h*****c 发帖数: 718 | 1 我是第六年F1 resident alien 有SSN, 老婆刚来不久没有SSN, 准备今年married
filling jointly 报税申请ITIN, 请问除了我要填的1040,SCHEDULE M,8833,给老婆
。。 |
h*****c 发帖数: 718 | 2 就是说,老婆虽然刚来,但married filling jointly就可以作为RA对待,就不用填
8843了,对吗?谢谢。。 |
p***y 发帖数: 18037 | 3 单身要file extension才能在今年6月以后file去年的dual status。
Married的不需要file extension,现在就直接可以file as resident。 |
M**U 发帖数: 2752 | 4 Extension is needed for married couple too. |
l********p 发帖数: 1234 | 5 H4老婆没有SSN,就不能claim work pay credit $800 for married jointly?
thanks |
a*****n 发帖数: 13835 | 6 前面有人回答你的问题,你老婆2010才到,所以不能报在你的1040,如果
是这样,不能合报,估计你只能报400吧。上面写了$800 if married filing
jointly |
w*******g 发帖数: 9932 | 7 married Resident need to file W-9 to get SS# for your wife if she doesn't
have one |
h********y 发帖数: 128 | 8 Resident, married filling jointly. I don't think your wife can get an SSN,
but she might be able to get an ITIN. |
g****7 发帖数: 1104 | 9 我是resident,但是根据置底我老婆是non resident,没资格有ssn
我想用e file报州税但是要填我老婆的ssn,可不可以直接报single
但是我联邦税是报道married jointly。这样会出问题吗? |
v*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 10 不是啊,我本来就是married了啊,只是没有去更新状态啊
因为我不确认是不是真的能省钱呢? |
c******s 发帖数: 85 | 11 问个报2010年税的问题(可能还太早, 不过想先弄清楚情况)。
07 年来美, ld F1, 我F2
08年,我转F1, 2010 年3月开始我F1 opt工作,公司已经提交h1b申请 (如果批下来,
上班第一天,HR让我填了个表,就是问报税的事情,问我有没有dependent, 或者有没
我当时跟hr说了我的情况,告诉他ld是graduate student, 但是有research
assistantship。 他觉得我可以claim ld为我的dependent。 但他也不肯定,不过还是
但是我看了置顶的帖子(guide: resident or non-resident), 觉得我不qualify
dual-status, 因为我的h1b如果5月批下来,也得等到10月生效,所以我应该只能file
NR, ld也是NR, 所以我们不能file married jointly as residents, 不知道我说的对
不, 望高人指点。
我同时也看到有说one can |
x*******n 发帖数: 145 | 12 我老公是09年7月满的五年,现在可以按照resident alien报税
我的情况是F1 undergraduate(unemployed) nonresident
我们是否可以claim那个$800(making work pay credit) for married joint??
我的学费是否也可以claim refund(line 43 on form 1040A)?
十分感谢 |
k**h 发帖数: 230 | 13 我一直用的Cintax 完成2009年的税表,可是今天发现我好像填错了。清专家帮我分析
一下, 我的情况:
2006年7月和老公来美,2009年1月OPT,九月份开始H1B.老公还是F1. 我能不能算成
Resident呢?还是Dual-status? 可以和老公Married-filling-jointly 吗?万分感谢
。 |
S**I 发帖数: 15689 | 14 dual status, but treated as resident alien, so you can use married filing
jointly |
c*********6 发帖数: 858 | 15 几个问题:
1。IRA contributions 都是免税的吗?怎么确定IRA deductions?
F1, 我要file extension,然后到 6月份file married jointly, 我们总共的treaty是
谢谢 |
g*******e 发帖数: 150 | 16 请问married filing jointly, 夫妻都是2009F1,lp转成H1B after 10/1.
谢谢! |
BR 发帖数: 4151 | 17 嗯?不是SINGLE 和 MARRIED 有不同的allowances 吗?
return. |
r*******r 发帖数: 55 | 18 父母去年在美国住了超过183天,想把他们作为dependent报税,但我和LD去年是
Married filing separately,请问我们还能这么做吗?多谢啦! |
t******t 发帖数: 772 | 19 If you choose married filing separately as your filing status, the following
special rules apply. Because of these special rules, you will usually pay
more tax on a separate return than if you used another filing status that
you qualify for.
Your tax rate generally will be higher than it would be on a joint
Your exemption amount for figuring the alternative minimum tax will be
half that allowed to a joint return filer.
You cannot take the credit for ch |
o*****8 发帖数: 51 | 20 我是H1,2008年来美国呆过4个月,后来回国。2009年11月底又来的美国,Total
number of allowances填的3,这个是按single填的,当时lg在国内。
LG是L1,2010年11月底来美国,Total number of allowances应该填什么呀,我们2个
这个Marital Status,spouse is a nonresident alien,我们2个人都不是居民吧,到
底怎么定义的nonresident alien?是不是都要填single呀?
Marital Status:Note. If married, but legally separated, or spouse is a
nonresident alien, select 'Single'. Non Resident Aliens must request
withholding as if they are single, regardless of their actual marital status |
m********y 发帖数: 33 | 21 今天发信问了他们,告诉我是规定, 尽管你married了他们必须按single状态withhold.
来么? |
j***y 发帖数: 882 | 22 老婆9月份才来,federal可以file married joint,
ny state她不算full year resident,hrblock算出来 joint我们还要补交1k,
不知道ny state我们可以seperate file吗?即使federal我们用joint |
r*********n 发帖数: 49 | 23 如果是married filling seperately,那我老婆的SSN填什么呀? |
y****o 发帖数: 19 | 24 LG 2010年是F-1第六年,可以以resident身份报税。但我是去年F2转的F-1。想问一下
2010年的退税我可以跟老公用resident married filing jointly 吗?
谢谢回复 |
g****d 发帖数: 449 | 25 夫妻俩是在两个州,federal 是 married file jointly, 州税如何split adjusted
gross income? |
g***c 发帖数: 134 | 26 我是resident alien,老婆是non-resident alien,可以married file jointly吗?还是
要separately? |
d*********n 发帖数: 92 | 27 一直是married file jointly的,去年刚买了房,没赶上8000块,schedule A算了半天
,结果比standard deduction 还少了1000块。看mortgage interest statement,突然
separately,一个人用schedule A + dependents ,另一个人用standard deduction,这
样好像可以省不少?我们穷人。这样可行么?去年file jointly,今年file separately,IRS
还有就是联邦税file separately,州税file jointly,没问题吧?州税就懒得麻烦了。 |
t*a 发帖数: 18880 | 28 seems no daycare:
You can't take the earned-income credit, claim adoption expenses or child
and dependent-care costs, use educational tax credits or even deduct the
interest you paid on a student loan if you're married and filing separately.
" |
l****c 发帖数: 15 | 29 那是single还是married file separately?
谢谢! |
t*******n 发帖数: 430 | 30 我没有交8233,所以没有1042S。
看了板上这么多帖子,不敢报treaty了,married filing jointly的deduction能高一
多谢! |
m****4 发帖数: 827 | 31 税率不都是一样的么?single跟married separate |
t******g 发帖数: 10390 | 32 1040NR上有married file separately的选项吗? |
h**********8 发帖数: 267 | 33 本人已婚两年,一直用的是1040ez报的single filing, 今天看到irs的说明,才知道应
该file as married filing separately, 而且应该用Form 1040A or Form 1040,请
问各位这样的话,我这两年都报错了,应该如何改正,谢谢? |
l********e 发帖数: 41 | 34 我是H1B, 打算按resident alien来报,因lp不够183天条件,所以无法file jointly.
那么我选择single或是married file seperately有什么不同吗? 是standard
deduction有不同吗? 这个出Tax act上看结果好像都是$5700. |
BR 发帖数: 4151 | 35 你如果已结婚,法律上不能选择single 吧?
从税率和deduction 上来说,single 和 married filing separately 是一样的。 |
t******g 发帖数: 10390 | 36 single还是比married filing separately不一样.
和第二个附件里那两个曲线,是假设最简单的只有standard deduction和personal
另外MFS还有很多限制. |
l********d 发帖数: 443 | 37 AMT and regular are in the alternative. You either hit regular, or stay in
How can you "regular 用joint, 然后AMT用married filing separate"? I don't
get it. |
b***r 发帖数: 233 | 39 married filing jointly 和 head of household, 一般哪个退的多? |
e*********r 发帖数: 546 | 40 http://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tools/tax-tips/Tax-Planning-and-
To qualify for the full annual IRA deduction in 2011, you must either: 1)
not be eligible to participate in a company retirement plan, or 2) if you
are eligible, you must have adjusted gross income of $56,000 or less for
singles, or $89,000 or less for married couples filing jointly. If you are
not eligible for a company plan but your spouse is, your traditional IRA
contribution is fully-deductible as long as your combined gross inc... 阅读全帖 |
t*a 发帖数: 18880 | 41 什么道理? 退税时候不是按照married的税率么? |
m*****3 发帖数: 201 | 42 去年married,可是老婆没有SSN,但是是F-1,无收入
在turbotax上是joint filing吗还是separate?
还需要SSN,是不是在寄材料的时候顺便附上W-7 form?(申请TIN)
多谢 |
J*y 发帖数: 271 | 43 married couple,2 kids.
本来以为 joint return 肯定退税多。
tax software 最后提供一个option, 粗略比较separate return,结果separate
return 退税更多。
粗略看一下,separate return,收入少的一方可以claim child tax credit. 可结果
有没有可能啊?不想从头再算一遍。但是如果真是差3000多刀,还是值得。。。 |
D********g 发帖数: 650 | 44 Married file separately是不可以的,不清楚MFJ可不可以 |
e******s 发帖数: 309 | 45 请问Married Filing Separately有没有dependent exemption,可不可以deduct
mortgage interest,property tax, state taxes,和charitable donation? |
l*********e 发帖数: 231 | 46 人在加州,本来打算MARRIED FILE SEPARATELY,用的是TURBOTAX。
里面问到 community property addition adjustment 和 community property
substraction adjustment的数额, 是不是要填对方收入的一半呢? |
b****g 发帖数: 570 | 47 我妻子去年没有收入,没有W2表。我们能Married Filing Jointly吗?
我如果不选这么,而选separately filing,要补交很多很多的税------
谢谢 |
O*****e 发帖数: 359 | 48 My understanding:
1. File extension using form 4868. (For me , I would use turbotax to creat
some kind of template, then maybe I edit something manually?)
2. Use turbotax file as residents married jointly. It will create Form 1040
and other stuff for you. Again, I need to manually input -5000 at line 21,
adjust the rest numbers. then send form 1040 and other forms to IRS after
But correct me if I am wrong. |
d*****e 发帖数: 2489 | 49 无所谓吧 我填的married seperately |
h****s 发帖数: 16779 | 50 No.
You can file as married file jointly. |