p****y 发帖数: 23737 | 1 http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2004/01/kim-jong-il
I Was Kim Jong Il's Cook
True stories from the Dear Leader's onetime chef
By Kenji Fujimoto
The author, who writes under a pseudonym, is a Japanese sushi chef. In 1982,
at the invitation of a Japanese-North Korean trading company, he started wo
rking in a sushi restaurant in Pyongyang. In 1988 he agreed to serve as Kim
Jong Il's personal chef—a job he held until 2001. In April of that year, ha
ving realized the extent of the paranoi... 阅读全帖 |
S*********g 发帖数: 24893 | 2 收到古的email:
Dear Stephen King,
I am Mrs. Kai-Lai Gu, wife of Chongqing leader Xilai Bo, who was
imprisoned by the unspeakable PM Jiabao Wen in my country P.R.China.
I am desperately looking for a foreign partner whom I can trust to handle
some investment for me.
My Husband deposited the sum of RMB¥65.4B (Sixty five billion four hundred
million Chinese Renminbi) each in my name at two reputable security
companies in Malaysia. I will disclose to you their names as we proceed. I
have already left Ch... 阅读全帖 |
S*********g 发帖数: 24893 | 3 http://www.prosperity.com/Ranking.aspx
Rank country economy entrepreneurship governance education health
safety personal-freedom social-capital
1 Norway 2 4 13 6 4 2 6 1
2 Denmark 19 1 3 16 16 8 7 2
3 Sweden 5 2 4 12 14 6 5 9
4 Australia 10 8 8 2 17 19 3 3
5 New Zealand 27 13 2 1 20 13 2 4
6 Canada 8 16 6 3 15 9 1 8
... 阅读全帖 |
s********n 发帖数: 26222 | 4 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: smokinggun (硝烟), 信区: Military
标 题: 侯鸟可以跨亚洲美洲迁徙,可能成为携带病毒载体
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 4 11:19:49 2013, 美东)
These transcontinental migrants, which traveled primarily in the daytime,
flew far too high to be observed and identified visually. However, evidence
suggests that they are mostly shorebirds—such as Red Phalaropes and Long-
billed Dowitchers—along with some species of tern and skua. By flying east
to the North American mai... 阅读全帖 |
S*********g 发帖数: 24893 | 8 和5年前的2010年比,中国的名义GDP翻了一倍,名次从top52%跃入40%
名次 Country US$
1 Luxembourg 103,187
2 Switzerland 82,178
3 Qatar 78,829
4 Norway 76,266
5 United States 55,904
6 Singapore 53,224
7 Australia 51,642
8 Denmark 51,424
9 Iceland 51,068
10 San Marino 49,139
11 Sweden 48,966
12 Ireland 48,940
13 Netherlands 44,333
14 United Kingdom 44,118
15 Canada 43,935
16 Austria 43,547
17 Finland 42,159
— Hong Kong 42,097
18 Germany 41,267
19 Belgium 40,456
20 ... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 9 自2016年5月新總統上任後,由於執政黨立場與中國方面有著明顯的政治觀念歧異,陸
原本... 阅读全帖 |
c***s 发帖数: 70028 | 10 昨日,马来西亚吉隆坡,马来西亚代理交通部长希沙姆丁表示,马方已扩大搜索海域的范围,主要集中在南海和马六甲海峡。 新华社发
新京报讯 马来西亚空军司令罗扎利·达乌德12日说,马来西亚军用雷达8日凌晨曾监测到不明物体的信号,信号从军用雷达上消失的时间是2时15分,显示方位在马来西亚槟榔屿西北部约200英里(约合320公里),而失联客机在1时30分从民用雷达上消失。达乌德表示,目前不能确认这个雷达信号来自失联客机,但不排除客机曾试图折返。
据外交部网站消息,昨日,外交部发言人秦刚就马航客机在失联前曾折返传言答记者问时表示,中方已通过外交渠道要求马方立... 阅读全帖 |
c***s 发帖数: 70028 | 11 网站AirlineRatings.com近日公布了全球10大最安全航空公司排行榜,澳航(Qantas)高居榜首。上周六发生客机失联事件的马来西亚航空公司(Malaysia Airlines)没有进入前十。
安全排名最低的航空公司包括阿富汗的Kam Air、哈萨克斯坦的Scat Airlines、南美苏利南的Blue Wing Airlines。网站指出,2013年飞机失事宗数是1945年以来最少,共发生了29宗意外,有269人死亡。 |
i***s 发帖数: 39120 | 12 周一,马航370航班上的乘客的家属在北京的一家酒店观看新闻发布会。
但是,马来西亚航空(Malaysia Airlines)370航班于午夜时分在泰国湾上空大幅度调转方向,然后又在马来西亚的两个大城市及其他一些村镇的上空盘旋了将近半个小时,其间却似乎没有任何来自飞机的消息。从调查人员目前能够确定的情况来看,飞机转变航向后,人们没有接收到飞机上任何人的电话,Twitter、微博、Instagram照片和其他讯息。
尚无证据表明“他们曾试图与任何号码进行联络,但他们仍在核实,还有数百万条记录等待他们处理”,马航首席执行官阿迈德·焦哈里·叶哈亚(Ahmad Jauhari Yahya)在周一的新闻发布会上说。
在移动通讯几乎无所不在的今天,这架飞机却似乎没有留下任何话语,这个事实引起了飞行员、通讯专家及其他一些人的诸多争论。飞机上的乘客大部分都来自马来西亚和中国,这两个国家的手机使用率非常... 阅读全帖 |
c***s 发帖数: 70028 | 13 调查人员透露,在马来西亚航空(Malaysia Airlines) 370航班与轨道卫星最后一次完整通信结束八分钟后,这架客机曾发出不完整数据连接请求,这可能有助于调查人员了解失联飞机停止飞行前究竟发生了什么。
运营这颗卫星的国际海事卫星组织(Inmarsat)的高级副总裁麦克劳克林(Chris McLaughlin)表示,这架波音777-200ER飞机最后一次输出不完整数据的原因尚未查明。这架飞机3月8日从民用雷达上消失。
马来西亚官方周二早些时候发布的一份声明称,英国航空事故调查局(Air Accidents Investigations Branch... 阅读全帖 |
t******g 发帖数: 372 | 14 辟谣了
航机失踪事件并非丈夫所为br />
指他是一名“书虫”,不相信客机失踪是其所为。 |
i***s 发帖数: 39120 | 15 虽然机长扎哈里背负着外界对于“劫机”主角的猜疑,但其同学、好友、前上司均对21世纪经济报道记者表示不相信,并对婚姻危机、精神疾病、恐怖主义等劫机原由揣测,一一驳斥。
在马航MH370客机失联事件发生之后,尽管没有证据指向机长扎哈里(Zaharie Ahmad Shah)与副机长法里克(Fariq Abdul Hamid),但他们依然背负着外界对于“劫机”主角的猜疑。而随着FBI调查的介入,拥有30年飞行经验的机长扎哈里,更是成为一些舆论指责的“嫌疑人”。近期,21世纪经济报道记者寻访到机长扎哈里的同学、好友、前上司,以及副机长法里克的邻居,还原他们生活与工作细节。
位于马来西亚半岛西北侧的槟城(Penang)是扎哈里的故乡,1961年,扎哈里出生在那里。在扎哈里的高中同学纳西尔的印象中,高中时期的扎哈里性格开朗,整天都很快乐,“我虽然没有细致去了解他的家庭情况,但可以看得出,他来自一个big family(大家庭),家中至少有超过5个小孩。”
在Penang Free School(中文名为“槟城大英义中学”)念高中的最后两年间,纳西尔与机长扎哈里是同班同学。在马航MH370失联... 阅读全帖 |
o***s 发帖数: 42149 | 16 据报道,因过多负债导致资金周转恶化的马来西亚政府投资基金1Malaysia Development Bhd(1MDB)出售地块的部分股份被中国铁路工程总公司(China Railway Engineering Co.)和马来西亚房地产业
河(Lim Kang Hoo)联合竞得。该交易也有助于中国铁路工程总公司竞标建设连接吉隆坡和新加坡的高速铁路项目。
报道援引知情人士的话称,中国铁路工程总公司将和林刚河旗下的Iskandar Waterfront Holdings提出具有约束力的收购提议,购买吉隆坡中心附近Bandar Malaysia地块60%的股份,1MDB仍持有余下的
40%的股权。值得注意的是,1MDB可能会将目前的报价至少提高到25.7亿美元。 该地块是1MDB从政府手中低价购买的吉隆坡两处地块中的一处,总面积约196.67万平方米。1MDB原本计划将其开发为一个
了解出售程序的知情人士称,马来西亚一家在房地产开发领域拥有权益的国有公司也发出了具有约束力的收购提议,但... 阅读全帖 |
o***s 发帖数: 42149 | 17 据台湾媒体报道,歌手苏盈之夺下马来西亚世界小姐桂冠后步入娱乐圈,美姐的刻板印象使她依然不被认可或看好,于是6年前她毅然决然进马来西亚开放大学(Open University Malaysia)攻读博士,希望证明“美姐”依然可以内外兼具。
苏盈之高呼:“Bye Soo Wincci, Hi Dr. Soo Wincci!” 正式宣告博士研究所毕业并晋升“苏博士”.
于是6年前决定开始攻读工商管理博士研究所,借此训练... 阅读全帖 |
I********l 发帖数: 8702 | 18 人口增长世界第一没有什么问题啊。
Country 1960 1976 Abs Chng
China 667070000 930685000 263615000
India 434849000 627632414.4 192783414.4
Indonesia 93058069 134323352 41265283
Brazil 72743915 110708146 37964231
United States 180671000 218035000 37364000
Pakistan 45851000 73305195.55 27454195.55
Bangladesh 54138214 81203793 27065579
Mexico 36939890 6... 阅读全帖 |
D*****i 发帖数: 8922 | 20 你给的这片文章在认定炎帝和黄帝的基因型上,跟我看的一片文章正好相反。这篇文章
found in Southeast Asian populations of Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia and
southern China. The O2b sub-group is of high frequency in the Japanese and
Korean populations. |
k*****s 发帖数: 63 | 21 伊拉克战争非法,对美国国内政治辩论还是有影响的。
Bush & Blair 将来会不会被钉上 war crime 的耻辱柱,现在言之过早。
A tribunal in Malaysia, spearheaded by that nation’s former Prime Minister,
yesterday found George Bush and Tony Blair guilty of “crimes against peace
” and other war crimes for their 2003 aggressive attack on Iraq, as well as
fabricating pretexts used to justify the attack.
http://www.salon.com/2011/11/23/bush_and_blair_found_guilty_of_ |
h*i 发帖数: 3446 | 22 当然是汉藏近。汉日都比汉人与东南亚人近。
From wikipedia:
The subgroup O3a5-M134 is particularly closely associated with Sino-Tibetan
populations, and it is generally not found outside of areas where a Sino-
Tibetan language is currently spoken or that are historically supposed to
have undergone Chinese colonization or immigration, such as Korea, Japan,
Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia. However, its presence
among non-Sino-Tibetan populations is alw... 阅读全帖 |
g**8 发帖数: 4951 | 23 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: go88 (旧友重来), 信区: Military
标 题: 再说关于数字的思考: 第二次马航事件中的数字7
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 21 16:17:11 2014, 美东)
发贴无数次指出的那些表面极左的id. 就事论事,很多人大家在事实面前都是理性思考
大家指出的第三方,偏... 阅读全帖 |
l*******g 发帖数: 27064 | 24 As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given
country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving
minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:
United States -- Muslim 0.6%美国
Australia -- Muslim 1.5%澳洲
Canada -- Muslim 1.9%加拿大
China -- Muslim 1.8%中国
Italy -- Muslim 1.5%意大利
Norway -- Muslim 1.8%挪威
At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and
disaffected groups, oft... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 25 自2016年5月新總統上任後,由於執政黨立場與中國方面有著明顯的政治觀念歧異,陸
原本... 阅读全帖 |
w****l 发帖数: 6122 | 26 malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Petronas Towers |
T*******i 发帖数: 805 | 27 北美WSN虽然不平等不快乐,但是至少有米。如果米国没有米,大部分wsn不会因为所谓的民主自由留下吧。富士康如果发到北美、日本的工资水平,虽然很多人还是不快乐,但至少值得忍受了。问题是,如果发到北美、日本的工资水平,人家苹果、HP还用的着富士康了么。所以那些IT巨头是一边在舔血,一边说“大家吃相好点,不要不小心把血溅到自己漂亮的西服上哦。如果实在没办法,不妨挂个Made in China的围裙,肮脏了就用CNN的牛屎或BBC的狗屎洗洗,实在洗不干净就换个Made in Malaysia的围裙,可能贵10cent。” |
u****n 发帖数: 7521 | 28 海外华人人口列表:
Indonesia 7,776,000
Thailand 7,053,240
Malaysia 6,324,000
United States 3,858,000
Canada 1,318,000
Vietnam 1,309,000
Peru 1,300,000
Philippines 1,170,000
Myanmar 1,121,000
Australia 669,896
Japan 655,377
Russia 500,000
United Kingdom 400,000
Cambodia |
u****n 发帖数: 7521 | 29 按比例排名:
国家 华人人口 比例
Singapore 2.7 million 2009 74.2%
Malaysia 7.1 million 2008 26.0%
Samoa 30,000 2005 16.2%
Brunei 43,000 2006 15%
Thailand 7.0 million 2005 14%
Suriname 70,000 2003 14%
Panama 135,000 2003 5.0%
Peru 1.3 million 2005 4.56%
Canada |
E*V 发帖数: 17544 | 30 BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told the European Union on
Wednesday to stop piling pressure on Beijing to revalue its currency, saying
a rapid shift could unleash disastrous social turmoil.
Wen told an EU-China business forum in Brussels that China would implement a
reform of its currency regime announced in June, making the exchange rate
more flexible, but rebuffed calls from EU leaders for a rapid and
substantial appreciation.
"Do not work to pressurize us on the renminbi rate... 阅读全帖 |
T**********r 发帖数: 1223 | 31 http://web.stratfor.com/images/writers/CHINA_RARE_EARTH_ELEMENTS.pdf?fn=9617327557
China and the Future of Rare Earth Elements
October 14, 2010
PDF Version
* Click here to download a PDF of this report
A recent diplomatic spat between China and Japan has heightened territorial
tensions and called attention to China’s growing forcefulness with foreign
powers. One of the more intriguing aspects of this development was China’s
suspension of the export of “rare ea... 阅读全帖 |
t*******h 发帖数: 2882 | 32 http://www.economist.com/blogs/asiaview/2010/11/taiwan_and_japan
Breaking formation
Nov 9th 2010, 17:30 by S.C. | SEOUL
This year Taiwan’s standard of living surpassed Japan’s
IN THE 1930s the Japanese economist Kaname Akamatsu proposed a theory of how
the economies of Asia could take wing. It became known as the “flying
geese” model of development. As Akamatsu pointed out, “Wild geese fly in
orderly ranks forming an inverse V, just as airplanes fly in formation.”
Japan, the first Asian country ... 阅读全帖 |
f***4 发帖数: 886 | 33 Malaya 1948-60: fatalities 340
Lasting from 1948 until 1960, the Malayan emergency was a period of unrest
following the creation of the Federation of Malaya after World War II.
British forces were used to suppress the uprising led by rebels of the
largely Chinese Communist Party of Malaya. Its policy of relocating rural
Chinese into "New villages" proved especially unpopular. Later, after
addressing political grievances, the uprising petered out.
Yangtze River incident 1949: fatalities 46
On 20 ... 阅读全帖 |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 34 Rank? Nation? Gold? Silver? Bronze? Total?
1 Australia 74 55 48 177
2 India 38 27 36 101
3 England 37 59 46 142
4 Canada 26 17 32 75
5 South Africa 12 11 10 33
6 Kenya 12 11 9 32
7 Malaysia 12 10 13 35
8 Singapore 11 11 9 31
9 Nigeria ... 阅读全帖 |
d*******u 发帖数: 940 | 35 http://www.bernama.com/bernama/v5/newsworld.php?id=548110
摘要:200kph, 中泰合资,84M RMB 项目。。
84m RMB能修几公里高铁....
BANGKOK, Dec 6 (Bernama)-- Thailand's Deputy Prime Minister Suthep
Thaugsuban revealed on Monday that the construction of the 800 billion baht
(RM84.03 million) high speed train project is scheduled to start next year,
Thai News Agency (TNA) reported.
The high speed trains, travelling 200 kilometres per hour is a joint venture
between Thailand and China.
Before leaving for the World Congress... 阅读全帖 |
E*V 发帖数: 17544 | 36 Twentieth century
Boxer Rebellion (1900) - United Kingdom, Austria-Hungary, France,
Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, USA, and China
Anglo-Aro war (1901–1902) - Nigeria
World War I (1914–1918) - United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Serbia,
Italy, Russia, United States vs Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and
Ottoman Empire
Easter Rising (1916) - Ireland
Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War (1918–1922)
Third Anglo-Afghan War (1919)
Anglo-Irish War (1919–1921)
Wor... 阅读全帖 |
S*********g 发帖数: 24893 | 37 国际货币基金组织统计,2010年中国人均GDP达到4283美元。
Rank Country US$
1 Luxembourg 104,390
2 Norway 84,543
3 Qatar[4] 74,422
4 Switzerland 67,074
5 Denmark 55,113
6 Australia 54,869
7 Sweden 47,667
8 United Arab Emirates 47,406
9 United States 47,132
10 Netherlands 46,418
11 Canada 45,888
12 Ireland 45,642
13 Austria 43,723
14 Finland 43,134
15 Singapore 42,653
16 Belgium 42,596
17 Japan 42,325
18 France 40,591
19 Germany 40,512
20 Iceland 39,563
... 阅读全帖 |
D**g 发帖数: 739 | 38 好蛋悲愤之前不会先Google一下啊?看看英美发达国家的比例如何
total tax revenue as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) for the
listed countries
Country↓ Heritage
[Full citation needed]↓ OECD 2009
(some 2008).[2]↓ Eurostat 2008[3]↓
Afghanistan 6.4
Albania 22.9
Algeria 7.7
Angola 5.7
Argentina 22.9
Armenia 14.1
Australia 30.5 27.1 (2008)
Austria 43.4 42.8 41.8
Azerbaijan 17.8
Bahamas, ... 阅读全帖 |
H****g 发帖数: 14447 | 39 1. 1961-1978年期间,新加坡日本这样的资本主义发达国家的GDP增幅都很高啊。
2. 下面的数据剔除了发达国家,也不影响整个结论的成立,那就是毛时代的经济增速
Oman 14.97286606
Botswana 11.9099474
Gabon 8.807770906
Cote d'Ivoire 8.452465971
Syrian Arab Republic 8.112501655
Thailand 7.781182339
Malta 7.709810222
Israel 7.41871663
Lesotho 7.335469878
Brazil 7.283922843
Malaysia 7.047876082
Dominican Republic 6.715274662
Togo 6.592520618
Mexico 6.426674653
Kenya 6.412881631
Panam... 阅读全帖 |
w*********s 发帖数: 2136 | 40 Rothschilds Stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt To Kill Islamic Banks In
Emerging North African Markets
PwP Exclusive ©Feb 9 2011
Background: Tunisia has undergone increasing economic liberalization over
the last decade: In the 2010-2011 World Economic Forum’s Global
Competitiveness Report, it was ranked as the most competitive country in
Africa, as well as the 32nd most economically competitive country globally.
North Africa’s large Muslim populations are a vast business opportunity
... 阅读全帖 |
s********n 发帖数: 26222 | 41 Rothschilds Stage Revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt To Kill Islamic Banks In
Emerging North African Markets
PwP Exclusive ©Feb 9 2011
Background: Tunisia has undergone increasing economic liberalization over
the last decade: In the 2010-2011 World Economic Forum’s Global
Competitiveness Report, it was ranked as the most competitive country in
Africa, as well as the 32nd most economically competitive country globally.
North Africa’s large Muslim populations are a vast business opportunity
... 阅读全帖 |
w*******g 发帖数: 9932 | 42 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110308/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_egypt#mwp
This is someone's comment that I found very interesting. Too bad the end was
cut off.
Things to think about as you contemplate Islam:
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given cou
ntry, they will be for the most part being regarded as a peace-loving minori
ty, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:
United States -- Muslim 0.6%
Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
Canada -- Mu... 阅读全帖 |
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 43 VOA Chinese, Mar 14, 2011.
My comment:
(a) The VOA report says "印度明年的国防预算为325亿美元,比两年前增加40%." I
do not know about the second clause (though I have doubt, see the following
Reuters report), but the number in the first clause is wrong.
(i) Sanjeev Miglani, With an eye on China, India steps up defence spending.
Reuters, Feb 28, 2011.
/india-budget-military-idUSSGE71R02Y2... 阅读全帖 |
A*******e 发帖数: 12486 | 44 【 以下文字转载自 Japan 讨论区 】
发信人: fruitarian (果儿), 信区: Japan
标 题: 避难天堂是哪里啊?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 16 00:08:33 2011, 美东)
... 阅读全帖 |
T1 发帖数: 4732 | 45 korea, india, panama, lybia, syria, uganda, nigeria, malaysia, indonesia,
australia, mongolia, |
H*********S 发帖数: 22772 | 46 摘自百度百科:
Ractopamine is a drug that is used as a... 阅读全帖 |
v*****s 发帖数: 20290 | 48 Country Number executed in 2009
1 People's Republic of China Officially not released.[50][51]
At least 1700 (estimated),[52] may be up to 6000.[53]
2 Iran At least 388
3 Iraq At least 120
4 Saudi Arabia At least 69
5 United States 52
6 Yemen At least 30
7 Sudan At least 9
8 Vietnam At least 9
9 Syria At least 8
10 Japan 7
11 Egypt At least 5
12 Libya At least 4
13 Bangladesh 3
14 Thailand 2
1... 阅读全帖 |
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 49 You seldom read American newspapers?
(1) Background:
(a) The situation worldwide is kind of bad, and getting worse.
(i) world population
(6 billion in 1999; 7b at present; possibly 9b in 2050)
(ii) Taiwan records annual rainfall of 2,500mm on average. Once in a blue
moon (such as a month ago), however, a short period of drought casts its
pall and water rationing is required.
(iii) At Shaanxi Normal University co-eds were coaxed into peeing standing... 阅读全帖 |
m******o 发帖数: 542 | 50 Philippines says China violated its seas
(AFP) – 16 hours ago
MANILA — The Philippines accused China on Saturday of undermining peace and
stability in Asia by allegedly sending naval vessels to intimidate rival
claimants in disputed sections of the South China Sea.
Manila had protested over incidents in February to May, when the Chinese
navy allegedly opened fire on Filipino fishermen, intimidated a Philippine
oil exploration ship and put posts and a buoy in Philippine-claimed areas.
"The Philip... 阅读全帖 |