问,如果出示
non-research position offer letter, 加current R&D employment verification
letter 和书面解释内部调动, 可以过关吗? |
j****e 发帖数: 919 | 23 递交140材料时,有一封从公司开的support letter里面说了permanent, full time,
research position.现在RFE要求:
Offer of employment: Submit an offer of employment in the form of an
original, signed letter from institute of a private employer offering the
beneficiary's permanent research position in the beneficiary's academic
我的offer letter是两年多前的,里面并没有那些permanent, full time, research
字眼。我需要重新找公司开一封offer letter 还是找公司要一个job verification
letter? 因为RFE里面说是in the form of an original, signed letter,所以担心是
不是一定要用这两年前的origina |
w*********m 发帖数: 4740 | 24 请问这个 offer letter 最好是谁签字呀?
-3页.用了6封推荐信(5封独立).其实我对petition letter不是很满意,特别是
再自己好好写.过了一个月果然RFE来了,但不是针对claim的两项,却是offer letter的
小.我的petition letter是学校律师代表学校签的,用的offer letter是一年前办H1-1b
时老板写,信写的很简单,就提到了starting date, permenant,job duties, job title
和 salary. 结果IO认为老板只是学校的普通教授,没有任命权利,所以我递交的不是真
正的offer letter, |
y**c 发帖数: 447 | 25 my offer letter has a clear empolyment period which is 12 months.
but my school HR's emplyment verification letter says position is regarded
as permanent.
If I send both letter plus my boss's letter with support of continuing
employment, would that be good ?
I worry the formal letter's 12-month period can cause me some problem. How
is/was that in your case ?
thanks. |
j*******e 发帖数: 51 | 26 尺短寸长
一篇Petition Letter 多长为宜?仍以EB1B 为例,我们一起来估算一下。用Word默认
的Page Layout,字体为Times New Roman, 字号为11,行距为1.5倍。
分论点5 和6,价值较低,需多方引用,反复论证, 约需5-15页。
加在一起,如果只用两个论点,Petition Letter的长度可能在5-33页。对采用到5和6
的朋友而言,约需13-33页。如果用两 个以上论点,Petition Letter还会更长。
有朋友担心移民官不喜欢长的Petition Letter。这大可不必。相对于那两三百页总数
八落的supporting information耐看多了。谁个不喜,哪个不爱?而且以前早有高人道
人们。... 阅读全帖 |
z*****8 发帖数: 75 | 27 Dear friends,
I am asking for the number of pages for recommendation letters for GC
application. My lawyer (one on Mitbbs) told me that each letter should be
around two pages and no more than three pages. However, I asked some of my
friends who did before on this issue. They told me that they wrote much more
than three pages when they applied for GC before. One of my friends even
told me that he wrote about 12 pages for one recommendation letter and
averge 8 pages for other recommenders. He also... 阅读全帖 |
T*******y 发帖数: 6523 | 28 "今天拿到e-file的copy,律师错用了旧的cover letter"
I haven't used e-file, so I don't know for sure. But is cover-letter
submitted in the online portion? You will send in the supporting documents
soon, right? Can you use the correct cover letter in the package to be
I feel that the cover letter is very important. An inconsistent letter is on
the border line of fraudulence, no matter whose mistake it is, and maybe
you need to bear the consequences. That's too sad.
assistant |
j*****4 发帖数: 19 | 29 NSC, IO JSS0105
RFE里还要evidence of education的,这个简单,但好像我从来没听说过。
不承认contribution,international recognition。这两条我隔天单独发帖上来请教。
最郁闷的是offer letter,原文如下:
......However, please submit a complete copy of the actual letter and/or
contract offering employment to the beneficiary issued at the time of hire
by the appropriate university hiring authority pursuant to Title 8, Code of
Federal Regulations 204.5(i)(3). This letter or contract must set forth the
title, terms a... 阅读全帖 |
d******g 发帖数: 988 | 30 When you first submit I-140, you should include your original offer letter.
Check the 2nd page of the letter, to see if they have something like "this
is a position with no fixed term" or "without definite duration".
USCIS is asking for the original offer letter, you have to give that one to
If you can get the department chair, vp sign on the letter saying that this
is a permanent position, it probably be fine.
I heard an extreme case from our international center, uscis is asking for a
le... 阅读全帖 |
w*******p 发帖数: 19 | 31 dharmacon, 你的回答很误导人。EB1B是要求最初的offer letter的。Offer letter
和你现在有没有工作没有什么矛盾。如果没有工作,公司怎么会给fileEB1B? 当然很多
人还还会提供Employment verification letter (虽然USCIS并没有要求,但交 485时
一定需要),主要用来说明非tenure track研究职位的永久性permanent。
具体offer letter 可不可以back date,这个要看公司的规定。按道理正规的公司不可
能在最初入职时不提供offer letter。USCIS防的也是这个。
大家首先要看USCIS的memo和判例。看判例就知道原始offer letter是必须提供的。 |
c********g 发帖数: 2075 | 32 接洽的是版上的著名律师之一,案子是他手下的助手办的。之前因为他的助手不肯加我
这一次的矛盾是petition letter。之前我把所有的相关证据都寄给了律师。结果律师
起草的petition letter基本是第一部分就是反复罗列citation有多少,paper有多少,
研究的基础等等,只是笼统地说去参考exhibit 多少。我感觉这种写法很risky,没有办
法验证申请人如何是Top 1%,根据版上最近的例子这种写法有可能被RFE,因为单纯引用
推荐人说你如何牛都是主观的(即使推荐人和你不认识),关键还是要hard facts。我
基本重写了律师的petition letter,加了很多事实和细节进去,参照版上的模板列了
一些图表。说实话,我花了一个星期的时间自己重新写petition letter,期间都感觉
请律师还不如自己写。再加... 阅读全帖 |
o*********i 发帖数: 550 | 33 看到精华版里的485 checklist,都提供了Employment verification letter。但是我
verification letter是不是不太好呀。今天去学校问了,说新的letter最少还要两个
我又找出一个最早来做博后时,老板给的offer letter,上面没有什么起止日期,是不
是可以用这个offer letter来代替Employment verification letter呢? |
e****u 发帖数: 121 | 34 Dear all,
What are the differences between supporting letter and recommendation
letter ?
I asked one professor write a supporting letter, since he is the chairman
of a technical committee and I am in that committee. That letter he wrote
for me is like a normal recommendation letter, talking about my
qualifications as a committee member.
Thanks in advance, |
b*****f 发帖数: 851 | 35 大家好,我想问一下Editor's verification letter请哪个编辑写好呢?比如说我为A
方法1、给这三个不同的编辑写信,请求出具Editor's verification letter,证明我
是这个编辑可能只邀请我审稿2篇,我能在Editor's verification letter里面说“因
方法2、直接给editor-in-chief写信,请求出具Editor's verification letter,证明
方法3、给associate editor写信,请求出具Editor's verification letter,证明我
editor,是不是得挨个发信问他们看是否愿意帮我出具Editor's verification let... 阅读全帖 |
l********8 发帖数: 668 | 36 我估计你朋友一定有offer letter,不然怎么证明不造成美国的负担。当然这种offer
letter可能不需要履行,所以只要有,就可拿到绿卡。同时出offer letter的人也没必
要真的雇佣你朋友。所以你朋友到了这边好多年都没有工作。这种出offer letter的人
如果在美国没什么关系,回到国内,估计这种出offer letter的人会很难找。 |
l********8 发帖数: 668 | 37 我估计你朋友一定有offer letter,不然怎么证明不造成美国的负担。当然这种offer
letter可能不需要履行,所以只要有,就可拿到绿卡。同时出offer letter的人也没必
要真的雇佣你朋友。所以你朋友到了这边好多年都没有工作。这种出offer letter的人
如果在美国没什么关系,回到国内,估计这种出offer letter的人会很难找。 |
H*H 发帖数: 1244 | 38 今天收到了 RFE,果然是RFE 体检过期 以及current employment letter
上次体检的医生已经退休了。是不是要从新找体检医生,还有以前的疫苗体检表格 (
current employment letter 可以提交contract 吗?上面有雇佣的日期,position,
以及salary。上面有老板,hr 的签字。
current employment letter 的要求是这样的 “Submit a letter of employment
attesting to your offer of proposed employment. This letter should be
written on the company's official letterhead and cite the date you will
begin working, whether the position is permanent and full-time, a
description of the position... 阅读全帖 |
v********a 发帖数: 646 | 39 被RFE 两次
第一次,我写信说明我是NIW, 无需permanent employment letter
2nd and final Notice:
Submit a currently dated letter or other evidence from your intended
permanent employer that indicates your current position, if any, your
proffer position, the date your began employment, and the proffered salary
or wage. The letter must indicate whether the terms and conditions of the
employment-based immigrant based visa petition (or labor certification)
continue to exist.
Important: If y... 阅读全帖 |
c********z 发帖数: 1688 | 40 blog:http://randommumble.wordpress.com
准备好了简历,下一个文档就是cover letter了。其实对衡量你是否是一个好的候选人
来说,cover letter的作用几乎是零(很多情况下主管技术工作的人或者雇人经理根本
见不到cover letter)。那么为什么还要准备cover letter呢?答案和简历的
qualification那一段差不多 — 主要目的是帮助你顺利度过/混过recruiter/HR这一关。
写cover letter也是有固定的套路的,而且这个套路更简单(一两个字)。不过俺已经
常非常重要的,但是 qualification其实还不是他们/她们的“第一印象”。第一印象
是什么?就是cover letter了。这么说吧, 找工作就和(通过介绍人)找对象差不多
个好印象呢?差不多唯一的办法就是想办法减 |
C****u 发帖数: 1464 | 41 Permission:
CogNeu: You have my permission to post my reply letter to you on the web
if you wish to do so.
MM Poo
Dear CogNeu:
Thank you for your inquiry on the authenticity of a letter I wrote in 2001
(to my lab members at Berkeley). Yes, I wrote the letter (in English),
although the Chinese commentaries and quotes supposedly referring to the
letter were often inaccurate interpretation and sometimes outright
distortion of the content of the letter. Despite the fact that this was a
priva |
t********9 发帖数: 81 | 42 各位已经接受prematch或者已经在做residency的学长们,以下是我查到的答案from
here is what i know about prematch and i could be wrong.
once u sign the letter of intent, which is signed by PD also. u now have
know locked urself out of match.
u can still attend all the IVs u want. u can even sign another prematch
letter of intent.
but u can not enter a match.
now the details.
1. once u sign the letter. and now u submit ROL for match and u r matched
and try to back-out from other program. the program can info... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 43 各位大侠,昨天问了学校,可以得到dean letter,所以今天给ecfmg发信了,说明我们
可以出具dean letter的证明,果断被拒绝了,他们说dean letter不能作为exception
的证据,还是要求我用执业医师证做exception再附上dean letter。
晕,以前的前辈好像都是报名时直接附上dean letter就好了,可是我就被拒绝了,是
通过dean letter成功报名的例子再去争取一下?谢谢大家,如果有成功案例,愿意与
我分享,不胜感激!! |
H**p 发帖数: 135 | 44 Letters
The writers of the New Testament letters follow the 'rules' for letter writing
of the first century AD. This began with an opening sentence giving the name
of the writer and the recipient. Then followed a general greeting with a
general greeting and enquiry into the health of the recipient. The main
section of the letter was concluded with a personal greeting. However, the New
Testament letter are much longer than the average 150-200 words of the letters
of that period. Even Philemon, th |
C******l 发帖数: 859 | 45 类似于cover letter
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: skyview (sky), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: letter of interest 是什么?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 29 22:32:56 2011, 美东)
不好意思,新手开始找工作。 letter of interest 是 cover letter, 还是要写自己
... is expected to pursue extramural funding opportunities, and applicants
with previous experience as successful independent investigators are
please forward a letter of interest and current curriculum vitae to |
w********d 发帖数: 270 | 46 NSF does NOT allow "letter of recommendation", but accept " letter of
Apparently, your letter sounds more like a "letter of recommendation" than a
"letter of collaboration", and it SHOULD be withdrawn. If you do not
withdraw it, I would guess your proposal may be rejected without review. |
E********e 发帖数: 1734 | 47 可以催。
我当时是星期二面试。星期三上午我的几个推荐人接到电话进行reference check。星
期三下午收到email offer letter。星期四上午email通知我说正式的offer letter已
经寄出来,同时email附件里面有扫描的offer letter。
成我的名字,其它都不是我的情况,连时间都是错的,是给那个人发offer letter的日
期,比当天的日期早了很多。看来制作的小秘想偷懒。不过院长和主管副校长也签了字。估计他们都没仔细看内容,秘书让签就签了。于是我回email要求重新打印重新寄。学校的效率也真快。我发出 email后大约两小时,收到邮件说新的offer letter寄出来了。 |
x********9 发帖数: 682 | 48 发现不同的job有的要求发送letter of interest,有的要求发送letter of intent或
cover letter,求教这三者的区别,是否差不多?
谢谢 |
s******g 发帖数: 3841 | 49 最近在market上的朋友都去onsite了,讨论thank you letter回复的越来越多了,以下
个人经验No.1, 分析thank you letter的回复基本没有实际价值,只有在等offer闲极
大部分人的回复都是thank you for coming. we were happy to have you visiting
here. I enjoyed your talk and our discussion. 这几句话排列组合,所以一旦看到
SCC和department chair一般会加一句,we will be in touch soon/in a few weeks/
in... 阅读全帖 |
s******g 发帖数: 3841 | 50 最近在market上的朋友都去onsite了,讨论thank you letter回复的越来越多了,以下
个人经验No.1, 分析thank you letter的回复基本没有实际价值,只有在等offer闲极
大部分人的回复都是thank you for coming. we were happy to have you visiting
here. I enjoyed your talk and our discussion. 这几句话排列组合,所以一旦看到
SCC和department chair一般会加一句,we will be in touch soon/in a few weeks/
in... 阅读全帖 |