

全部话题 - 话题: mexicans
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发帖数: 9003
Jimmy: A lot of Mexicans are taking over the unskilled manual labor jobs of
the US. What should we do?
Kid: Kill all Mexicans.
ABC: Nope, we're not airing that.
Jimmy: Muslim are protesting against law that ban hijabs. What should we do?
Kid: Kill all Muslims.
ABC: NOPE, definitively not airing that!
Jimmy: Jewish people control a lot of financial assets in the US. What
should we do?
Kid: Kill all Jews.
ABC: WHO THE FCUK does the kid think he is? Destr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 115
Stage victory 2.0
Chinese American Compatriots report

November 9, 2013 is a day we will never forget .
This day is the United States nearly 200 years, the Chinese in America 's
first national large-scale protests at the same time,
28 cities simultaneously protest rallies and marches . Remote town in some
states , even a person's protest , slow
Slow expansion in the hands of people to see the banner a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
来自主题: Military版 - 美国华人何处去?
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
来自主题: Military版 - 一人一票制民主真的有很大问题
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
来自主题: Military版 - 需要立即实施北美河豚计划了
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
来自主题: Military版 - 亚裔和黑幕三之间的问题
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
来自主题: Military版 - 硅谷的民工们,傻了吧?
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
来自主题: Military版 - SCA5就是等于多让工农兵上大学
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
来自主题: Military版 - 民主党就是利用民主搞文革
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
来自主题: Military版 - 对我们的孩子来说, SCA5是有益的
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1780
Canada is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple
of years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 855
来自主题: Military版 - 墨西哥要求公投加入美国
mexicans are not that cheap, they are a nation of pride.
what they want, is to reclaim their territory lost in mexican-american war.
发帖数: 252
来自主题: Military版 - 米墨终于开打了: Shots Fired
TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Mexican helicopter on Thursday crossed into Arizona
and fired two shots at U.S. citizens, a border patrol union leader says.
发帖数: 61690
你不要老绷着一根反巴马的弦.巴马是 the worst president ever.已经是公识了.
Mexican immigrants may be sent back immediately under U.S. law.
Q: Why can’t the United States just send the children back to their
countries immediately?
A: President George W. Bush signed an immigration bill in 2008 that was
intended to prevent child smuggling. It requires children who aren’t from
Mexico to go through deportation proceedings. The unintended consequence of
the la... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 807
A mass grave has been found on the outskirts of the Mexican town of Iguala,
where 43 students went missing on 27 September, officials say.
It is not clear whether the bodies found in a pit are those of the missing
students, who were last seen being forced into police vans.
The group had travelled to the area, in the state of Guerrero, to take part
in a protest over teachers' rights.
Police opened fire on their buses, killing six people.
Twenty... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 395
来自主题: Military版 - oil直奔$40去了
Oil at $40 Possible as Market Transforms Caracas to Iran
Bloomberg By Gregory Viscusi, Tara Patel and Simon Kennedy
2 hours ago
Oil's decline is proving to be the worst since the collapse of the financial
system in 2008 and threatening to have the same global impact of falling
prices three decades ago that led to the Mexican debt crisis and the end of
the Soviet Union.
Russia, the world's largest producer, can no longer rely on the same oil
revenues to rescue an economy suffering from European a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8931
来自主题: Military版 - 这次飞机失事没有中国人
— 72 Germans, confirmed by Germanwings.
— 35 Spaniards, according to Germanwings; Spain says there may be up to 51.
— 3 British, confirmed by the government, which says there may be more.
Germanwings could only confirm 1 British.
— 3 Kazakhs, confirmed by the government
— 2 Americans, confirmed by the government and Germanwings.
— 2 Argentines, confirmed by Germanwings.
— 2 Australians, confirmed by the government and Germanwings.
— 2 Colombians, confirmed by the government. Germanwings listed 1... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 709
There are six main systems of aqueducts and infrastructure that redistribute
and transport water in California: the State Water Project, the Central
Valley Project, several Colorado River delivery systems, the Los Angeles
Aqueduct, the Tuolumne River/Hetch Hetchy system, and the Mokelumne Aqueduct.
The State Water Project[edit]
See also: California State Water Project and California Aqueduct
An aerial view of the California Aqueduct at the Interstate 205 crossing
west of Tracy
The California Sta... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Inside Mexican Drug Lord 'El Chapo's' 2nd Prison Escape
发帖数: 6889
"I hate walmart its full of mexicans", "MOM!!", "what! Target is full of
polite mexicans and walmart is full of rude ones" .....oh mother.
发帖数: 5732
来自主题: Military版 - 床铺:"They Have To Go"
Trump 很有勇气和策略!
The Trump campaign released a full policy paper on immigration online Sunday
. Among other things, it reiterates the idea that Mexico should pay for a
border wall, and "until they do" the United States will:
"Impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees
on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if
necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards - of
which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21039
What is it Like to Teach Black Students?
by Christopher Jackson
Until recently I taught at a predominantly black high school in a
southeastern state. The mainstream press gives a hint of what conditions are
like in black schools, but only a hint. Expressions journalists use like “
chaotic” or “poor learning environment” or “lack of discipline” do not
capture what really happens. There is nothing like the day-to-day experience
of teaching black children and that is what I will try to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 30882
黑人学校和黑人世界的真相 - Chris Jackson
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 21 22:28:09 2015, 美东)
What is it Like to Teach Black Students?
by Christopher Jackson
Until recently I taught at a predominantly black high school in a
southeastern state. The mainstream press gives a hint of what conditions
like in black schools, but only a hint. Expressions journalists use like “
chaotic” or “poor learning environment” or “lack of discipline” do not
capture what really happens. There is nothing like the da... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Mayor of Mexican city killed a day after taking office
发帖数: 635
Federal immigration authorities and the Mexican Consulate
in Detroit are helping with the investigation into the
deaths of five Mexican immigrants in a house fire in Novi.
Novi Police Chief David Molloy said in a written statement
that the immigrants all worked at Kim's Garden, a Chinese
restaurant near the home in Novi. Molloy said they're
looking into whether the immigrants were living in the U.S.
A message left at Kim's Garden was not retu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33885
来自主题: Military版 - 床铺的施政纲领
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who
scored a major victory in a series of Super Tuesday nominating contests, has
been criticized by some in his party for being vague on policy specifics
and heavy on rhetoric.
Here is a closer look at what Trump has said he would do on trade, taxes,
the economy, immigration, healthcare and defense should he become the
nominee and win the Nov. 8 election. The policies are drawn from a review of
his website, stump speeches, de... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 466
来自主题: Military版 - Trump政治主张科普专题
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who scored a major victory
in a series of Super Tuesday nominating contests, has been criticized by
some in his party for being vague on policy specifics and heavy on rhetoric.
Here is a closer look at what Trump has said he would do on trade, taxes,
the economy, immigration, healthcare and defense should he become the
nominee and win the Nov. 8 election. The policies are drawn from a review of
his website, stump speeches, deba... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2952
来自主题: Military版 - 美国文科生造反了
By 1930, the number of Chinese in the country was about 18,000.
However, strong anti-Chinese sentiment, especially in Sonora and Sinaloa led
to deportations and illegal expulsions of Chinese-Mexican families in the
1930s with an official count of 618 Chinese-Mexicans by 1940.[
发帖数: 8210
Tensions over competing territorial claims in the resource-rich South China
Sea have spiked in recent months as claimant countries, including China and
the Philippines, await an upcoming decision by an international tribunal.
That body, located at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague, is
widely expected to rule in the Philippines’ favor. But China has repeatedly
stated that it will not accept the up... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17243
Mexicans will soon be able to travel to Canada without a visa. And they
might actually want to, as newly elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes
strides to improve strained relations between the two countries.
“Justin Trudeau confirmed he has given his cabinet instructions to in the
future remove the requisite of Canadian visas for Mexicans,” an upbeat
President Enrique Peña Nieto tweeted this week. The symbolic measure
promises to hit the restart button on strained Mexico-Canada diplom... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1572
It is deplorable to undermine the credibility of a federal judge based on
his Mexican heritage.
It is deplorable to demean a Gold Star family and propose to ban all Muslims
from entering the United States.
It is deplorable for a candidate for president of a major party to kick off
his campaign by labeling most Mexicans as rapists and murderers.
It is deplorable when the Justice Department feels it has to sue you a
second time for racial discrimination because you didn't get the hint the
first ti... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7349
来自主题: Military版 - Trump新词汇 hombres
"Hombres" - Spanish for "men" - was immediately interpreted by many on
Twitter as a reference to Mexicans and specifically to Trump's comments,
made at the very start of his campaign, calling Mexican immigrants rapists
and criminals
发帖数: 4796
Donald Trump rally in Anaheim, California on May 25, 2016 (AP Photo/Jae C.
Why are so many first-generation Chinese immigrants supporting Donald Trump?
3 hours agoBy Kaiser KuoKaiser Kuo
This is the first of a series of monthly columns by Sinica Podcast host
Kaiser Kuo in which he answers questions about all matters Chinese. Please
email qu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
Donald Trump rally in Anaheim, California on May 25, 2016 (AP Photo/Jae C.
Why are so many first-generation Chinese immigrants supporting Donald Trump?
3 hours agoBy Kaiser KuoKaiser Kuo
This is the first of a series of monthly columns by Sinica Podcast host
Kaiser Kuo in which he answers questions about all matters Chinese. Please
email questions for consideration to [email protected]/* */
My wife, Fanfan, dislikes politics. It’s an atti... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3813
【 以下文字转载自 USelection 俱乐部 】
发信人: CalCat (北加猫), 信区: USelection
标 题: 65% of Asian for Hillary 2016; 73% for Obama 2012
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 9 16:36:35 2016, 美东)
(CNN)Hillary Clinton just couldn't hold onto the Obama coalition. And that
proved to be a large part of her undoing.
African-American, Latino and younger voters failed to show up at the polls
in sufficient numbers Tuesday to propel Clinton into the White House.
Clinton conceded the race after 2 a.m. ET. Before polls closed her campaign... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8358
来自主题: Military版 - 谁偷了美国(白人)的工作 ?
Immigrants are Less Likely to be Criminals Than the Native-Born
Higher Immigration is Associated with Lower Crime Rates
Between 1990 and 2013, the foreign-born share of the U.S. population
grew from 7.9 percent to 13.1 percent and the number of unauthorized
immigrants more than tripled from 3.5 million to 11.2 million.
During the same period, FBI data indi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
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