
全部话题 - 话题: mtts
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发帖数: 3398
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - shiftzerg is the man
This guy is very good at MTT, maybe the best MTT player in Chinese.
I was in the tournament too and was kicked out around 1500th by chip leader
at my table. The chip leader went all in at button and I called with TT at
big blinds, his 33 hit set at flop.
At the time I had more than 20+ bb. I could be more patient. Damn.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - FTP needs change a lot of garantee soon
i don't think they care about losing some $ in those $1 MTTs, it's more
about getting more traffic and competing with PS.
and a lot of those $1 players will most likely play some other games at the
same time, so the loss is not that big anyway.
for other bigger guarantee MTTs, putting some extra (the term is called "
overlay") is common if not too much.

发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - ftp gave me a lottery ticket for 12k
in a typical lottery donkment fashion.
all in QQ vs 99 earlier to double up.
Then i had another donk where exactly i wanted -- all in preflop with my KK
when the blinds are still at 80.
He knocked me out.
If you do not think mtt like this is lottery, you need to rethink your
understanding of mtt...
No surprise here though, my lottery ticket did not turn into 12k today.

发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 打 Tourney 太费体力了
脑力也的费, 一步不留神就完完.
Sunday, play multiple MiniFTOPs and guarantees and all failed w/ simple
slip. Cannot pay attention on all the tables.
Today just played a 32K MTT guarantee while playing a setellite by side. While
won the satellite, the MTT game quickly sliped away and fell at top 20% line.
Need improve this side before make any significant move.
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 打 Tourney 太费体力了
Typically I play 2 tables, one guarantee and one satellite. Last Sunday is
special. I play 3 guarantees. Results so so (no $). I ddid not use HM since
I am not very comfortable w/ numbers yet. Before that, I need look at every hands
to get the sense on what is exactly going on.
Frankly I need some study on the #s.
BTW, I am to play MTT-MICRO less and switch to MTT-MEDIUM.
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 满桌的regular
ye, 6-handed. Very aggressive even at the early level (BB<80). Big bet on
river and make it to you no callable. Clearly high possibility it is just a
bluff. I played MTT-Micro-6handed many before. This is MTT-Medium. Since every one is new to me, it takes long to figure out their ranges.
Well, I am still alive.
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - FTP is making changes
1) MTT guarantee allows buy-in through level 6(within ~ one hour). This is
what PS is doing for long time.
2) Close some guarantees. For many cash guys, MTT is not +EV. Well actually
depends. Many guarantees at FTP have more $ than buyins(even including the
So it can be +EV. Less possible now.
发帖数: 2063
I am agree with you. I am also a grinder on low stake, or micro stake.
I am totally fine with it now, since I know my skill level is poor currently
. I reduce my playing time now, and spend more time on studying the game,
include reading one book thoroughly and read 2p2 more frequently.
I play more cash games and HU games, it will help me to play a ton of hands
in a short span. I believe MTT is situational play, not poker play, if I can
blend with my post play into MTT, then I have some new edge
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AAs not good
hehe, PS's interface is amatuer.
I was close to win a MTT tourney (OMAHA HI/LO Limit) there. Finished at 4th
for a repeated mistake (trapped by low straight).
BUT PS has some crzay MTT, such as $3 for 40K/60K guarantee. It is fun to
roll a dice there.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 七月打太多了
去26$ buy-in 的mtt bust mtt donkeys.... en...
发帖数: 309
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Question on Ironman Medal and Full Tilt Points
Thanks, very useful information. Since I just e-mail my ID info to FTP for
check withdrawal option, I may not be able to get all my money out in a
month. My concern is that if I mess up with FTpoints during this time, are
they (FTP and Rackbackpros) going to deduct money from my bankroll? If so
then it'll be very annoying.
In terms of tourney tickets, I would like to play at MTT and hopefully I can
get some surprise. I used to achieve 2nd and 4th places in 1000+ players
MTTs therefore would like
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Should Allin or fold knowing 70% to win
At MTT/Satellite, I typically donot do rebuy and occasionally do add-on(if I
feel good and playing not too bad). Majority times, I just leave if wiped
out. About add-on, if you double up once, you do not need the add-on. So I
am looking for double up(rather than do add-on to double my investment at
At MTT guarantee, I will do add-on if below average. Rebuy if I am playing
well and get wiped out by funky draws.
Not very sure your 2nd questions much. At the bubbling time, if chip is blow
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - One Poker Buddy
I always met him on MTT/Satellite. His id is Specunder, from Netherland (
knew this throudh chatting once). He plays full-time for living.
See his results,
Seems he moves up a little bit on MTT and ROI is ok not very decent yet.
Sigh, I still stuck. Guess to quite soon
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 潜水的,坦白从宽
Another one,
MTT, 3/r+a, for 216 ticket
Me, A4s at BB; BB=400. btn 3BB, I pot (put btn close to allin; I have 2+X of
his chip). btn call with JQo. I hit full on turn.
Same MTT, HU,
94o at BB. 3X on 2BB from btn. Flop 9TJ; pot on flop, btn 2.4X (close to
allin). I call. btn turn 84o and paired 99 hold up.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 怎么在touuney的中盘发力
(not a tourney 高手)
but your approach is kind of backward (But after that point with blind
raising, and antes, I got tighter). this stage is the most challenging part
for your read/aggression because stack/blinds ratio is getting lower, and
you have to steal/re-steal a lot to survive. there is simply no way you can
continue waiting for your good hands.
and, for MTTs, try to finish in money or close to final table is very weak,
because you only get decent money as top 5 or so, otherwise it's a was... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - HM, How reliable it is???!
Fryking, How is your reading in HM?
You mentioned 30/15. I used last night,my number is 35/18 in Turbo Game.
24/8 in MTT/Regular. I donot mind my #. Just not sure how right they are.
I do raise a lot in turbo and allin w/ any hand. But 18 is too high, 12
be close.
Just how reliable! My winning in HM is close to 1 Million in MTT
Tourney. Yes it is close to 1 Million. Months ago it is 200K. Obviously
it is error.
BTW, do you read 3Bet and Fold To 3Bet? How good is that.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 请教比赛大牛
短期或者小样本,可以这么说,如同Darvin Moon这样加起来牌也没打过几千把的,可
过,要赢得一个比赛,你必须在关键的时候走运那么一两次(哪怕是coin flip取胜),
运气是俺们无法控制的,而且别人bad beat俺们,俺们也一样bad beat别人(只不过喜
俺很少打MTT,但记得以前俺有一次midnight madness,2000多人打到剩20人,很不错
的stack,结果QQ all-in,俺AA,flop Qxx.....就这么玩蛋,一晚上的辛苦熬百来块
小钱。算不算bad beat?当然算,是不是运气更重要?也的确是,这把赢了,俺就是
chip count前三,保守估计进final table拿个$500以上问题不大(> top 5)。气不气?
但是凭良心讲... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 新手求教Final table策略
牛 原来fryking 也是mtt老牛
my 2 cents, 4.4 还是属于small stake,有钱人从来不是很care,导致tourny总体风
格偏松,初期无数donk,中后期loose to c flop的依然很多,当然这是相对而言的。
都有他们自己的原则,比如中期aa limp induce bluf,小盲偷盲的range without
limper等, 记上一笔说不定什么时候就给你double up的chance,总之 胆大 心细 决
定了就无所顾忌,视具体情况,灵活调整战术,绝对不要一根筋就行。 希望抛砖引玉
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - FTP BC introduces Extra FTP Multipliers
To be honest, those policy are big promotions for small regs such as me in
FTP. If FTP only has 2X, I will definitely move to PS for my half volumes. (
Plus, I notice a lot of regs moves to PS and play a huge volume on PS to get
the Super NOVA. For example: "The Lag rat" on PS, his id on FTP is "the lab
rat"). I treat it as a yearly bonus.
On the other hand, these policy will impact my main game greatly. I will
switch my main game to super turbo SNGs.
Thanks fryking! Because poker is much much t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - FTP Multiple Entry is running HOT
ye, wondering how much $ FTP is handing out for that.
Say before. a pro play 10 MTT a day and average entry is 50$ (Surely could
be much higher. Let's take it as average). FTP is handing out 500$/Day/Pro.
It could add up to a huge #.
Now FTP is even paying more for Multiple Entry MTT.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - cmis91 may have a HUGE night
MTT, especially this huge field, 14409 players, it's really a super tough
challenge. when only about 200 left, almost everyone was a pro or semi-pro,
and cmis91 bought in for 3 entries, total $648 investment.
as far as i saw, he's playing LAG in the middle and super tight towards the
end, a few key hands to build his stack:
1) AJo open shoved from UTG for about 15BB, got snap called by MP's AKo, way
behind and the flop was TQx, or not even J would save him... turn was a
miracle, K.
2) TT 2x from... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - that hand sucks
i would shove all the time, but I dont play MTT, so I don't know if there is
any mtt special theory would justify a call here
that's why I said it's sick, coz you can't fold

like overpair. I just dont like a blank came on the turn and I have to fold
on turn. Second thought is that I dont have much fold equity there and why
bother to raise his bet?
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - interesting comment
It is so true that there is no bad player even at micro level.
One example is SPECUNDER. I used to meet him very times at low level MTT/
Satellite (he plays fulltime from Netherland and once we chat).
Once he got 2500FTP/MTT/Satellite for 240+16 ticket, ran into SUnday Brawl
final table, begged to has deal TIMES(when 7/5/3 ppl left) and none cared,
and won it at the end with 100+K. Now he never looked back(play high-stake
regularly now). I posted this here before.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 也上来抱怨一下
no, if he dares to light shove you, you should do the same too, i mean, with
77, which is sth. we might not do that often because we "care" more.
2个小时就拿了60多, this happens a LOT, think about the bubble guys, they
spent about same time as you, but got nothing.
for MTTs, we have to finish top 5, others are meaningless, either 2345th or
129th or 14th, or AA cracked by 22, AK lost to A3...
MTT is all about:
1) 1 big shot in XXX times, not 1 out of 10;
2) get lucky a few times and coin flip a few time... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 5 Million Guarantee@PS March 6th
I mainly play HUSNG , trying to play more MTT. Any video or book to
recommend to improve middle/late stage MTT play?

I watch some top online pro's late stage play, there are tons of squeeze
play in late stage, I just do not know how to do it well.
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - anyone to show off for this month?
A good month for me -- up $3000, $2800 from making it to the final three of
an $18000 guarantee. Then we made a deal and split the prize.
I only play MTTs, because I have been so stinky in cash games and single
table SNGs. I tried many times to play cash games, but keep losing in all
levels and all games, from NL100 to NL 10, including PL Omaha and Omaha Hi/
Lo. I am still wondering why MTTs could be so different from cash games.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - anyone to show off for this month?
good job, keep it going!
cash games are like MTTs but with deeper stacks/small blind level, it
requires more reading and thinking. most pros agree that cash games are
harder (if they're comparable anyway).
for example, late stage in MTT, a lot of plays are becoming "auto/standard"
when you only got 15-20BB left, every good player knows that. the game
becomes "simpler" in some sense.

发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - crazyness
mtt 达人!!
those ppl play like no tommorrow
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问一手tournament 的牌
Read cmis91's post before, I think he is a little too preserved in MTT.
Recently, I played a lot of SNGs. Getting some new understanding about MTT,
because the payout structure is top heave. So, it is much like cash games,
no ICM should be involved.
In this case, only 5-6 ppl get paid. It is long way to go to get into the
money. The strategy is to gamble it up.

have below average stack of around 13k. blind is 800
in turn?
smallish/fold here if we didn't go all in on the turn?
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Prob Quests (baozi)
Too few post here now. Let's do some PROB tests.
I have two below. Whoever asks correctly (vote by others, I do not have the
correct answer) gets baozi.
1) MTT, Avg Chip=25BB (middle stage). You raise with high cards and one
caller at position calls with low pair.
On turn, all low cards (ten below; no pair; flop, you cbet and villian calls
). What is the PROB the villian hits set already on turn?
2) MTT, final table, 5 left, Avg chip=35BB
You raise 2.3BB w/ AKs at BTN and BB 2.4x. You wondering ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - HM Problem
See Below.
HM works. BUT only on Satellite games. Not on MTT.
NOTE, the # hand count is always zero for MTT(play 20+ hands).
It has been a quite while(days). Anyone has similar problem.
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - HM Problem
Thx, I will try the forum.
Close-&-Reopen is not working. It does not work with all MTT guarantees (MTT/
Satellite, PS are fine).

发帖数: 457
what about MTT? where can i find the huge prize pool such as Sunday Million?
nightmare for MTT player

发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - hehe, Merge上NL100的鱼比NL50还多
赢了mtt升级到50NL,然后被迫降级,最终回到4NL以及micro stake mtt的fish,掩面
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A well executed bluff by Vassesa Selbst
300-400k/y will put you on top 3 of SNG leader board, across all
online site.
Not quite fair to compare MTT pro, since the variance is just so big.
Winning one big MTT can change everyting. So is high stake cash game. Many
top pro, even like durrr has losing year. He only made less than 4 million
career online. Not quite sure for middle stake online pro though, but I am
sure that the swing is so big that their winning would be so different each
Anyway, not all ppl are as g... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A well executed bluff by Vassesa Selbst
just so many rich guy love to gamble in HU, guess one-one is just so
much fun for them. plus all your weakness in poker can be enlarged and
exploited in HUSNG. On high stake HU, a lot of cash game pro and MTT pro who
are not good HU are considered fish. Before BF, I played with many 100 or
200 level HUSNG with MTT redline pro, doing fairly good.
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 报一下喜
I won one tourney on FTP two years ago ,after that only two FT later on
never won again.Look at these MTT leader's curve on sharkscope, most just
won 1 or 2 big tourney whole year. Lots of MTT pro are down like 80k
playing most 200 buyin tourney before making comeback online.
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Play against LAGs
good say, but no much useful in MTT. In MTT, you can be LAG with superstake
anyhow. It often comes to allin on LAG and hope to hold.
That may be the only way to go, with one exception (flat call with big Pair
at position, float two streets and fold at river if big bet on wet board).
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - MIT poker class
just take a look at both slides. Seems very system and solid approach.
Better than a lot of MTT books. I think I will follow this class to learn
Very funny this class has no hw, no exams. Only need to play some
poker tourney to pass. I wish our school had such class when I was in
graduate school.

Also, they play on PS homegame. maybe we can start our homegame on PS
发帖数: 457
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问个touney 数学问题 把
Easy fold for me. I never use those numbers generated from icm calculator
because those calculators have lots of assumptions(shove, fold situation)
which are not applicable in mtt. Those numbers are more important in sng.
But the concept of icm is still valuable in mtt. After winning that 15bb,
your effective stack most of times is the same as before and your winning
chance doesn't change much by increasing 15bb. But losing that 15bb, you are
down to 35bb, you will feel pressure on your stack. I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4896
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 求指点,最近的几次比赛。
MTT variance比cash table要大不少的。。。
cash或者SNG 打得比较好的话曲线就是平稳向上
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Cake的table比Merge要soft很多啊
Wow! All your cash win rates are so good. So good that it reminded me again
of how stinky my cash game is. From stars to FTP to Carbon to Cake, I tried
cash games many times and I never got any positive result. I was not even
able to beat the softest Cake field. :-( So I gave up and started focusing
on MTTs. Bang! MTTs are much, much easier. For example, without much efforts
I got 30BB/100 rate over 30k hands at Cake. I would have left poker with a
broken heart a long time ago if I had not start... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 想问一下: sne值得搞吗?
thx, i will try it.
I will estimate my ability in the next week.
I solved Chinese IP problems.
but still a lot of work to do, such as open table problems(because at least
1/3 of energy goes to open tables), table ninja problems, assess my win rate
on 30$ level, do the home work for PS sturcture.
My ability in MTT improves a lot, last time I get 3 FT in one day(all of
them are large field), get 3 FT in a row(7:15PM estern time, 11$, 1r1a,
400ppl field, 1st, 4th, 2nd) on the same game.
But MTT's s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
lol, same thing, you have to play tons of MTTs at the same time.
for pokeryjj, one shot could be $10K, better than grinding for months. for
fcf's friend, 50K buy-ins/month is the norm.

发帖数: 7793
我不就 是想用这离谱的ROI 来说明mtt variance 大吗? 是个人都知道这ROI 是不可
能持续的。 而且在这stake 就是真有这ROI 也没多少钱。
昨天不小心加了一个11$的 deep stack tourney(以为是turbo), 20 分钟一个level.
妈的,搞了快7个小时才搞到FT, 最后倒在一条大鱼面前第6名。 这悲催得。 长期玩
MTT这心理素质一定要好啊, 咱就受不了这罪, 还是cash 比较直接。
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Yeah!
大约打了1300个MTT吧。平均BUYIN $10。ROI大约70%。
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Yeah!
cake MTT belongs to Revolution network
这nm真混乱啊,有谁知道,这世界上到底有多少cash network多少MTT network
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Yeah!
Cake rarely has overlay -- life is not that sweet. :-)
But I do think last minute buyin is always +EV. This is true even for
regular MTTs. Lets see an example. Say a regular MTT has 1000 players with $
10k prize pool and 5000 starting chips. After 1 hour, 500 busted. So we have
500 players left and 10000 average chips. Lets simplify the case and say
that a player with the average stack size has 10k / 500 = $20 equity.Then I
joined at the last minute. I paid $10+fee and got 5000 chips, which is h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨晚哥遇到了久违的老友 tilt
对头拿着2nd pair接住。之后,另一桌一只donk连着小盲位3bet我4把,第四把我用ato
4bet overshove反推他100bb,他用kjo接下,顺利suckout,
久,对上同一只donk,哥拿着qq open,在QJ22的turn上跟他get in 100bb,对手亮出
T2o,river comes the last 2.
发帖数: 5415
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 终于决定 再战foxwoods
tax确实疼,但是说-ev这个就...非pro哪能保证自己在huge-field mtt里的edge那么大
另外同意打live mtt的一个主要动力是ego,为了钱的都去打cash了
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