

全部话题 - 话题: mihamae
发帖数: 24123
PHOENIX - Sky Harbor passengers are voicing their concerns after Phoenix
police arrested a 61-year old Colorado woman who allegedly grabbed a TSA
officer's breast.
"I never grab a woman's boobs. I wouldn't even grab a man's boobs," said
passenger Bethann Weidner.
It happened in Terminal 4 at Checkpoint D Thursday afternoon .
Phoenix police say Yukari Mihamae started arguing with the TSA agent and
refused to be screened by the TSA staff.
In fact, the TSA says the passenger was not receiving a pat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 24123
不愧是日本人,比我胆大多了。不但Grab 还twisting
Phoenix police say Yukari Mihamae started arguing with the TSA agent and
refused to be screened by the TSA staff.
In fact, the TSA says the passenger was not receiving a pat down.
But during the argument, officers say Mihamae grabbed the TSA officer's
breast with both hands and started twisting.