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发帖数: 25262
来自主题: NewYork版 - 曼哈顿高楼防震
以前就听说过纽约的地震迟到了。纽约平均每一百年一大震,上一次 5 级震是 1884
年。震中在 Rockaways. 几个月前的报道又露面了:
3/17/11 By Rolando Pujol
New York seen as overdue for significant earthquake
It’s seen as something of a New York City bragging right: We don’t have to
worry about earthquakes.
While we shouldn’t be shaking in our boots, we also must avoid sticking our
heads in the sand when it comes to seismic risks, experts advise. In the
aftermath of the Japan earthquake, scientists caution that New ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 111
来自主题: NewYork版 - 辐射到纽约了!
Radiation discovered in New York state
The damaged and leaking Fukushima nuclear power in Japan.
Trace amounts of radioactive iodine that officials think came from Japan's
nuclear leak were discovered in New York, state Health Department officials
announced this morning.
The Health Department and the Environmental Protection Agency test for
radioactivity at 12 sites throughout the state, including Brookhaven
National Laboratories in Shoreham, Long Isl... 阅读全帖