

全部话题 - 话题: likeshow
发帖数: 9459
Mariam Abutaleb My neighbor in Urbana drives this car. She's a young Chinese
girl, possibly her friend?
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Adie Shepherd
Adie Shepherd Call the police and report this right away
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César Pascual
César Pascual Does your neighbor look like the person inside the car of
this picture? http://imgur.com/a/02XTU
发帖数: 1112
Larry Wayne Lindsey
1 hr ·
Do not trust anything the GOP or the media tells you! We have not won yet!
If you have not voted, you MUST GO VOTE in order for Trump to actually win
the nomination. The GOP is hoping and praying that we get complacent and
that Trump doesn't get the 1,237 need to secure the nomination...even then
there is a chance some of the delegates will defect and cast their vote for
Cruz or Kasich, causing a brokered convention, so they can replace Trump
with their own candidate..... 阅读全帖