t******y 发帖数: 5040 | 2 前几天逛雷明顿的网站的时候刚刚看到这个枪,在美国现在出的枪里面,原厂就车好接口
,可以上Muzzle Brake 或者 Suppressor的还真不多.
这枪原来就是Hogue Overmolded 的枪托, 有Pillar Bedding.
问题:这个枪托里面有铝合金的底座么? 用这个枪托,你能打什么样的散布?
你花了这么1100大刀换了托,性能有什么改进? |
X***y 发帖数: 3947 | 3 Primary Weapons Systems PWS_FSC556 muzzle brake
Daniel Defense V5 LW 5.56/.223 URG (Upper Receiver Group)
Magpul Industries Generation 2 MBUS Sight
Aimpoint CompM2 red dot
Mega Billet Lower - GTR-3S
Rock River Lower Parts Kit Single Stage Trigger AR0120
Magpul MOE grip FDE
DPMS Black Buffer Tube CS09DOD with H-buffer
Noveske QD End Plate
Mako Stock Black Cheek Riser Internal Shock Absorber AR Rifles GL-SHOCKCP
Magpul Curved "Stubby" PMAG - FDE
祝各位节日快乐。 |
t*****8 发帖数: 1274 | 4 http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Nu
Super Price! Only $1549 Fluted, and $1495 Non Fluted. These are the 4rd Box
Mags and Hinged Floor-plate Magazine also. We will have two different
sections on our site. Normal Retail is $2070.00 and Dealer price alone is $
Don’t miss out on this super deal! We got these at a great price and we are
passing it on. Supplies are very limited and once we are out that is it.
You can order these thro... 阅读全帖 |
f********t 发帖数: 4574 | 5 300WSM没有了,这样就是A2 308,加上muzzle brake跟CZ 750一个价,算了
as |
b*****e 发帖数: 5133 | 7 来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - 周末校枪 用些不容易挥发或甩掉高质量的油,比如weapon shield或SLiP2000 EWL.
装muzzle brake不用碰gas block,另外我说的gas leak是bolt上面gas key的leak,DD
upper的gas key全部都是stake好的不会松脱,除非是一开始就没拧紧。 |
b*****e 发帖数: 5133 | 8 FSC556减小后坐的程度不如一些更体积巨大的muzzle brake,但是在控制后坐方向上的
确非常出色,枪口瞄准方向变换极小。要是没有消焰需求,更短的PWS TTO也一样出色
。我的打算就是如果上16寸管用FSC556,18寸管用TTO。 |
m****s 发帖数: 10867 | 9 我们这里只有气枪和muzzle loader,还真没去隔壁镇子逛过~~~~ |
x*7 发帖数: 11281 | 10 一个从健身版转过来的,短管mosin
有张图片好像还有muzzle blast |
b*****e 发帖数: 5133 | 11 浪费了我的感情,呵呵。真家伙还是很好玩的,正琢磨是不是自己上AR时要不要配一个
AAC或Surefire的flash hider或muzzle brake,到时候消音器到手直接拧上就用了。这
个Surefire Mini消音器很诱人哦: |
b*****e 发帖数: 5133 | 12 能够降低枪口噪音(muzzle report)的法律上都算suppressor,甚至用在气枪上也不行
。没有正道得来的paper work就是felony,不是闹着玩儿的。
音器设计上不补偿损失的后坐枪就成了单发的了。 |
d*****h 发帖数: 1266 | 13 powerfactor=Muzzle velocities x weight(grain) /1000
minor要大于125, major要大于165
还得看你打哪个组。Production必须打9mm(更正是.38 )以上口径,都算minor,没有major。
open 要看具体的子弹数据 38super都可以算major
你要是用原厂的子弹.40S&W打production只算minor,打其他组算major |
g****n 发帖数: 3313 | 14 http://www.recguns.com/Sources/IIIC2q7.html
III. Firearm Information by Type
C. Semi-Automatic Pistols
2. Models and Manufacturers
q. Sig Sauer
7. Are Sig Aluminum Frames Weak?
by Peter Jordan
I have recently seen on the net that some people believe the aluminum frame
on the SIG is inferior or weak. Their erroneous solutions vary:
Don't buy a Sig because it has an aluminum frame. Instead buy an all steel
gun or a polymer type. NONSENSE.
Don't use hot loads like a COR-BON 135 grain 40S&W load, ot... 阅读全帖 |
b*****e 发帖数: 5133 | 15 我在室内靶场,短枪只用耳罩,长枪耳塞加耳罩。旁边隔几个靶位有人用霰弹或步枪,
只要没有用上太好的muzzle brake,我还是只用耳罩。个人适应能力不同,有新手耳塞
耳塞加电子耳罩也是不错的办法。 |
f*********n 发帖数: 11154 | 16 这篇里面有很多有用的信息:
If there is one handheld weapon that is more likely than others to offer a
one-shot stop of a hostile opponent, it would be “the gauge” or “12
banger” as it is known on the street.
One of the things I heard over and over from prisoners was their respect for
and fear of the shotgun. One inmate who was incarcerated for murder and
drug-trafficking charges told me “A determined man with a ‘gauge’ should
not be messed with.... 阅读全帖 |
c******k 发帖数: 237 | 17 not only 10 rounds ...
mine is 10/63M without all so called 'evil' features ... damn NY law ...
you can't buy original WASR 10/63M,
no muzzle brake, no bayonet lug, no bayonet, no collapsible or foldable
stock ... |
C*******d 发帖数: 15836 | 18 祝贺!
”no muzzle brake“
这个实在是无耻下流啊。 |
c******k 发帖数: 237 | 19 ops, I typed too fast, permanently welded muzzle is not within 'evil feature
A firearm rifle in NY can not have more than one 'evil feature'; this means,
if you choose pistol grip, you have to give up any of others.
These are so called 'evil feature':
-a folding or telescoping stock;
-a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon;
-a bayonet mount;
-a flash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash
-a grenade launcher; or ...
faint... 阅读全帖 |
b*****e 发帖数: 5133 | 20 open组major power factor(PF)是160比其它组的170要小。
Winchester白盒115gr 9毫米 PF是123,.40是174,.45是184。所以open组的枪所要对
付的后坐力比.40还容易些,再加上一大个muzzle brake,需要克服和恢复后坐相对要
后坐控制既是体力又是技术活,看看那些用比FMJ练习弹还厉害些的full power .45
duty round还能后坐控制好恢复快就知道了。不过这也造成看别人打枪很难知道实际后
坐有多少。 |
s****r 发帖数: 31686 | 21 今天首射。 天气不错。 靶场给我的感觉还算文明之地, 就是有些人很可怕, 使用大
口径弹药, 声音很响, 真的很响。 呵呵, 咱们小强22 就不吱吱歪歪了, 这也是没
办法的事情。 没想到。223也这么响!看来要必须进一只声音大的了!这亏不能吃。
现在25码行礼如仪, boresight免了, 反正子弹便宜。 在这个地方消耗了大约一个小
时, 在打了第二发之后用boresnake 通了一下。 分特, 忘记带手套了, 借了隔壁大
叔的毛巾才凑合着拔出来。 一路调整瞄准镜。 感觉分划都快被我老人家用完了。隔壁
大叔玩muzzle loader, 这个beast声音那个叫大, 看来我的耳塞必须升级。
又到50码继续。 去买了SHOOT-N-C 靶子, 七元两角, 不算坑人。 中间振作精神,
东施效颦, 咱也弄了两个三发组, 不同的子弹。 说实话, 看不出啥区别。
就这么一直射下去。。。 射下去。。。 一直鏖战到下午两点四十五, 收兵回营。
回家之后, 擦枪, 拍照, 上来汇报工作, 哈哈哈
第一图是所谓两个三发组, 一个左上, 一个左下。
第二图是今天感觉最密集的一波, 左下角都扎堆在一起了... 阅读全帖 |
b*****e 发帖数: 5133 | 22 很近的话,7.62得装个好点的muzzle brake,不然没有.223/5.56打得快而准。一枪解
把中国拉进来搞了5.8。全世界小口径都鸡肋啊,呵呵。 |
b*****e 发帖数: 5133 | 23 就开枪的人最感觉不到开枪枪口推开的气流,呵呵。其它手枪位置站好了也有些这感觉
。最爽的就是站在大号muzzle brake步枪边了,一枪下去你没震懵了多半就要开始骂娘
沙鹰这东西其实是国内那帮玩CS的伪军迷的最爱。 |
a***a 发帖数: 8941 | 24 I tried 590, and I think it is kind of muzzle heavy.
I think 500 is ok. |
a***a 发帖数: 8941 | 25 Too heavy.
And heavy barrel is not balanced, muzzle heavy.
Not good for scouting.
I think a normal AR carbine is ok, as long as it can reach 2MOA accuracy. Or
even 3MOA is ok. |
h*********r 发帖数: 1943 | 26 打的时候正好是傍晚山林里起雾的时候,可以清楚地看见muzzle brake两边的气浪和烟
是汽车有报警器,恐怕真得响 |
C*******d 发帖数: 15836 | 27 是的,我又土了。其实我指的是Shot Gun。而打猎的枪不但可以是Shot Gun,也可以是
拴动Rifle,甚至Muzzle Loader,呵呵呵。 |
S**********s 发帖数: 4534 | 28 来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - 初试CCW Shoulder rig最舒服, 不过draw back也很多, 比如抽枪慢, 抽枪时violates "
muzzle discpline"等。 |
k*******n 发帖数: 5546 | 30 大家给看看怎么样,如果合适我考虑过节期间趁乱跳一个 : ) |
k**0 发帖数: 19737 | 33 装这玩意儿需要threaded barrel吧?
Compensator_p/ga-m4- |
f********t 发帖数: 4574 | 34 看来我买到了lemon。如果仔细检查,muzzle brake装的不是左右对称,开枪后枪口往左跳。这个是否会影响精度?
现在对传说中美国Sig质量不稳定有所体会,P239暂缓 |
f****a 发帖数: 4708 | 35 muzzle device起作用的时候,子弹已经出趟。我觉得不会影响精度。
但是会影响follow-up shot的速度。
往左跳。这个是否会影响精度? |
f********t 发帖数: 4574 | 36 我以前也这么认为,但是看Les Baer说muzzle break装不好会影响精度。
修了 |
a***a 发帖数: 8941 | 37 I do not know.
I think Steyr is more good-looking (I think XD looks ugly), better
ergonmoics. Lower bore axis means less muzzle jump.
and probably, better made (not very sure)
I trust Steyr manufactuer more than Crotierian manufacture.
Springfield is not really making XD. XD is designed by Crotiera, and made in
Crotieria, only bearing Springfield logo.
Mine is a M40A1 in 40SW, I found the gun is strong. The chamber fully
supports the case. I do not know if XD40 also fully supports the case. They... 阅读全帖 |
f****a 发帖数: 4708 | 38 你用BB的话,可以有任意多的evil features,包括消焰器。
不用BB的话,要写信问CA DOJ,目前没人问过,是灰色地带之一。 |
f****a 发帖数: 4708 | 39 估计流程是:
CA DOJ找上门来,先迫害你,然后你用BATF的信件上诉。
然后federal vs state rights打一遍,判一方违宪啥的。
先写信弄个免死金牌比较稳妥。 |
k*******n 发帖数: 5546 | 40
我听有人说不要用在featureless rifle上, 但用在带bullet-button/10rd mag的枪上
可以。 有这么一说吗?? |
X***y 发帖数: 3947 | 41 去他家网上找。专门有一个ATF给发的证明信——brake
edit:大宝老师已经指明道路了。我也实践过了。 |
f****a 发帖数: 4708 | 42
^^^featureless -- 灰色地带。
^^^bullet-button --没问题。
阅读理解要提高,老大。 |
k*******n 发帖数: 5546 | 43 如图。看来要玩枪还得熟读法律啊,避免踏足灰色地带啊。 |
k*******n 发帖数: 5546 | 45
BCM 给装好的,固定的,应该算作枪管的一部分。好奇,问问。 |
a***a 发帖数: 8941 | 48 你在林子里面背着枪走走就有感觉了。4-8寸还是不小的差别。
我喜欢短管是因为短管除了携行方便之外,还比较平衡,不会muzzle heavy,立姿无依
有各种scout rifle么,不都是16-18寸的枪管么?
霰弹枪打slug,普通的滑膛的,100码的精度很差吧?除非用线膛枪管打sabot slug,
100码,短管霰弹枪的确是最合适的。 |
x*7 发帖数: 11281 | 49 有没有对TIKKA T3 SUPER VARMINT感兴趣的?
223rem口径的,1:8 twist rate 20寸重管(但是不知道muzzle diameter),
平时做练习不错 |
S**********s 发帖数: 4534 | 50
not easy, not recommended, and not a good idea.
but if you insist, here is an example of saiga 12 barrel removal:
"I just removed my barrel the other night. I removed the pin, and then drove
it out of the reciever by placing a block of teflon cutting board material
against the reciever and smacking it with a hammer. I alternated from one
side of the reciever to the other. I took my time and it came off no problem
. I removed it to get the barrell cut down and a hybird muzzle break/flash
hider p... 阅读全帖 |